
lordievaderGood morning.08:20
lordievaderkakul1: Help? Just ask your question ;)11:21
kakul1@lordieaver ok i ask this :)11:23
kakul1i installed recently xubuntu in netbook hp mini 210-110TU use acpi=off pnpbios=off in grub now when i want to shutdown it says reboot:system halted sorry for bad english im newbie :)11:23
lordievaderYeah, acpi is turned off ;)11:28
kakul1hm... when i delete acpi=off my netbook has random freeze, so i add this parameter :)11:31
penguin42kakul1: There are other parameters for changing how to do reboots, but I'm not sure there are alternatives to doing power off properly11:31
kakul1owh thats ok i can reboot now so i can report it11:33
TJ-kakul1: the PC probably needs a particular acpi_osi=XXXX11:45
kakul1i have try that parameter, start normal but after 4-10 minute it suddenly freeze, ctrl+alt+del or ctrl+alt+f1 not responding but when i try shutdown it can turn off normally11:48
penguin42kakul1: Have you checked for any bios upgrades for your machine ?11:58
kakul1i was think maybe bios update solve this, but when i go to Hp support page no new bios update available, my bios is currently latest version12:01
penguin42ah ok12:02
TJ-kakul1: is the PC working right now?12:05
TJ-kakul1: do "pastebinit <( sudo strings /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/DSDT | grep -i windows )"12:06
kakul1ok wait12:06
kakul1@tj yeah working fine i use this now12:07
kakul1strings: '/sys/firmware/acpi/tables/DSDT': No such file12:07
penguin42I guess that's because acpi is disabled12:10
kakul1hehehehe :)12:11
kakul1so its nessesary to reboot with acpi=off remove and i try again that command?12:14
TJ-kakul1: Yes :D12:19
kakul1ok wait :D12:19
BluesKajhey all12:28
kakul1@tj im back here it is12:30
kakul1sudo strings /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/DSDT | grep -i windows12:31
kakul1Windows 200112:31
kakul1Windows 2001 SP112:31
kakul1Windows 2001 SP212:31
kakul1Windows 200612:31
kakul1Windows 200912:31
kakul1Windows 200912:31
kakul1Windows 200912:31
kakul1Windows 200912:31
kakul1Windows 200912:31
kakul1Windows 200912:31
tsimonq2kakul1: please stop that12:31
lordievader!paste | kakul112:31
ubottukakul1: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:31
kakul1@tsimonq2 @lordievader @ubottu sorry12:33
lordievaderNo problem, just a heads up ;)12:33
BluesKajkakul1, no need for @ on irc12:34
TJ-kakul1: pick the latest Windows version string and then try booting the system with it. E.g. Add to the kernel command-line (INCLUDING the double-quotes): "acpi_osi=Windows 2009"12:34
TJ-kakul1: if the latest Windows versions doesn't work, try others. What those do is cause the firmware ACPI to change the functions it'll support12:35
TJ-kakul1: ACPI is key to power management so getting the widest possible support usually requires pretending Linux is the latest Windows version12:35
kakul1ok tj i try it :)12:36
kakul1no luck tj13:39
kakul1my netbook has freeze acouple minute after login13:40
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