
xieyiI just upgrade to 15.10. when i open dolphin it shows an error saying my home directory doesnt exist00:18
xieyihow do I solve the problem00:18
xieyiand I cant find the plasma networkmanager at the systray00:21
denza242what's the ~/Templates folder for?00:36
persiadenza242: It allows one to specify templaces for new documents in Dolphin: the tools are different, but the answer is the same as http://askubuntu.com/questions/94734/what-is-the-templates-folder-in-the-home-directory-for00:45
denza242persia: oh ok00:48
hudsonkemhello guys, i have problem with kubuntu 15.10. i cant see videos thumbnails, and i tried take it but not work.00:52
hudsonkemanother problem is, i changed windows theme but some called dialogs r ugly, http://imgur.com/mSB8Gqy00:54
denza242hudsonkem: ok for the thumbnails, sudo apt-get install ffmpegthumbs or ffmpegthumbnailer, one of the two01:04
denza242hudsonkem: for the theme, can you be more specific about what you want it to look like?01:05
denza242i guess you could try a different color scheme Systemsettings >> Colors01:05
denza242(also I recommend you to use mixtape.moe for image hosting, just a personal thing :P)01:06
hudsonkemdenza242 about theme i fixed xD. well about the thumbnails unfortunatily i have been tried it but no lucky01:19
hudsonkemdolphin dont shows the video thumbnail option01:19
denza242hudsonkem: kffmpegthumbnailer should work01:22
hudsonkemdenza242 tried it too, well, its works to me on old version, but this 15.10 no lucky T-T01:28
xieyithe plasma network manager doesnt show after I upgrade to 15.1001:30
excalibrSo Im having a shutdown problem with 15.10 where my computer pops back up after the machine shut downs. It seems to be always reproduceable with kubuntu 15.10 iso only03:16
excalibrlive iso and installed kubuntu03:17
excalibrI dont have this problem with ubuntu 15.10 or prior kubuntu iso version03:18
excalibrso bizzare03:18
excalibrAnyone has any clue what could be the culprit?03:18
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rodolfojcjhey excalibr! I've experienced the same situation after upgrading to Kubuntu 15.1004:21
rodolfojcjI don't know why some seconds later after suspending or hibernating, the computer powers up again by itself04:22
rodolfojcjbut, I've noticed that if I use the Konsole commands: sudo pm-suspend or sudo pm-hibernate, it works fine04:22
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excalibrglad Im not alone05:50
denza252excalibr: channel isn't really active, one sec05:56
excalibrdenza252, you were rodolfojcj?05:56
denza252oh uh05:56
denza252excalibr: thought you said that sarcastically... anyways, did rodo's commands work?05:57
excalibrdenza252, sorry i dont mean that way05:59
excalibrI have no issue with suspend. Only shutdown is not werking. shutdown -P/h/H neither works05:59
denza252excalibr: try sudo systemctl poweroff06:02
excalibrjust gave that a go. No luck06:10
denza252excalibr: what happens if you hard-shutdown via the power button06:13
denza252or even normal shutdown via the power button06:13
excalibrPressing power button brings up the kde shutdown confirmation for me. I guess that would make no difference from shutting down from shutdown menu06:17
excalibrdenza252, even shutdown in console mode doesnt work. I booted the live cd with text mode and went into console mode (ctrl+alt+f1) at the login screen06:20
=== dukeart is now known as bigduke
timblechmannhi ... i'm seeing some interesting behaviour with kubuntu 15.10: some kde applications (e.g. dolphin) change their application style, when selecting a gtk2 theme in system settings ...08:02
timblechmannthis is quite surprising to me, as dolphin is a kde/qt, not a gtk application08:03
timblechmannmaybe some theme redirection was messed up?08:03
timblechmannany ideas, where to start looking?08:04
GrigHello!  Sorry, I'm a bit new to this but haven't found any anwers online.  I have upgraded to Kubuntu 15.10.  I am unable to launch documents, audio files, text files etc from Kickoff History menu.  I click on them and nothing happens.  I've tried on two different computers.  Any ideas please?  Thanks, Grig.08:40
