
pittiGood morning03:57
hikikogood morning :)05:46
didrocksgood morning06:46
pittibonjour didrocks06:47
didrocksbonjour pitti, ça va ?06:51
pittididrocks: je vais bien, merci !06:51
pittiet toi ?06:51
seb128good morning desktopers06:51
seb128hey didrocks pitti06:51
pittij'ai me lève à 4h30 à nouveau, mais nous allons dormir tôt06:52
pittiça va seb128 ?06:52
seb128pitti, oui, très bien ! et toi ? tu te lèves tôt :-/06:52
didrocksre seb12806:53
didrocksstill sick (a little bit more than yesterday…)06:53
seb128didrocks, :-(06:53
pittididrocks: erk -- again!?06:55
didrockspitti: well, last time, it was a month ago…06:56
pittididrocks: yeah, but it lasted for two weeks, no?06:57
didrockspitti: no, a week. It lasted 2 weeks for larsu :p06:57
pittididrocks: get well soon then, and take it easy! *hug*06:57
pittididrocks: ah, ok -- ETOOMANYGERMSHERE :(06:57
seb128no semi-marathon today!06:57
didrocksseb128: already non yesterday :(06:57
desrtgood morning fellow europeans07:09
didrockshey desrt07:10
seb128hey desrt07:11
hikikoandyrock, Trevinho easy karma: https://code.launchpad.net/~hikiko/unity/unity.fixed-tests-wwarnings/+merge/275801 :D07:27
* desrt just sat here looking at her screen for the past 20 minutes thinking "sure is quiet in here this morning" before realising the connection had dropped07:30
=== nudtrobert1 is now known as nudtrobert
seb128desrt, :-(07:35
seb128hey hikiko!07:35
seb128but yeah, it's still a bit quiet at this time of the day07:35
hikikohi seb128 and desrt :)07:35
hikikoand pitti and didrocks07:36
desrthello seb128 didrocks hikiko and pitti  :)07:36
hikikohello world07:36
pittihey hikiko, hello desrt! how are you?07:51
desrtmy feet are a bit cold, but otherwise pretty good07:51
didrockshey hikiko07:51
hikikogood pitti you?07:54
pittihikiko: I'm great, thanks07:54
larsugood morning!08:04
desrtlarsu: hi :D08:04
larsudidrocks: dude I told you to get better yesterday!08:04
larsudesrt: moring! how goes?08:04
* larsu just realized that he can't change brightness on the lock screen08:05
desrtgoogle keeps talking to me in german08:05
larsudesrt: oh, sorry to hear. What's up?08:05
desrtso i can't do anything useful08:05
seb128hey larsu, wie gehts?08:05
didrockslarsu: well, EFAIL ;)08:05
larsudesrt: I'm sure you can figure out where to search even when it's speaking to you in german08:06
larsudidrocks: ya. Good morning in any case. Hope you get better08:06
desrti'm trying to deal with account stuff still08:06
larsuseb128: hi! gut, danke. Had some beers with Laney and Rosie last night08:06
seb128oh, nice08:06
larsuhow are you?08:06
seb128what are they doing from their holidays?08:06
seb128I'm good, thanks ;-)08:07
larsubeing tourists in Berlin :)08:07
larsuseb128: do you have a hidpi screen?08:07
larsuI guess you still didn't get that new laptop...08:07
* larsu needs a tester08:07
seb128no I don't08:08
seb128what's the issue?08:08
larsuscreenshots on hidpi08:08
larsuwere blurry08:08
larsufixed it yesterday08:09
larsupatch accepted upstream, but I want someone to test08:09
larsu(who is not me)08:09
seb128unsure who in the team has one08:10
larsuiain :)08:10
seb128Laney but he's wandering in Berlin08:10
larsuhe's actually sleeping in the next room08:10
didrockslarsu: thanks! I hope that as well :)08:10
seb128borrow his laptop!08:10
larsuI can put mine into hidpi and test myself08:11
larsuI just want another set of eyes08:11
* larsu should wake him08:11
larsuthis. is. important.08:11
desrtlarsu: hi to laney and rosie :)08:15
larsudesrt: good timing. Half of them are already awake08:16
