
tsimonq2do we get LXQt upstream from Debian, or directly from the project?01:49
ianorlintsimonq2: used to be upstream but we are moving to bring in the debian sources01:58
ianorlinso we can import that01:58
tsimonq2ianorlin: so if I contribute to LXQt in Debian, it will help Lubuntu?02:00
ianorlinyeah but getting stuff into debian is easier said than done03:06
flexiondotorgphillw, Kamilion, wxl - Yo15:10
phillwhiyas flexiondotorg15:10
flexiondotorgI've got a slow in UOS 15.11 to talk about "Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker" (working title).15:11
flexiondotorgSo, I've tweak the build scripts slightly over the weekend,15:11
flexiondotorgI guess we're in this together now ;-)15:12
flexiondotorgYou up for some more acceptance testing?15:12
phillwflexiondotorg: well, Julien expressed some surprise at the news all over the place of lubuntu having a pi2 image.....15:28
flexiondotorgTechinically Lubuntu doesn't have a Pi 2 image.15:29
phillwWe got our fingers burned with ac100 - That is major outlet of my rant that caused me and ubuntu councils etc. to part company.15:29
flexiondotorgI'm waiting on you guys to let me know if it is up to scratch first :-)15:29
phillwindeed we do not! it is a community re-spin15:29
flexiondotorgIf you agree it is something you can support, then you can take it from there.15:32
flexiondotorgI'm just trying to help botstrap this and use it is education material.15:32
flexiondotorgReally need that busted hand fixing.15:33
phillwit was an arm system, that team asked us to allow lubuntu to be on it, as it was small foot print for the max size of sim. They then abandoned it, i marked it as "not for release" some one on release team over-rode that, it broke some ones computer and I went ape about them over-riding the release manager. They said it was lubuntu's fault ..... And, I then blew a gasket and they got both barrels, no holds barred... And, then I left.15:35
phillwbut, Pi2, I'm happier with :)15:35
phillwMy Pi2 arrives at the works today, I will get it tomorrow evening.15:38
phillwflexiondotorg: with wxl and avid Pi2 person, and me also enthusiastic... It will get nice press and support from us. Do not forget, there are some wise heads at http://linuxpadawan.net/ where I think you would make a great contribution as a master and maybe link to educational areas for kids or simply       set up a Pi2 area on that area which is distro agnostic.15:49
tsimonq2ianorlin: ok, because I was offered to help over in #debian-next20:08
tsimonq2ianorlin: so ima help :)20:08

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