veritas | TJ: will tell | 00:00 |
veritas | crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 0 Oct 26 23:57 /dev/ttyUSB0 | 00:00 |
veritas | permissions? | 00:00 |
veritas | TJ: hmm "moserial" seems to connect and send data(under root) but I am getting nothing back | 00:02 |
veritas | TJ: hex recvd: "00000000 0D 0D 1F 19 0D 1F 19 0D 1F 19 12 09 11 1D 1E" | 00:03 |
TJ- | veritas: for your user, does "groups" show you as a member of "dialout" | 00:03 |
veritas | TJ: I can check but it shouldn't matter at this point as "moserial" is running as root and it made a sucessfull connection... | 00:04 |
veritas | TJ: its being run as "sudo moserial &" | 00:05 |
TJ- | veritas: Just been looking at the commit history for ch341.c. commit aa91def41a looks the likely reason. The baud rate was being hard-coded to 9600, ignoring the value set by the caller. Now, the caller's baud rate is used. So, it looks like you might need to add the baud rate explictly to the parameters of the programs you are using. Try with 9600 to start with, and then work upwards see how it goes. | 00:07 |
veritas | TJ: I changed one setting to "echo received data" and i keep gettin the following repeating(in hex) : "00000000 0D 1F 19 0D 1F 19 0D 1F 19 0D 1F 19 0D 1F 19 0D ................ 00000010 1F 19 0D 1F 19 0D 1F 19 0D 1F 19 0D 1F 19 0D 1F ................" | 00:07 |
veritas | TJ: I'm @ 9600 but I I'll try to boost... that has helped with my arduinos in the past...thx... will reply again | 00:08 |
TJ- | veritas: the commit history up to 4.2: | 00:10 |
veritas | TJ: I changed handshake to HW and I'm at least getting strange ASCII chars | 00:13 |
TJ- | veritas: sounds like what I see when the baud-rate/word-size/parity are set wrong | 00:21 |
veritas | TJ: Agreed, I have seen the same in the past but my Sun Fire x4600 M2's iLOM 2 call for 9600 8N1 | 00:22 |
veritas | TJ: and that works from my shity XP Netbook | 00:22 |
veritas | TJ: ... It's Weird | 00:22 |
TJ- | Hmmm, I wonder if the patch fixed one thing but broke another!? | 00:23 |
veritas | TJ: Its happened before... As I previously mentioned my Arduino Nano clones use the same chip and they worked as if they were PnP under 3.13(Linux Mint) | 00:24 |
veritas | TJ: they don't work anymore either | 00:25 |
veritas | TJ: its too bad because I really like plasma 5.... I'd hate to go back | 00:25 |
TJ- | veritas: It sounds like you should report the bug upstream in the kernel bugzilla, and maybe an email to the maintainer since that sounds like a clear regression | 00:29 |
TJ- | veritas: here's the link to the commit I suspect. It has the author and committers emails: | 00:30 |
veritas | TJ: thx.... I really hate bugs.... It's awesome that we have an overall seamless experience but something like this, at least in my case(with Arduino clones and whatnot), makes the current release unusable... strangely(or not...haven't worked with VirtBox much) I installed LinMint 14 but was unable to establish a USB passthrough for my 'duinos or the USB->SER | 00:33 |
LGMello | Hey | 01:03 |
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gartral | hey all, how do i get k3b's little blue status indicator to **** off? | 02:34 |
makro_ | Hi | 06:39 |
makro_ | Does anybody always have plasma-nm hidden after login? | 06:40 |
makro_ | and a couple of error dialogs when connected to an external monitor | 06:41 |
=== me is now known as Guest87573 | ||
th3s3_3y3s | lordievader, add peers to the torrent | 07:32 |
Smurphy | Doh ... the screenflicker is even worse today... wonder where it comes from, last updates ? | 08:06 |
lordievader | Good morning. | 08:07 |
Smurphy | Morning | 08:09 |
lordievader | Hey Smurphy | 08:10 |
Smurphy | yo. | 08:21 |
xandrice49 | Hey guys, Can anyone help me out? | 08:21 |
lordievader | !ask | xandrice49 | 08:21 |
ubottu | xandrice49: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 08:21 |
xandrice49 | I just downloaded kubuntu 15.10, and I wanted to try it before installing.. however, It's asking me for a password for the live system user, but there isn't anything I can find on this. Do you know the password? | 08:22 |
lordievader | Hmm, you shouldn't be asked for a password. Did you try just hitting enter? | 08:23 |
xandrice49 | I did, it said that the password was incorrect. | 08:24 |
lordievader | xandrice49: Are you logged in when you open a tty? | 08:25 |
lordievader | (ctrl + alt + f2) | 08:25 |
xandrice49 | I am not. | 08:25 |
xandrice49 | It asked for a login there also; I tried ubuntu and no password; that didn't work either. | 08:25 |
lordievader | Try 'kubuntu' with no password. | 08:26 |
xandrice49 | did that too | 08:27 |
xandrice49 | nothing. | 08:27 |
lordievader | How did you create the live usb? | 08:28 |
xandrice49 | unetbootin - windows | 08:28 |
xandrice49 | I made a live cd also with PowerISO. | 08:28 |
lordievader | Same problem with both? | 08:29 |
xandrice49 | Correct. | 08:29 |
xandrice49 | I'm going to redownload it. | 08:29 |
xandrice49 | and see if that fixes it. | 08:29 |
Smurphy | xandrice49: The Live system boots you directly into a working desktop. No login asked... | 08:35 |
Smurphy | Download from the official repositories please. | 08:35 |
xandrice49 | Smurphy: ideally, that's what it normally would do... and I did download it from the official repositories. | 08:36 |
Smurphy | weird... I admit I didn't try out the live images of 15.10... did use the older releases though, and it boots you straight into the UI. | 08:38 |
xandrice49 | Okay. | 08:39 |
xandrice49 | well right as you said that. | 08:39 |
xandrice49 | It booted no problem. | 08:39 |
xandrice49 | It must have been a download issue | 08:39 |
Smurphy | ok. | 08:39 |
lordievader | xandrice49: Odd, you didn't check the md5sum by any chance? | 08:40 |
xandrice49 | for the 1st one I downloaded I Did. | 08:40 |
lordievader | And it was correct? | 08:40 |
xandrice49 | the 2nd I didn't cause I was frustrated and I wanted to just try it haha | 08:40 |
xandrice49 | Yes | 08:40 |
lordievader | How very odd. | 08:40 |
xandrice49 | That's what threw me off too. | 08:40 |
=== hugo is now known as hugo__ | ||
Smurphy | Ok - so against the flicker stuff, delete the .cache directory ... | 09:36 |
Eluus | wow kubuntu is awesome | 09:48 |
