
=== balloons is now known as Guest90681
=== nudtrobert1 is now known as nudtrobert
pittiGood morning05:08
=== nudtrobert1 is now known as nudtrobert
larsugood morning!06:05
pittihey larsu, wie gehts?06:09
larsupitti: gut danke! Hattest du ein schönes Wochenende?06:10
pittilarsu: ja, sehr ruhig, gut zwischen den ganzen Reisen :)06:11
pittiund Du?06:11
larsuschon wieder ein Sprint?06:11
larsuja auch ruhig - bisschen Kino und spazieren und so06:11
larsuund Laney ist hier seit Samstag06:12
pittilarsu: yeah, Austin next week06:12
darkxsthey pitti larsu06:47
pittihey darkxst, how are you?06:48
darkxstpitti, sick today ;(06:48
pittidarkxst: urgh, a cold?06:48
darkxstyeh, another cold06:48
larsuhi darkxst!06:48
larsuoh, get better06:48
darkxstbut that gave me time to track damn a few big crashers06:48
darkxstincluding seb128 favourite xorg crash ;)06:50
pittidarkxst: get well soon then :/ sucks06:51
darkxstpitti, thanks, flu/cold season should be ending here, but apparently not yet!06:52
seb128good morning desktopers07:09
seb128hey pitti larsu darkxst07:09
pittibonjour seb12807:09
seb128darkxst, oh, did you figure it out?07:09
pittiseb128: as-tu eu un bon w.e.?07:09
darkxstseb128, yes, it was crashing on shutdown07:09
seb128hey pitti, passé un bon w.e07:09
darkxstand the redhat guys already had that one fixed07:09
seb128pitti, oui, super07:09
seb128darkxst, k, shame we didn't get it fixed for release :-/07:09
larsuhey seb12807:10
seb128did you SRU it?07:10
darkxstseb128, its completely harmless apart form the spam, and yes Ive filed an sru07:10
seb128yeah, but apport spam is impacting the user perception of the product07:10
seb128and it's creating load on retracers&co07:11
darkxstalong with a fix for FTBFS in the mir stuff07:11
pittimeh :/07:11
seb128so still good to get fixed07:11
darkxstrobert_ancell doesnt apparently understand autoconf scripts07:12
darkxstyet it oddly built when uploaded to the archives07:13
darkxstbug 150990707:14
ubot5bug 1509907 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "FTBFS Due to typo in xmir.patch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150990707:14
darkxstbug 123790407:14
ubot5bug 1237904 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Xorg crashed with SIGABRT in OsAbort()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123790407:14
darkxstseb128, and the gjs crash is sorted also07:15
didrocksgood morning07:15
darkxstlast one to go is clutter update, but that wants new cogl major release, which could well just be a micro release ;)07:16
=== nudtrobert1 is now known as nudtrobert
seb128darkxst, good work sorting out those different issues ;-)07:18
seb128lut didrocks07:18
darkxstseb128, was a very productive sick day ;)07:19
didrockssalut seb12807:20
tjaaltondarkxst: thanks.. too bad xserver git is still not in sync so I'll wait until robert has pushed his branch..07:21
seb128didrocks, t'as eu un bon w.e de 3j ?07:22
darkxsttjaalton, yeh, that confused me also07:22
didrocksseb128: c'était bien, oui, merci ! Et toi, bon week-end ?07:23
seb128didrocks, oui, tranquille, y a fait beau ;-)07:24
tjaaltondarkxst: that other change.. could it be because mir itself changed? doko filed a bug about it07:24
tjaaltonmesa & xserver ftbfs now07:25
darkxsttjaalton, yes but robert messed ubuntu the ubuntu9 diff07:25
desrtgood morning desktop!07:26
seb128hey desrt!07:26
darkxstPKG_CHECK_MODULES does not understand debian package names ;)07:26
* desrt comes back from insane weekend in zurich07:26
seb128oh, was that good?07:26
didrockshey desrt!07:27
seb128how many kms did you walk? ;-)07:27
darkxsttjaalton, I don't know why it even built, unless it landed before the MIR changes?07:27
tjaaltonyeah mir changed only a week or to before release07:27
desrtnot many07:28
desrtwe were mostly playing defence07:28
desrtit was super military-operation like07:28
larsumorning desrt07:28
darkxsttjaalton, ok, well ubuntu9 diff is clearly a typo07:28
