
elacheche_aniscrack3r: Do you use a cli based mail client?19:46
crack3rnope, web based only19:46
crack3rare there cli clients that are worth trying?19:47
elacheche_anismutt is good.. sup didn't really use.. alpine I never installed..19:47
crack3rcould you do things like reply, reply to all, forward and that kind of stuff?19:50
elacheche_anisYep.. That's what a mail client supposed to do x) :D19:53
elacheche_anisI'm not mastering it yet.. Especially the config files, so now am looking to have more than one email @ configured on it..19:53
crack3rI see. I don't like using a mail client and I prefer web versions because I am usually behind firewalls that block smtp and pop/imap19:56
* Na3iL is feeling happy20:00
Na3iLI thought for a while that am the only person here likes to do his tasks with cli based x)20:00
elacheche_anisI like to use GMail Webmail.. But I need to change that to a mail client, because I need to send a text file and the other server (bot) is blocking me becasue gmail convert the text files to base64..20:01
elacheche_anisloool Na3iL :D20:02
elacheche_anis"You're not alone" - MJ :p20:02
crack3relacheche_anis: send it using telnet like a true hacker20:02
crack3rhelo server20:02
crack3rmail from: xxxx20:02
chakerelacheche_anis Na3iL : You're not alone :p20:03
elacheche_aniscrack3r: That hearts :'( :p20:04
elacheche_anisI'll try.. Maybe the bot will accept it.. Thanks for the idea :p20:04
elacheche_anishaha chaker :)20:04
elacheche_aniscrack3r: telnet won't work "You're going to have to base64 encode the attachment and create the MIME headers."20:08
crack3relacheche_anis: what's preventing you from doing it? are you too lazy?20:11
elacheche_aniscrack3r: the bot will reject my files because they'll be encoded using base64 :)20:13
elacheche_anismutt don't encode attachements20:13
elacheche_aniscrack3r: check this http://lxr.free-electrons.com/source/Documentation/email-clients.txt20:13
crack3r<elacheche_anis> crack3r: telnet won't work "You're going to have to base64 encode the attachment and create the MIME headers." << where did you get this message from?20:16
elacheche_aniscrack3r: stackoverflow :D20:20
crack3rContent-Type: application/text; name=myepicfile.txt20:22
crack3rContent-Disposition: attachment; filename=myepicfile.txt20:22
crack3rmyepicfile.txt content20:23
elacheche_anisOK.. Will try it :D20:28
elacheche_anisthx :p20:28
* elacheche_anis is too lazy20:28
crack3rtrop de monde ce soir, y a un meeting ?21:09
elacheche_anisy a rien crack3r :D21:11
elacheche_aniscompte les bots :p :D21:12
elacheche_anislunapersa: est un bot x) elle a oublié de fermer le client IRC avant de rentrer chez elle..21:12
chakerelacheche_anis: You forget to count me :'(21:14
elacheche_anisYou're not a bot :D elacheche is not a bot too :D We just AFK ;) :p21:15
chakerte3jebni :)21:16
* elacheche_anis GTG21:18
nizarusno chaker is a bot :p21:18
volkovmqxanis, any tips for making an ubuntu install party?21:19
volkovmqxwe did one last year and it was not that successful. a lot of pcs have X crashed during installation, others couldn't boot21:20
volkovmqxi'm sure you know these things, any tips to follow ?21:20
crack3rvolkovmqx: install fedora21:20
volkovmqxpromoting fedora in ubuntu tn room is not good xD21:21
nizarusvolkovmqx, crack3r ubuntu et fedora dont de la même famille :)21:22
nizarusvolkovmqx, vous avez installé quelle version ubuntu ?21:23
volkovmqx14.04 as i remember, mint 17.0 too21:23
chakerI think that the main idea of ubuntu-tn is to promote FOSS.21:23
Na3iL+42 chaker :)21:24
nizaruspour les pc récents il est préférable d'installer une version récente21:26
chakerBut I do advice to install ubuntu for those who don't know anything about GNU/linux OSs. People later have their "best" distro, "best" wm, "best" editor...21:26
nizaruset toujours une bonne connexion internet21:26
nizaruspour accéder aux forums s'il y a des soucis21:26
crack3rvolkovmqx: un peu de théorie avant de commencer l'installation pourra aussi aider: comment partionner, points de montages, besoin d'un espace swap, création d'utilisateurs, etc..21:28
volkovmqxokay, install ubuntu in dualboot with wintoz?21:28
chakervolkovmqx: c'est la choix de l'utilisateur. En fin de compte, c'est leur matos.21:30
Na3iLvolkovmqx, why you don't use PXE (Preboot eXecution Environment, pronounced also pixie)‬ for you install party.. You will need for a DHCP server on ur network21:36
Na3iLIt is a geeky stuff x) :p21:36
volkovmqxgood idea !21:37
=== Na3iL_ is now known as Na3iL

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