Eluus | migrated yesterday from gnome it works and looks so much better | 09:49 |
lordievader | \o/ | 09:49 |
Eluus | just couldn't figure out how to shortcut "move to desktop 2" | 09:50 |
lordievader | Eluus What do you mean exactly? | 09:51 |
Eluus | on task manager when you right click a tab there's the "Move To Desktop" option | 09:52 |
Eluus | I want to set a shortcut for it | 09:52 |
Eluus | keyboard shortcut I mean | 09:52 |
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest62946 | ||
lordievader | Eluus: Ah, System Settings -> Shortcuts -> Global keyboard shortcuts -> kwin | 09:52 |
Eluus | like ctrl+alt+shift+right to move to the right desktop | 09:53 |
Eluus | it worked thanks lordievader | 09:54 |
Eluus | I am so in love with this os lol | 09:55 |
=== descilla is now known as Guest96290 | ||
dolo86 | hello all | 10:05 |
dolo86 | i need help) | 10:05 |
lordievader | !ask | dolo86 | 10:05 |
ubottu | dolo86: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 10:05 |
dolo86 | !ask help me create usb with kubuntu frome win7 pleas | 10:06 |
ubottu | dolo86: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 10:06 |
dolo86 | help me create usb with kubuntu frome win7 pleas | 10:07 |
dolo86 | how to) | 10:07 |
hateball | dolo86: | 10:07 |
lordievader | dolo86: Install unetbootin, | 10:07 |
dolo86 | thanks | 10:08 |
dolo86 | i love linux! | 10:09 |
dolo86 | peace | 10:09 |
hegemon8 | morning all | 10:11 |
lordievader | o/ | 10:13 |
hegemon8 | noone ever talk on offtopic? :) | 10:14 |
hegemon8 | going there, as not much of a problems today :) o BTW there are some changes to the translation methode since i've chcecked last time... | 10:15 |
hegemon8 | desn't launchpad used to do it? | 10:15 |
=== user is now known as Guest2419 | ||
kiyoi | where am I? | 10:55 |
lordievader | kiyoi: In #kubuntu? See /topic | 10:56 |
hegemon8 | here :) | 10:57 |
lolmaus | Help! My Kubuntu is suddenly in Russian! I've installed 15.10 from scartch, English version. I've set up all formats (date, numbers...) to Russian and it was fine. Than suddenly Git talks to me in Russian, scared the shit out of me. | 10:58 |
lolmaus | There is no English in the lists of available languages under Локализация (that's Localization, can you feel my pain now?). | 10:58 |
Smurphy | ok. I can't send mail with kmail ... | 10:59 |
lolmaus | Ah, I've found "American English". Let me try to log out. | 10:59 |
lolmaus | BRB | 10:59 |
hegemon8 | You can install additionall languages, and set priority - for free :) its not windows :) | 10:59 |
Smurphy | As soon as I hit the "Ok" Button in the Spell-Checker, I have 10 Secs to kill kmail or it will freeze plasma alltogether. | 11:00 |
lolmaus | Okay, it's fine now. | 11:03 |
lolmaus | It just went full Russian. Never go full Russian! | 11:03 |
hegemon8 | lol | 11:07 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 11:13 |
AMA | Hi. I'm trying to boot from a Kubuntu 15.10 cd and bootable USB on a hp pavilion 500-406a. I keep getting a prompt to enter a password for live user session. However nothing works, eg blank, password, kubuntu. Same cd and usb boot fine on a non uefi laptop | 11:21 |
jubo2 | Hiya and thanks for the great Kubuntu15 GNU/Linukka OS | 11:53 |
jubo2 | I'm looking at | 11:54 |
jubo2 | there are yet not instructions for 15.10 | 11:54 |
jubo2 | The instructions say to: | 11:54 |
jubo2 | deb vivid contrib | 11:54 |
jubo2 | do I use that or replace vivid with the new release's name ? | 11:55 |
jubo2 | what's the name of the 15.10 release btw? | 11:55 |
yossarianuk | jubo2: release is called 'wily' | 11:56 |
jubo2 | and I substitute that and try what happens | 11:56 |
yossarianuk | looking at it it looks like 15.04 uses trusty package (14.04) | 11:56 |
yossarianuk | and looks like no wily repo yet -> | 11:57 |
yossarianuk | personally I use KVM for any virtualisation - its far easier in many ways (lacks 3d support unless you have multiple GPU's at present) | 11:58 |
TJ- | VirtualBox (5.0.4) is in the 15.10 repos | 12:05 |
jubo2 | TJ-: so I can just 'sudo apt install virtualbox' ? | 12:06 |
TJ- | jubo2: Do "apt-cache search -n 'virtualbox*' " you'll see all the related packages. To check a version do "apt-cache policy <package-name>" | 12:06 |
hegemon8 | i think You could just add the ppa from willy ? | 12:07 |
jubo2 | now installing | 12:08 |
jubo2 | looks like version 5 | 12:08 |
jubo2 | which is the latest | 12:09 |
jubo2 | I hope I can drop my .vdi into this new version and it will just work | 12:09 |
hegemon8 | but here it seems to be 5.0.8 not 5.0.4 for precise | 12:10 |
TJ- | Version 4.1.12-dfsg-2ubuntu0.10 (precise) | 12:12 |
TJ- | So in the case of older releases, the later packages haven't been backported into the archive | 12:13 |
Eluus | when I run audacious without gksudo it doesn't let me change/add plugins | 13:14 |
Eluus | when I run it with gksudo it lets me modify plugins normallu | 13:14 |
Eluus | normally* | 13:14 |
Eluus | but after I leave and relaunch the program normally the changes I've made are all gone | 13:15 |
Eluus | please help | 13:15 |
Eluus | on gnome3 or unity it didn't act like this | 13:16 |
BluesKaj | Eluus, kubuntu or ubuntu? | 13:17 |
Eluus | kubuntu | 13:17 |
BluesKaj | why are you using ubuntu commands | 13:17 |
Eluus | you mean gksudo? | 13:17 |
BluesKaj | yup' | 13:18 |
Eluus | I don't the alternative | 13:18 |
BluesKaj | kdesudo | 13:18 |
Eluus | don't know* | 13:18 |
Eluus | ah ok | 13:18 |
Eluus | so how can I make audacious not require sudo? | 13:18 |
yossarianuk | surely gksudo does use sudo ? | 13:20 |
yossarianuk | audacious doesn't require sudo ... | 13:20 |
BluesKaj | chmod + x? | 13:21 |
yossarianuk | possibly because you used gksudo its altered the .whatever folder to be owned by root? | 13:22 |
Eluus | yossarianuk: it shouldn't require sudo but it doesn't let me modify or use plugins without sudo | 13:22 |
Eluus | it was like that the first time I ran it and I ran it without sudo that time | 13:22 |
yossarianuk | that is odd - i've not experienced that myself. | 13:22 |
yossarianuk | might be worth doing a (as normal user) 'find ~/ -user root' | 13:23 |
Eluus | yeah I've used it on other DMs too and never experienced this | 13:23 |
Smurphy | Probably you are not in the audio group (or similar) to access the audio devices... | 13:23 |