seb128larsu, do you remember why we decided to hide the action/view menus in evince under unity? we add a menubar for hud/unity-panel/consistency purpose but we could keep the in-win UI unchanged no?08:29
Laneyhi friends!!!!!08:30
larsuseb128: we did? Can't remember...08:30
larsuLaney: good morning!08:30
seb128hey Laney! how is Berlin?08:30
Laneythe evidence suggests that it is always sunny08:30
Sweet5harkg'morning all08:30
seb128hey Sweet5hark08:30
seb128german wakes up08:30
Laneyyesterday we napped by the river08:30
pittihey Laney08:31
LaneyIN OCTOBER08:31
LaneyWHAT IS THIS08:31
Laneyhey pitti!08:31
Laneyhow's it going?08:31
seb128larsu, k, so no objection if I revert that I guess? ;-)08:31
larsuseb128: nope08:31
larsuhi Sweet5hark08:32
pittiLaney: quite well, thanks! doing nothing else but juggling autopkgtests on all fronts (lcy01 demise, test regresssions, britney handholding, ppc64el cloud setup, etc. :) )08:32
pittiLaney: how are you?08:32
seb128larsu, I was looking at why evince prints some warning on start, it's because the code tries to use those widgets that we put in if (!ev_application_has_traditional_menus (EV_APP))08:32
larsuseb128: oh?! New evince version and you applied the patch to that?08:32
seb128larsu, right, but the warning were already there in wily08:33
seb128start evince08:33
seb128(I assume there that you are still on wily ;-)08:33
larsuyeah I see this. can have a look08:34
seb128larsu, no, it's fine, I just did the change08:35
larsuah cool, thanks :)08:35
Sweet5harkto make you feel more comfortable during the next sprint: https://plus.google.com/+KristianK%C3%B6hntopp/posts/WBkkaztzHRh08:37
Laneypitti: good thanks, I'm on hoiliday in berlin atm & staying in larsu's place08:38
Laneyjust came on to be a helpful soul and test a patch08:38
Laneyand because I missed you guys already of course :)08:38
pittiLaney: ah, nice! doing some sightseeing, or just hanging out?08:39
Laneybit of both08:39
Laneybeen wandering around the last few days08:39
Laneyseeing the wall and museums and stuff08:39
larsuze wall, we call it here08:39
pittiLaney: ah, did you go to the museum at Checkpoint Charlie?08:40
seb128Laney, did you go to ze place for currywurst?08:43
Laneypitti: We went to see that and an outside exhibition there but didn't go into the museum itself08:45
Laneythere was a bomb disposal going on at the same time which made the roads weirdly quiet, had a strange feel08:45
Laneyand we went to the East Side gallery which was fun to see08:45
Laneyseb128: not yet, although it it on every corner ;-)08:46
Laneymaybe today08:46
seb128I though larsu said that there was one place08:46
seb128ze place, owned by an old guy08:47
seb128who opened whenever he wanted08:47
Laneyyeah this is a bit far out I think08:47
larsunot that far08:47
Laneyo rly08:48
willcookemorning all08:50
larsumorning willcooke. did you get used to the new time? :P08:50
seb128hey willcooke08:51
willcookelarsu, I'm still struggling :) But babies just refusing to accept it08:51
didrockshey willcooke08:51
seb128oh yeah, it's already that day08:52
* seb128 just saw the weekly meeting email08:53
Laneyok, bye!08:54
Laneyhappy meeting day08:54
larsubye Laney!08:54
didrockssee you Laney!08:54
larsuoh wait. Still around irl08:54
seb128Laney, enjoy the sun and Berlin!08:56
desrtseb128: same thought here :)09:00
seb128desrt, about currywurst? ;-)09:02
desrtabout the tuesday thing09:03
desrtbut now i'm thinking about currywurst :)09:03
* desrt wonders if curry&more is open for late breakfast09:04
larsukonnopke is open now09:04
desrtthat's a bit far09:04
* larsu just looked it up for his guests09:04