desrtlike there was some central control area where they took "intelligence" reports from the agents on the street about what was going on (and how many people of the opposite team were present, etc)07:28
desrtthen made decisions about what to do and report it to team-leads07:28
desrtwho then 'commanded' their troops to new locations or to change tactics or whatever07:28
desrtpretty wild07:29
seb128tjaalton, 150900507:29
seb128regression in the recent mir landing07:29
tjaaltonyeah that one07:30
darkxsttjaalton, my sbuild refuses to admit the existance of that file!07:31
tjaaltondarkxst: it's not there anymore, my Contents.* are old :)07:31
tjaaltonjust saying that it's the same bug07:32
tjaaltonit used to be -dev, the mir renamed it07:32
tjaaltonso the diff is right, fixing xorg-server portion of 150900507:32
darkxsttjaalton, k, didnt managed to find that bug report when I searched07:34
tjaaltonit was for mir07:34
tjaaltonadded xserver/mesa to it07:34
darkxsttjaalton, yes I see, but why changing .pc filenames after freeze?07:38
tjaaltonbut looks like rbuilddeps will be fixed instead07:39
darkxsttjaalton, ok07:49
darkxstpitti, is there someway apport could flag shutdown bugs?07:50
pittidarkxst: actually it has tried to do that for a long time already07:50
pittidata/apport is_closing_session()07:50
pittiit asks org.gnome.SessionManager if the session is closing, and if so, igonres the crash07:51
pittibut that's racy and might not always owrk07:51
darkxstclearly not working here07:52
darkxstor the other gnome-session bug that was disabling everyones shell extension due to a crash on shutdown07:52
darkxstor maybe it did work there, and ingnoring the crash wasnt helpful07:53
darkxstbut regardless users get crash reports on login so they think it happen well on login07:54
darkxstseb128, is gtk in progress?08:11
seb128Trevinho, hey Trevinho, how are you?08:11
Trevinhoseb128: getting better, you?08:14
seb128Trevinho, I'm good thanks, had a good w.e and enjoyed the nice weather, a bit sleepy this morning though ;-)08:15
larsuhi from Laney08:20
larsuor better: Laney says hi08:20
larsudarkxst: yes08:20
larsuit's in the ppa08:21
darkxstlarsu does laney have a new bot?08:21
seb128hey Laney08:21
larsudarkxst: I don't know08:21
seb128darkxst, desktop ppa has it but I think Laney said it was not ready08:21
seb128he just got it to build so it can be tested08:21
larsuit's ready to try08:21
didrockshi Laneyrsu :)08:22
seb128but like the mir patch needs updating08:22
larsubut there's no mir backend08:22
larsu(seems like I'm Laney's bot)08:22
seb128larsu, stop repeting what I say :p08:22
larsuseb128: complain to Laney - I'm repeating what he says08:22
larsudidrocks: hahhaaaha nice08:22
larsuyou people are fun08:22
seb128hey Sweet5hark08:24
larsuhi Sweet5hark08:24
didrocksmorning Sweet5hark08:25
larsudidrocks: how are you?08:25
Sweet5harkseb128: heya! so i figured it prolly makes sense for me to make two versions: ubuntu3 for wily to have a new unique verion id and ubuntu4 for xenial where I also switch of the collada, gltf and coinmp stuff ...08:27
Sweet5harklarsu, didrocks: heya08:27
* Sweet5hark survived hackfest hamburg ;)08:28
seb128Sweet5hark, how was the hackfest?08:28
Sweet5harkseb128: I thought it was very good, but as one of the organizers Im likely biased. Still have to write a blogpost about it ...08:30
seb128mitya57, hey, gnome-applets fails to build in xenial with "Requested 'libpanel-applet >= 3.18.0' but version of libpanel-applet is 3.16.1" ... there is probably a build-depends that need to be updated to 3.18 there08:30
seb128Sweet5hark, good :-)08:30
seb128Sweet5hark, for the 2 versions that makes sense, let me know when you get something ready for upload08:31
mitya57seb128, the problem is that Ubuntu's gnome-panel has epoch number while Debian's doesn't08:31
ricotzhey desktopers08:31
mitya57seb128, I will upload new gnome-panel soon anyway08:32
seb128mitya57, oh, right08:32