Eluus | Smurphy: where do I fix that? | 13:23 |
yossarianuk | sudo gpasswd -a [user] [group[ | 13:23 |
Smurphy | You first need to know what the devices are you are accessing. | 13:23 |
Smurphy | The add yourself (logged in user) to the group they belong to. | 13:24 |
Eluus | how do I learn what devices I am accessing? | 13:24 |
Smurphy | That is the problem of the modern days ... where UI's take over :D | 13:25 |
Smurphy | I don't know anymore ... | 13:25 |
Eluus | yossarianuk: Are you using Audacious on kubuntu? | 13:25 |
Smurphy | I do know however, that my user had to be in the group "music" to access certain devices in read-wriote. | 13:25 |
TJ- | Smurphy: The best way to find out is run audacious under strace as the regular user, and look at the strace log for 'permission denied' for accessing device nodes | 13:26 |
Eluus | I don't think audacious should require any permissions to modify it's plugins | 13:26 |
yossarianuk | Eluus: I am at home on 15.04 ... | 13:26 |
yossarianuk | Im @ work at the min | 13:26 |
Eluus | ah k yossarianuk | 13:26 |
yossarianuk | i'll try installing it,.. | 13:27 |
Eluus | thanks | 13:27 |
Smurphy | TJ-: You're right on that ;) | 13:27 |
Smurphy | Eluus: Depends on where the plugins are stured. If they are stored in the user's home, no. If they are stored for system-wide access, then yes, root-access will be required. | 13:27 |
Eluus | so in kubuntu they're stored in a different place than ubuntu | 13:28 |
TJ- | Smurphy: I just tried it: "LIRC Plugin: could not init LIRC support" | 13:28 |
Eluus | weird | 13:28 |
Eluus | TJ-: on audacious? | 13:28 |
Smurphy | TJ-: That is Infrared ... | 13:29 |
Eluus | or maybe this is a 15.10 problem | 13:29 |
Smurphy | remote control prolly or so. | 13:29 |
yossarianuk | Eluus: ok installed with ' sudo apt-get install audacious audacious-plugins' | 13:29 |
Eluus | because I updated from 15.04 to 15.10 with kubuntu | 13:29 |
Smurphy | I updated too. | 13:29 |
yossarianuk | my user is in the following groups 'morgan adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev fuse lpadmin sambashare libvirtd' | 13:29 |
Eluus | you guys can modify plugins without sudo? | 13:29 |
yossarianuk | I can | 13:29 |
Smurphy | 2 things are broken: KMail sending mail, and intel hardware HD 4000 acceleration has gone missing. | 13:30 |
yossarianuk | do the find command I sent earlier to check the config isn't owned by root | 13:30 |
Eluus | yossarianuk: what version? | 13:30 |
yossarianuk | 15.04 | 13:30 |
yossarianuk | I can test 15.10 too (i have a laptop here with it on0 | 13:30 |
yossarianuk | but quickly check that root doesn't own the config files. | 13:31 |
Eluus | how do I do that? | 13:31 |
yossarianuk | find ~/ -user root | 13:32 |
yossarianuk | (as non root user) | 13:32 |
Eluus | /home/levent/.local/share/kate/metainfos | 13:32 |
Eluus | /home/levent/.config/QtProject.conf | 13:32 |
Eluus | is the output | 13:32 |
TJ- | Smurphy: yeah, but I tried enabling the LIRC plugin as the test, and thought that output was from the plugin. It seeems that happens no matter what. Other plugins enable correctly. I did "strace -o /tmp/aud.log -f -e trace=file /usr/bin/audacious" and then after it quit "grep -v ENOENT /tmp/aud.log | less" | 13:34 |
Eluus | TJ-: why do you think the plugins can't be enabled on my audacious when run by non-root user? | 13:35 |
TJ- | Eluus: use the command I just showed to Smurphy above to find out | 13:35 |
Eluus | this time it let me do it | 13:38 |
Eluus | and saved the settings too | 13:38 |
Eluus | thanks guys, it works now somehow | 13:38 |
Eluus | yep, definitely works | 13:38 |
Eluus | Smurphy: how do you check if intel hardware acceleration is on or not? | 13:42 |
squash | Hello all, I'm looking for some guidance on narrowing down an issue I'm having so that i might accurately report a bug. I'm using kubuntu 15.10 with kde 15.08.2. Many, but not all, dialogs render improperly. At least one application (kolourpaint) renders in such a way as to be unusable. Most of them work just fine. A simple example `kdialog --yesno Hi` is a simple example of one that does not render usably. | 13:43 |
Smurphy | Eluus: I can';t watch some of my mp4 movies, I could watch under 15.04 | 13:43 |
squash | Examples: kolourpaint kolourpaint +about next to kate+about kdialog --yesno Hi | 13:43 |
Smurphy | squash: Log out - when you see the login screen, go down to the console with: <Ctrl>-<ALT>-F1, the log in, and remove the entire .cache directory in your home. | 13:45 |
Smurphy | cd ~ | 13:45 |
Smurphy | rm -rf .cache | 13:45 |
Smurphy | I had that when I upgraded from KUbuntu 15.04 to 15.10. | 13:45 |
squash | this was a clean install, but I can give it a try | 13:46 |
Smurphy | There seem to be some things in the cache that break it. | 13:46 |
Smurphy | squash: Ok. | 13:46 |
squash | brb | 13:46 |
Smurphy | The creation of the cache-data will take a while during next login. | 13:46 |
Eluus | same thing happened to me and they went away after a reboot | 13:46 |
Smurphy | Eluus: Yeah, well. They didn't go away here :D | 13:47 |
squash | well I'll be a monkey's uncle, removing .cache seems to have gotten things rolling again | 13:50 |
Smurphy | squash: See ... :} Happens ... | 13:58 |
Smurphy | Was pure luck I found out about ;) | 13:58 |
squash | I should have backed up .cache before I removed it, because now I can't try to diagnose what was causing it | 14:01 |
squash | 15.10 has been an interesting ride so far. I ran into a bug in the installer (kernel lost the usb stick it booted from), and posting about it on kubuntuforums broke kubuntufuorums | 14:05 |
Smurphy | | 14:06 |
Smurphy | That is my problem, and I'm not alone. | 14:06 |
squash | try mine: | 14:07 |
hegemon8 | like yesterday someone was asking about it Smurphy as well | 14:08 |
TJ- | squash: that web server is CRAP! It gave me a 403 Hacking Attempt error trying to read that page | 14:09 |
squash | that's what I mean when I say my post broke the forum | 14:09 |
Smurphy | hegemon8: I know. He opened the thread in the Forum, and I added my part. | 14:09 |
Smurphy | Thing is - I don't really know where to actually post a bug-report on that. Intel Driver List, Plasma Developers, KUbuntu ? | 14:09 |
