
dholbachgood morning07:59
popeyhttps://plus.google.com/u/0/+TyrelParkerMusic/posts/ZahckPsQJaJ was fun to see this morning09:11
dholbachmhall119, https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/summit/uds-to-uos/+merge/27581709:18
dholbachcjohnston, ^09:21
dholbachdpm, we forgot to get the community summary out last week :)10:04
popeyyou were travelling I think.10:27
popeywe could save it for this week, as the previous one was bi-weekly10:27
popey(for one of the definitions of bi-weekly)10:27
dholbachyep, sounds good10:28
popeydpm, mhall119 dholbach balloons who is doing the Q&A today, and do we have a guest>?11:14
popeyor guests11:14
dpmI've got a conflicting call today - balloons, mhall119 would you be up for the Q&A today?11:17
mhall119I'll be available12:06
balloonsI'm up for it also12:12
balloonsShould be exciting and we can mention uos. No q and a next week due to uos as all12:15
dpmactually, we should do the Q&A at UOS too12:32
dpmpopey, good work with organizing the HTML5 sessions with dbarth12:32
mhall119dpm: who's going to have time to do a Q&A at UOS?12:35
dpmwe managed last time around12:36
popeyWe all dived in didn't we?12:42
popeymaybe at one UOS we were most of us there.12:43
dpmanyway, I'll put it in the schedule at the usual time, and then we can look at who can make it12:43
popeyremember USA does daylight savings this weekend!12:53
mhall119yay confusion!13:11
mhall119davidcalle: ping13:13
davidcallemhall119, pong, morning :)13:13
mhall119good morning, I didn't deploy your analytics stuff yesterday, I'm concerned about what it will do to page loads from within china, can you ask somebody on the web team what impact it might have or how we can test it?13:14
davidcallemhall119, that's a good question! Will do asap13:15
davidcallemhall119, asked in #web-team13:21
balloonspopey, what do you think about doing a live game hacking session for the show and tell track? The idea would be similar to working on an application, but instead it would invovle writing a game.13:28
balloonsI'm would consider it a good idea, if there was someone in the midst of writing a game who would be willing to host such a session13:28
balloonsmmm.. I see you have a create an app session already, so this might be very similar and unneeded13:33
popeyballoons, that session is for Christian who is going to bootstrap people into qml13:35
mhall119balloons: popey: you can see if kenvandine or Elleo are working on a game or can show of a simple one with Bacon 2D (I think they did last UOS too)13:36
balloonsthat was kind of my thought. I wasn't sure if you have another framework to show off; but really anyone who's knowledgable and working on a game I think would make for a good session13:37
dholbachcjohnston, updated13:48
dpmoh wow, someone wrote a nice reference book on using the Ubuntu phone: https://gurucubano.gitbooks.io/bq-aquaris-e-4-5-ubuntu-phone/content14:11
popeyyeah, it's been discussed on the phone list14:27
popeystarted out as a text file, but he was convinced to make it a git book so others could contribute14:28
davidcallemhall119, I have some time now if you can14:36
mhall119davidcalle: sadly no, the Q&A starts in 20 min14:37
davidcallemhall119, oh right UTC doesn't DTS :)14:38
mhall119our DST starts this coming weekend14:38
davidcallemhall119, I'll look into the source and figure it out14:38
mhall119davidcalle: that's all you can do for now, until alex fixes the docs package14:39
davidcallemhall119, ok14:40
mhall119davidcalle: look at ./api_docs/importers/yuidoc.py and ./api_docs/importers/__init__.py14:40
mhall119balloons: I'm scheduling the hangout for us14:42
balloonsmhall119, zomg.. heh, I'm completely in the zone, I would have missed it14:45
mhall119balloons: FYI, ubuntuonair.com is having database errors, I've let IS know14:45
mhall119fixed now14:55
mhall119balloons: will get you the hangout link in a minute14:55
balloonsthanks mhall11914:56
dholbachdavidcalle, does the request on https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33284171/added-updated-pages-in-wrong-place-in-django-cms-article-tree-using-postgres make sense?15:24
dholbachI mean... I don't have access to nor can I give out a dump of the actual developer.u.c db15:25
dholbachand with a simple off-the-shelf default postgres db this is reproducible15:25
dholbachI'm just not sure if I'm missing anything15:25
davidcalleI think there is everything someone would need to reproduce15:28
dholbachI also run into http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12980326/15:34
dholbachso I don't quite know how to respond15:34
dholbachmhall119, ^ if you have time after the hangout - maybe you can take a look too?15:35
dholbachmhall119, dpm: I added a note to community.u.c about donating :)15:58
