
bluesabreUnit193: I think the automatic notifications wait a few days00:08
bluesabreI tried to upgrade my computer at the office today00:09
bluesabrewent from 14.04 to 15.0400:09
bluesabre(via the automatic update)00:09
bluesabreor rather, started to00:09
bluesabreupgrades to fo-evah00:09
Unit193"as a side note, xubuntu core doesn't seem to come with update-manager by default, so it must be installed if you want to upgrade to a newer version" || "IIRC, they expect if you're using -core, you'll know how to use the CLI :)"00:27
flocculantI would expect someone using our core as it currently is to be able to fix things]00:37
flocculanthence *my* wanting us to be giving a 'core' iso00:38
flocculantshould just work then afaik00:38
flocculantUnit193: that said I'm cool with us adding a "you can do minimal and tasksel, so should be able to fix this currently" note00:40
bluesabreflocculant: trying to update the PPAs, but build recipes are still creating 15.10 for xenial... so we might have to wait a bit00:40
flocculantnot sure what bluesabre and ochosi think on that for the last 'cycle(s)' 00:40
flocculantbluesabre: ack - I can accept asap as when it works :D 00:41
flocculantI just really want to bolt out as soon as we can for packages00:41
bluesabresure thing00:41
bluesabreI've enabled daily builds for all of our daily build ppas00:41
bluesabreso, the first part is done at least00:42
flocculantbluesabre: I assume you saw my last 'usability' bug 00:42
bluesabreflocculant: which one?00:42
flocculantnothing to stop us asking people to add that as a tag btw00:42
flocculantbluesabre: catfish only lets me delete files one by one ... bug 150891800:43
ubottubug 1508918 in catfish (Ubuntu) "Deleting from search results" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150891800:43
flocculantmight be design - then wishlist I guess00:43
flocculantthe thing is imho that we report = and someone makes a decision that is seen 00:44
bluesabreany bug reports, and I'll have to comment on them eventually :D00:45
flocculantbluesabre: quiet frankly I will report that blue should be white as a bug as long as someone 'official' responds with a proper response00:45
flocculantif *we* can do that then we are +1 on Ubuntu 00:45
flocculanton *our* bugs00:46
bluesabreyup, I'll have a better focus on responding to bugs this cycle00:47
flocculantbluesabre: I am trying to watch and put things on the bug bp 00:47
flocculantsome I can mark, but they are always in mind and on the tracker00:48
bluesabreyeah, if they are on the tracker I will certainly see them00:48
flocculantbluesabre: we can ask people to report things - but we need to at least respond somehow00:48
flocculanteven if asking a ? and marking incomplete00:48
flocculantgives people hope 00:49
flocculantUnit193: hey00:49
bluesabrehey Unit193 00:49
flocculantbluesabre: I don't care if bugs b/p is a year long as long as none are New :D00:50
bluesabreUnit193: I do use this as well, want to add xenial to it? https://sigma.unit193.net/~unit193/xfce412.html00:50
bluesabreflocculant: reasonable to me00:50
flocculantbluesabre: see -ooftopic00:52
flocculantor -offtopic 00:52
drcQuick question:  Was looking at the qa page, ppa's...do the staging and daily build ppa's overlap?  Any problem running both?00:54
Unit193bluesabre: Of course, just hadn't yet.00:55
Unit193Next update will do it.00:57
Unit193bluesabre: And, glad to know it is useful to someone other than me!  Updated xfce-4.12 to track trusty and wily, staging now tracks xenial.00:59
flocculantUnit193: I look at that too - detail is lost on me ofc, so I just rely on colours01:03
Unit193Hah. :D01:04
Unit193Not sure if I'm supposed to say that I updated https://unit193.net/xubuntu/core/ too.01:05
flocculantso make red green and I will be //o\ cos green would be red :p01:06
Unit193"Archive: closed, britney block in place"  dangit, George.01:07
flocculantbluesabre: luckily it appears that we're both singing from the same song sheet here :)01:15
flocculantali1234: could you do *us* a small favour please? Make the apport.conf types make basic sense so I can pass that on to testers01:17
flocculanteg report goes to errors and we do't necessarily see them, but we see things reported via ubuntu-bug01:18
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slickymasterWorkflocculant, in 7 days my from now, my membership in QA is due to expire08:59
slickymasterWorkif you think I'm worth it, can you please renew it?08:59
Unit193Mine expires too.09:05
Unit193(However, I know I don't do much QA...)09:05
flocculanteveryone expires09:13
akxwi_davejust like taxes and death! :-)09:16
davmor2slickymasterWork: you can renew it yourself you should of had an email that say renew09:16
slickymasterWorkdavmor2, it's a moderated team, I can not do it. Just one of the team's admins has the possibility to do it 09:18
flocculantdavmor2: we've 2 testy teams - the testers which people can just join and the QA one which is a way for people to involve themselves more and is a step towards joining Xubuntu Team09:20
Unit193Not jumping on Xenial yet. :P09:20
flocculantUnit193: close :p09:21
davmor2flocculant: ah okay my bag09:21
flocculantUnit193: I thought I might run a released version for a whole day :p09:21
Unit193Honestly, you should run it a month or two.09:21
flocculantdavmor2: did it cost five new pence09:21
flocculantUnit193: but then I would be back and forth09:22
Unit193Get a rest after a release though!09:22
flocculantI am :)09:22
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Unit193xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin (NEW) 0.2.3-1 uploaded by Yves-Alexis Perez (corsac)11:07
slickymasterWorkbtw knome, I'll be setting up the -docs branch for Xenial tonight, through the weekend at the most11:45
flocculantso what you mean is that by Monday it'll be done :p11:47
slickymasterWorknopes, ungrateful flocculant :P11:47
flocculantit's docs so meh :p11:47
slickymasterWorkyour MP will land in Xenial flocculant 11:49
flocculantdone my bit - handed slickymasterWork an enormous pile of changes :D11:49
* slickymasterWork will deal with them11:50
knomeslickymasterWork, ok, ping me if you need help12:14
ali1234flocculant: sorry, what?13:11
Unit193Did a couple syncs. \o/20:12
knomegetting up to full speed already then, eh?20:33
Unit193Nope, just been wanting to get that in since 2015-09-16.20:40
knomewrooong answer20:48
Unit193Can't get your hopes up!20:49
Unit193https://code.launchpad.net/xubuntu-default-settings branched wily/registered the series, doing on artwork too.20:58
knomegood good21:04
Unit193Bah, I give up.21:05
knomeon what?21:05
Unit193Seems the series wily can either own the wily repo, or the target can be xenial, not both.21:05
Unit193Fine, it'll be wrong then.21:07
Unit193https://code.launchpad.net/xubuntu-artwork set series wily to branch wily → Target changes back to wily, change target to Xenial → series wily and series xenial target xenial branch.21:09
Unit193Oh, you have to change the focus to wily in two different places, and in the correct order. >_<21:10
Unit193I'll leave this to Simon next time, sigh.21:10
Unit193I think everything is prepped then.21:14

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