squash | that's always the trick. posting to to kubuntu would be easiest, hoping the kubuntu team will figure out where it actually goes | 14:10 |
Smurphy | we did. | 14:10 |
hegemon8 | Smurphy: i'm not sure, so won't try to confuse You. | 14:10 |
Smurphy | But so far, except some people looking at it, nothing happened. | 14:10 |
clivejo | hi ejay, did you get anywhere with your screen problems? | 14:13 |
ejay | Woah, that was fast. ;) | 14:14 |
ejay | clivejo: Hi, nah. Duelscreen setup is still broken. | 14:14 |
clivejo | did you get any answers in plasma? | 14:14 |
ejay | clivejo: But I got used to it. Just need to move my head everytime when opening new app or window and move it to screen I'm want to look at. :D | 14:15 |
ejay | clivejo: #plasma did not helped me. | 14:16 |
ejay | I'm just guessing that intel hd 4k is so too exotic for plasma. Who's using intel hd gfxs anyway? Right? Right...? | 14:17 |
clivejo | ejay: can you join plasma? | 14:17 |
Smurphy | ejay: I am using it ... | 14:17 |
Smurphy | check out: | 14:18 |
squash | my intel chip won't do 4k at all (@30hz over hdmi) | 14:18 |
yofel | regarding multi-screen. New windows *should* always open on the "active" display (usually the one that the mouse it on at that time) | 14:18 |
Smurphy | squash: that is because HDMI (well, the old versions), can't do that through HDMI. | 14:18 |
yofel | but I've seen exceptions from that. X11 sucks when it comes to accurately placing something | 14:19 |
Smurphy | hdmi was specified for HD only in the begnning. | 14:19 |
squash | it's not that old, i3-4130 so HD4400 video. The specs actually claim that it should work. | 14:20 |
squash | it also won't run my 1440p display without knocking it down to 30hz | 14:21 |
squash | modern GPUs make me reminiscent of the good old days when you could just get an ET6000 and everything worked everywhere :) | 14:22 |
ejay | \join #plasma | 14:24 |
ejay | damn | 14:24 |
ejay | I just lurked reddit. People are not happy with new plasma. Is that end of KDE? Will we all need to get used to effed up like all hell Unity? <doomsayer> | 14:34 |
hegemon8 | ejay watch last kubuntu podcast - its not end of kde | 14:35 |
squash | I posted a grumpy message on reddit yesterday myself, but I also filed a bug to go along with it | 14:35 |
hegemon8 | there was one funny article on softpedia claiming this same, let haters hate :) | 14:36 |
hegemon8 | so i could entertain myself reading them | 14:36 |
ejay | IMHO those complains are very helpful. We shoulda stop being so kind for KDE. They need to know what peaople are expecting from modern DE. | 14:38 |
hegemon8 | remember launch of the gnome 3? well... Here we go again :) | 14:38 |
ejay | hegemon8: remember launch of kde4? | 14:39 |
hegemon8 | if more people would help reporting bugs instead of writing this stuff it would help more | 14:39 |
hegemon8 | yeah, and i was on kde 3.5.10 till the end of support back then :) | 14:40 |
misterno | ejay can you give me a quick summary of what is bothering people in new KDE plasma? | 14:41 |
squash | from my personal perspective, i think kde3 was better than anything that came since | 14:41 |
misterno | i mean in latest one | 14:41 |
denza242 | squash: trinity desktop | 14:41 |
ejay | misterno: lack of stability and downgrade of features when compared to kde4 | 14:42 |
hegemon8 | squash: but kde 3 wasn't perfect from the launch as well, plasma 5 is new, let it settle... | 14:42 |
misterno | ah yes, the "unfinished" feel | 14:42 |
misterno | yea i got that when i installed 15.04 | 14:42 |
misterno | hegemon8 how much time is needed to let it settle in your opinion | 14:43 |
misterno | a year? | 14:43 |
squash | denza242: I've been tempted, won't lie. fish:// changed my workflow, I loved kde desktop sharing, ah nostalgia | 14:43 |
hegemon8 | got better in 15.10 in my opinion, and there is a lot of underline changes in kde now, so i don't expect miracles from release 1 | 14:43 |
misterno | i guess when you call something release you expect polished product | 14:44 |
misterno | maybe it was too big of a bite they took with plasma 5 | 14:45 |
hegemon8 | it takes me 2 days to make it look and feel like kde i like, after every fresh install, and i'm on it since 7.04 or 7.10... Its maybe not for everyone, but its my choice | 14:45 |
hegemon8 | misterno: hard to say, too bad i can't write code, i'd help. | 14:46 |
yossarianuk | with the exception of slow login (which is being fixed) and missing buttons/checkboxes in GTK apps 15.10/Plasma5.4 is a good release | 14:46 |
yossarianuk | missing boxes/checkboxes were also in 15.04 | 14:46 |
yossarianuk | i.e nvidia-settings | 14:46 |
yossarianuk | or virt-manager | 14:46 |
Smurphy | yossarianuk: well - I cannnot send mails through kmail, and I have no hardware acceleration on my Mac Mini i7 HD 4000 CPU/GPU | 14:47 |
hegemon8 | yossarianuk: don't start on NVidia with me, or i might get ban from here :) | 14:47 |
ejay | maybe with kubuntu 16 plasma will be something really special. Now it's lacking. | 14:47 |
misterno | yeah | 14:47 |
misterno | but then it will be 2016 or 2017 | 14:47 |
ejay | Guys, guys! Do you remember when there was a console on a bottom of dolphin? Man, good old times. | 14:48 |
yossarianuk | Smurphy: not sure about Mac H/W - have you tried change to UXA? (from SNA) | 14:48 |
yossarianuk | hegemon8: nvidia works better than anything else in myexperience. | 14:48 |
hegemon8 | in 16.04 there are more "big changes" underneath going to be done, so i wouldn't be so sure if it will be "finished" | 14:48 |
yossarianuk | if you want to play games at a decent speed (comparable or better than Windows) you NEED nvidia at the minute | 14:49 |
yossarianuk | (and the closed source driver unfortunately) | 14:49 |
yossarianuk | with Plasma5 the most unstable GPU driver is intel | 14:49 |
hegemon8 | yossarianuk: make my screen darker under closed drivers from NVidia, then i'll agree with You :) | 14:49 |
squash | I was really hoping to use the open source nvidia driver but it still won't do 4k@30hz over hdmi. | 14:49 |
yossarianuk | hegemon8: not entirely with you - you can use nvidia-settings or xgamma to change brightness/gamma | 14:50 |
hegemon8 | so why i need that Fn buttons then? Anyone wants to buy 3 buttons? ;) | 14:50 |
