
Zeiothgood morning :)07:15
miroslav_I donĀ“t have icons for open office after installing it with dpkg -i09:10
cfhowlettmiroslav_, open office?  not even in the repos.  try libreoffice09:17
miroslav_I have installed libreoffice09:18
cfhowlettso why open office?09:18
viceroyCan someone point me to a list of the preinstalled applications?09:55
knomeviceroy, in the menu10:00
viceroyRight, but I've already uninstalled it all.10:00
knomeso do you have a real question/problem you are trying to solve then?10:00
cfhowlettviceroy, hey.  Ms. Cleo has retired.  How about you give ALL of the details.10:00
viceroyI need to remake a first boot script but I can't find a list of the preinstalled applications10:01
viceroyI don't know how else to spell out my question10:01
knomewhat would the first boot script do?10:01
knomeremove preinstalled applications?10:01
viceroyYeah, and install desired ones10:02
knomewhy don't you use xubuntu-core?10:02
viceroyThere's a version of Xubuntu with a bunch of tweaks specifically for the laptop I'm using10:02
cfhowlettviceroy, apt-cache show xubuntu-desktop       http://paste.ubuntu.com/12968897/10:03
cfhowlettviceroy, what laptop?10:03
viceroythank you! that helps perfectly10:03
viceroyAcer C72010:03
cfhowlettviceroy, that's a chrome machine???10:04
cfhowlettand you're using chrubuntu?10:04
viceroyHandy lil machine10:04
viceroyNope, just installed directly on10:04
viceroyYeah its a neat lil machine10:04
viceroyJust found out I can natively run Morrowind with OpenMW too10:05
bs0dHello. Is this channel alive?14:04
flocculantif you mean "are there people about waiting to read a question to see if they can actually answer it" then yes14:05
bs0doh cool. I experience a problem - no signal from HDMI14:05
bs0dThe video card is Intel HD Graphics 5500 and I have downloaded the Intel Linux drivers from https://01.org/linuxgraphics/14:07
bs0dbut there is still no signal14:07
tmsbrgif you type 'xrandr -q' in console it should give you a list of recognized outputs, including the HDMI14:07
bs0dtmbrg, it says http://pastebin.com/Nyq3G8sX14:10
bs0dmtbrg Screen0 is the built-in one I suppose, HDMI1 is a mini-hdmi port (not connected) and HDMI 2 is a hdmi port with cable attached14:10
tmsbrgso the computer thinks it's connected14:12
bs0dyes, and the second display is detected in the display settings window14:12
rinse_and_repeatAnd you're sure you checked the "Use this display" checkbox? ;)14:13
tmsbrgmaybe the HDMI2 has nothing to render? Might check it in arandr14:15
tmsbrgseems like the display should be cloned, but don't know14:16
bs0dthe display remains black and sais no signal for every mode (clone / extend)14:16
tmsbrgis it the correct display? is the cable fully working? I don't have much experience with such a problem14:17
bs0dyes, I have only two displays. The cable is working, as I use it on a daily basis and it works fine for my another laptop with Windows on it14:18
bs0dmaybe the problem is in the driver?14:19
bs0ddid HDMI work for you with generic drivers shipped with Xubuntu, or you had to install vendor-specific drivers?14:20
tmsbrgit worked with the standard drivers14:20
tmsbrgbut I have AMD on my laptop14:21
tmsbrgyou have to download intel drivers via their site? Because I thought there was a built in thing to switch drivers14:22
bs0dhmm arandr sais both outputs are active14:22
bs0dyes, I downloaded the driver here https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads/intel-graphics-installer-linux-1.2.0  they provide a .deb package14:23
bs0dwith generic drivers it did not work either14:23
tmsbrgmaybe then it doesn't have to do with the drivers, since both drivers seem to work, but not use HDMI output14:23
tmsbrgnot sure though14:24
tmsbrgdriver problems are the worst14:24
nikolamWho was so clever to name regular desktop right-click 'Delete' that pushes things to Trash, as "Move to trash" in Xubuntu XFCE  and to make 'Delete' deletes files instantly without putting into trash?15:47
nikolamYou got to have in mind that regular joe would start to use Xubuntu (14.04) and expect to have deleted items in trash can like on all desktops15:48
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Hekauxubuntu hibernate has some problems... sometimes I get black screen after re-hibernating...15:54
nikolamHekau, worth of reporting a bug, it is most probably Linux bug in supporting hardware or something. What is your motherboard/machine?16:00
bs0dHello again16:02
bs0dI need to install manufacturer chipset drivers: http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/201411-16196/16:03
bs0dAre they available in xubuntu repositories?16:03
bs0dI do indeed see a bunch of xserver-xorg-video-intel stuff in the SW center, not sure though which one do I need16:04
bs0dcould anyone help please?16:04
HekauI have xubuntu 15.04 and I'm using this installer https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads16:07
Hekaucheck "installer" in filter16:07
