=== balloons is now known as Guest90681 === kubuntu is now known as kubuntu_ === kubuntu_ is now known as kubuntu === kubuntu is now known as Guest2650 [01:10] hello [01:57] Hi I am using Nvidia GeForce GTX 650 under Kubuntu 15.10 .... When I open driver manager it says "your computer requires no proprietary drivers" ... How do Iinstall the nonfree drivers? [02:04] How can hybrid mode graphics be anabled so that the xserver is not serving the console displays? [02:29] "Distribution Upgrade" seems to have frozen with 20 minutes left on the clock, and nothing related is consuming any CPU it seems. Anyone got any ideas other than "pray"? === umberto is now known as Darkwing [03:08] Can anyone help with this? digikam: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libkexiv2.so.11: undefined symbol: _ZN5Exiv213XmpProperties10registerNsERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEES8_ === para is now known as Guest45233 === descilla is now known as Guest83454 [07:26] Good morning [07:42] hi, anyone running wily with nvidia drivers on a optimus type card? does it work? i tried beta 2 and got only black screen... so i wonder if this is fixed on release? === cipher is now known as Guest42451 === Guest42451 is now known as d3c3pti0n [08:28] there === descilla is now known as Guest14158 === para is now known as Guest86943 [09:50] Good morning. :) I'm having some trouble with vaapi for Intel HD 4400 on my new Kubuntu 15.10 install. Anyone able and willing to help me out? [09:55] Pinokkio: Same problem here... [09:55] Got a HD 4000.. [09:55] mac mini 2012 i7 [09:56] Good to hear it's not just me. Video playback without vaapi runs up my CPU (which can't handle it from within my SDL program), but with vaapi it runs much slower still (though the CPU is rather quiet). [09:56] vainfo tells me: libva info: VA-API version 0.38.0 libva info: va_getDriverName() returns -1 libva error: va_getDriverName() failed with unknown libva error,driver_name=(null) vaInitialize failed with error code -1 (unknown libva error),exit [09:58] I've been Googling for the past 2 hours now, but no luck so far. [10:04] Pinokkio: I just googled a little as well, have you installed i965-va-driver ? [10:04] Yes, I have; it's installed and working as far as I can see [10:05] hmmm, not got a 15.10 machine handy, and I dont think I have anything above HD3000 here at the office anyhow [10:06] Any suggestions on how to debug this issue from my end? [10:06] I can see the i965_drv_video.so in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ [10:08] i965-va-driver is already the newest version. libva1 is already the newest version. vainfo is already the newest version. [10:12] Should gstreamer1.0-vaapi automatically be used or would I need to recompile the program(s) using the gstreamer library? [10:13] Sorry, I'm at work at the same time. can only access my workstation and IRC from time to time ;) [10:22] Pinokkio: I suppose it depends on the program used, what backend it uses [10:23] you should be able to config that globally iirc [10:23] to switch between phonon or gstreamer etc [10:23] Pinokkio: it should automatically be used IMH0. that's how it worked in 15.04 here. [10:24] I only have gstreamer as backend. Is phonen now better ??? [10:24] hateball: I'm working on an Arcade system using the RetroFE front-end. It's an SDL program that uses the gstreamer backend. As said: without vaapi it uses the CPU, which cannot handle it, but with vaapi video slows down to a crawl (though it does seem to use the GPU now). [10:25] I also do not understand why vainfo gives me an error. I've seen that others have the same error, but no solution as to fixing it yet. === para is now known as Guest94607 [10:25] ack. No solution yet ... [10:27] Smurphy: That, and no way to properly debug the problem either. It's not like this is my first Linux system. :) === sword_smith_ is now known as sword_smith [10:49] 'Morning folks [10:51] Pinokkio: ack... running linux only since kernel 0.07p11 ;) [10:51] And this, and another one with kmail/kontact are 2 issues I'm not able to fix ... [10:54] Morning BluesKaj. [10:55] hey Pinokkio [10:55] Smurphy: My experiences only go back to Slackware and Debian in the early 90s. :) Can't say that I share your kmail issues, since arcade computers generally don't need to deal with that. :) [10:56] *lol* [10:57] For the rest it's coming along nicely though. :) Got about 30 emulated systems now, including MAME. [11:03] :) [11:06] * BluesKaj has morning coffee and ponders the lack of upgrades/fixes in the repos for Wily after 4 days, unusual for a new release [11:08] if there are no 0-day SRU's that'll probably continue for at least 3 more days [11:10] yofel, 0-day SRU's ? === descilla is now known as Guest15938 [11:11] Scottish Rugby Union :P [11:11] lol [11:11] google is your friend :) [11:11] BluesKaj: updates critical enough to not wait at least 7 days like usual ones [11:12] insider acronym :P [11:12] Smurphy: Any idea if this is a(n) (K)Ubuntu only problem or if this goes wider? [11:12] just to clear it up for bystanders: SRU => Stable Release Updates [11:13] * clivejo kicks google [11:13] or laymen [11:13] http://www.abbreviations.com/SRU [11:13] way down the list [11:14] but I do like the top one [11:15] yofel: did you see ejay's conversation yesterday about the multiple screen issues? [11:20] Pinokkio: Can't tell. I only use KUbuntu for my workstations... Notably the mac mini is my private system, so I tend to experiment on that one too. the Work WOrkstations, still run 15.04. [11:21] Smurphy: I had similar issues when I ran 14.04 and 15.04 on this same computer. [11:22] clivejo: no, but no time to read the log either right now. [11:22] Pinokkio: so did I... [11:22] strange screen goings on [11:22] I reemember though, that I had, on my mac mini, installed some dedicated drivers from intel directly. [11:39] #list [11:40] !list | kamo [11:40] kamo: BluesKaj: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». [11:41] !ru | kamo [11:41] kamo: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. [11:41] if that's what he really wants to do :-) [11:41] sanks [11:42] !list [11:42] kamo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». [11:42] language barrier [12:09] why does KDE not have 'suspend desktop effects for fullscreen applications' enabled by default ? [12:09] Smurphy: Created a thread about this issue; feel free to join in: https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?69188-gstreamer1-0-vaapi-issues-with-Intel-HD-4400 [12:11] yossarianuk, why indeed? [12:12] http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=fedora-23-desktops&num=1 -> paints KDE as the very worst desktop for gamers (they do mention its likely due to that setting not being enabled by default) [12:13] once you enable that option you'll get the same speeds as other desktops [12:15] Pinokkio: will do. thx, [12:15] Pinokkio, why vaapi? just curious [12:16] BluesKaj: that seemed like the logical choice based on the Google results I found. If you have a better alternative I'd love to hear it. :) [12:16] In general though: video playback is currently too slow (CPU cannot handle it), and gstreamer1.0-vaapi keeps the CPU happy, but makes me want to cry. Video goes down to a few frames per second. [12:16] Doh. they have reset my password. Wasn't logged in for a long time. [12:17] Smurphy: Same here. :)Hadn't been on there since I was having trouble with MAME emulation speed under Linux (still not really solved, but I'll live). [12:19] *lol* greylisted ... I should lower my Mail-Server settings, but I would receive too much spam. [12:25] Pinokkio, i don't know. never used vaapi, but I do use vlc backend in place of gstreamer since vlc is set as my default media player it all works well [12:27] I see, BluesKaj. That might have been a solution to me too if it was just for regular video playback, but I'm using that computer as an Arcade/Emulation system, and the front-end uses gstreamer as its back-end for video playback. [12:29] buying a cheap nvidia card and using vdpau is not an option? [12:29] performance would probably be nicer as well [12:30] Pinokkio, ok so you probly have higher end gpu compared to my entry level nvidia 8400GS [12:31] hateball: I'm using a zotac i68 mini-pc for this purpose; it cannot be extended. The alternative to getting this to work properly is to buy a whole new system. [12:32] BluesKaj: Not at all; the problem resides in gstreamer VAAPI not working for the embedded Intel HD 4400 technology. Smurphy apparently has the same issues. [12:34] Confirm it. I have a Mac-Mini i7-3720QM CPU with a HD 4000 GPU. Same issues [12:36] I can't reset my password on the kubuntu forums... [12:38] Pinokkio: Ah. I was thinking if it was some frankenbuild as is often the case [12:40] hateball: I don't even know where to begin on debugging this issue. vainfo just gives me an error, and X doesn't appear to see anything wrong. 3D acceleration works fine; it's just video playback that's slow. [12:41] I've made a clean install of 15.10 and I'm still experiencing this (Lenovo T430, Intel 4000): http://i.imgur.com/ZPULmk0.png [12:41] Pinokkio, which player ..dragon is awful a lot of the time where vlc handles the same video with out a hitch [12:42] Is there any way to get rid of the artifacts? They spontaneously appear and disappear. [12:43] And they're screenshottable. [12:44] lolmaus_: Yes - when you move something fast. I could remove that by disabling most of the UI "effects" [12:45] lolmaus_: do they appear in all applications or just chromium? [12:45] hateball: Mostly when playing with Chromium browser. But flicker happened with all applications. [12:46] IMHO it is a intel driver issue ... [12:46] all points into that direction. [12:46] One can always use the xorg-edgers PPA for newer mesa, see if that works nicer [12:46] BluesKaj: i dream about the day that dragon player will look like a vid/ multimedia player myself... VLC so far... [12:47] hegemon8, dragon doen [12:47] 't doesn't decode DD or DTS audio [12:48] BluesKaj: It's not a player issue; I use this computer as a front-end for games emulation. The front-end itself (RetroFE) uses the gstreamer library to play videos of the games. [12:49] BluesKaj: i think i did rather noatun from kde 3.x :) I've tried to love dragon player, i did... [12:49] Personally I use mplayer for video playback on my desktop system. [12:50] noatun wasn't pretty, but You could use winamp skins AFAIK [12:51] yeah mplayer works well too, it's my backup when vlc can;t handle dificult videos [12:51] hateball: in other apps too, but Chrome is number one. [12:52] Pinokkio: mplayer is ok, but looked gnome'ish on my kde, so, i was using kaffeine, and i've loved it [12:54] hegemon8: I only use it full-screen, so not much gnome'ish about it on my end. :) === toscalix__ is now known as toscalix [12:55] Pinokkio: it was long time ago, i'm sure its not an issue anymore :) but true :) [12:56] Hiya piippöls [12:56] what's the best solution for viewing hotos ? [12:56] I just hope someone will come along on the forums or here to help me debug the gstreamer1.0-vaapi issues I'm having. My arcade machine just isn't right without it. [12:56] Something like iPhoto but copyleft [12:57] Pinokkio: are You doing something like this? http://www.radicalbomb.com/2015/06/project-arcade-machine-complete.html [12:57] jubo2: what functions are you looking for? [12:58] jubo2: digiKam is pretty great [12:58] digikam, yup [12:58] Pinokkio: added my part to the forum