Smurphy | yossarianuk: How does that work ? | 14:51 |
hateball | hegemon8: bind your fn keys to a script that calls xgamma or some other | 14:51 |
hegemon8 | ok, 2 buttons, i need Fn to volume adjustment :) | 14:51 |
Smurphy | Didn't check. Didn't find anything on Google about it (va errors) | 14:51 |
yossarianuk | anyone who has actually paid for a nvidia card and is not using the closed source driver is wasting money - you are efficiently under-clocking your card by up to 80%, making it incompatible with most new AAA games and wasting your money. | 14:52 |
hegemon8 | hateball: did few times over years now (my laptop is from 2011) but after next fresh install i've got fed up with that, and just use dark theme (i'm lazy) :) | 14:52 |
squash | I'm 100% not at all interested in gaming, I got the cheapest NV card that supported 4k over HDMI. | 14:53 |
yossarianuk | Smurphy: if you mean change to UXA? see -> | 14:55 |
yossarianuk | (its for arch but same config applies) | 14:55 |
yossarianuk | check which you are present;y using | 14:56 |
Smurphy | already checking it. Thing is, I have no xorg.conf file at the moment, and very happy not to have one. | 14:56 |
Smurphy | Back in time, I computed the timings of my monitors by hand for my ET4000 graphics card :D | 14:56 |
yossarianuk | you can check with 'sudo fgrep -iR sna /var/log/Xorg.0.log' | 14:56 |
yossarianuk | sure - but that it the easiest way of changing from to sna/uxa | 14:57 |
Smurphy | It is using sna | 14:57 |
Smurphy | And sna is not making problems. | 14:57 |
Smurphy | Why did it work without a problem in Kubutun 15.04 ? | 14:57 |
yossarianuk | its worth checking UXA (easy enough to switch back) | 14:58 |
yossarianuk | you only 5 lines in xorg.conf | 14:58 |
Smurphy | yeah. Doing that ... | 14:58 |
yossarianuk | Smurphy: | 14:59 |
yossarianuk | it probably wont help - worth checking though | 14:59 |
yossarianuk | also do you install fresh or upgrade | 14:59 |
Smurphy | And - it is not the SNA making problems. it is the VA-Api ... | 15:00 |
Smurphy | Trying anyway. | 15:00 |
Smurphy | Will test it now... | 15:02 |
Smurphy | Well - it still works. Checking the xorg log. | 15:04 |
Smurphy | It doesn't fix the VA-Api issues though. | 15:05 |
yossarianuk | Smurphy: switch back then - hope you sort it out. The most terrible GPU issues ever I have seen on Linus is Intel GPU's with Plasma5. | 15:11 |
yossarianuk | by default at any random time my screen can become unusable - to fix that I had to disable 'tearing prevention' in kwin's composite settings | 15:12 |
ejay | Is that normal that when copying something, from example text from Kate, and trying to paste it somewhere else application I copied from needs to be open? When I'm copy something from Kate and then close it I can't paste it. | 15:12 |
yossarianuk | when I say unusable its like the closing sequence from 2001 - like my computer has swallowed lots of LSD. | 15:13 |
yossarianuk | changing tearing prevention to -> Never fixes it completely though | 15:13 |
yossarianuk | ejay: no its not | 15:13 |
yossarianuk | can you not see it in your clipboard history ? | 15:14 |
ejay | yossarianuk: what clipboard history? | 15:14 |
yossarianuk | ejay: in system tray | 15:16 |
ejay | yossarianuk: wait, wait, wait. So I need to anable this clipboard applet in systray to make copy/paste work? | 15:17 |
ejay | enable* | 15:17 |
yossarianuk | no | 15:17 |
yossarianuk | its so you can see the history of recent contents in the clipboard | 15:17 |
yossarianuk | should be there be default. | 15:17 |
ejay | yossarianuk: I disabled it. But ok, it's enabled now. Copied text is there, even when closing app. Now - how to make copy/paste work without this applet? | 15:18 |
yossarianuk | ejay: no idea | 15:18 |
yossarianuk | why disable it ? | 15:19 |
Smurphy | I'll see. So far I have used plasma 5 on Kubutu 15.04 for a while without any issues. Only since upgrade to 15.10 I have issues. | 15:19 |
yossarianuk | also have you tried BOTH paste buffers? | 15:19 |
ejay | yossarianuk: because I want to hide porn links. That's why. | 15:19 |
yossarianuk | i.e right click -> paste (buffer1) and middle button (buffer2) | 15:19 |
yossarianuk | ejay: that is a valid reason... | 15:20 |
yossarianuk | ejay: why not have a 'filth' user?# | 15:20 |
ejay | yossarianuk: so I can't just use good old ctrl+c? | 15:20 |
yossarianuk | ctrl+c = same as right click paste usually | 15:20 |
yossarianuk | (ctrl+v) | 15:20 |
ejay | yossarianuk: ok, give me a second. Will see those buffers. | 15:22 |
yofel | ejay: yes, you need klipper if you want to paste text from an application after you close it | 15:28 |
yofel | you can hide the widget if you want, but the clipboard manager needs to be running | 15:28 |
skryking | ejay: who are you trying to hide porn links from? | 15:30 |
yossarianuk | i'd imagine his friends/family members rather than NSA | 15:31 |
yossarianuk | just create a new user and only use it for filth... | 15:31 |
ejay | skryking: I'm sharing my laptop with my grandma. | 15:33 |
squash | give her her own login? | 15:34 |
skryking | ejay: ahh yeah wouldn't want to give her a heart attack or anything like that :P | 15:35 |
ejay | skryking: TBH I don't want to see what SHE is watching while alone... | 15:36 |
skryking | ejay: LOL | 15:36 |
skryking | ejay: does that mean you are trying to hide her porn links and not yours? | 15:37 |
hegemon8 | show her how to use private browsing mode in FF? | 15:37 |
squash | Get her a subscription to this: | 15:37 |
ejay | hegemon8: my grandma is not good with IT stuff so she's using chrome. ;D | 15:39 |
yofel | just set the clipboard to not save the contents on exit and reboot before giving her the notebook? | 15:42 |
ejay | guys! I can handle my grandma, thanks for the tips... jeeeeeez. | 15:43 |
BluesKaj | well, I'm old , but I'm not sitting here waiting to die....hope that 's just a sick joke by the onion | 15:47 |
Smurphy | BluesKaj: Which joke ??? | 15:47 |
BluesKaj | the url squash posted above | 15:48 |
marco-parillo | Sometimes I think old people like myself are the only ones who read on dead trees (maybe -offtopic) | 15:48 |
BluesKaj | marco-parillo, I still read real books too. | 15:48 |
denza242 | ^same and I'm 17 | 15:49 |