Hekauafter installing this package, you should find "Intel graphics installer for linux" in your menu16:07
Hekaurun it, install it16:07
bs0dIntel Graphics Installer for Linux* 1.2.0 - is this the one I need?16:09
Hekauif your xubuntu version is 15.04 then yes16:10
bs0dMy version is 14.04 LTS16:11
bs0dWill it work in this case?16:11
bs0ddo you accidentally know if there is any repository where I can get this drivers for v14.04 LTS?16:11
Hekaunope, don't think if there is one16:12
Hekauthere's drivers for 14.10 and 15.04 versions16:12
bs0dSorry to be so annoying, I'd like to ask about the OEM installation version16:13
bs0dWhat is the difference between regular and OEM installation? The 14.04 LTS installer suggested such a choice and I have chosen regular installation16:14
flocculantthe OEM version would be if you wanted to install to a load of machines - there are extra steps - we don't test that16:26
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bs0dI am upgrading 14.04 LTS to 15.0416:36
bs0dhope after the upgrade I will be able to use the Intel drivers16:37
flocculantupgrading from 14.04 to 15.04 isn't a supported option, should have gone to 14.10 when that was still live16:38
flocculantand if you've got graphics issues then I'd be more inclined towards clean install than upgrading16:39
drcAnd 15.04 only has about 2 or 3 months until EOL now that15.10 has been released.16:40
Hekauyeah, just do clean install of 15.04 and do not format your /home, reuse it16:57
rabobankhey all i have a two monitor xubuntu machine, but when i replaced one of the monitors with a bigger one it somehow created a second and distinct desktop environment for it... i can move my mouse inbetween desktops (monitors) but not windows. if i open a terminal on one monitor, and then the other, it closes the first terminal session... any ideas how to reset/unscrew this up?18:10
rabobankalso xrandr only shows the monitor associated with the desktop that i invoke it from via terminal18:12
wzsunHey I upgraded to 15.10 but it hangs when it starts and its just stuck on the circle indicator18:30
wzsunanyone know a fix?18:31
bs0dI cannot find version 15.04 in the Downloads section of the website. It suggests 14.04 LTS or 15.1018:58
bs0dAre there any archives of the earlier versions out there?18:58
drcbs0d ^^19:00
bs0ddrc: thanks :)19:01
drcThe DL page only shows the LTS and the current release (and maybe the upcoming beta at the proper time)19:01
drcbs0d: You do know that 15.04 will be EOL in 3 months?19:02
bs0ddrc: I hope that Intel some day will update their graphics installer to support 15.10 - currently sais "distribution not supported"19:02
drcah...bummer :(19:03
bs0ddrc: interesting after I install the drivers If I upgrade to 15.10, will the driver will remain operational? :)19:03
drcProbably not (guess)...I'm guessing they don't support it because of the kernel upgrade.19:04
bs0ddrc: fcuk >< bad news19:05
bs0ddrc: so - no updates, no upgrades after install?19:05
drcno, you can <update> 15.04, but I wouldn't <upgrade> to 15.10.19:06
drcBut I am surprised that Intel doesn't support 15.10.19:08
xubuntuNewbieHi there, I see that the new xubuntu version is available for download. Thx to everyone involved building it. I'm currently running xubuntu 15.04. The software updater tells me 15.10 is available. Will it upgrade automatically or does this only for for ubuntu?19:09
bs0ddrc: unfortunately, yes: https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads/intel-graphics-installer-linux-1.2.019:09
xubuntuNewbiefor for -> work for19:10
bs0dxubuntuNewbie: as far as I understand it will not upgrade automatically, unless you let it do so19:10
bs0dxubuntuNewbie: you can upgrade in the SW center19:10
flocculantxubuntuNewbie: it should come up when you're notified of updates19:10
xubuntuNewbieit just popped up :-) Was just wondering if this upgrade process works for xubuntu or only for the original Ubuntu version19:11
bs0dxubuntuNewbie: Im pretty sure it works for xubuntu as well. Give it a try19:12
xubuntuNewbieok, just clicked on upgrade and the software manager window closed and nothing seems to be happening19:13
xubuntuNewbiebs0d: clicking on upgrade in the sw updater does not start the xubuntu upgrade. Tried it twice now. Window just closes and doesn't seem to do anything19:16
bs0dxubuntuNewbie: hmm .. interesting. Couple of hours ago I tried to upgrade 14.04 LTS and it worked well19:17
bs0dI got a popup winow telling me how many packets the system is going to download and that it will not possible to cancel the installation19:18
bs0ddrc: a stupid question - how do I upgrade when Intel eventually releases the new drivers? First distro then drivers? :)19:21
bs0ddrc: or the other way around19:21
drcI'd upgrade distro first (kernel, remember :)19:22
drcBut then, I never upgrade...I always re-install (separate ~/home)19:23
* drc notes this is a hangover from the Bad Old Days.19:24
bs0dI experience a weird problem in 15.0419:26
