
function-Zeioth: are you using good chrome by any chance?00:18
ZeiothI'm reinstalling all right know00:18
Zeiothdo you need something?00:18
function-Zeioth: yeah I just want to know if google chrome flickers when you first fire it up. Mine tends to do that :(00:19
function-brb kettle00:19
Zeiothlet me check00:20
=== function- is now known as function9x
Zeiothfunction it works fine to me00:30
Zeiothflickering is usually a graphic issue00:30
Zeiothtry using different drivers00:30
function9xZeioth: thank you, I will have to look into it. I'll try my laptop.00:32
xubuntu386Installer crashed once am tying it again without downloading updates and third party software01:28
xubuntu386why would it crash?01:29
xubuntu386I just downloaded 14.0 and urned it with xburn at 16x which the dvd+r supports as does my burner01:31
bazhangmd5 sum it first or not01:32
xubuntu386guess i should huh01:33
ubottuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of all downloadable Ubuntu releases01:33
xubuntu386gona have to wait and see after this install01:33
Unit193There's a menu option to check the disk, that checks the files on the disk against the md5sums file on disk as well.01:34
xubuntu386whoops forgot that guess trying to rush things here01:36
xubuntu386I want to do a remastersys after i add what i want to the installation01:38
xubuntu386I am try to respin it with a christian theme01:38
xubuntu386make a live Christian distro so i can share with others and they can install on thier computers01:39
flocculantxubuntu386: so http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=168 but with xfce ?01:41
xubuntu386i still have remastersys program backup so i can do it already did a test one on linuxmint distro worked fine01:41
bazhang!info genisoimg01:41
ubottuPackage genisoimg does not exist in wily01:41
flocculantbut is it in xenial ...01:42
bazhang!info genisoimage01:42
ubottugenisoimage (source: cdrkit): Creates ISO-9660 CD-ROM filesystem images. In component main, is optional. Version 9:1.1.11-3ubuntu1 (wily), package size 316 kB, installed size 1524 kB01:42
bazhangbrake in brain01:43
flocculantor break, or in fact either :p01:43
* flocculant has both from time to time bazhang :)01:43
xubuntu386well talk to ya'll laters when finished01:44
xubuntu386God Bless01:44
Unit193!info xorriso01:52
ubottuxorriso (source: libisoburn): command line ISO-9660 and Rock Ridge manipulation tool. In component main, is optional. Version 1.3.2-1.1 (wily), package size 110 kB, installed size 167 kB01:52
livewell it installed i guess the installer doesn't like install third party software02:03
liveor do the updates either02:03
=== live is now known as live_christian
live_christiani am the one doing a respin with remastersys02:04
live_christiandoing update now02:05
live_christianbazhang, do you remeber me02:07
live_christiani was here a few moments ago talking about respining to ma a christian distro02:08
live_christianbazhang, how do i make a short cut to open folders as root on the right click context menu02:11
TrelIs there a PPA with Topmenu for 15.10?02:22
function9xTrel: is this the one? https://git.javispedro.com/cgit/topmenu-gtk.git/about/02:56
function9xguys, I'm using the latest google chrome from the repos, I'm getting segfaults with this latest one, the previous release no issues, just this new release is giving me segfaults. Where can I report this??03:01
function9xnm found the maintainer03:14
Unit193Google Chrome isn't in the repos.03:15
Trelfunction9x: that's the project, but webupd8 had a ppa with it already compiled for *ubuntu and Mint but it's not updated for 15.10 yet03:23
function9xUnit193: yeah chromioum, found the email address, notified the issue. Funny enough I get the same thing with debian. Anyways told them all about it. Hope the next release it will be fixed.03:26
=== rebelos is now known as karan
karanhey guys, is it possible to update to wily via software updater?06:16
function9xyou're better off backing up your system and download xubuntu 15.10 and do a clean install06:19
karanoh ok, thanks function9x06:20
sparrmy core dumps are being piped to apport. I just had a program crash and core dump. How can I find the dump, where did apport put it?06:39
knomekaran, function9x: upgrading works just as well06:47
sorinbI agree with knome. I upgraded already 3 installs of xubuntu and xubuntu-core and everything worked well06:58
evandrojrWhen I run dist-upgrade nothing happens07:06
evandrojr0 pacotes atualizados, 0 pacotes novos instalados, 0 a serem removidos e 0 não atualizados.07:06
knomeevandrojr, do-release-upgrade does the upgrade on CLI07:07
evandrojrcool! Thanks knome! /usr/bin/do-release-upgrade is working!07:08
knomeand fwiw, dist-upgrade isn't supposed to upgrade to a new release07:09
knomeit upgrades things like kernel, and if there is a need for a partial upgrade inside a release, it does that07:10
evandrojrMany thanks!07:10
knome(in addition to doing the same things as apt-get upgrade does)07:10
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function9xfor me the clean install of 15.10, was quick and clean. YMMV07:49
knomefunction9x, sure, but people have different preferences, and because of that, sometimes a clean installation might take much longer07:51
knomefunction9x, so/and there is no reason to advice against upgrading07:51
sorinbask first08:01
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lettuce45i clicked on the upgrade icon and the window disappeared. I dont know if my machine is upgrading or not10:54
lettuce45tips welcomed10:54