Smurphy | BluesKaj: lol. Yeah. Well - I got my wife and radio controlled airplanes/drones. I'm Ok for getting old ;) | 15:49 |
BluesKaj | Smurphy, I still got my drum kit and a place to jam with some friends. | 15:51 |
Smurphy | :} Always nice to have that too ... | 15:51 |
BluesKaj | the offtopic police will be around with remo=inders quite soon i think | 15:52 |
BluesKaj | err reminders | 15:52 |
Smurphy | They always are ... :} | 15:52 |
BluesKaj | Smurphy, and I have my wife to keep me on the rails as well :-) | 15:53 |
Smurphy | Yeah... They are very good at that ! | 15:54 |
* BluesKaj nods | 15:54 | |
BluesKaj | just toolchained into 16.04, but there's not much there yet | 15:55 |
BluesKaj | think lordievader did too | 15:56 |
Smurphy | I would be happy if the VA-API stuff on Intel GPU HD 4000 works, and kmail sending too ... | 15:56 |
Smurphy | on 15.120 :} | 15:56 |
Smurphy | 15:10 | 15:56 |
Smurphy | sorry, tipo... Damn - it has been a loooong day. | 15:56 |
Smurphy | Still one conf-call/webex - then I'm off ! | 15:56 |
BluesKaj | Smurphy, can you expalin what the symptoms are, i also have that gpu on my laptop running 15.10 | 15:57 |
Smurphy | already there ... | 15:58 |
Smurphy | Sorry - heading into a conf-call ... Be back later -> other computer sharing this screen. | 15:58 |
=== para is now known as Guest7345 | ||
lordievader | BluesKaj: No, pretty much still 15.10. | 16:01 |
BluesKaj | lordievader, this upgrade to 16.04 is still pretty much 15.10, there 350 or so upgrades and I didn't see any new packages | 16:06 |
ejay | BluesKaj: so 16.04 is ready for testing? | 16:07 |
BluesKaj | ejay, there's not much there yet, but I suppose one could yes, technically | 16:08 |
ejay | Jonathan Riddell Stands Down as Release Manager of Kubuntu | 16:09 |
BluesKaj | the official toolchain, if you can call it that, is going to be released on thurs Oct 29 | 16:10 |
squash | excellent, walked away for a few minutes and came back to a text console and a dead X | 16:10 |
denza242 | D: | 16:10 |
ejay | Kubuntu is dying. *sudo apt-get install unity* <doomsayer again> | 16:11 |
denza242 | blue systems tho | 16:12 |
BluesKaj | `ok just found this | 16:14 |
marco-parillo | So much for me staying on a stable release ;-) | 16:15 |
ejay | xenial xersus <ok> | 16:15 |
ejay | xerus* | 16:15 |
BluesKaj | I'm going stick with upgrading from the repos for now. I'm not ready to reinstall another image atm | 16:17 |
BluesKaj | ejay, genial groundsquirrel | 16:18 |
ejay | BluesKaj: I'm currently on Kubuntu 15.10 Willy Wonka | 16:19 |
squash | I was pretty upset they didn't do Hungry Hippo | 16:19 |
ejay | or something cool like Snow Leopard | 16:20 |
squash | terrifying turducken | 16:27 |
ejay | Canopy Vista | 16:28 |
lordievader | "Xenial Xerus [1] is now open for development, with syncs from unstable | 16:32 |
lordievader | still running. The development version already starts with some | 16:32 |
lordievader | changes: ".... :) | 16:32 |
lordievader | See the email to the Kubuntu devel mailing list. | 16:32 |
=== Steffstoff is now known as Guest95104 | ||
TJ- | anyone recall the hotkey for screenshots ? | 16:56 |
BluesKaj | TJ-, PrtScn | 16:58 |
BluesKaj | to the right of F12 | 16:58 |
BluesKaj | on a desktop KB | 16:59 |
TJ- | haha, of course, for some reason recently I accidentally hit another key and the ksnapshot popped up so I got it into my head the hotkey was something different | 16:59 |
BluesKaj | for some reason krunner starts on some key which can never recall, when i know I didn't hit alt+F2 | 17:01 |
=== shiva is now known as Guest6675 | ||
ndrg | hi | 17:37 |
lordievader | o/ | 17:37 |
ndrg | I've upgrade to kubuntu 15.10 reistalling the o.s. and after the upgrade, that I didn't do during usb-installation, 3 iusses show up: 1. A glitch on the top of the screen(with the a triangle shape), 2. Some configuration that a set disappears (global shortcut, touchpad conf, default browser) 3. I can't play audio from headphone | 17:42 |
ndrg | there is someone ? | 17:45 |
BluesKaj | ndrg, open a terminal, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade | 17:47 |
drleviathan | you always do that right after the initial install -- if any bugs have been fixed recently the fixes should get installed with the updates | 17:48 |
ndrg | I'm doing it, but I'm sorry I writed wrong: * after an upgrade(sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade) problems show up | 17:49 |
drleviathan | specifically what sort of "problems"? | 17:50 |
ndrg | 3 iusses show up: 1. A glitch on the top of the screen(with the a triangle shape), 2. Some configuration that a set disappears (global shortcut, touchpad conf, default browser) 3. I can't play audio from headphone | 17:50 |
ndrg | a* == I | 17:50 |
drleviathan | Oh, I thought you were saying the "apt-get upgrade" process was having problems. So you're saying that the upgrade didn't fix your original 3 bugs? | 17:51 |
ndrg | for the glitch I try this one: | 17:51 |
ndrg | no | 17:51 |
ndrg | I say that after apt-get upgrade issues show up | 17:52 |
BluesKaj | ok try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 17:53 |
marco-parillo | Thanks BluesKaj and lordievader I am unstable again ;-) | 17:53 |
lordievader | marco-parillo: Whoop, whoop. Did you notice a change? | 17:53 |
BluesKaj | marco-parillo, yw :-) | 17:53 |
ndrg | nothing to upgrade | 17:54 |
Smurphy | ndrg: Log out - when you see the login screen, go down to the console with: <Ctrl>-<ALT>-F1, the log in, and remove the entire .cache directory in your home. | 17:55 |
Smurphy | log back in. The login process will take a little longe,r as it rebuilds the cache. | 17:55 |
Smurphy | But it should work after. | 17:55 |
ndrg | ok | 17:55 |
marco-parillo | No noticable changes yet (other than kinfocenter is already updated). And immediatly there were updates from this morning's daily build. Looked like a minor update to Libre Office. | 17:55 |
ndrg | nope | 17:58 |
ndrg | you said .cache, didn't you? | 17:59 |
Smurphy | Didn't fix it ? Sad. | 17:59 |
Smurphy | yes. .cache. | 17:59 |
ndrg | Yes, It didn't fix | 17:59 |
Smurphy | I had to actually go to .config and delete the plasmarc/plasmashell files, + plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc files. | 18:00 |
