
=== balloons is now known as Guest90681
=== tlyu_ is now known as tlyu
Tobias_79Hi, I recently ran into a bug in the kernel OOM killer that repeadtedly caused complete system freezes when a cgroup went out of memory (trusty, kernel 3.13.0-66), the problem is described here: https://community.nitrous.io/posts/stability-and-a-linux-oom-killer-bug is there any chance that the fixes from kernel 3.14 will be backported to the trusty kernel?10:47
rbasakTobias_79: this channel is specifically for bug triage. Try asking in #ubuntu-kernel - that's where the kernel developers hang out so you're more likely to reach someone who can answer you there.10:56
=== Guest90681 is now known as balloons
melodierecently I stumbled upon this bug report, which I think is not a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-mga/+bug/137894013:49
ubot5Launchpad bug 1378940 in xserver-xorg-video-mga (Ubuntu) "Video to slow" [Undecided,New]13:49
melodiethe XorgConf.txt file sent shows that the guy had VESA loaded, and not MGA13:50
MegaBrutalCould you please triage bug #1509717?19:05
ubot5bug 1509717 in linux (Ubuntu) "Wily LVM-RAID1 – md: personality for level 1 is not loaded" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150971719:05
jtaylorMegaBrutal: looks like someone looked at it now19:52
jtaylorthanks for reporting it btw, it looks like it could be related to my lvmcache issues19:52
jtaylormissing module in initramfs would probably cause the unclean shutdowns I'm getting19:52
MegaBrutaljtaylor: Once upon a time, I also reported an lvmcache issue, bug 1423796. Does this affect you? If so, you could increase the bug-heat...20:10
ubot5bug 1423796 in lvm2 (Ubuntu) "Unable to mount lvmcache root device at boot time" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142379620:10
jtaylorMegaBrutal: I only added check_cache to my initramfs to make it work20:11
jtaylordidn't test if it works without now20:12
jtaylorah you mentioned that in the report20:12
MegaBrutalIt also missed a module. To be fair, I also haven't tested it in a long time. Though apw did not close the bug report, so I assume it is not solved yet.20:16
jtaylorI didn't need to add a module in 15.10 so thats probably fixed20:18
jtayloralso might be worth testing if check_cache is still needed20:18
jtaylormy issue is that due to the unclean shutdown the cache is 100% dirty on reboot20:20
jtaylorso it needs to flush it on boot which takes half an hour20:20
jtaylorcouldn't figure out how to get it to shutdown cleanly, but maybe it was a missing module as you reported20:20
jtaylormy system boots as the raid is not my boot device20:21
jtaylorso it maybe activates it after the initramfs20:21
jtaylorbut can't turn it off in it20:21

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