[00:05] Unit193: yo [01:24] bluesabre: Yeeees? [02:55] Unit193: ah, nvm, looks like you sorted the xenial branches [02:55] Approve? [02:56] knome or somebody might want to create xenial for xubuntu-docs [02:56] Unit193: yup, good work [02:57] Right, couldn't touch it. I also did that screenshooter sync you had sitting there. :> [02:57] Unit193: excellent [02:58] * bluesabre can take a vacation with Unit193 around [02:58] Hah, suuuure. [02:58] You still have those python programs to keep up with. :P [02:58] :D [02:59] taking the car to be serviced tomorrow, should have plenty of time to work on one of those [03:02] Anything bad? With the car that is. === Adam_T_ is now known as Adam_T [08:54] bluesabre, slickymaster said he'd do that [11:01] Unit193: nope, just maintenance [11:01] knome: great [11:49] bluesabre, flocculant: bumped our -release membership till the end of 16.04 [11:50] ochosi: alrighty [11:51] (and thanks) [11:51] np [11:52] and fwiw i'll be around this weekend (@LO hackfest) [11:52] i saw you've set up pretty much everything for xenial already [11:52] so i guess i'll focus on other things [11:52] (like improving the LO experience in xubuntu a bit) [11:54] bluesabre: how about when porting xfce4settings to gtk3 we show the xfwm4 shortcuts in keyboard-settings>shortcuts as well? [11:55] then we only need to add a small switch in xfwm4 to detect that xfce4-settings is there and just hide the tab there [11:55] sort of re: kb-shortcuts overlay [11:56] also saw that gtk3 integrated some in app kb shortcut overlay in the toolkit, maybe we can learn from that one [11:58] ochosi: Unit193 took care of most things [11:58] ochosi: yeah, with gtk 3.20, its going to be super easy to introduce a keyboard overlay [11:59] and we can probably just bum the relevant code [12:00] yeah, for now i'd just like to improve the way we can set kb shortcuts, sucks a bit that those things would be in two places 8also because you cannot easily very easily detect double-assigns) [12:00] I may be around for a bit later today... not sure what sort of connection will be available where I'll be [12:00] ochosi: agreed [12:01] to the worst i can work on finalizing the LO icon eintegration [12:01] there are still some rough edges there [12:01] seems i need to drop all inherited icons and then re-include them via makefile [12:01] yeah [12:01] (at least upstream it works like that) [12:01] plus i need to set up my gerrit account etc [12:01] I'll try to take a look at that this weekend if you don't do it first [12:01] but i would presume those things should be easily resolved today [12:01] oh goodie [12:02] well, LO hackfest, so... ;) [12:02] :D [12:02] btw, have you had a chance to check out the notifyd-gtk3 port? [12:03] not yet, but I've seen the ML chatter [12:03] sounds excitingly functional [12:03] i think i have to send a patch for the alignment of the labels [12:03] drives me nuts that those are centeresd now [12:04] ew [12:04] yeah, please do [12:04] it just doesn't look right... [12:04] and there still seems to be some issue with styling the progressbars [12:04] no idea why the styles don't get applied, the css *should* be correct [12:04] (i mean my css obviously) [12:05] other than that, the next step is including symbolic icons and trying those ourt [12:05] maybe not specific enough? [12:05] nah, the window has a name, so it should be specific enough [12:05] anyway, wife is wondering why I am sitting around still [12:05] gotta run! [12:05] :D [12:05] plus everything else (labels, buttons) works fine that way [12:05] hah, sure hf! [12:29] hello guys [12:30] Where can be translated xfce4-weather-plugin? I don`t find nothing on launchpad === flocculant is now known as Guest76703 === Guest76703 is now known as flocculant [17:52] mhh - will we be doing a wallpaper contest for xenial? [17:55] dkessel, we can do one if there are people interested to run it [17:55] more like taking part in it :) [17:56] well that, but it takes some effort to organize it as well [17:56] sure. i wonder what marketing has to say about that ;) ping pleia2 [18:00] * knome is a member of both artwork and marketing teams which would be responsible for that ;) [18:00] but sure, it depends what other people want as well [18:00] i don't have a strong opinion either way [18:01] making people involved is great, but not if nobody is interested in doing the work required to run the contest and just does because it "needs" to be done [18:04] i think a new set of community wallpapers would be nice. the current ones will be two years old in april [18:04] yep [18:05] one of the question marks is the quality of contributions to the contest too [18:05] i'd hate to select from not-so-good alternatives [18:05] especially because at that point i'd probably just vote against including anything [18:05] which would obviously be a bad thing too [18:07] was there a lack of good alternatives last time? [18:08] well let's put it like this: there was a narrow tip of high quality contributions, and a wide variety of not-so-good ones [18:08] mhhh. ok. something for the next team meeting maybe? [18:09] sure [18:09] for reference, all submitted ones: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Trusty/CommunityWallpapers/Accepted [18:10] and for completeness, you have to remember we were/are looking for good *wallpapers*, and all good photographs won't make a good wallpaper for example [18:12] okay. quite a few nice photographs. but sure, it also has to work as a wallpaper... [18:12] exactly [18:13] added it to the agenda. got to go. good night [18:13] thanks, and good night :) [19:20] evening all [20:44] hello ochosi