Smurphy | After my first upgrade. These files made my Desktop unusable. | 18:00 |
Smurphy | After the next login, I had to clean the cache directory. Since then, only 2 issues remain. | 18:00 |
Smurphy | Can't send mail with kmail (And still don't know why), and the VA-Api bug . | 18:00 |
skryking | so after updating to 15.10 I'm getting this Failed to fetch Hash Sum mismatch | 18:01 |
skryking | does anyone have a thought on how to clean it up | 18:01 |
ndrg | sorry I lost the connection | 18:02 |
BluesKaj | hmm, wonder if clearing the .cache also cleared up the slow panel loading...seems to be cured now | 18:04 |
ndrg | If I delete .kde? | 18:04 |
Smurphy | won't help... | 18:06 |
Smurphy | .config/plasma* | 18:06 |
Smurphy | and cache at the same time | 18:07 |
squash | removing .cache didn't speed up my panel | 18:08 |
ndrg | I did it but nothing change | 18:13 |
BluesKaj | mparillo, notice any difference between 15.10 and 16.04 ? so far the spalsh etc are still the same | 18:15 |
lordievader | BluesKaj: No wonder ;) | 18:16 |
lordievader | BluesKaj: Read the email to see what has changed. Most notably is Python 3.5 being default I guess. | 18:17 |
ndrg2 | BluesKaj: glitch disappears but the other problem remain | 18:19 |
marco-parillo | BluesKaj: I have not noticed any differences upgrading to a daily build of Xenial Xerus (other than kinfocenter). I saw a bunch of python upgrades, some Libre Office updates, and maybe some translations fly by when I upgraded (so this morning's daily ISO is already stale). | 18:21 |
marco-parillo | I have never experienced the slow panel loading on a VM, so I cannot comment on that yet, and even with the slow panel loading, on my real HW, I happily took the slow panel load over having to enter my kwallet password (sometimes twice) to get on wireless.. | 18:23 |
W8TAH | I am having issues with Kubuntu 15.04. The akonadi server will not start. The dialog box that comes up says it is not registered with Dbus. | 18:26 |
W8TAH | How do I fix this?? | 18:26 |
BluesKaj | ok marco-parillo thanks, maybe I'll try the daily later on | 18:31 |
BluesKaj | marco-parillo, sorry I can't help with the Kwallet problem, to me it's a pita so i just disable it | 18:33 |
marco-parillo | Well, my kwallet problem disappeared at the same time as the slow panel appeared. I wonder if the PAM loading timing made a difference. | 18:36 |
BluesKaj | marco-parillo, Smurphy suggested removing the .cache, sudo rm -rf .cache, rebooting and letting it rebuild . That seemed to solve my panel loading problem | 18:40 |
marco-parillo | I can try that at home on real HW. At work, I am VM only. | 18:41 |
marco-parillo | And no issues on a VM. | 18:41 |
BluesKaj | maybe it fixes more than just the panel thing | 18:42 |
BluesKaj | ok, only tried VB and KVM a few times , never had a totally successful OS install on them, usually windows reverted to dual boot | 18:44 |
mlatylorxu | Does Thunderbird use the native KDE notification system for notifications in Kubuntu? I know it doesn't in Gentoo, and I find it horribly annoying | 18:46 |
marco-parillo | For me Win7 is the standard build at work, and I find VMware just smoother on windows hosts than VB. And I have never tried a Windows guest; only Linux | 18:51 |
marco-parillo | This claims that it can be extended to Thunderbird: | 18:54 |
marco-parillo | Based on the date, there is zero chance it was tested with Plasma 5. Maybe you can be the first. | 18:55 |
SylvieLorxu | marco-parillo: Well, my normal desktop is running Gentoo, so it's not unbelievable that it's just broken here. I'm not going to switch to Kubuntu myself, but "rescue" a Windows user with it, so I'd like to know. I'll look into GNotifier | 18:56 |
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SylvieLorxu | marco-parillo: Well, it ~works, just not really well. The "Open" button doesn't actually switch to Thunderbird | 19:00 |
SylvieLorxu | Aside from that, it does use the notification center | 19:00 |
SylvieLorxu | Firefox does use native notifications again | 19:00 |
SylvieLorxu | I'm just not sure if they fixed that for Thunderbird already too... | 19:00 |
SylvieLorxu | marco-parillo: Oh, it seems you need to set mail.biff.use_system_alert in about:config to true | 19:07 |
SylvieLorxu | I'm not sure why that defaults to false... | 19:07 |
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rikimaru8 | /server 6667 | 19:20 |
ddr_mobile | Hi all. I reformatted a previous Linux partition+swap to use as my new Linux partition and swap. | 19:21 |
ddr_mobile | But now grub won't start Linux, it just starts windows automatically. | 19:22 |
SylvieLorxu | Okay, I know why it defaults to false, it's utterly broken... | 19:22 |
ddr_mobile | It said something about being unable to read sda6, which was swap positioned after sda7, which was root. | 19:23 |
ddr_mobile | Anyone got any ideas? | 19:24 |
ddr_mobile | I'm trying installing with swap second and no partition aligned from the back. | 19:25 |
ddr_mobile | Great. On the live USB, kdeinit5 died. | 19:26 |
ddr_mobile | Why. | 19:26 |
danielle331 | I just installed wily, but I'm not able to find a particular k app (ktimetracker). Am I just being thick or are some apps not available for wily yet? | 19:37 |
marco-parillo | I was able to launch it from the konsole. | 19:43 |
danielle331 | Hmm. "Not currently installed. You can install it by typing apt-get install ktimetracker".... then: "apt-get install ktimetracker" -- "Unable to locate package ktimetracker" | 19:44 |
danielle331 | so it looks like I have a problem there | 19:44 |
danielle331 | its a new (<24h) install of wily too | 19:44 |
marco-parillo | Perhaps I grabbed | 19:47 |
SilentGhost | danielle331: something's wrong with your apt index perhaps, it is available for 15.10 | 19:47 |
SilentGhost | i have 4.14.7-0ubuntu1 | 19:48 |
danielle331 | SilentGhost: how would I go about checking? | 19:51 |
danielle331 | marco: thanks for that I'm running into a dependency problem but should be able to proceed after that | 19:51 |
marco-parillo | BTW, I sent you the 32-bit link | 19:51 |
danielle331 | thanks marco I didnt notice. I'll get the 64bit one. | 19:53 |
marco-parillo | Thish should be 64-bit: | 19:53 |
=== sebastian_ is now known as Ripdd | ||