=== terminus is now known as Guest4066
lordievaderGood morning09:11
SilentGhostI seem to have a corrupted fonts in plasma widgets, does anyone know if it's possible to reset some settings / clear cache to return to defaults? And where to look for those settings?09:46
raph_in systemsetting, you can find a entry for the fonts, there is also a button to restore the defaults09:50
SilentGhostraph_: yes, except it doesn't seem to help at all. may be it's not fonts themselves, though it certainly the most noticeable issue.09:52
CapsAdminhow can i decrease animation time?09:52
CapsAdmindesktop effects animation time*09:52
jubo2Hiya and thanks for the great Kubuntu GNU/Linukka OS09:53
CapsAdmini used to see a slider for it in settings but i can't find it anymore09:53
jubo2I have problem dedocking09:53
jubo2It used to work ok on Kubuntu14 and 15.0409:53
SilentGhostFor example in Kickoff > Favorites I have a Programm name (e.g. Dolphin) on top of the program category (e.g. File Manager), but in smaller font, it just looks so off09:54
raph_SilentGhost: maybe you can create an new user, to verify if the specific user settings are the root-cause09:56
SilentGhostraph_: I think I tried it in 15.04 and it was the same for the new account09:57
raph_CapsAdmin: System settings -> Settings for the monitor (sorry, don't know the name for the englisch menu-entry) -> Compositor09:58
SilentGhostCapsAdmin: "Display and Monitor", 2nd in the bottom row09:59
jubo2I tried disabling the external monitor before undocking but still I get just a black screen10:02
jubo2this worked out-of-the-box in 14 and 15.0410:02
jubo2something somewhere wrong..10:02
lordievaderjubo2: What graphics card and driver are you using?10:03
jubo2lordievader: it is some inbuilt intel card10:03
jubo2I lspci ?10:03
CapsAdminhmm. my main issue is alt tab feeling slow ish. it takers about 0.5 seconds for the switcher thing to show up10:03
CapsAdmini was hoping turning downb the animation speed would fix that but apparently not10:03
raph_SilentGhost: is there any change, if you use other fonts than the default ones? Or is there no effect if you change it?10:03
jubo2lordievader: lspci says...10:04
jubo200:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)10:04
lordievaderjubo2: Not by any chance a hybrid system?10:07
lordievaderjubo2: Since what you describe can well be explained if switching of gpu's is involved.10:07
SilentGhostraph_: hm, you're right, those changes there don't seem to matter10:08
CugelHey guys. I've used Kubuntu since I don't know when. Really trying to get some STDOUT plasmoid working in Plasma 5.10:08
jubo2lordievader: not a hybrid system I think10:08
jubo2I have internal display and external via dock via Display Port via DVI10:09
jubo2but previously this worked without needing to mess with any settings10:09
lordievaderjubo2: Hmm, I guess it is time to submit a bug report.10:10
jubo2lordievader: what are the relevant logs to look at?10:10
jubo2I try now that I can shut down, undock and start10:11
jubo2ta ta10:11
jubo2I shut down ondock. removed the machine from the dock, started the machine undocked and put it back to the dock and now all seems to work10:15
jubo2lordievader: computers..10:16
lordievaderjubo2: Including docking/undocking?10:27
lordievaderHmm, perhaps an update fixed it?10:31
xieyican you see the plasma-networkmanager at systray after upgrade to 15.10?10:33
xieyiwhy I cant find it10:33
xieyifortunately, my laptop can still connect to wifi automatically10:34
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=== kubuntu is now known as Guest72829
Guest72829Hello, i have a question abouth Kubuntu 15.10, is it stable now to run it and to daily tasks without bugging out or crashing, i had bad experience with 15.04 plasma 5.3-5.4?12:17
Guest72829Hello, i have a question abouth Kubuntu 15.10, is it stable now to run it and to daily tasks without bugging out or crashing, i had bad experience with 15.04 plasma 5.3-5.4?12:20