dpmthanks dholbach!16:00
dholbachdavidcalle, can you help me with https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/guides/porting/?16:19
dholbachdavidcalle, the <ul> which is following "Based on the version of your kernel, rebase one of these tree on top your branch"16:19
dholbachI tried to change it to twelve-col, but what do I know - the start of the <li> with "3.10" is at the top of the page16:20
davidcalledholbach, sure16:22
dholbachdavidcalle, one day we'll sit down and you'll explain this to me, ok? :)16:22
davidcalledholbach, reload and tell me if that's what you want :)16:24
dholbach<3 <3 <316:24
davidcallemhall119, what do you think of "if(!window.location.href.contains("developer.ubuntu.com/zh/")){ [analytics goes here] }" for testing analytics without bogging down cn users?16:25
davidcalle(well... /zh-cn/16:27
mhall119davidcalle: better to check if it's cn.developer.ubuntu.com and leave off the /zh-cn/16:32
davidcallemhall119, wfm16:40
dholbachmhall119, did you see my question earlier? O:-)16:50
davidcallemhall119, https://code.launchpad.net/~davidc3/developer-ubuntu-com/analytics-exclude-cn-domain/+merge/27588716:54
davidcalleme is afk for a moment16:55
=== davidcalle is now known as davidcalle_afk
mhall119dholbach: saw it, didn't understand it, are you asking how to take a pgdump?17:00
dholbachmhall119, I'm not sure if you saw the question on stackoverflow - somebody suggested that uploading a pgdump would help solve the problem as it's a DBA thing - I'm not sure about that though17:01
dholbachand was wondering what I should reply17:01
dholbachas it looked to me as if it's easily reproducible without any changes to a postgres setup17:02
dholbachand I can't create or give out an actual dump of developer.u.c17:02
mhall119dholbach: it might help them re-produce it, though if you can reproduce it with a clean database maybe walk them through the initial setup?17:02
dholbachalso the pg_dump command failed on me17:02
dholbachthat's what I did in the question17:02
dholbachI just feel like I could maybe get an answer on stackoverflow but the request from the commenter doesn't make much sense17:03
dholbachand I wasn't sure if I wasn't missing something17:03
mhall119hmmm, maybe they're not familiar with django or django-cms and just want to see if they can find a problem in the data itself17:04
mhall119or maybe they want to see the data to get an understanding of how Django's models are working17:04
mhall119anyway, the pg_dump error probably means you need to use flags -W and -h localhost17:05
mhall119-W will make it promptyou for the password17:06
dholbachthanks mhall11917:10
dholbachI just replied17:10
dholbachlet's hope we get an answer there :-/17:10
mhall119dholbach: I've found a contact email for a django CMS developer who emailed me a while back, I'm going to reply and CC you on that asking for help17:10
dholbachthanks a lot - that would be great17:10
dholbachall right my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow!17:36
=== davidcalle_afk is now known as davidcalle
davidcallemhall119, so, API docs importer, I've looked at it and afaict what's needed is to figure out the right import options to get what we want?19:35
davidcallemhall119, do you mind reviewing -> https://code.launchpad.net/~davidc3/developer-ubuntu-com/analytics-exclude-cn-domain/+merge/27588719:45
mhall119davidcalle: if we're lucky it's just a matter of setting the right options, if we're not lucky we'll need to tweak the script to make it work with the new docs without breaking how it works with the old19:58
davidcallemhall119, since it's not in the archive yet and we'd like some docs published *somewhere* this week, what do you suggest: do we host the yui version somewhere online in a people.ubuntu/canonical site, or do we host the package somewhere and wget it on d.u.c?20:39
mhall119davidcalle: we can update the update_apidocs.sh to pull from the PPA for that specific package, but it won't pull in a new version if it gets updated20:40
davidcallemhall119, I can probably come up with a script that checks the latest published version, put at this point, we probably should put the package somewhere and replace it by a new version when we have to.20:41
mhall119davidcalle: if you can make a script that will do that for PPAs, it'll be useful for more than just js scopes, so if you know how let's do that20:41
davidcallemhall119, I'm going to assume the firewall lets us talk to the lp API?20:42
davidcalleOr at least the lp.net domain?20:42
davidcallemhall119, nevermind -> dumb20:43
mhall119well that gets tricky, because LP tends to redirect to launchpadlibrarian and stuff20:44
mhall119but we can probably work something out with IS to get to PPAs20:44

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