
DosTuMaiSlight musical interlude. =P01:00
daftykinsit's like every current pop song01:00
TJ-That was interesting, seeing how far I could get in the -server rescue shell, to install a package manually.01:21
TJ-I'm going to see if I can further, when I have time. Create a small script to replace what dpkg does01:23
Bashing-om^^ Because inquiring minds want to know !01:23
TJ-mkdir /test; cd /test; ar -x /cdrom/pool/main/s/smartmontools/smartmontools-$VERSION.deb; gunzip data.tar.gz; gunzip control.tar.gz; tar -xf data.tar; tar -xf control.tar;01:24
TJ-.deb files are AR archive files, with two gzipped tar files inside. data has the package's files, control has the packaging info01:24
DosTuMaiMore music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCnI4lccUmQ01:26
Bashing-omTJ-: Now that is pretty danged slick .. more than one way to skin a cat ( linux, many paths to an end) .01:26
TJ-Bashing-om: still got to get it to run, that would only work if no libraries were required01:28
TJ-I copied files into the root file-system too, from /test/usr/sbin/ to /usr/sbin/ for example01:29
TJ-but then executing /usr/sbin/smartctl reported libselinux0 missing. Well that's a dependency, so I realised I'd have to have a script that reads the "Depends:" line from the 'control' file, iterate each dependency, and extract/copy-into-place, too01:30
Bashing-omman who knows his tools .01:34
daftykinslot of work though ;)01:34
TJ-daftykins: indeed; but interesting that if you're in a tight spot all is not lost01:35
TJ-What a great name for a Lego spokesman: Roar Rude Trangbaek !01:46
Bashing-omTJ-: ^^ indeed it is .. but where in the world did that pop up from ?02:00
TJ-Bashing-om: I was reading a BBC article about the Chinese artist Ai WeiWei, being refused a bulk supply of bricks by Lego because they judged his artwork to be a political statement02:08
TJ-see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-3463082902:08
Bashing-omTJ-: Oh Yes ! This I too must see .02:11
TJ-Why doesn't Firefox have a "you have far too many tabs open, do you know there's 150!?" button?02:12
Bashing-omTJ-: Now if only the big arms companies/dealers had the same outlook as lego ! ( I do have 13 combat awards in 5 arenas )02:16
TJ-Yeah, Make Lego not War!02:18
Bashing-omI too have had it for this session . Let us all have more fun tomorrow .03:16
lotuspsychjegood morning to all06:16
lordievaderGood morning07:29
lotuspsychjehi lordievader07:40
lordievaderHey lotuspsychje, how are you?07:40
lotuspsychjefine tnx mate07:41
lotuspsychjeabout to breakfast here07:41
lotuspsychjegood afternoon to all15:32
lotuspsychjehi JanC15:34
lotuspsychjecube+wobbly windows+gold nice nice15:38
lotuspsychjeif he gave me a $ for each time he says 'gold' i would be rich lol15:40
lotuspsychjeva bene?15:52
ioria@a  vabien15:53
ioriaça va bien15:53
lotuspsychjebene bene15:54
lotuspsychjeioria: just watched this: http://news.softpedia.com/news/superb-ubuntu-mate-gold-edition-proposed-by-user-video-495315.shtml#sgal_015:54
iorialet me see that15:55
lotuspsychjegood afternoon OerHeks :p15:57
OerHekshi lotuspsychje15:57
ioriayeah...  it  looks  fascinating ..15:57
lotuspsychjehi philipballew and BluesKaj15:58
BluesKajhey lotuspsychje forgot ot add discuss after the upgrade last week15:58
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: dont worry, we getting more crowdy here every day :p15:59
ioriauhh  ...  the gold sparkles ,,,,15:59
lotuspsychjeioria: not bad huh the compiz effects15:59
ioriayep... captivating15:59
lotuspsychjei love wobbly windows myself15:59
ioriait's  the first setting i do16:00
iorialike jelly fish16:00
lotuspsychjeyeah :p16:00
lotuspsychjeeyecandy ubuntu is rocknroll16:00
BluesKajused wobbly windows to impress my windows user friends16:02
lotuspsychjeyeah its very fun16:03
lotuspsychjewith 4 workspaces slides16:03
lotuspsychjewobbly windows is an extra now unity-plugins-extras or something16:05
lotuspsychje!info unity-plugins-extra16:09
ubot5Package unity-plugins-extra does not exist in vivid16:09