mparilloIt is hard to generalize, but I run it daily on three different laptops (Lenovo, HP, and an Acer netbook), as well as in a VMware Guest under Win7. It works great for me, but are you bugs marked as fixed in 15.10?12:21
BluesKajHowdy folks12:22
Guest72829Bugs like, Moun discover crashes and then crash report crashes too, something dat essential ČD12:22
Guest72829I rly like plasma desktop, i find it most customizable12:23
mparilloI have not had it crash for me. What is the bug number?12:24
Guest72829sorry i dont remeber it was like two weeks ago or smthing, but im for first time trying 15.10 so we will see :)12:25
SylvieLorxuIs there any place where you can see which packages are preinstalled in Kubuntu 15.10? I'm curious of the KDE games collection is there by default12:29
Guest72829when i add yahoo weather widged and put it on desktop it show me only this12:31
Guest72829Error loading QML file: file:///home/kubuntu/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.librehat.yahooweather/contents/ui/main.qml:76:5: Type Yahoo unavailable12:31
Guest72829file:///home/kubuntu/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.librehat.yahooweather/contents/ui/Yahoo.qml:12:1: module "QtQuick.XmlListModel" is not installed12:31
mparilloI have not tested this, but  Originally Posted by claydoh   To get the yahoo weather widget to work, I needed to install qml-module-qtquick-xmllistmodel, else the widget didn't work. Not sure if this is installed by default or not.12:43
Icanhello world12:57
ngaiohi everyone, is there a way I can install a minimal version of the Kubuntu 15.10 KDE desktop alongside my primary Unity session so I can test how an application I am developing will look like under KDE/Plasma? I don't want any invasive changes, like the boot screen changing, and I don't want kwallet prompting me every single time I login13:05
BluesKajngaio, you can install kubuntu-desktop and you'll have the desktop choice at login , just disable kwallet manager in system-settings>account details13:15
ngaioBluesKaj, how can I stop it changing the boot screen (is it called plymouth)? And is there a way to avoid the conflict in packages relating to online accounts (I forget the exact package names)?13:18
ngaiothe package conflict is related to KDE telepathy and the Unity icons13:21
BluesKajngaio, afaik adding kubuntu-desktop only shows up at the login, but I haven't tried to Kubuntu-Desktop with Unity for a while13:24
ngaioBluesKaj, it would be great if it did only that, but it makes other changes too (fortunately it gives you the choice of not replacing lightdm)13:25
BluesKajright sddm is default on 15.0413:27
ngaiois there an easy way to switch between the regular Unity plymouth boot and the Kubuntu one?13:28
BluesKajI thought the boot would be ubuntu-boot until the login page then you choose the desktop there and continue, that was my experience, ngaio13:32
ngaiomaybe it's just a matter of reinstalling plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text, if it does happen again ;-)13:35
SmurphyAnyone else having trouble passing the spell-check in kmail? It locks hard... Freezes plasma.13:35
SmurphyAlso - vlc has stopped decoding some of the mp4 container contents... :}13:36
BluesKajSmurphy, spell doen't work yet here..hasn't fpr a while on plasma 513:41
BluesKajspellcheck even13:41
BluesKajSmurphy, got an example of mp4 not working in vlc?13:42
hay207_hi guys, i have a simple problem, sometimes menu items won't launch except from a terminal13:49
SmurphyBluesKaj: How can I disable Spellcheck then ? I can't disable it :}13:50
SmurphyAnd - regarding mp4 - well, you don't want to see the stuff from pr0nhub :} Hold on, checking the codecs.13:51
SmurphyThing is - it worked before the upgrade. Some something has changed, I just don't know what13:53
lolmaus_How do I disable middle click paste without disabling middle mouse button for all other uses?13:53
Smurphylolmaus_: that is actually the best feature of the Linux desktop IMHO.13:54
BluesKajSmurphy, system settings>regional settings>spellcheck13:56
SmurphyI did. Does not disable it...13:57