post. [12:59] Thanks, Smurphy. :) [13:03] ait.. I try that [13:11] ok.. similar for videos thanks plos hateball [13:11] pretty plos [13:12] jubo2: You can manage videos in digiKam if you like [13:12] just saying "pretty plos" does not really say much what you are looking to do [13:13] if not too big of a program, Kodi would sort photos, vid, music... [13:14] digikam comes with too many auxiliary apps, prefer image magick or gimp [13:15] BluesKaj: depends what You want of the program, gwenview is enough for my photos collection, and gimp - well its gimp :) [13:25] Hello [13:26] Has anyone faced issues with "Online accounts" [13:26] After adding an account, I cannot seem to make any changes to it(segfault) [13:26] ok.. on with the glorious Kubuntu15.10 OS [13:26] on wily, yes === Guest90681 is now known as balloons [13:27] in mesenger? [13:27] I'd like some kind of gizmo that shows upload and download speeds and such... Any suggestions? [13:27] ss* [13:43] looks like no one uses online accounts :-/ [13:44] jubo2: you can see that in network manager [13:44] Can anyone help with this? digikam: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libkexiv2.so.11: undefined symbol: _ZN5Exiv213XmpProperties10registerNsERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEES8_ [13:44] https://paste.kde.org/pvve0l3bw [13:47] pasjrwoctx: You're after upgrading to a new distro? [13:48] Yep and cant fix it [13:48] hope that helps https://mail.kde.org/pipermail/digikam-users/2010-October/011345.html [13:49] i'm on a fresh install so, had no issues there [13:50] That does not work here, It fails I have done all the purging and re installing. About to reinstall the os if I cant get it to work. [13:52] yeah, thats what i do, if i can't get some things to work..all doe i'd rather not... [13:52] me neither it takes me 2 days to get everything back up. and I need it for work:( [13:53] 2 days here as well, to make it look and feel as my Kubuntu [13:54] in the early days, everyone hated how linux worked. But it worked, now they make it pretty and it fails all the time:( [13:56] yeah, getting the issues sometimes, that never had before... Like screen brightness - Thanks NVidia! [13:57] hmmm... KMail -> Tools -> Find messages is not working [13:58] and is it only on my hardware, that i need to "hide" and "show" audio icon to see it with every reboot? [14:00] jubo2 - same here with Kmail, just checked. [14:01] jubo2: but search bar at the top works fine... [14:02] hegemon8: same here [14:02] someone should file a bug report I think [14:03] jubo2: You've noticed it first :) [14:05] someone know where is the bugzilla or whatevs the ticket system KDE is using? [14:06] "If you want to report a bug on an application that is running and responding, use the application's help menu: Help -> Report Bug.... " [14:09] ok [14:09] will do [14:09] right now I'm cleaning my inbox [14:10] man, my inbox is a monster, i stay away ;) [14:11] btw [14:12] what's the best way to make a backup copy of the IMAP server contents [14:12] just in case of massive attack leading to loss of emails [14:14] offilneimap ? my friend used it before [14:15] offlineimap [14:15] i have no experience with that, but that was the writeup that he used http://samtuke.com/2014/06/backup-multiple-email-accounts-automatically-on-linux/ [14:16] any news in last month or two regarding kubuntu? [14:16] has it moved forward much [14:17] yes, kubuntu podcast #6 will be live 7th of November, and can't wait to see what lads are planning for kubu :) [14:24] anyone swithed from quassel to Konversation that comes as default in 15.10 ? === LjL-NoServer is now known as LjL-King [14:26] Does anybody know where I could find some help on a grub boot repair? [14:27] bellflower: easy way or a hard way? [14:29] I was looking for a way to copy my entire system from a much too small HD to a larger 1TB HD. [14:29] I had thought that my Ubuntu install disk had an option to "try Linux" I could use as a live disk, but when the option could not be found, I removed the disk and restarted my computer... [14:29] bellflower: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair that normally sorts my rare problems with boot [14:30] then it would not boot and said Grub error. [14:30] but i'm not sure about Your case. [14:30] I installed Boot-repair, but cannot find details on how to only repair the boot on sdb [14:31] do You think it might be thats cause MBR? [14:31] sda has a version of Ubuntu (which I am using to look for info, and plan to overwrite with a copy of sdb, if I can get sdb to work again. [14:32] in advanced options there are som options for MBR [14:32] Ok, going back a step or two further... (currently) sdb was my system that I have been using, with all of this year's work stored on it. [14:33] sdb is running Ubuntu 32 bit which works best with the apps I use most often. [14:33] so many smarter guys here on the channel, and all are quiet, help the guy, will Ya? :) [14:33] usually grub installs to /dev/sda mbr by default [14:33] sda was when I accidently installed Ubuntu 64 bit, which has too many dependency issues on 32 bit apps I use most. [14:33] don't tell me that, i've nearly cried when lost my 1TB of data i've collected for nearly a decade... [14:34] So I was wanting to copy the HD now on sdb, to the larger (wrong version) on sda. [14:34] bellflower, why are you using 32 bit apps , games? [14:34] but the hd on sdb will no longer boot because of the grub error. [14:34] BluesKaj: what else? ;) has to be games :) [14:34] most games are still 32 bit afaik [14:35] wasn't that grub-update grom grub rescue prompt? It was a while since i had to do any of this [14:35] 32 bit because I cannot get all neccessary features to work in Blender, OpenSim, Firestorm-OS viewer, Meshlab, and Makehuman to show up or work on 64 bit. [14:35] Following fixes for each of those fixes one while breaking another. [14:35] ia32libs still available [14:35] ?