evandrojrhi lettuce45  try /usr/bin/do-release-upgrade it is working!11:05
lettuce45evandrojr, simply copy that onto a cli?11:07
evandrojryes, try that11:07
evandrojrjust do-release-upgrade should work too11:08
lettuce45You have to download a total of 3,011 M. This download will take about 2 hours 10 minutes with your connection.11:21
lettuce45is that normal?11:21
Hekauhow can I encrypt my home folder after xubuntu installed?11:23
cfhowlett!encrypt | Hekau11:25
ubottuHekau: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory11:25
Hekauand if I reinstall xubuntu to i.e. other distribution, would it be possible to reuse encrypted home directory?11:31
cfhowlettHekau, yes.11:33
Hekauok, thanks11:34
knobHey guys... just sat the 15.10 release of Ubuntu.13:41
knobI am still new to linux, so I am not sure how this works.    How/when does Xubuntu release 15.10?13:42
knobDoes it happen automatically with a "nightly build"?  Then ready for download?13:42
cfhowlettknob, it's available now for download13:42
knobcfhowlett, cool!13:42
knobAnd to learn how it works:13:43
knobIf I do a dist-upgrade from the command line, it upgrades?13:43
knobBecause it's running data from the ubuntu servers?13:43
cfhowlettsudo do-release-upgrade13:43
knobOh now?  How come?    ...13:43
lettuce45is assume it is normal that the servers are overpacked now that every one is downloading the new version13:43
cfhowlettdo not download: torrents lettuce4513:44
lettuce45if i fresh install ill lose configs I did years ago13:44
lettuce45lazy for that13:44
knobSuper.   I like a lot the "clean-ness" of Xubuntu.   Plus I have it pretty nailed down on how I like to use it.13:44
cfhowlettlettuce45, you could always make a /home13:45
ubottuYour home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving13:45
knob^ nice!   liking the whole linux/gnu more and more every day.13:45
cfhowlettknob, you might find www.fullcirclemagazine.org/downloads even more informative than the manual.  I recommend issues #0 - #101 for true mastery13:46
xubuntu87wi want to connect my pc with wifi connection on xbuntu14:21
xubuntu87wi want to connect my pc with wifi connection on xbuntu14:21
cfhowlett!wifi | xubuntu87w14:21
ubottuxubuntu87w: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:21
xubuntu87wi am asking for xubuntu14:23
xubuntu87wi am new to this os14:23
xubuntu87wcan you guide me through vedio lecture14:23
knobxubuntu87w, did you check that link?15:00
knobWhat did you try?15:00
xubuntu63wcan we contact through skype15:01
xubuntu63wi am unable to connect to wifi connection on my system15:02
xubuntu63wcan u manually guide me i am new to this os15:02
* xubuntu63w slaps knob around a bit with a large fishbot15:07
lettuce45Please provide the hostname of a remote MySQL server. You must have already arranged for the administrative account to be able to remotely create databases and grant privileges. Host running the MySQL server for phpmyadmin:15:26
lettuce45that popped up, im upgrading15:26
lettuce45what do I write? I dont even know what a remote mysql server does15:27
=== hycer- is now known as hycer
bs0dHi there16:13
bs0dcould you recommend any sftp client which supports cert auth and session saving?16:14
bs0dI've tried gftp, but I could not find how to save connection data there16:14
=== andyfied_ is now known as andyfied
ZeiothNow in 15.10 I can change the size of the windows even when they are maximized21:04
Zeiothit's pretty annoying when i am using a web explorer21:04
Zeiothcan be disabled?21:04
=== NegativeFlare_ is now known as NegativeFlare
function9xZeioth: mine doesn't do that21:07
Zeiothit's when i put the mouse in the border of the screen21:11
function9xyeah I know, when my windows are maximise it doesn't allow me to change the size. Though i'm not using the default theme21:21
function9xmy DE is a bit customised.21:22
Zeiothhmmm idk, i'm gonna try to reboot21:32
Zeioththank you function9x21:33
pencilandpaperZeioth: are you sure that you aren't just moving the window?21:52
pencilandpaperZeioth: if you happen to have your browser to open to maximum screen size..then what you want to do is click on the middle button on the right of the window and that will keep that from happening.21:54
Zeiothgive me a second, i'm going to reboot21:55
Zeiothit keeps happening, maybe it's a problem related with the open source drivers of my graphic card22:00
knomei doubt so22:00
Zeiothsince the screen is mirrored every time i reboot22:00
Zeiothidk, it happens even after click in "maximize" on any window22:01
knomeZeioth, settings manager -> window manager tweaks -> tab accessibility -> "hide frame of windows when maximized"22:03
knomeis this checked or unchecked?22:03
Zeiothoh god, thank you knome22:05
Zeiothi wasn't able to find the option22:05
Zeiothnow all it's ok22:05
xubuntu32atom270Hi, anyone having problems booting the 32-bit xubuntu 15.10 release?  Mine hangs on an atom n270 system.22:13
pencilandpaperNice knome , I didn't even consider that is what he meant.22:14
pencilandpaperNo, thats what I am using now xubuntu32atom270 .22:14
knomexubuntu32atom270, hangs where?22:15
knomepencilandpaper, do user support for ten years and you'll start to figure out what people are after even without all the details ;)22:15
pencilandpaperI bet. :)22:17
* drc bets knome weighs the same as a duck.22:18
knomewrong. you lose all of your cookies.22:18
* drc tosses them at knome22:19
knomeouch! my eye, my eye!22:19
knome...and for the rest of the story, feel free to join our offtopic chat channel #xubuntu-offtopic22:20

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