
carakaThank you wgrant, I had just landed there via google. Again. haven't read that for a while, and it's time for a more thorough re-read.00:01
carakaThank you very much!00:02
wgrantcaraka: It's reasonably complete, but I'll be happy to answer any more questions.00:02
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Odd_Blokecjwatson: wgrant: Are the bos-arm64-* builders only being used for xenial builds?13:00
cjwatsonOdd_Bloke: They're only being used for burn-in tests right now, until we're more confident in them.13:01
cjwatsonOdd_Bloke: Well, and the handful of virtualised PPAs with arm64 enabled.13:02
Odd_Blokecjwatson: So is it weird that https://launchpad.net/~cloud-images-release-managers/+livefs/ubuntu/xenial/cpc/+build/41523 got scheduled on to one of them?13:02
cjwatsonOdd_Bloke: No, because you forgot to ask for that livefs to be made non-virtualised ...13:03
cjwatsonOdd_Bloke: #webops should be able to do that for you13:03
cjwatsonOdd_Bloke: (assuming your previous livefses were non-virtualised, which I believe they were)13:03
Odd_BlokeOh, yes, it's that time in every release cycle where I forget that each release is considered a separate livefs.13:04
cjwatsonIn [1]: lp.load('/~cloud-images-release-managers/+livefs/ubuntu/wily/cpc').require_virtualized13:04
cjwatsonOut[1]: False13:04
cjwatsonIn [2]: lp.load('/~cloud-images-release-managers/+livefs/ubuntu/xenial/cpc').require_virtualized13:04
cjwatsonOut[2]: True13:04
cjwatsonOdd_Bloke: Though, it would probably have worked if you'd let it finish.13:05
cjwatsonOdd_Bloke: But the armhf build wouldn't have done.13:05
Odd_Blokecjwatson: Yeah, I was trying to see what priority the build would get, but it got scheduled before I could see that. :p13:05
cjwatson2505 plus any relative_build_score for the livefs archive13:06
cjwatsonlivefsbuild.archive, that is13:06
cjwatsonSo total score 2505 in this case13:07
vilacjwatson: I have a recipe failing (https://launchpadlibrarian.net/222877368/buildlog.txt.gz) saying the public for my ppa (https://launchpad.net/~vila/+archive/ubuntu/ppa)  is not available. Is there a known delay for xenial ?14:01
cjwatson"the public for your ppa"?  EPARSE14:02
vilathat's how I read the error but I may be wrong :-/14:03
cjwatsonOh, that message.  That's cosmetic and does not cause whatever failure you're *actually* seeing.14:03
cjwatsonAFAICS that recipe build succeeded.14:03
tewardso i'm trying to attempt a merge via the UDD method for nginx in Xenial, but it's failing to download, do I have to pull from Wily instead since Xenial just opened?14:03
cjwatsonteward: Just don't use UDD.14:03
vilacjwatson: https://code.launchpad.net/~vila/+recipe/uci-config-gating-vila says 'Could not be uploaded correctly)14:03
cjwatsonteward: But in any case it's not yet set up for xenial.14:04
tewardcjwatson: ack14:04
cjwatsonvila: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/222877494/upload_1008452_log.txt14:04
vilacjwatson: err, found the upload log, forget me ;)14:04
cjwatsonYou've somehow managed to produce two different recipe builds with the same version.14:04
cjwatsonArrange for that not to happen :-)14:05
vilacjwatson: yeah, operator error, I fixed an issue in a dependency and thought just re-running the recipe would be enough14:05
cjwatsonvila: You could just retry the individual builds.14:06
cjwatsonvila: The recipe produces a source package.  If you don't need to modify the contents of the source package, then you don't need to re-run the recipe.14:06
cjwatsonvila: What you probably want to do is retry https://code.launchpad.net/~vila/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/819250214:07
vilacjwatson: yup, thanks ! Just found it back ;)14:08
tewardcjwatson: is there a timeline when bzr and launchpad will be set up for xenial?15:28
cjwatsonteward: You mean just bzr.  Launchpad is already set up.15:28
tewardi mean for the lp:ubuntu/package stuff for xenial15:29
tewardbut yes15:29
cjwatsonteward: Probably next week, since William has most experience with it and he's on leave this week.15:29
dobeyi wouldn't rely on branch imports really15:29
cjwatsonIt's not something I'm inclined to mess with.15:29
cjwatsonIndeed, please migrate your processes away from them.15:29
cjwatsonThey will be going away once we have a git equivalent sorted out.15:29
tewardprobably should have the developer docs updated, they still link to the UDD stuff15:29
teward(which is bzr)15:29
cjwatsonI've been telling them for years and they ignore me.15:29
cjwatsonUsing source packages is better than the unreliable mess that the imports are right now.15:30
tewardtrue, except the source packages are going to give me a splitting headache... :/15:31
tewardthe side effect of Debian being hyperactive with changing packaging :/15:31
* teward sighs, and prepares for another two hours of work15:31
tewardcjwatson: the PPAs work with xenial though right?15:58
teward(or is that also on the radar)15:58
cjwatsonteward: PPAs are fine.15:59
cjwatsonThat used to be a separate step ages ago, but now PPAs work automatically as soon as the series is initialised.16:00
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Odd_Blokecjwatson: wgrant: I don't think I've been getting emails about review comments on a git merge proposal I submitted; known bug?20:18
Odd_BlokeOh, in fact, something is definitely up; apparently OOPS-6db37bf38de8f54f864dceb1fb48de26 was it trying to email out about the comment I just added.20:30

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