> [14:36] BluesKaj: tell me about it, had to get pepper flash for one game as i didn't want chrome and link it in one of json files in a game folder. [14:36] Yes, ia32libs will fix some apps while causing others to stop working. [14:36] But since I have no need of apps specifically requiring 64 bit, installing Ubuntu 32 is the more all-around fix that has worked without fail for me. [14:36] 8, 16 bits died quickly, whats wrong with people that we still do that 32 ones?... [14:37] like IP v4 and 6 [14:37] No idea. Would be much simpler of all needed apps had all 64 bit bugs worked out. [14:38] bellflower, that';s odd, this is the first time I've heard that problrm since 2007/8 [14:38] Or if I could get all of this sorted, 1TB would give me plenty of room to dual-install 32 and 64. [14:38] bellflower: i'm on 64 bit, and so far my games works fine, some needed some tweaking, but same tweaking every time, so i kinda remember, and don't mind. [14:39] But all of this is just casual conversation. The real issue is simply to get Ubuntu-32 on sdb bootable again so I can figure out what else to try next [14:40] as far as moving my content and settings to the newer 1TB HD. [14:40] bellflower: rebooting just to use other app is annoying, thats why i've finally stopped dualboot wit win (Games) - thanks windows 10 for making that easier, and godbye Lara Croft my dear - You're not worth it anymore... :) [14:40] regardless of whatever OS version I ultimately go with. [14:41] I haven't used anything MS since 2007. Except for a router I quickly sent back fto my ISP for replacement. === regedit_ is now known as regedit [14:42] BluesKaj: ia32libs are replaced with some other packages, and the games are stil looking for ia32libs, so...Well, that was my issues. [14:42] The only appeal 64 bit has for my uses, would be that the only detailed tutorials on installing and building VisualFSM are for 64 bit version. [14:44] But back to my current and imediate issue. Any ideas on how to use boot-repair to restore sdb's grub, while disregarding sda? [14:44] instead, using sda only in place of a live CD, sort of. [14:45] My intuition suggest I should simply tell boot-repair that sda is to be considered "removable". [14:46] bellflower, why sdb? [14:46] but guesswork when dealing with boots and HDs and unreplacable data, can be a dangerous thing. [14:46] well, You might, but then You can as well add it to automount list, but not sure how it would turn out [14:47] sdb is the HD I normally use, every day. It is only moved to sdb for now because it would not boot and then I could not even come here to look for help. [14:47] I had to place a spare (working) OS HD at hda until I can figure out how to fix sdb. [14:48] bellflower: Is grub installed to sdb? [14:48] bellflower ,then set that hdd as first in your bios boot sequence [14:48] both sda and sdb DID have grub. Each were used as sole HD at different times. [14:49] in boot repair there is an option grub location [14:49] I tried having this computer boot from sdb (it's via USB so it comes first in boot seq.) [14:49] but it only goes to "grub error". [14:49] and You can select place grub in all disks except usb.... [14:50] bellflower: That would mean it cannot find /boot or something like that. [14:50] ok, ...BBL, stuff to do [14:50] hegemon8: ok. bug report submitted ( about the Find messages returning zero hits with any search criterira [14:51] hegemon8: I'd install grub anew from a live-usb while pointing it towards your /boot. [14:51] great jubo2: i wouldn't notice it i guess, as i use the search bar myself :) [14:53] lordievader: yep, i know people use liveCD and chroot to get stuff fixed, but i'm too lame for that :) [14:53] what SMART tools are available on Kubuntu? [14:54] I'm too cheap for that. This would be much easier if I actually had some kind of media available to even make a live CD. [14:54] hegemon8: No need for a chroot, just mount /boot and install grub. [14:54] regedit: Other than smartmontools you mean? [14:55] regedit: smartmontools, but i didn't need to use any of SMART tools [14:55] lordievader: its for bellflower, my grub loves me :) [14:56] Just to get up to speed, bellflower what do you have available? [14:56] It seems I can't even use boot-repair. So far everything I try says, "Please use this software in a live-session to enable this feature." [14:56] so i should sudo apt-get install smartmontools ? [14:56] I have a laptop with hda inside and hdb via USB addapter. [14:57] http://www.faqforge.com/linux/get-the-disk-health-status-with-smart-monitor-tools-on-debian-and-ubuntu-linux/ [14:57] there is some more info, but yes [14:57] bellflower: From what are you running the boot-repair? [14:57] then smartctl --health /dev/sda if Your disk is sda and so on [14:57] hda, which is an oldand un-needed version of Ubuntu 64 bit. [14:58] bellflower: And you cannot install grub from there? [14:58] not via boot-repair. It is refusing to write grub to hdb, the one needing to be fixed. [14:59] bellflower: I am not talking about boot-repair. Do you have access to hdb? And is grub-install available? [14:59] I can browse files on hdb, just cannot boot from it. [15:00] By "boot", I mean open this computer, plce hdb as primary drive, then turn it on. [15:00] bellflower: Mount your /boot somewhere and run 'sudo grub-install --boot-directory= /dev/hdb [15:00] ' [15:03] bellflower: You could get ISO with boot repair (live-session) to enable that unavailable features, but don't want to mess up, as lordievader is right [15:05] having do_release_upgrade crash in the middle of the