
^k^暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 一时的疯狂 :     几位好友相聚在一起,谈论有关离婚的事。其中一位说:"离婚不外乎是先生陷于一时的疯狂状态,才与太太提出分离的要求。"    另一个颇不以为然地说:"不对!一时的疯狂不会离婚,结婚才是一时的疯狂。" 02:12
vickycq-mjkr_, http://search.jd.com/Search?keyword=英标%20转换&enc=utf-803:02
mjkr_does jd.com serve only the peking metropolitan area?03:03
ubrlvickycq-: ⇪ 【公牛GN-L01CE】公牛(BULL)GN-L01CE 国标转英标 电源转换器插座 适合国内使用【行情 报价 价格 评测】-京东 pp: 20.8003:04
ubrlvickycq-: ⇪ 【公牛GN-901E】公牛(BULL)GN-901E 英标旅行电源转换器插座 适合国外使用(英国 中国香港 新加坡 马尔代夫 印度等)【行情 报价 价格 评测】-京东 pp: 17.3003:04
mjkr_ok. i will check these out.03:14
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vickycq请问一下 不同方案的 usb转ttl线有何区别03:35
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^k^新  影音多媒体 • ubuntu如何开启重低音呢?是不是要装什么  http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=473455 一直在寻求一个办法打开ubuntu的音量 设置中的重低音 那一项,可是找了好久都没有方法啊,请问社区里的各位啦,谢谢 zz: fanlanming — 2015-10-24 10:5603:41
vickycq谢谢 了解了03:53
^k^新  Mint • mint17字体设置中的默认字体误操作成1214,如何恢复默认值?  http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=473456 mint17字体设置中的默认字体误操作成1214,导致系统无法桌面无法正常启动进入,可以进命令行模式,请问如何操作恢复默认值?谢谢! zz: lingyun002 — 2015-10-24 12:0304:14
^k^新  系统安装和升级 • ubuntu14.04版本升级出错了  http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=473457 想升级一下ubuntu的版本,结果出现这种情况: sudo do-release-upgrade -d 正在检查新版 Ubuntu 0% [执行中] 0% [正在连接 archive.ubuntu.com] 0% [正在连接 archive.ubuntu.com (2001:67c:1360:8c01::18)] 0% [正在等待报头] 错04:56
^k^ ─> 误 升级工具签名 404 Not Found [IP: 2001:67c:1360:8c01::18 80] 0% [执行中] 0% [正在等待报头] 错误 …04:56
^k^新  网卡问题以及网络和拨号 • 双系统win10和ubuntu14.04,win联网正常,ubuntu不行  http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=473459 本机为台式机,只有有线联网,连的路由,即插即用那种。 以前看教程尝试过重新安装网卡驱动(驱动来自inter官网额e1000e),但仍然失败。而且重启时出现各种05:56
^k^ ─> 错误,例如lshw无法识别一类的。 现在系统刚重装,未做任何改动,下面是相关问题需要 …05:56
^k^新  网卡问题以及网络和拨号 • 双系统,win10和ubuntu14.04LTS,win有线网正常,ubuntu有线网连不上  http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=473460 本机为台式机,只有有线联网,连的路由,即插即用那种。 以前看教程尝试过重新安装网卡驱动(驱动来自inter官网额e1000e),但仍然失败。而且06:18
^k^新  Ubuntu中文衍生版 • ubuntu 15.10 amd64 私人打包版  http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=473465 秉承私人打包的原则,不添加私货,开相机用。使用自写定制脚本自动打包定制,除必要的软件包外,集成了搜狗、wps、永中、中标普华国产办公套件,确保原汁原味。上图: 2015-10-24 10-43-1906:28
^k^ ─> 屏幕截图.png 下载地址(百度网盘): 上传中...... 一、特别说明 1.考虑到方便自己使用,liv …06:28
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^k^新  Debian发行版 • dist-upgrade  http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=473467 dist-upgrade时竟然要我删除thunderbird,请问可能原因是什么?如何解决? Code: Reading package lists... Building dependency tree... Reading state information... The following packages will be REMOVED:   thunderbird zz: yangdawei.hit — 2015-10-24 14:5306:55
^k^新  因特网相关软件 • ubuntu14 thunderbird 邮件提示问题  http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=473468 最近邮件收到后,右上角没有弹出提示窗口,只是邮件图标遍蓝,这是为什么,突然这样了,谢谢大家! zz: liupeng0518 — 2015-10-24 16:0408:07
^k^新  服务器维护和硬件相关 • 请问authlog里面的这几行日志是什么意思  http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=473469 Code: Oct 23 15:15:37 iZ28zxqbmusZ sshd[15237]: Connection closed by [preauth] Oct 23 15:19:41 iZ28zxqbmusZ sshd[15242]: Did not receive identification string from Oct 23 17:55:11 iZ28zxqbmusZ08:10
^k^ ─> sshd[15330]: Did not receive identification string from Oct 23 20:01:26 iZ28zxqbmusZ sshd[15405]: Did no …08:10
=== newell is now known as Guest48065
^k^暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 大话西游之经典爆笑版—爱上主播篇 : 曾经有一部超爱的韩剧重播在我面前, 但是我没有珍惜, 直到播完的时候才后悔莫及, 尘世间最痛苦的事莫过于此, 如果上天给我再看一次的机会, 我会对这个部片说"一天再多重播几遍" 如果非要在这份次数加上一个期限, 我希望是10:24
^k^ ─> ..一万次..10:24
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onlylovehappyaron: ping?11:24
onlylovehappyaron: 客户端获得状态太慢,我还以为你不是away11:25
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yunfanonlylove: papapa12:27
onlyloveyunfan: pa你妹啊,大晚上的,做啥12:28
^k^暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 字对学说 : 字对学说:老兄,我这几年,为了学点文化,头发都磨光了,你还年轻,学着点,身体是第一位的。12:34
=== newell is now known as Guest14039
mjkrhow do I find something like this: http://cdn.birddogdistributing.com/images/P/2W_MF_EXT.jpg in china, and how it called? I want the male plug to follow the chinese standard, while the female socket to be of the uk/hong kong standard.13:22
mjkr(and i don't speak chinese. pls give a link or the keyword in chinese characters for me to google with baidu)13:24
CyrusYzGTtgoogle and baidu , has pho search ,try it13:31
mjkrCyrusYzGTt: the problem is, the specs are wrong as shown in the picture13:33