marco-parillo | Note that SilentGhost has a newer version. | 19:53 |
danielle331 | ah -- thats what I'm looking for, thanks marco. still not sure what could be causing the problem with my apt-get indexes tho.. :-( | 19:54 |
SilentGhost | danielle331: you could try just updating, otherwise dropping existing index might be an option | 19:55 |
danielle331 | my computer restarted just now and now I get the message "Error loading QML file: file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.kickoff/contents/ui/Kickoff.qml:27:1: module "org.kde.plasma.private.kickoff" is not installed" Any ideas what could be causing this? (or how to fix it) | 20:41 |
danielle331 | * I get that message when I click on the main K menu icon; also the task bar looks messed up | 20:42 |
danielle331 | I keep on getting the message "Error loading QML file: file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.kickoff/contents/ui/Kickoff.qml:27:1: module "org.kde.plasma.private.kickoff" is not installed" and a messed up task bar when I log in. I have tried to reinstall plasma-desktop-data but without any luck. Please help!!! | 21:05 |
genii | danielle331: Did you try a reinstall of plasma-desktop ( not plasma-desktop-data ) eg: sudo apt-get install --reinstall plasma-desktop ( and then a logout/login cycle) | 21:25 |
danielle331 | thanks genii, i'll try tht now | 21:34 |
danielle331 | genii, that solved my problem completely, I just popped back to say thanks | 21:39 |
genii | danielle331: Glad to be of assistance :) | 21:40 |
danielle331 | is anyone else on wiley -- has anyone else had problems with it? I've heard bad things online but.... to the tell the truth I was pleasently surprised that this is I think the first time that the nvidia drivers worked flawlessly for me. also it solved some other problems which had accumulated with 15.04. what are your thoughts? | 21:41 |
SilentGhost | danielle331: given the amount of problems with vivid, that's no wonder | 21:42 |
danielle331 | indeed | 21:43 |
piv | hey all | 21:44 |
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=== mohamed is now known as admin__ | ||
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admin__ | hi | 22:21 |
=== Max is now known as Guest25270 | ||
Guest25270 | what is the difference between installing 32bit kubuntu and a 64bit one? | 22:36 |
Guest25270 | i have installed a 64bit kubuntu on a 64bit window 7 and it is extremely lagging. | 22:37 |
TJ- | Guest25270: uses a different CPU mode, 64-bit (with more CPU registers and longer word size) vs 32-bit with fewer registers and smaller word size (requiring PAE to address more than 4GB of address space for memory/IO) | 22:39 |
Guest25270 | i don't understand | 22:40 |
Guest25270 | will installing a 32bit boost up my computer's speed/performance? | 22:44 |
genii | Guest25270: Did you install it inside of Windows ( lin=ke into a virtual machine or with Wubi), or did you do an actual full install to a separate partition of it's own? | 22:48 |
Guest25270 | i installed it by mounting the iso file to a usb and fully installing it | 22:49 |
genii | Where did you install it to? | 22:51 |
bprompt | Guest25270: nope, it will not run faster, 32bits simply means, it'd work with 32bit hardware, if your hardware uses a 64bit cpu, the 64bit will be backward compatible, but the 32bit won't run faster, will simply not process as much as the cpu can per cycle | 22:51 |
genii | I'm still not convinced yet they actually have a proper install of it. | 22:52 |
bprompt | hmmm sounds like some VM install, there are some .exe packages, that claim to "run linux in windows", though all it's, is a standalone VM package | 22:54 |
Guest25270 | i downloaded from the official page | 22:55 |
keithzg | It'll always be *very* slow unless you have hardware virtualization enabled in both your "BIOS" (never actually BIOS these days, actually UEFI, but anyways) and in the hypervisor you're using to run the VM. | 22:57 |
bprompt | Guest25270: why not just install it on a partitition? :) | 22:59 |
keithzg | If you did indeed install and are booting into it (and thus *didn't* "install...on a 64bit window 7") then if it's lagging still I'd suggest you try running the tool to install proprietary drivers, since it's possible it's just really bad compositing performance. | 22:59 |
Chaser | Hello, just upgraded to 15.10 and I don't see knode anymore. Any ideas on how to install knode ? apt-get install knode says Package 'knode' has no installation candidate. | 23:06 |
bprompt | hmm | 23:12 |
bprompt | Chaser: maybe is not there :/, I heard someone say that wasn't in 14.04 from what I recall, seems to me you just noticed that | 23:12 |
bprompt | I mean, kuickshow isn't there either, but you'd find it on kde 3.5 =) | 23:13 |
Chaser | bprompt: I was using it on 15.04 :( | 23:20 |
Chaser | Just last week. | 23:21 |
genii | !info knode vivid | 23:21 |
ubottu | knode (source: kdepim): graphical news reader. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.14.6-0ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 666 kB, installed size 2362 kB | 23:21 |
genii | !info knode wily | 23:21 |
ubottu | Package knode does not exist in wily | 23:21 |
bprompt | Chaser: | 23:24 |
bprompt | Chaser: notice the "What applications were removed?" section | 23:24 |
Chaser | bprompt: yup, too bad. Thanks for the link. My google fu failed me. | 23:25 |
bprompt | Chaser: on the other hand, you can just use thunderbird, which is a great nntp/pop3/imap client :) | 23:26 |
bprompt | Chaser: could just go back to 14.04 as well, keep in mind that 14.04 is LTS, 15.10 isn't | 23:27 |
Chaser | bprompt: cool, will use thunderbird for nntp. | 23:28 |
=== ken is now known as Guest54058 | ||
ejay | ok, I just found out that plasma is leaking or have a problem with memory management. I'm opening a lot of files, text and images, and my ksysmonitor is full of sleeping kates and gwenviews. The hell? | 23:38 |
jbermudes | When you click on a link in one program that opens up in another program like the browser, and there's a little popup in the bottom right, what program is that? Some helper program that picks the right program to show the link? | 23:41 |
mparillo | Systems Settings > Applications | 23:49 |
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