upgrade is a pain. [15:07] skryking: i did fresh install cause was using xorg edgers ppa, so too much hassle with purging it before release upgrade [15:07] Ok so I was able to get digikam to start, but now I have a new problem. It crashes on export and or save. Plase help https://paste.kde.org/psimvlmdw [15:08] seems it got hung because I have a custom snmpd.conf file and wouldn't let me go to the terminal to respond to it. hoping my dpkg reconfigure will make it happy enough to boot. [15:09] skryking: Run an 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' after the dkpg magic. [15:09] lordievader: thanks... that's what I was thinking I would probaby need to do... [15:15] Sorry to get back to this a bit late (interupted by phone calls)... lordievader, do I use /dev/sdb2 (the device), or /media/bellflower/Ubuntu (the mount name)? [15:16] bellflower: Err, where? [15:16] bellflower: Could you show the full comand you wanted to use? [15:16] for the -boot-directory={this} [15:17] sudo grub-install --boot-directory= /dev/hdb [15:17] bellflower: Ah, the second, the mountpoint. [15:17] /media/bellflower/Ubuntu [15:18] No luck.. grub-install: error: cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/hdb. Check your device.map. [15:19] well the system seems to have come back to life correctly after a reboot...wonder what got scrambled in the half upgrade [15:24] skryking: i'd do sudo apt-get update, upgrade, dist-upgrade, autoclean and autoremove, then update again, that sorts some of the mess that i do with time using the system... === regedit_ is now known as regedit [15:26] pasjrwoctx: when You've been purging digikam, did You purge kipi-plugins ? Not expert on that, but it seems to help to a few lads on forums, and then reinstall it [15:28] How do I best view a photo from cli ? [15:28] I mean I just want to open it with some program to see what it is [15:30] autoremove, makes room on / [15:31] jubo install imagemagick then display path/to/picture.png === Steffstoff is now known as Guest94968 [15:44] updates warning doesnt go away until reboot. is there a fix? [15:46] i did turn them off from notifications as i do chceck daily anyway... [15:50] westyvw: or try CTRL+R while in update manager, should reload the list, and sometimes thats all You need to do. [15:52] hegemon8: nope, refreshing doesnt work. notification doesnt change. === descilla is now known as Guest56071 [15:58] westyvw: so i'm guessing You can use this workaround with turning off that from notification list, and upgrade manyally till it gets fixed... [15:58] Heyyy piippöls [15:59] hi jubo2 [16:00] imagemagick and display command did the trick for You jubo2 ? [16:06] yeah [16:07] and imagemagick is installed on K per default [16:07] I've been organizing and cleaning and backupping today [16:07] feeling nice, energetic === fewcha_ is now known as fewcha [16:08] ah, wasn't sure, its needed to gwenview as far as i remember [16:09] hmm.. [16:09] can I give it any number of filenames to open ? [16:09] I've tried with just one so far [16:12] yes,but You'd need to chceck... [16:12] i don't use cli for pictures, i have sweet kde :) [16:21] How do I store a session so I get all my normal programs up from start-up [16:21] in system settings there is option that You pick, that You select what to do after reboot [16:21] In the System Settings I can find the setting to "restore a manually saved session" but cannot find tool / setting to store the apps I want [16:21] start new session, or continue old one [16:22] well, i'd use activities for that [16:22] or startup folder [16:23] Now that I am on the bug tracker submitting mode I gotta file a feature request for "Raise all terminal windows with one click" [16:23] really stupid solution to need to click 4-6 times to get all the terminal windows to the top of the stack [16:24] thats the other way to do it jubo2 :) [16:24] should be one gesture [16:27] jubo2 and what about system settings-> Autostart ? Can't it be done that way? [16:27] hegemon8: maybe [16:29] there is add program button... but i don't use this feature as i don't need it :) [16:35] hello folks :) my kubuntu has a problem and maybe someone knows what could be wrong. all qt4 based apps look completly wrong ... input fields missing, layout wrong ... e.g. Speedcrunch: Screenshot: http://stefan.derkits.at/files/speedcrunch.jpg [16:35] kubuntu 15.10 (upgrade from 15.04) [16:54] sorry, I don't understand: I started with 14.04, did every update, now I have 14.10 and am getting "not found" when I "update". update manager informs that a new version is available, but does not tell me what version. I would like LTS and not cutting edge. (besides, 15.04 on a separate partion lock up) [16:55] should I reinstall 14.04? [16:58] 14.04 is the latest LTS rick__ 14.10 is no longer supported [16:59] yes, I figured that out with the update failures. [17:00] OK, reinstall 14.04 then. Thank you for your time [17:00] rick__, probly a good idea, I'm sticking with 14.04 til 16.04 come out [17:01] comes out/released [17:01] don't understand how I ended up with 14.10, thought It WAS 14.04 just getting updated [17:03] 15.04 looks nice, very slick, no bad it locks up. ALT-Tab can get it going again sometimes, need a reboot mostly [17:09] rick__, ok, probly an update, upgrade and dist-upgrade should do the trick for 15.04 [17:15] Hi there has anyone manage to make bumblebee+nvidia-355 working on 15.10 ? I tried following http://rajat-osgyan.blogspot.fr/2015/10/how-to-install-bumblebee-and-latest.html but i think there maybe an issue with sddm ? [17:15] Hi hello. Some new updates I can complain about? [17:16] Also installing nvidia-prime is working once but if i reboot using nvidia card i get blackscreen too [17:19] Is there a way I can