SmurphyI can't disable it, or unset the default language.13:58
BluesKajanother plasma 5 "feature" :/13:58
SmurphyWhen I trigger a "send new mail", it opens it, and the text is autocorrected/.13:58
SmurphyIt is a plasma 5.4 feature. Didn't have that issue with plasma 5.3.13:59
SmurphyBut I think, that kmail was still using plasma 4 with kubuntu 15.04...13:59
BluesKajSmurphy, it might be a kmail thing then, I removed kmail and kontact since I don't need it14:00
BluesKajthem rather14:01
BluesKajand I'm able to uncheck spellcheck and the default language if that means anything14:03
ivan_acabo de instalar kubuntu 15.10, como hago para que dolphin me muestre las thumbnails de los videos, he probado con el paquete ffmpegthumbs pero no me aparece en opciones de vista general en dolphin14:04
SmurphyBluesKaj: Will try.14:05
SmurphyUsing kmail for ages. What are you using inste\ad ?14:05
Smurphyarg. Nope. Not gonna happen here.14:06
BluesKajkmail was great until kde4 then they mucked it up with akonadi and the database14:07
SmurphyI have my own mailserver and cloude. Nothing goes out. Even the phones are hardened/rooted and all non-needed stuff dumped.14:07
jubo2Hiya and thanks for the awesomes GNU/Linukka OS14:07
jubo2how do I disable screen locking upon inactivity of n minutes14:07
SmurphyBluesKaj: It actually works quite well, with the last akonadi stuff.14:07
BluesKajSmurphy, I'm a home user so neo need for an email database with clunky akonadi server ...no thanks14:08
SmurphyBluesKaj: I am a home user too... and I have a mailserver for the 25 last years at home.14:09
SmurphyI do care about my family's and my privacy.14:09
mparillojubo2: System Settings > Workspace Behavior > Screen Locking14:11
BluesKajSmurphy, heh, good luck on that one , we 're careful about persoanl stuff like adresses etc in our email , even if I used kmail the policy woudn't change14:11
SmurphyBluesKaj: We are careful about that too ... But all the others aren't ;}14:12
mparillojubo2: When you get there uncheck the box (it used to be less intuitive; you used to have to set the interval to zero).14:12
BluesKajyup, that's why all family memebers follow that policy, using a personal email server isn't going to  make things more secure IMO, Smurphy14:14
jubo2mparillo: thanks found it and now removed the autolocking14:14
SmurphyBluesKaj: I do that because I don't want the mails to be hosted at someone else's mercy. I am working (have worked) in enough high security environments to know what is happening with the data.14:15
* BluesKaj shrugs if blackhats want your data, they'll find a way,14:19
SmurphyBluesKaj: They do... Some of them, and tried and trie,d but in the end failed... :}14:20
SmurphySo far :)14:20
lolmaus_When I copy or extract files, the status is shown in notifications without progress. Why? How do I enable progress?14:21
BluesKajlolmaus_, unfortunately the progress indicator is intermittent14:27
ubuntouristWhither has ktimezoned gotten to?  I'm running Ubuntu Studio, but have a handful of KDE apps. kalarm is now complaining that it cannot find ktimezoned after the wily (15.10) upgrade.14:58
ubuntouristAlso, 'twould appear the channel topic is no longer accurate, since the URL for the FAQ redirects to the standard Ubuntu FAQ.15:02
=== para is now known as Guest17653
ejayIs there any logical explanation why by default when plugin' in external monitor every window goes to that second monitor? I'm struggling with that for a while and every time I'm like "wtf? how retarded it is?". Whos idea it was? Is there anyone who wants to move your windows to second screen? I'm sitting on linux for almost 10 years and I remember broken wifi drivers, fighting with gfx drivers, dead installation after some big updates and none of15:45
ejaythose were even close to this effed up double screen issue. Jesus. I'm not even using any fancy hardware.15:45
clivejoejay what version of kubuntu?15:52
ejayclivejo: 15.10. It never worked as intended on any version of plasma so I guess someone just decided to make it a default behaviour. Nonesense.15:56