lotuspsychje!info unity-plugin-extras16:10
ubot5Package unity-plugin-extras does not exist in vivid16:10
lotuspsychje!find unity plugin16:10
ubot5plugin is not a valid distribution: kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed16:10
OerHeks!info compiz-plugins-extra16:11
ubot5compiz-plugins-extra (source: compiz): transitional dummy package. In component universe, is extra. Version 1: (vivid), package size 3 kB, installed size 120 kB16:11
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: tnx :p16:11
OerHeksi flipped out the channel for that url16:12
lotuspsychjegood evening daftykins16:34
daftykinsi've been lurking ;)16:34
daftykinsjust been researching a graphics card and high resolution monitor for someone16:34
daftykinsyou have to climb up the graphics card models quite some way before you get to a card that has displayport :/16:35
lotuspsychjechipset and ubuntu?16:35
lotuspsychjeChrissem: did you check shadow of mordor on ubuntu?16:41
lotuspsychjelinux gaming getting real nice16:42
Chrissemsteam is doing alot16:44
lotuspsychjeif the gaming industry would be smart, they would release linux versions aswell16:45
daftykinsnot really, it's too niche and a nightmare to look after :)16:47
lotuspsychjeone of these days something magic will happen for linux gaming,youl see :p16:48
* wileee dreams of the matrix life16:49
* lotuspsychje follows the white rabbit16:49
daftykinsmy my, these ones that want a hand holding17:04
lotuspsychjewhy do we always get the bulldogs :p17:04
Chrissemlotuspsychje: no not jet17:05
lotuspsychjeChrissem: ?17:06
Chrissemlotuspsychje: i never checked out shadow of mordor on ubuntu17:10
lotuspsychjeChrissem: check trailer, its running on linux17:10
BluesKajChrissem, LOTRO?17:10
daftykinslord of the rabbits online17:11
wileeein a better scenario we help less and congratulate users who figure it out with the least or needed info, rather than hold hands or leave them fixed with no idea really how. ;)17:12
Chrissemno i normaly play games on my windows box17:13
lotuspsychjeyeah lot of nice games on windows: virus17:14
daftykinshrmm can't think why motaka is having such a hard time with a USB keyboard17:15
lotuspsychjedaftykins: should be working out of the box right17:15
lotuspsychjeif bios enabled usb mouse+keyboard17:15
wileeedaftykins, That user has been having a problem of some sort for last couple of years, I think really young maybe, hard to say.17:18
wileeesome don't hang in the fix mindset17:19
daftykinsmmm, could be17:19
BluesKajbeen trying to convince wifey to switch her pc to linux , but she plays LOTRO and D&D which are Turbine games that aren't ported to linux yet17:23
lotuspsychjeyeah thats too bad17:24
daftykinsi dunno, i find it quite ridiculous if someone comes in and wants to play games with Linux still, i know it's changing but why make life harder for yourself :)17:25
wileeeI would want any game to run best is all, but I'm not a user17:27
BluesKajyeah I'm not crazy about Wine either17:32
lotuspsychjegood evening Bashing-om18:30
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: o/ Hey .. I miss much while horizontal ?18:31
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: its been pretty crowdy yes18:32
lotuspsychjeand lordievader upgraded to xenial :p18:32
lordievaderNot really what you call an 'upgrade' ;)18:33
lotuspsychjelordievader: i wonder what will change after 29 oct18:33
lordievaderIn other news I broke my main workstation with a Qt update... -.-18:34
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: ' xenial ' ! Someone must lead the way . Wonder how the change from upstart to systemd is going to go . My biggests worry .18:34
lotuspsychjeyeah never tested systemd myself neither18:35
lotuspsychjepretty curious how fast it will loadup on my ssd's18:35
lordievaderSDDM/Plasma is like Qt5.5 ain't Qt5.4! Crash!!18:36
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: 14.04 is my work horse . No big hurry to upgrade to 16.04 .. but prior prudent planning to prevent piss poor performance !18:36