didrockslarsu: starting to get sick, so, we'll see…08:32
seb128hey ricotz08:32
ricotzSweet5hark, hey, is this going to be 5.0.3~rc2?08:32
Sweet5harkricotz: nope08:32
ricotzah, ok08:32
ricotzseb128, hi08:33
larsudidrocks: oh shit. get better!08:34
didrockslarsu: well, it's the start, so still bearable. Doing as much as possible as long as I feel "good" before it's getting worse…08:35
larsudrink more tea!08:35
Sweet5harkdidrocks: urgh, all the best for getting rid of that quickly08:42
willcookemorning all08:58
didrockshey willcooke08:58
darkxsthey willcooke08:59
larsumorning willcooke08:59
willcookeStupid daylight savings time09:00
larsuwe're back to normal!09:00
pittiI'd really like to keep summer time all year aroudn09:02
seb128hey willcooke09:02
didrockssame for me, light later during the day…09:03
willcookepitti, yes!!  I'd love to move us forward 2 hours.09:03
darkxstsummer is overrated, constant 40C days coming soon here ;(09:05
pittitjaalton, darkxst: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/2:1.17.2-1ubuntu10 is blocked by https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-xenial/xenial/amd64/v/virtualbox/20151026_091418@/log.gz ; it fails on unavailable xserver-xorg-legacy, but it seems we've actually never had that10:13
pittido you know what's up with that pacakge?10:13
desrtpop quiz: from your home directory /home/foo you make a symlink /home/foo/x -> /usr10:34
desrtwhat does "/home/foo/x/.." now refer to?10:35
pittiyour home dir again?10:35
desrtnope.  /10:35
desrti was surprised by this.10:35
pittiI guess one coudl argue either way10:36
desrtbut not too surprised.  it actually makes sense when you consider that, internally, ".." is resolved just like any other item in the directory10:36
pittiresolving links before .. or .. before links10:36
desrtthere is only one rule.  start at the left and move right.10:36
pittithen this makes sense10:37
desrtand even still, i bet you most people answer this question wrong :)10:38
desrtit's also yet another reason that one cannot blindly simplify the path "/a/b/../c" to "/a/c" without first inspecting the filesystem10:41
larsudesrt: interesting point. The path/inode relationship is so messed up :/11:04
desrtlarsu: i don't think so.... it sort of has a simple beauty to it, in fact11:16
desrtthe only thing to know is that ".." is very very strange and it doesn't work like most people think it does11:17
tjaaltonpitti: hum, it's provided by 'xorg' (source) which we haven't merged yet11:28
tjaaltonpitti: debian has switched to non-root X11:29
tjaalton-legacy provides the old run by root11:29
pittitjaalton: ah, so that wasn't removed, but newly introduced, and the new virtualbox already uses it?11:29
tjaaltonapparently so11:29
pittiah, indeed: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#virtualbox11:29
tjaaltonI'll merge xorg then11:29
pitti * Add runtime dependency on xserver-xorg-legacy on virtualbox-guest-x1111:30
pitti    (Closes: #801524)11:30
pittitjaalton: thanks for the explanation (and merging)!11:30
larsudesrt: meh - the concepts of links and the way ".." works get in each others way11:46
larsudesrt: it would be much simpler if I could simplify *any* path11:47
larsu(without it being specific to a fs, of course)11:48
=== mpt_ is now known as mpt
tkamppeterwillcooke, hi12:24
willcookehey tjaalton12:25
willcookeoops, tkamppeter12:25
willcookesorry tjaalton - ignore12:25
tkamppeterwillcooke, mpt is back to work since today and tomorrow he would be ready to talk about thd print dialog.12:26
willcooketkamppeter, great, do you need me to be there?12:27
tkamppeterwillcooke, there is not really a meeting set up yet, I will simply talk with him on IRC and I can ping you then, and/or get a meeting together.12:36
willcookeperfect, thanks tkamppeter12:36
=== fredp` is now known as fredp
mhall119willcooke: can someone from your team to a Convergence track session or two and UDS to talk about the work that is going into bringing Unity 8 and Snappy to the desktop?12:39