clivejoI have multiple screens on Kubuntu 15.10, apps open whereever I open them from15:57
clivejoif I open from a kickstart menu on that screen that is where they will appear, pretty logical to me15:58
douglis my bcm4352 bluetooth device supposed to work on my 14.04 kubuntu?15:58
ejayOh, and I did set that my laptop screen is primary, also set to open windows under mouse pointer. Nothing of those is changing anything. I purged plasma configs and cache. Nothing. So I'm like - maybe drivers but I'm using open drivers and my gfx is intel hd - card that present in 90% of laptops so nothing fancy.15:59
ejayis present*15:59
clivejohave you any kwin rules setup?16:00
ejayclivejo: oh, yeah yeah. I set kwin rule to open EVERYTHING on primary screen. Still nothing.16:00
ubuntouristWhither has ktimezoned gotten to?  I'm running Ubuntu Studio, but have a handful of KDE apps. kalarm is now complaining that it cannot find ktimezoned after the wily (15.10) upgrade.16:00
ubuntouristAlso, 'twould appear the channel topic is no longer accurate, since the URL for the FAQ redirects to the standard Ubuntu FAQ.16:00
clivejocould you have confused the primary screen?16:01
ejayclivejo: In settings I can choose primary screen and it's set to laptop screen.16:01
clivejoejay: have you tried asking in #plasma?16:04
ejayclivejo: Nope, will try there. Thanks.16:04
ubuntouristOops. Time flies when you're having fun.  I'm late for an event.  Gotta run. Will try to remember to re-ask later. Ta-ta.16:04
ejayclivejo: I've got a feeling that #plasma is not very active.16:11
ejayI remember asking on #kde but people are sleeping there.16:12
clivejoprobably not today16:12
clivejobut maybe tomorrow when the devs are about16:12
ejayOh, and another funny behaviour - applications made in java are shown in middle of both screens so one half is on primary and second one is on secondary. SMH.16:14
lordievaderejay: I found that gtk apps ignore my multi monitor settings too, but qt/kde apps open under the mouse pointer.16:32
ejaylordievader: in my case every app is ignoring any logic when trying to use double screen setup.16:42
ejayI can't believe it that I'm alone with this issue.16:42
lordievaderHmm, interesting it does ignore the undermouse setting. It opens on the screen in focus.16:44
lordievaderActive screen follows mouse16:45
lordievader'Active screen follows mouse' fixes that though*16:45
clivejoejay: I use an app called JOSM which is written in Java.  It opens on which ever screen I open it from16:47
ejayclivejo: I'm using just one 100% java app and it's xmage (free MTG client) and it always open in middle of my screens.16:49
clivejoJOSM is 100% - https://josm.openstreetmap.de/16:50
ejayclivejo: at least I can see half of it so when I'm unpluggin' my second screen I can move it.16:50
clivejoejay: is yours an upgrade on new install?16:50
ejayclivejo: I installed 15.04 but plasmacrashes made my os unusable so I installed 15.10 beta and I'm using it till this day. It's basically up-to-date as it can be. Double screen setup never worked.16:52
clivejowhat GPU's?16:52
clivejothere are problems with Intel I believe16:53
ejayclivejo: there were some issues with mesa and intel but I believe they fixed that.16:54
clivejoI dont believe it was fixed, rather turned off some features16:55
ejayclivejo: turned off features? Like double screen handling?16:56
dave4925did you rm -rf /16:56
clivejoI dont know16:56
dave4925cuz you are not supposed to do that16:56
clivejoI dont have any intel GPU's16:56
clivejoand I must say Plasma 5 has been very stable for me16:58
clivejoI broke it when I first started using it in 15.04, but that was my fault for "sudo dolphin"16:58
clivejowhich you should never do!16:59
ejayclivejo: also - I don't thing so it is drivers related issue. I've made shortcut to move active window to screen 1 (my primary). And when using that shortcut on window that is on second screen it will be moved to first screen. So plasma know that screen 1 is primary and screen 2 is secondary. BUT! When I set rules in kwin to force to open windows on first screen they will go to second no matter what.17:00