tell if a user is running plasma 5 from bash? [17:20] My script needs to do some stuff differently if that is the case. [17:20] $XDG_CURRENT_SESSION just returns "kde" so that isn't much help. [17:21] when I run "env | grep KDE" one of the environment variables I see is: KDE_SESSION_VERSION=4 [17:21] maybe you get something different on Plasma5? [17:21] maybe look at printenv ? [17:21] I'm definitely on Plasma4 [17:22] oh awesome. $KDE_SESSION_VERSION returns 5. Thanks drleviathan! [17:22] I totally forgot env existed as well xD === kubuntu is now known as Guest62346 === EvilRoey is now known as GhostRoeyOoOoOo [17:39] Where in plasma is trash dir? Becouse deleting 100k files is too much for plasma5. #futureisnow [17:40] because* [17:47] trash:/ ? lol [17:47] kwaadpepper: nah, it's in .local/share [17:48] but dolphin don't want to delete anything right now [17:48] o yeah just learned something new thank for ~/.local/share/Trash/files/ [17:49] kwaadpepper: np. while working on plasma5 you need to know such basic stuff. [17:49] :D [17:50] shift+delete [17:50] denza242: dolhpin just refusing to delete anything now. prolly need to reboot. console - we meet again! [17:53] Just a tip if you often use command line you can make use of trash-cli to replace rm (just a thought) [17:53] ejay: which version of dolphin are you using? [17:53] kwaadpepper: hey, that makes sense! [17:54] denza242: whatever version is on 15.10 [17:54] are you using any KDE PPAs [17:54] denza242: some backports IIRC [17:55] ejay: can you open the "About" dialogue box under help [17:56] meanwhile I'll bump dolphin back up to whatever's in CI and see what happens when I delete a thing [17:57] denza242: 15.08.2 [17:58] alright, gimmie a moment [17:58] denza242: this "can't delete a thing" happen everytime when I'm trying to delete a lot of files. For example when removing whole git respository of any kind (lot of small files). [18:00] ejay: what specific error do you get [18:03] denza242: there is no error. It just doing nothing. Let's say I have a git folder - I can remove it (it goes to trash). But when trying to empty trash it just doing nothing - just notification that removing is happening but this never ends. [18:04] ejay: and deleting via shift-delete doesn't work? [18:05] denza242: that works, but files moved to trash need to be remove manually (I jusr rm'ing them via console). [18:05] denza242: or I need to reboot [18:05] denza242: and try again [18:07] might be a permissions error [18:08] yeah permission error defenitly gave me problems like that using dolphin [18:08] i needed to chown [18:08] denza242: don't think so. 1. I can remove as normal user via console. 2. Sometimes I can empty trash via dolphin. [18:09] run dolphin in a konsole and see what happens. [18:09] denza242: I have nothing to remove now. :D [18:10] How ever i once deleted a www-data:www-data owned folder that i couldn't delete if i remember correctly [18:10] so it can happen [18:11] git is acting wierd [18:11] I cant clone https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git/plain/ath10k/QCA6174 [18:12] what you should clone is https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git i think [18:12] kwaadpepper: right, thx [18:12] Hi, i have problem with my craphics card, laptop wont play video files and more. Good helper BluesKaj sent me link for the webpage and told me to set up my computer like that webpage tells me to, but oviestly i need someone to help me to doo that. I have samsung chronos 7 and the website is http://xmodulo.com/install-configure-nvidia-optimus-driver-ubuntu.html [18:13] kwaadpepper: no, dident help [18:13] is there something special needed to get kubuntu to run in vbox? as soon as i install the guest additions its login screen breaks and flickers white every second [18:13] never had that problem with ubuntu gnome [18:13] git clone https://kernel.googlesource.com/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git worked [18:14] kwaadpepper: ok thx [18:14] syntroPi: maybe you are trying to run with wayland [18:14] I tried git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git [18:15] Copernic22: open https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git/ page there are git links on bottom of it [18:15] ejay, this is a completely fresh installation, all defaults [18:16] Hello, I want to change the default file-manager application for all users on my system. I see that I can change it for myself under system > file assciociations, but how can I make it persist for all new users I create? [18:17] had that problem before on vbox 4.3.32 hence upgraded to 5.0.8 but it still has that problems. also the gui doesn really come up, it just shows the wallpaper. killing Xorg hard makes it kinda work [18:17] ciao === descilla is now known as Guest58818 [18:18] syntroPi: kubuntu 15.10? [18:19] ejay yes the latest x64 release. im testing from my ubuntu 15.04 gnome shell box to evaluate if i want to go for kubuntu when i reinstall 15.10 [18:20] im using the 304 nvidia proprietary drivers [18:20] syntroPi: I assume you can't try via liveCD? [18:20] ejay, you mean on bare hardware? [18:20] syntroPi: or liveUSB [18:21] syntroPi: you can download iso file install it on usb and boot from that usb and try it live (without installing). [18:21] yes i could do that, but i would like to get familiar with the kubuntu way in a vbox [18:21] so i can persistently install programs [18:22] ejay, yes i know i always used usb-creator from the iso [18:24] syntroPi: then I have no idea. Maybe just plasma is crashing. [18:24] is it supposed to work in vbox? are the minimum versions required? [18:25] syntroPi: prolly vbox gfx card emulation is what makes plasma act strange. [18:28] syntroPi: also IIRC you can install