bs0dThe menu which asks for password to unlock the drive does not accept input into the input field. Input is typed in the background in the uppermost left corner :19:27
drcyou have an encrypted drive?19:28
bs0ddrc: yes. I chose encryption + LVM during installation19:28
bs0ddrc: that's employer requirement to use encrypted media - I cant get around it19:29
drcHave fun :)  I have no knowledge of encrypted drives, nor LVM. (Don't want any either :)19:30
* drc is just a simple user.19:30
bs0ddrc: it looks like a bug specific for 15.04, because I can type password normally in 14.04 LTS and 15.1019:32
bs0dWhich packages do I need to install in order to build a driver from the sources? IIRC, Ubuntu-like systems (and Debian) are not shipped with a compiler-suite with them by default19:39
waltsnHey does anyone know how to downgrade the kernel?19:54
xubuntu78oI upgraded my XPS13 from 15.04 and now X won't start. Is there a way to get it to autoconfigure?20:10
flocculantbs0d: possibly bug 135968920:14
ubottubug 1359689 in linux (Ubuntu Vivid) "cryptsetup password prompt not shown" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135968920:14
MisterMomhave the naming of network cards been changed in 15.10,  instead of eth0 I now have enp0s25,  is this correct and proper ?20:19
flocculantMisterMom: yes - that is right20:20
drcMisterMom: Caught me by surprise also...20:20
MisterMomwhat does it mean ?20:20
drcMisterMom: see https://wiki.freedesktop.org/www/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/20:22
MisterMomdrc, thanks20:22
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drcMisterMom: np (what it really means is that the network gods decided to change things again :)20:27
MisterMomlol yeah just reading the naming conventions now20:28
flocculantMisterMom: ^^ sums up what happened in *buntu recently20:31
flocculantdkessel: I've put nothing on the QA blueprint re autopkg testing - if you think you'll get time to look at it then feel free to add it20:33
flocculantpoor old task has been postponed for ~4 cycles now :D20:33
MisterMomthanks ppl at least it looks like progress20:34
flocculantoh deary me ... channel fail20:35
drcno, flocculant fail :)20:35
MisterMomhave a great day :-)20:35
brianc_Guys, how do I check a partition size from the command line?20:55
cubatronHi to everybody20:55
brianc_fdisk -l shows me the size of the devices, but not the partitions on each device20:55
drcbrianc_: man df (for options)20:56
cubatronI need help, I already upgrade from 15.04 to 15.10, but my eth0 doesn't work20:56
brianc_@drc, thank you, the partition doesn't have a filesystem yet though20:56
drccubatron: The name has changed, use inxi -F to find the new name20:57
drccubatron: see https://wiki.freedesktop.org/www/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/20:57
cubatrondrc, when I install my network do not start, after rread some forums I manage to start my Wlan20:58
cubatronBut my eth0 do not connect20:58
flocculantcubatron: please read what people tell you - then you'll see why it doesn't work20:58
cubatronIf I restart y have to make a network-manager restart20:59
drccubatron: "eth0" does not work anymore (with much work)...use the new name20:59
cubatronOK how I fix my problem whith the new nae21:00
drccubatron: don't bother, just use the new name, it'll be much simpler.  But if you must, the options are at the bottom of the link I gave you.21:01
cubatronI will try to understand, I not an advanced user, thanks21:01
drccubatron: But did you mean "how do I find the new name"?21:01
kaerhonquestion : is there a wacom tablet utility in xubuntu 15.04?21:02
cubatrondrc, if I use "ln -s /dev/null /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-setup-link.rules" will solve all my problems?21:05
drccubatron: why bother?  inxi -n (or -F) is less typing (and it's installed by default)21:13
flocculantkaerhon: this might help you http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2274775&p=13281407&viewfull=1#post13281407 - other than that - not got one, never had one, so never needed to troubleshoot21:19
kaerhonflocculant, well, it's not not working, i just wanted to know if there was a quick graphical way to tweak pressure sensitivity21:20
flocculantright - no idea I'm afraid - but if there is such a thing in Ubuntu - then you should be able to install it in Xubuntu21:22
kaerhonhmm good to know thank you!21:28
cubatronI have problem with networks in the new xubuntu 15.10, any help21:28
drccubatron: Same problem?  Same answer.21:29
cubatrondrc, I do this "You disable the assignment of fixed names, so that the unpredictable kernel names are used again. For this, simply mask udev's rule file for the default policy: ln -s /dev/null /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-setup-link.rules (since v209: this file was called 80-net-name-slot.rules in release v197 through v208)"21:30
cubatronbut that's not solve anything21:30
drcOK, I'm out.21:30
flocculantcubatron: do you even have /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-setup-link.rules because if you don't then that wouldn't work21:38