ejayYeah plasma5 is super stable if you are using internet browser. Try to work on it. When I'm running Atom, two browser, inscape, gimp and amarok (because working in silence is killing me) then man - plasma crash is just waiting for you.17:03
=== dillinger__ is now known as dillinger_
clivejoejay: believe me I make it work for me!17:04
clivejoand it hasnt crashed in months17:05
clivejoeven while testing the new builds17:05
ejayclivejo: hey, lucky you17:05
lordievaderPlasma 5.4 crashes seldomly here.17:07
lordievaderGranted I don't run Kubuntu.17:07
lordievaderBut I don't think Kubuntu's build differs much.17:07
clivejoIm encoding a video now in Kdenlive, several SSH connections out to remote machines and was watching a Amazon movie (several browser windows), Quassel for IRC, Skype, Kontact and few other things running in the background (dropbox, KDEconnect etc)17:09
clivejoall running seemless and stable17:10
clivejooh and I have JOSM and a PostGRES database running17:11
ejayclivejo: so one happy user17:11
clivejoIm grump in general, but happy with Kubuntu17:11
clivejoI have a tractor which Im about to lose me temper with!17:12
ejayclivejo: I'm just tired of this bullshit. I need to work, not betatesting some buggy homework project. That's why I've moved from ArchLinux to Kubuntu but I guess that Kubuntu is run by monkeys because plasma5 in current state is... well, dissapointing.17:14
SylvieLorxuI run Plasma 5.4 on Gentoo, which works fine, aside from my taskbar crashing every few hours. It needs some fixes, yes17:15
clivejoejay: I take offence at that.  I know most of the Kubuntu team and they are not monkeys, they are in fact some very clever people who invest a lot of their own free time in the project17:15
clivejothere are so many different hardware combinations out there it is impossible to beta test it on every combination17:17
ejayclivejo: Getting rid of kde4 (stable, full of features, mature) in favor of plasma5 while shipping kubuntu15.04 was a stupid AF idea.17:18
clivejoejay: for you that may seem like a stupid AF idea, but for me I fully embrace Plasma5.  It is way better than any of the alternatives I have used or am forced to use in my "day job"17:20
BluesKajyup, still have 14.04 in my stable, so to speak ..my fav features still place there at least , plsama 5 doesn't do mucch for me17:21
clivejoejay: I understand you are frustated and have spent a lot of time trying to figure out what is wrong.  I suggest you try asking in #plasma tomorrow when the devs are about17:22
clivejoin the meantime try to gather up crash reports, put them on https://paste.kde.org/ so that when the devs are available, they can try and figure out whats wrong with your system.17:26
ejayclivejo: I'm not frustrated. I can't find any logic in latest kde/kubuntu decisions. I'm also concern about future of kubuntu. When they giving us something that is just not ready for people then they will stay in a shadow of Ubuntu becouse right now this piece fo poo wich is Unity is just eating alive plasma5. Or Mint with their DE - something that is way younger then whole kde.17:26
ejayAnd KDE4 were soo good (I mean, after a year or so).17:27
clivejoLOL I strongly disagree, Unity is NOTHING in comparsion to Plasma5!17:27
ejayBut when you plug in second monitor in Unity it will work. So normal user will choose something that will work. In this case - Unity.17:28
BluesKajejay, not unity, kde417:28
clivejoejay: when I plug in second and third monitor in Plasma 5 it works17:29
ejayBluesKaj: go to kubuntu site and try to download version with kde417:29
ejayBluesKaj: sorry, nvm, ofc you can.17:30
clivejoejay: http://kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/ is the 14.04 LTS download not working?17:31
ejayMy point is - they will not expand with decisions like that. When any of my friends is asking me if they should get rid of windows and go full linux I can't say they should. Becouse windows is working and for normal user linux is just a pure frustration. Canonical is doing something to make it less frustrating but Kubuntu is goin in a wrong direction. I'm used to it becouse I'm sitting in this for almost 10 years. I just want to live a day when I17:38