stuff while trying your distribution live. Not sure if installed stuff will stay after rebooting. === arthur is now known as Guest67966 [18:31] Hi ! I did a clean install ok Kubuntu 15.10. In dolphin when I right click on any type of archive I dont have the extract option (the compress one is not here too). I googled the issue but no luck.. Any ideas? :) [18:32] ejay: No, changes made in the live environment do not carry over to the install. [18:34] Guest67966: no one have [18:34] lordievader: ohrightgoodknow [18:34] goodtoknow* [18:35] ejay: well Im pretty sure it was in 15.04 [18:35] Guest67966: I know. :D [18:36] Guest67966: It's a feature. Dolphin can't find some context menu config files or whatever. [18:38] ejay, yes afaik it uses overlayfs and can even sync it (optionally) to a write partition (but thats very slow). [18:38] ejay: this command did the trick :) cp /usr/share/kde4/servicetypes/konqpopupmenuplugin.desktop /usr/share/kservicetypes5/ [18:39] Guest67966: let's see [18:39] id just like to have a non llvm pipe kubuntu running with proper guest additions in vbox [18:39] but for some reason plasma always gets freaky [18:41] Guest67966: whoa, it did the trick! Thanks [18:41] Maybe in a year dolphin will be usable again. Good news. [18:41] first issue it, vbox wont reboot after installation, so only option is a hard reboot (switch vbox off). i guess fs synced before. then it comes up and immediately plasma crashes after login. installing guest additions makes it even more freaks (blinking login, invisible mouse/windows/taskbar) [18:42] maybe it tries to start kwin with too ambiguous settings for vbox somewhere? [18:43] You're welcome :) I found the solution on a gentoo forum.. Last versions of plasma & kde apps seem to be worse than the previous :/ [18:43] Guest67966: hey, don't loose ya spirit. We are betatesting here. [18:44] syntroPi: by vbox you mean virtualbox by oracle? [18:46] syntroPi: did you tried qemu? [18:50] yes VirtualBox from the latest oracle ubuntu repo (5.0.8). no qemu/kvm tries yet because i heard it works in vbox [18:51] syntroPi: I can confirm that Wily works in Qemu rather well. [18:53] lordievader, is the gui as snappy as its supposed to be on a working vbox/guest additions stack? with previous versions of gnome i was able to get native performance "feeling" on vbox (when glxinfo shows vendor Chromium, not llvm or such). [18:54] Good morning [18:54] syntroPi: No idea, haven't used Vbox in quite some time. [18:54] i dont want to complain or anything, i know kde is very new thats why i am curious about it :P [18:55] s/kde/Plasma 5.4/ === para is now known as Guest14164 [18:57] Hello! How do I disable the lock screen after 5 minutes of innactivy? [18:57] Kubuntu 15.10 x64 on a VM [18:57] I went to settings and disabled all I found when connected to power [18:57] I thought it was a V15.04 but but it still happens on 15.10 [18:58] but but=bug but* [18:59] marcoagpinto: Settings => Desktop Behavior => Screen Locking [19:01] Fritigern: Let me turn on the netbook where I have the VMs [19:01] :) [19:10] Fritigern: I have just found that setting! Thank you very much! [19:10] :)))) [19:10] I thought it was a bug either on Virtual Box or in Kubuntu [19:10] :) [19:11] Tiy're welcome ;-) [19:11] OI! Typos! I meant to say "You're welcome" [19:11] * Fritigern runs off to get some very strong coffee. [19:22] If I wanted a source package from something as far back as Edgy, where would get I find it? Don't say "old releases" please - I need a full path I can browse to [19:23] I been on the old releases site but can't find any source packages [19:34] hmm [19:36] Sources may be available somewhere on launchpad === pasjrwoctx_ is now known as pasjrwoctx [19:45] every component of kontact seems to be broken now === kubuntu is now known as Guest48129 === Guest48129 is now known as uid1 [20:18] weird thing is when i install the guest additions the modules get autoloaded and it works. but after a reboot login screen and plasma is broken, regardless of which version of vbox i use [20:19] not even the tty's work [20:24] could it somehow be a bug on my host system? [20:25] ubuntu gnome works without major gfx issues though [20:25] as guest [20:29] the windows seem to be "hidden" below the wallpaper or completely transparent [20:33] hmm it seems kwin cannot run plasma on virtual box yet [20:45] syntroPi: What is your host OS. On my Win7, I can run VMware Player, and after I install open-vm-tools-desktop and re-boot, it is pretty good in a VM. [21:12] hi, every one [21:13] I have problem with tor, can anyone help me? [21:31] mparillo, my host is ubuntu-gnome 15.04 amd64 with proprietary nvidia 304 [21:32] mparillo, just seeing this on kubuntu after installing guest additions and rebooting it. other guest work === para is now known as Guest89995 [22:11] anybody here have any luck with winchiphead/ch340/341g serial adapters? I'm on kubuntu 15.10 w/ kernel 4.2.0-14generic... strangley it worked on mint with kernel 3.13 IIRC [22:18] no takers? [22:23] anyone know about hexchat and systray? [22:28] Khaotic: what about it ? [22:35] i guess this a q for the MB [22:35] soee: i cant minimize or close to systray in ubuntu 15.04+ [22:36] Khaotic: if you don't see icon in systray please read http://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2014/06/where-are-my-systray-icons/ [22:37] ok [22:41] soee: i tried that, but it didnt work for me [22:42] so you have sni-qt i386 version ? [22:42] sure? idk [22:44] sudo apt-get install sni-qt:i386 [22:50] thanks [22:53] is there any good way to load firmware from the firmware-linux-nonfree package without rebooting? [22:54] µcode for an Oland Radeon in particular [22:58] Not strictly a Kubuntu question, but does anyone know how to