lordievaderYou'd think it would be somewhat backwards compatible.18:36
Bashing-omlordievader: Yuk .. once more .. coping with version control .18:37
lotuspsychjeits raining again in #ubuntu-release18:41
OerHeksraining cats & dogs & werewolfs?18:42
lotuspsychjelol and groundhogs and squirrels yes18:42
OerHekscomplete Shuttleworth-ZOO ?18:43
OerHeks                       6bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv18:43
OerHeks= protest from Drabber18:44
OerHeksThy shall not sit with ya tail on the keyboard!18:44
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: your protesting against the big top god?18:44
OerHeksHe is seeking attention when my fingers run over the keyboard18:45
MonkeyDustlotuspsychje  are you pregnant?18:55
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust, EriC^^18:55
lotuspsychjeoops wrong paste18:55
lotuspsychje\ MOOOO                              /18:55
lotuspsychje ------------------------------------18:55
lotuspsychje        \   ^__^18:55
lotuspsychje         \  (oo)\_______18:55
lotuspsychje            (__)\       )\/\18:55
lotuspsychje                ||----w |18:55
lotuspsychje                ||     ||18:55
lotuspsychjeset this channel to your favorites \18:56
lotuspsychje\ MOOOO18:56
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust: im having a xenial baby in 9 months18:57
OerHeksMonkeyDust, are you the father?18:59
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Are you aware of similar ? In terminal ' apt-get moo ' .19:00
lotuspsychjewow thats new!19:00
lotuspsychjelooks like a birdcow19:01
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: A moo is good to releive the stress .19:06
* lotuspsychje looks up the sky to find some stress19:06
lordievader\o/ downgrade of qt went faster than expected :D19:15
lotuspsychjelordievader: back up n running now?19:16
lordievaderLooks like it.19:19
lotuspsychje_nitenite to all20:20
daftykinswhat is '10x' o021:10
OerHeks10 kisses perhaps21:11
daftykinshehe, nasty ;)21:12
OerHekswatch out for the flu21:13
daftykinsyep and colds at this time of year!21:14
OerHeksNot all the leaves have fallen here.21:18
OerHeksAnd living near the coast gives soft weather, although it can be watercold21:18
OerHeksWalking outside shorter than 20 minutes harms the health of my dog. jippie21:28
daftykinsyou will be hardened against the weather :D21:28
daftykinslol 3GB install bloated, make me laugh these users23:16
TJ-It is!23:17
TJ-80MB is a nice minimal install23:17
daftykinsfor a server? :D23:19
TJ-Yeah, don't need much, especially for VM instances23:22
daftykinsthat's not really what i had in mind23:24
TJ-kernel, minimal libraries, daemon service :)23:25
daftykinsi was thinking standard ubuntu desktop23:26
TJ-Oh :)23:34
TJ-There's a lot of cruft gets installed along the way these days23:34
daftykinsbut when you know Windows you don't consider <4GB bloat :D23:35
pauljwHi everyone23:49
daftykinshallo thar, how do?23:49
pauljwgood thanks, and you?23:50
daftykinsmmm not bad ta :) little bit of newbie overload in multiple channels today though23:50
TJ-I stayed away :)23:51
OerHeksI haven't even upgraded yet.23:51
pauljwI'm waiting for 16.0423:52
TJ-Aside from all the regressions that have bit me, I'm finding 15.10 reasonable.23:53
pauljwgood to hear  :)23:53
daftykinsLTS \o/23:53
daftykinsalso on server only, makes life easy ;)23:53
pauljwyeah, I'm not that adventurous to need the latest version of everything.  prefer stable.23:54
daftykinsi get annoyed enough with the regular kernel updates23:55
daftykinsi should probably learn how ksplice works at some point23:55
pauljwkernel updates have bitten me a couple of times, nothing serious.23:56
pauljwdiscovered that I had inadvertently selected "proposed" updates and that caused my system to use a kernel that caused a boot issue.  I have since unselected those updates and hope to avoid future problems.23:58
daftykins"dear pauljw we propose to break your install!" :D23:59
TJ-ksplice is dead23:59

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