larsudesrt: not really. U8 + 10 min walk09:05
desrt+ 16 to Köln Hbf, plus ICE to berlin, plus S-Bahn to hackermarket to catch the U809:07
desrtbut really, i suspect it would be more efficient to skip the U809:07
larsuin that case, go to alex and get the U209:08
larsuyou'll be *right there*09:09
willcookedidrocks, can Ubuntu Make create .desktop files for the user?09:19
didrockswillcooke: it does already (since the beginning), why?09:25
didrocksof course, not for command line things like Go09:26
didrocksbut for all ides, it does09:26
willcookedidrocks, I figured it would do, that's cool. Just talking to Cadsoft, and I want to make sure we could create an icon etc etc09:26
didrockswe don't create an icon, we target an icon they provide in their tarball09:26
didrocksand set that to the desktop file09:26
willcooke"create an icon" == "make an icon appear in the dash when I search for the application name"09:27
willcookedidrocks, think like a manager ;D09:27
* willcooke goes back to his spreadsheet09:28
didrocksbetter telling it explicitely than implicitely :)09:29
willcookehey Trevinho - happy trails :)09:40
seb128hey Trevinho!09:42
TrevinhoHi seb12809:42
hikikohello Trevinho09:43
hikikoand willcooke09:43
willcookemorning hikiko09:43
TrevinhoUff, xenial doesn't love unityt09:43
seb128oh? how so?09:45
Trevinhoseb128: there was a libsgc++ issue before (they removed sigc::group and sigc::_1 ...)09:47
Trevinhoseb128: then.... Now it doesn't link for some reason09:48
Trevinho../../unity-shared/libunity-shared.a(WindowManager.cpp.o): In function `unity::WindowManager::Default()':09:48
Trevinho/«BUILDDIR»/unity-7.4.0+16.04.20151027/unity-shared/WindowManager.cpp:32: undefined reference to `unity::create_window_manager()'09:48
TrevinhoI fixed the libsgc stuff last night, but linking issue... mhmh weird09:50
Trevinhowillcooke: I completely missed your QA thread yesterday :o09:51
willcookeTrevinho, it's not too late to get involved :D09:51
willcookebut I think everything is going ok09:52
willcookeI will hook up with Laney when he's back next week to talk about gating based on test results09:52
* seb128 grar, meeting in 10 minutes, thanks for email notifications I had totally forgotten09:53
willcookethat reminds me....09:53
willcookeadd a hangout link to the meeting invite09:53
TrevinhoBah.... compiles fine in my xenial lxc...09:57
willcookeseb128, popey - be right there, just grabbing tea09:59
seb128same here, grabbing water09:59
seb128larsu, didrocks, seems like indicator-sound regressed with the > 100% option, if I activate it the slider/notificaiton don't dynamically update for the new range10:05
seb128do you get the issue as well?10:05
didrocksseb128: it does for me, but I didn't update since the release, let me try10:19
didrocksseb128: ah, the indicator slider I guess10:20
seb128and mouse wheel on it10:20
seb128keys seem to work10:20
seb128which suggests u-s-d works10:20
seb128and notify-osd10:20
didrocksseb128: indeed, the slider inside the indicator doesn't update, the rest works (including in g-c-c)10:20
seb128indicator-sound regression I guess :-/10:23
seb128we need to add that to the test plan10:23
seb128didrocks, thanks for testing!10:23
didrocksyw ;)10:27
Trevinhouff... I can't get the same link error that there's in the PPA..10:28
seb128Trevinho, you have proposed xenial-enabled?10:28
TrevinhoAh, proposed repo in xenial?10:29
TrevinhoMh let me see10:29
Trevinhoops no..10:29
seb128yeah, that's where most of the transitions are stacked10:29
seb128so likely why10:30
Trevinhothere's not much new there, though10:30
Trevinhojust new binutils..10:30