willcookemhall119, better to speak to someone in the U8 team and the snappy team.12:40
mhall119already poked them about it too12:41
willcookemhall119, as you can imagine, we integrate their stuff in to the desktop, but we're not really qualified to talk about the lower level parts12:41
mhall119anything you can talk about (or planning that needs to be done) around that integration?12:42
mhall119bregma: can you host some sessions about puritine and libertine?12:43
seb128integration of what?12:43
mhall119seb128: desktop apps with Mir, lifecycle management, confinement, etc12:43
andyrockgood morning all12:47
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
seb128hey AndrewMC13:01
seb128hey andyrock13:01
=== Guest90681 is now known as balloons
Trevinhoseb128: can I do direct push to lp:unity only for doing a release?13:41
Trevinhoor to lp:unity/wily...13:42
seb128Trevinho, why do you need that? shouldn't the train merge/tag things?13:42
TrevinhoI wanted to release unity 7.3.313:42
TrevinhoSo I need to update changelog and stuff like that and do the tarball13:42
seb128unsure, ask on #ubuntu-ci-eng I guess13:43
seb128you can bump the changelog in a mp that you ci lande13:43
seb128unsure about the tarball part13:43
Trevinhoseb128: yeah, but I didn't want to do a "SRU" for wily...13:44
tjaaltonpitti: actually it's xorg-server that will provide -legacy, but I'll wait until ancell has pushed his uploads to git13:44
* Trevinho hates this time-consuming duties13:45
sethjis the bug scrub still happening? Been too busy the last couple weeks to keep up.14:03
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
willcookeseb128, I saw you updated some rls-w-incoming to rls-x-incoming14:50
willcookeCan we automatically move them all over do you think?14:50
willcookeAlthough, I expect it will be hard to know which are ours and which are not?14:51
willcookeI think we could automatically update the Unity 7, Compiz, Nux ones right Trevinho ?14:51
TrevinhoI think so willcooke14:52
willcookeTrevinho, I think the bug scrubber script should be able to make light work of that, Trevinho you want to take a look?14:52
willcookeor I can later on14:52
Trevinhowillcooke: i can do that, once I'm done with the 7.3.3 release and 7.4.0 branch preparation...14:53
willcookeTrevinho, awesome, thanks14:53
seb128willcooke, I see no issue moving all those over no15:35
willcookeballoons, created at testing session in Summit :)15:36
balloonswillcooke, excellent, thank you15:36
balloonsshould be a lively discussion15:37
seb128Sweet5hark, is  libreoffice-dictionaries something we could perhaps sync from Debian?16:38
seb128or is our version different?16:38
Sweet5harkseb128: not sure, lemme have a look at it.16:39
Trevinhoall dark here...16:39
* Trevinho hates solar time16:39
seb128yeah :-/16:40
larsuwhat is it with people in this channel complaining about dst?16:43
seb128larsu, we are complaining about winter!16:45
seb128give us the summer back!16:45
* larsu gives seb128 summer back16:45
Sweet5harklarsu: did you just throw seb128 to the southern hemisphere for a summer experience?16:47
larsuSweet5hark: virtually, yes16:47
didrockshave a good evening everyone16:58
Sweet5harkseb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice-dictionaries/+bug/151019817:24
ubot5Launchpad bug 1510198 in libreoffice-dictionaries (Ubuntu) "Rebase/Reimplement Ubuntu changes upon Debian (possibly upstream them)" [Undecided,Triaged]17:24
seb128Sweet5hark, thanks17:25
Trevinhonew libsigc++ causes FTB in unity... Damn it!18:00
Trevinho(and probably nux as well)18:00
TrevinhoIn xenial I mean...18:00
TrevinhoAnyway, things for tomorrow18:00
Trevinhosee you!18:00
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
willcookeg'night all18:09
willcookesooo dark :((18:09
TheMusoMorning all.21:34

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