mjkrCyrusYzGTt: so google with baidu on the picture would not yield any desire result13:33
CyrusYzGTtmjkr§ .. I don't know..13:33
kandumjkr: 国标转英标(chinese-uk conversion)电源转换插座(conversion adaptor) http://item.jd.com/914757.html13:33
ubrlkandu: ⇪ 取标题超时 execution expired13:34
mjkrkandu: I also require the presence of an extension wire13:34
mjkryes, it has to be a converter. however, I would like it so that the male plug and the female socket are connected with a wire with reasonable length13:35
mjkrjust like what was shown in the picture13:35
mjkrI'm looking something like this: http://item.jd.com/539405.html13:38
ubrlmjkr: ⇪ 【公牛GN-C1】公牛(BULL)GN-C1 3位10米 插座/插排/插线板【行情 报价 价格 评测】-京东13:38
mjkrexcept that the female socket has to follow the british standard13:38
mjkrand the one as shown above's got much too many sockets13:39
mjkri need just one13:39
kandumjkr: ez to solve, just buy a normal socket-panel with a wire. then combine the chinese-std socket-panel with your conversion adaptor13:41
mjkrkandu: the problem is, i'm gonna run a powerline pair over it13:42
mjkrand plc devices prefer as few sockets in the intermediary as possible13:43
mjkrthe male plug of the plc device is follows the british standard13:43
mjkras such, i want the male plug end of the wire to follow the chinese standard, while the female socket end of the wire to follow the british standard13:44
mjkrhttp://www.amazon.co.uk/Devolo-dLAN-Powerline-Starter-Through/dp/B00N8W349Q/ref=sr_1_12/280-4049193-3121409 <- this is the one I have13:46
ubrlmjkr: ⇪ Devolo dLAN 1200+ Powerline Starter Kit (1 GB LAN Port, Pass Through, 1200 Mbps): Amazon.co.uk: Computers & Accessories13:46
mjkri don't need certain features from power strips, such as spike filtering etc13:49
mjkrit just has to be a plain converter plug with a long extension cable13:49
mjkrwell, not necessarily a long one, but it's gotta have a cable13:50
kandumjkr: sry, I don't quite understand why you dislike a combined adaptor, but does this suit your need  https://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.
ubrlkandu: ⇪ 公牛港版插座英标插排英式香港转换器苹果智能插线板国标GN-623E-tmall.com天猫13:51
mjkrkandu: i want it to be as simple as possible. the power button is excessive, say13:54
mjkrand it's got two sockets...13:54
mjkrif you took a look at the amazon link, you would realize that the extension wire is for the plc device13:56
mjkrand then, a power strip will be plugged into the female socket of the particular plc device13:56
mjkrso something like this:13:57
mjkr<female socket, chinese>---<my extension cable with chinese plug and british socket>---<devolo plc device with british plug>---<power strip with british plug plugged into plc's british socket>13:58
mjkrpower comes from the leftmost socket, kandu13:59
kandumjkr: why you want a simple structure convert? To avoid signal interference?14:01
mjkrkandu: exactly, this is for plc14:02
dl1mur4tdjyour guy allways ues english? how i can use chinese ?14:03
kandumjkr: I think a power button doesn't interfere the singal14:04
mjkrkandu: any update since my disconnect?14:08
mjkrfound one of these: http://i2.herostart.com.cn/upload/selling/44/97/50/9/4497509_s1.jpg?-487504625965446814114:12
mjkrthe female socket's still not the one I want though14:12
kandumjkr: I think you are over concerning, a power button willn't interfere the signal.14:13
mjkrkandu: the concern comes not from the power button, but from the fact that such is a power strip.14:13
mjkrkandu: most power strip's got spike filtering14:14
mjkrwhich plc devices absolutely hate14:14
kandumjkr: chinese power strip does not have a spike filtering.14:15
mjkralmost none, or none?14:15
kandumjkr: julianwa china is a developing country, so we use developing power strip14:18
kandumy network lags..14:18
mjkrand developing network...14:18
mjkrI think I've found a particularly working strategy in image searches on baidu14:22
^k^新  Ubuntu衍生版制作 • 2015-10-24-蓝海社区ubuntu1510-amd64-T6定制测试版  http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=473470 2015-10-24-蓝海社区1510-amd64首发测试版.iso 下载地址: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1hq8SfSo 验证信息: Size: 831414272 bytes Modified: 2015年10月24日, 16:22:55 MD5: CE00C00E0833D2396DA9DEB2666BC4BE SHA1: C7DB911123:56
^k^ ─> 10C584C914FE74F0B0C1288CCDCDC1FD CRC32: 910A9C6B ================================================= 此版本以ubuntu …23:56

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