sorinelloUnit193, hello, are you around ?21:39
cubatronflocculant, I just have "70-persistent-net.rules"21:39
drcsorinello: Haven't seen him all day.21:40
sorinellothanks drc21:40
flocculantcubatron: then making a symbolic link to /dev/null from something that doesn't exist won't help you21:40
flocculantcubatron: make sure that network manager is using the right name21:40
cubatronI suppose that21:41
flocculantno suppose about it21:41
sorinellodrc, could you help me with a thing ? Some months ago I made an application to auto start. And now I am unable to find nout what mechanism it uses to autostart. It's not in  Session and Startup, but I am unable to find where it starts.. or by whom22:02
drcSorry, beyond my paygrade.22:03
ochosisorinello: looked into /etc/initi.d/ yet?22:04
ochosierm, init.d22:04
ochosithat would be if that app you installed runs as a system service22:04
sorinelloochosi, it's not there. If I htop, I see it's a child of xfce4/xinitrc22:05
sorinellothe app in question (synergy) does not have something to autostart out of the box22:06
sorinelloso I must have made something manually, but I don'tr emember where22:06
ochosidid you create an ~/.xinitrc file by any chance?22:09
sorinellolet me check22:10
sorinelloochosi, nope22:10
ochosiif not, check /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc22:11
sorinelloI also checked .bashrc22:11
sorinelloochosi, nothing related to synergy there, only . /etc/X11/Xsession22:11
sorinelloother lines are commented22:12
sorinelloit starts after I login22:13
sorinelloas my current logges user, no root, no system22:13
sorinelloochosi, I might have found it. It's because when I restart, xubuntu restores the session :)) and synergy is there, and is started by the session restore22:21
kaerhonbye people!22:22
ochosisorinello: ah right, yeah that makes sense too22:25
Unit193sorinello: Autostart on login could be as simple as ~/.config/autostart/, could have used the system dirs for that, made an upstart or systemd job (user or system.)  Just depends on what type you made.22:42
cubatronHow can I make network-manager in Xubuntu 15.10 use the correct names?22:43
sorinelloUnit193, Hello :)22:44
sorinelloUnit193, I am looking at your PPA, and I see you have a synergy version there .. 1.7.4, which seems to be the latest. Did you built/compiled it yourself ?22:45
sorinelloUnit193, I am looking at https://launchpad.net/~unit193/+archive/ubuntu/test22:46
Unit193sorinello: Yeah I updated the packaging, it has the ns plugin too (ssl support.)  FWIW, the one in Ubuntu is decently new enough, updated that the beginning of this year.22:54
sorinelloUnit193, I am asking because if you want to download the package from their site, you must pay a annual subscription. It seems this is thei way to enforce support from the community. And I've been looking on the internet to get the latest version for ubuntu22:55
Unit193The Paywall is only for latest pre-built binary packages, source is always at https://github.com/synergy/synergy/ since it is still an open source application though.22:57
sorinelloyes, indeed. But I don't want to build. I just want the deb file22:57
Unit193And the plugins, of course.22:57
sorinelloUnit193, now I have 1.62, bu I'd like to switch to the latest version, and I am unable to find a proper deb file22:58
sorinelloseems that ubuntu doesn't push the latest stable23:00
Unit193Someone would have to update it, the maintainer in Debian has been a big busy but I've forwarded my changes to him.23:03
sorinelloUnit193, ah.. so synergy comes from Debian packages ? I imagined that the Ubuntu guys are the maintainers23:04
sorinelloI still don't kn ow how this big Debian/Ubuntu ecosystem works :)23:04
Unit193sorinello: Usually, though in this case since the version is '1.6.2-0ubuntu2', it means there are Ubuntu changes, or it was updated in Ubuntu (changelog here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/synergy/+changelog )23:05
sorinelloUnit193, so the package from your PPA (the latest stable version) was built by yourself and it might be included in the standard repos ? Or should I use your PPA directly and don't wait until it becomes available in official repos23:08
Unit193sorinello: I haven't pushed it to the official repos as it contains a library of a GPL-3 application linked against OpenSSL, so Ubuntu can't officially distribute it (Upstream progress: https://github.com/synergy/synergy/pull/4979 - https://github.com/synergy/synergy/issues/4597)23:11
sorinelloUnit193, thank you very much for the info23:12
Unit193Great, glad I was able to help.23:12
Unit193sorinello: PM a sec?23:23
Orioa weechat.look.bare_display_time_format.23:25
wolf1After installing xubuntu 15.10, when I connect successfully to a VPN the network icon in the panel doesn't change to a secure (paddlock) one like it did in the previous versions of xubuntu.23:33

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