isolate a single line from a multi-line output and use that in a bash script? I am making contactsheets of my ani gifs, but would like to have the avg frame rate added to the file name of the sheet. I did get a list of values with identify -format "Frame %s = %Tcs \n" FILE.gif but don;t know how to turn that into something i can use. [23:00] Fritigern: do you know which line number it will be each time? Or do you need to match on unique text in the line? [23:00] Hi. Anyone know if new Kubunu 15.10 have a netbook desktop? At least, at 14:10 has desktop and netbook plasmas, to use both desktops. But in Kubuntu 15.04 i cant find it. In new 15.10 i can't find information. [23:02] TJ-: Unfortunately, some gifs have a variable frame rate, which is why I would like an average. However, a single line would be nice too, in which case line #2 should be fine. [23:04] TJ-: Try using that command that I pasted a litttle earlier. If you don;t have any gifs of your own, you could get one (or more) at giphy.com. Then slap it with this -> identify -format "Frame %s = %Tcs \n" FILE.gif [23:08] Fritigern: Ahh, I only see 1 line - the GIFs in the standard packages must be static [23:09] What standard packages? [23:09] Fritigern: You could simple pipe the output through " | head -1" to get the first line, or " | tail -1" to get the last [23:10] I see. And to get line #3 i pipe to head -3 | tail -1 [23:11] So what if i want the whole output stored as an array? [23:11] An array would allow me to easily calculate an average in the case of gifs with a variable frame rate === daniel is now known as danielle4441 [23:15] Fritigern: If you know you'll always want line 3, and there will always be more than 3 lines, you can do " | sed -n '3,3 p' " [23:17] Thaknks for that one. It definitely helps. Though, you don't happen to know how to capture that entire output and store it in an array, do you? [23:23] Never mind that last one, got it! var=($(identify -format "Frame %s = %Tcs \n" FILE.gif)) [23:25] ... or not. [23:26] anybody known how to download an etire git directory.... its a bit different from svn... Trying to grab 4.x serial drivers for ch340/341 [23:26] Maybe i should strore the output in a file, and then read it line by line into the array. [23:26] veritas: git clone [23:27] fritigern: not getting me what I want... I was browsing on github... its a subdir [23:29] FG: its on torvalds kernel git.... apparently code exists for ch340/341(which I would assume should have been included by def.) [23:29] as I said bf... it worked on 3.1x kernel [23:31] veritas: I am not familiar enough with Git to help you. Sorry :-( [23:31] FG: TYA [23:31] Anybody happen to have a Sun Fire x4600 M2 RM? [23:32] veritas: "git clone git:// " [23:32] TJ: I shall try, TY [23:33] TJ: I would like this dir:"git://github.com/torvalds/linux/tree/master/drivers/usb/serial" what is the proper syntax [23:34] sorry... not very familiar with git [23:37] Anybody know of a good ipmi client for XP? Still can't get my USB->serial(ch340) to work with kbntu 15.10.... [23:38] veritas: a git clone pulls the entire repository; there isn't a way to simply fetch a subset of working-tree files. [23:39] TJ: ... I miss SVn' [23:39] *SVN [23:42] veritas: what's the root of the problem? a failure of the module in an earlier kernel? [23:43] hey guys, any one have idea why my plasma crashing always when i try to search for an app or anyting? [23:43] btw baloo filter daemon instant crash when my system boot in [23:44] TJ: The module worked in an earlier kernel with mint(3.13 IIRC) now that I'm on 4.2 I can no longer connect to my chinese Arduinos or use my USB->serial [23:44] TJ: they both use WinChipHead CH340/341G chips [23:44] you *can* clone a subfolder in git, but it's a bit involved - you need to make an empty repository and do a sparse checkout [23:44] http://stackoverflow.com/a/13738951/4220922 [23:44] veritas: ch341 is loaded? what shows up in dmesg/kern.log when the device is connected [23:44] unascribed: Yes, but I'd suggest thats for experts :) [23:45] but it is possible, you made it sound like it wasn't [23:45] unascribed: When it comes to the Linux kernel, cloning just a sub-dir isn't going to be useful without the build tolling [23:45] s/tolling/tooling/ [23:45] TJ: "[349885.701505] usb 1-1.5: new full-speed USB device number 6 using ehci-pci [349885.794422] usb 1-1.5: New USB device found, idVendor=1a86, idProduct=7523 [349885.794425] usb 1-1.5: New USB device strings: Mfr=0, Product=2, SerialNumber=0 [349885.794427] usb 1-1.5: Product: USB2.0-Ser! [349885.794718] ch341 1-1.5:1.0: ch341-uart converter detected [349885.796354] usb 1-1.5: ch341-uart converter now attached to ttyUSB0" [23:46] TJ: I thought I could make + make load for the serial drivers [23:47] veritas: 'make modules' is done from the root directory, and pulls in Makefiles and fragments from the base directory on down for recursive makes [23:48] veritas: your output shows "ch341-uart converter now attached to ttyUSB0" ... how do you connect to /dev/ttyUSB0 (what program), and what (doesnt) happen - any errors? [23:49] TJ: Regardless dmesg is showing that a USB ch341 device is detected and is at ttyUSB0 but I still cannot use it [23:49] TJ: I've tried minicom and putty [23:50] veritas: what does "cannot use it" mean though? Do you get 'permission denied' trying to connect to it? [23:53] TJ: I am unable to establich a connection, no error [23:58] veritas: OK, so the program opens the port but you don't see any data? Does the USB<>serial converter have LEDs. If so, do they flicker when keys are typed? [23:59] veritas: what does "ls -l /dev/ttyUSB0" show? [23:59] TJ: Neg on the LED's, I also just tried "moserial" it can see "ttyUSB0" but will not connect, no connection error