
josemhall119: sure. I submitted a juju talk for fossetcon and bryan said he'd put it on the ubucon if we got one, but never got a reply from him00:09
joseso I can do basics on ubucon + intermediate on fossetcon if I have to do a second one00:09
josebut yeah, let's do this00:09
=== balloons is now known as Guest90681
mhall119jose: fantastic,thanks02:07
joseno prob! anything you may need help with?02:07
* ahoneybun needs to summit a talk02:21
mhall119jose: probably, but I don't know what yet, other than getting sessions lined up02:25
joseare we gonna have this one in summit?02:28
mhall119jose: wasn't planning on it02:28
dholbachgood morning07:27
nhainesGood morning!07:31
svijmorning dholbach and nhaines 07:31
dholbachhi svij, hey nhaines07:32
nhainesdholbach: so on /r/Ubuntu, your "future roadmap for Ubuntu" was said to clearly show that the merge of Unity Personal with regular Ubuntu was planned for 2017.07:34
nhainesSomeone else claimed it meant that 16.04 will be a Unity 7 desktop, and then after that no more releases of Ubuntu ever because Ubuntu Personal is a rolling release, and that's the plan for Ubuntu since you run out of letters by 17.10.07:35
dholbachnhaines, my?07:35
nhainesDidn't you do the Ubucon talk?07:35
svijthat was dpm07:35
dholbachyes, about Snappy07:35
dholbachhaha, that's very funny :)07:36
nhainessvij: was it?  Hmm, maybe dholbach shared it and I got confused.  Well, the Internet was happy to ignore the context of the slides and start inventing conspiracies.  :)07:36
svijwell, I shared it :D07:36
dholbach"sorry, guys we ran out of letters, let's do rolling instead"07:36
dholbachI could imagine that the slide was stolen from somewhere else and should be clearer07:38
nhainesStolen from Olli Ries's webpage I thought.07:39
nhainesIt seemed clear enough to me, anyway.07:39
dholbachthat it now is the base of conspiracy theories shows the infinite amounts of time generally available on the internet :)07:39
* svij checks for a new story on softpedia07:39
dholbachI'll let dpm comment on it later on :)07:39
svijoh no new softpedia article ;)07:40
nhainesOoh, Stellarium 0.14 just came out.  That's it, I'm switching to Arch!07:40
* dholbach goes back to reviewing patches for xenial ... or should I say T-2 before we finally go to rolling :-P07:40
nhaineshaha  :D07:40
svijthe "don't tell softpedia about this or this will blow up" was our running gag at ubucon ;)07:41
nhainesHehe, they try, but...  :)07:42
svijatleast I didn't publish the photo where dpm connected his windows laptop07:42
nhainessvij: this is my new favorite reddit comment thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/3pvwbv/jonathan_riddell_stands_down_as_release_manager/cwd5ro6?context=308:02
svijnhaines: :D08:05
dpmsvij, your Ubuntu roadmap pic seems to have become a bit popular on reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/3q18v4/ubuntu_roadmap :)11:02
svijdpm: yep, nhaines pointed that to us this morning11:48
nhainesHalf of the comments are quite silly.  The other are fairly insightful.11:57
nhainessvij: say, did you ever think about serving on the LoCo Council?  I know how bored you are all the time with nothing to do.  :)11:58
svijnhaines: Torsten Franz did nominate yesterday ;-)12:41
=== Guest90681 is now known as balloons
zafaranyone there?16:02

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