ejaycould say17:38
ejay"man, linux is the shit!".17:38
ejayBut right now it's not even close.17:39
denza242I've experienced 0 problems with 2 screens17:45
* denza242 shrugs17:45
ejaydenza242: hey, that's cool. So when new user will come and ask - "guys, my double screen setup is not working", and you all gonna be "haha, u n00b, it is working for me", he will be like "wow, those linux neckbeards... screw that, I'm gonna buy win10".17:49
ejay*slow clapping*17:50
clivejoejay: decisions like what?  In my view Ubuntu is going in the wrong direction.  I hate Unity and I dont think MIR is the right way to go either.  I have also sucessfully moved Windows users to Kubuntu17:50
clivejobut at least we have choice in the community, if you dont like it you are free to make it yourself, or employ someone to do the coding for you.  Or just move to a distro you do like17:52
=== descilla is now known as Guest42499
clivejoejay: if I could help you I would, but personally I have no idea what is going on in the cases you are describing.  I have tried to replicate them on my own Kubuntu 15.10 install and I cant see what you are saying.17:55
soee3,5 weeks till Plasma 5.5 beta :)17:55
soeewhen it comes to multiscreen it work pretty good on my PC @ work (separate screens), and pretty good here at home - laptop -> tv (clone)17:56
clivejosoee: have you been following the conversation with ejay?17:56
soeei had some strange issues at first with my laptop, when TV was set as a primary screen by defautl and makes my laptop screen black, but after setting primary screen it works nice so far17:57
soeeclivejo: nope17:57
clivejosoee: hes having problems with a two screen setup17:58
clivejoall his apps are opening on the second display17:58
clivejoand a java app is opening half on primary and half on secordary17:58
soeehmm my apps are bind to screen/activity at work, so they show up whee they should17:58
soeePhpStorm uses Java and opens on the right screen17:59
clivejosoee: have you ever seen this or can you suggest someone who can help him find a resolution ?18:00
soeei think BluesKaj is most experienced person here when we talk about multiscreen setup18:00
clivejoI dont think he was able to help18:01
soeeah, ok :/18:01
clivejowill martin be in plasma tomorrow?18:01
viktor_hey guys, i have a problem, in system settings->Drivers changed my vga driver from xserver-xorg-video-intel my desktop freez, and not loading in when i restart18:11
viktor_the system recommended it18:12
soeeviktor_: you used propriety drivers ?18:16
viktor_idk, it was in the list what the system find18:18
viktor_any way to reset it from terminaL,18:18
soeewhat GPU do you have ?18:18
viktor_but its not boot in so i must reinstall18:21
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soeeah i have no experiance with amd cards :/18:22
BluesKajviktor_, system settings>driver manager>recommended driver. the gpu scan may take a few minutes18:23
soeeBluesKaj: but i think he cant reach it as hes desktop freezez18:24
soeehe wants do remove proriety drivers from command line18:24
BluesKajok soee guess I should have scrolled up18:25
viktor_i cant, its not boot in, at kubuntu subtitle freeze again18:25
BluesKajsubtitle freeze?18:26
soeeyou should go recovery mode  and as admin remove those drivers18:26
soeeBluesKaj: i think plymouth18:26
BluesKajor update and upgrade with the repair packages option18:27
BluesKajin the recovery kernel18:27
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jonjp89Kubuntu 15.10 is awesome18:39
jubo2Hmmm... someone at MySQL AB decided to mention that "Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure."18:45
jubo2if someone happens to 'ps ax' when you are loading your .sql into the database they will see your password18:45
addtruHi everyone!  Just a question... I am using kubuntu 14.04 LTS. Should i update to kubuntu 15.10.  I am interested in stability, on my main computer.  Ty!18:47
lordievaderaddtru: Then no. Wait for 16.04.18:48
addtruThanks  <lordievader>18:49
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yossariaukhi just yupgraded to 15.10  - its really an improvement for 15.04 in all ways - except one major annoyance - when you login now the task bar is grabled and it takes about 20 - 40 secs until the desktop loads now.20:13
yossariaukknown bug?20:14
yossariauk(when it eventually loads the desktop the taskbar is no longer garbled)20:14
rodolfojcjhello again20:18
rodolfojcjI want you to see an image of an error I'm getting after upgrading to Kubuntu 15.1020:19
pasjrwoctxanyone know where to get help with digikam?20:19
pasjrwoctxExecutable: digikam PID: 1884 Signal: Segmentation fault (11)20:23
rodolfojcjthis is what I get after some minutes of using Firefox on Kubuntu 15.10 http://picpaste.com/horizontal-rows-display-screen-mess-kubuntu15.10-j0speqz7.png20:23
rodolfojcjdoes anyone have seen something like that?20:24
yossariaukrodolfojcj: what gpu?20:25
yossariaukok - try this - system-settings -> display configuration -> compositor -> Tearing prevention (vsync) = set to 'never'20:27
yossariauktry that and see it is cures the issue?20:27
yossariaukyou can always change it back20:27
rodolfojcjlet me find that setting...20:27
yossariaukthat fixed various graphically oddnesses I have on my work PC (intel) - when the graphics go 'odd' its like the closing scene from 2001....20:28
rodolfojcjI changed it. Now I'll open and use Firefox for a while (I switched to another web browser in the meanwhile)20:30
rodolfojcjit seems to work fine yossariauk20:33
pasjrwoctxcan anyone help me with this? Executable: digikam PID: 1884 Signal: Segmentation fault (11) I keep getting when I try to exporta photo.20:37
yossariaukrodolfojcj: file a bug report with the solution....20:38
yossariaukis anyone else having a huge load time from login -> the desktop being ready?20:39
rodolfojcjwhere could I file that bug report?20:40
yossariauklooks like a fair few people are having my issue.. > https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/3pwtq1/just_installed_kubuntu_1510_very_slow_login/20:40
yossariaukrodolfojcj: i'd possibly file against the intel driver package20:40
pasjrwoctxYes Login Time Is Very Long, I boot up and go have coffee.20:40
yossariaukpasjrwoctx: do you have messed up graphics in your taskbar whilst it loads up?20:41
rodolfojcjwhat's the website to file bug reports?20:41
yossariauk(its fine when its fully loaded)20:41
pasjrwoctxNo I do not20:42
yossariaukrodolfojcj: use cli - > ubuntu-bug [package]20:42
yossariauk(im at home so not on the intel gpu desktop20:42
rodolfojcjinteresting! First time I hear about that command20:42
yossariaukslow login = this bug apparantely  https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=35423020:43
ubottuKDE bug 354230 in general "Blocking calls from PlasmaNM to BlueZ for 30s" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]20:43
yossariaukrodolfojcj: also do you have mutiple monitior setup?20:46
rodolfojcjno, a single one20:46
yossariaukok cheers20:46
rodolfojcjhey yossariauk, I agree with you that it seems to be a problem with Intel's chipset/GPU/hardware21:01
rodolfojcjbecause I'm seeing this entry in /var/log/syslog21:01
rodolfojcj"Oct 25 15:21:22 pc kernel: [  675.857173] drm/i915: Resetting chip after gpu hang"21:02
rodolfojcjthanks for your help yossariauk! Now I have my PC in a working state again :)21:14
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rodolfojcjI'm again here21:41
rodolfojcjthe bug about horizontal lines appearing in the screen is present again! :(21:41
rodolfojcjI changed the rendering method from OpenGL 2 to XRender and for now it's solved21:42
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lordievaderrodolfojcj: What graphics card and driver are you using?22:08
rodolfojcjI'm here again22:45
bprompt_tis  a dejavu`22:45
rodolfojcjlordievader, according to lspci, this is the graphic card: VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)22:45

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