seb128that might be it10:31
Trevinhoyeah, it might be10:31
andyrockmorning all10:45
seb128hey andyrock10:45
Trevinhoandyrock: we get /«BUILDDIR»/unity-7.4.0+16.04.20151027.1/unity-shared/WindowManager.cpp:32: undefined reference to `unity::create_window_manager()' in xenial11:10
TrevinhoAnd I can't reproduce that in my LXC... -_-11:10
andyrockmmm I'm not on xenial11:10
andyrockI can setup a vm11:10
andyrocknot sure I want to update to xenial now11:11
Trevinhothe weird thing is that it works in the LXC..11:11
TrevinhoNo, no...11:11
andyrockis there already an iso11:12
andyrockor i need to install wily and upgrade?11:13
andyrockfound it11:13
Trevinhoandyrock: also fix that nux branch merge when you can11:13
willcookeandyrock, good luck today :)11:33
andyrockthank you :D11:33
greybackdesrt: larsu: hey guys, long time no speaky! Would either of you know if gnome3 intends to do shell-integrated menus on wayland?11:36
desrtgreyback: you mean like the app menu?11:42
desrtit's already doing that today11:42
greybackdesrt: exactly11:42
desrtthere is a gtk wayland extension protocol for this stuff11:42
desrtto publish the object paths in question, etc.11:42
greybackdesrt: perfect, what I needed to know, thanks!11:43
andyrockTrevinho: which branch is not building?11:47
andyrockjust unity trunk?11:47
Trevinhoandyrock: I've fixed it I think11:48
andyrockyou made me install xenial11:49
Trevinhoandyrock: you'll need it anyway :)11:49
Trevinhoandyrock: see https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/unity-7.4.0-bump/+merge/27574611:49
Trevinhoalso the LauncherController change11:49
TrevinhoNooo fail11:52
Trevinhobut in a test11:52
* Trevinho leaves... Has to fly to Stockholm...11:55
willcookecya Trevinho11:55
willcookehave a great trip11:55
hikikogood trip Trevinho :)12:00
=== hikiko is now known as hikiko|ln
=== hikiko|ln is now known as hikiko
willcookeTrevinho, is this just waiting on an approval?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/+bug/150835712:56
ubot5Launchpad bug 1508357 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "Tooltips have a black squares outside of its rounded corners" [Medium,In progress]12:56
seb128willcooke, it's fix commited, has been merged in the vcs, it's just waiting for an upload for gtk12:56
seb128willcooke, do you want to see it landing sooner? we can do an upload only for that if needed12:57
willcookeseb128, got it, thanks12:57
* willcooke updates the bug12:57
seb128we should perhaps SRU that one to wily12:58
willcookeyes please12:58
willcookeI think we originally said we would 0 day SRU it12:59
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Sweet5harkseb128: I just uploaded ubuntu3/wily and ubuntu4/xenial. ubuntu4 does disable the stuff we didnt want to MIR. ubuntu4 is currently building at https://launchpad.net/~bjoern-michaelsen/+archive/ubuntu/libreoffice-staging/+packages13:06
seb128Sweet5hark, great, thanks. Do you want to wait for that build to be done before uploading to the archive?13:07
Sweet5harkseb128: ubuntu3/wily should be good for SRU though.  http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/wily/5.0.2/libreoffice-l10n_5.0.2-0ubuntu3_source.changes http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/wily/5.0.2/libreoffice_5.0.2-0ubuntu3_source.changes13:07
Sweet5harkfor ubuntu4, I'd wait yeah.13:08
=== nudtrobert1 is now known as nudtrobert
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
seb128hum, why is google calendar not telling you what changed in calendar change emails?!15:21
seb128Desktop Team Weekly Meeting event modified15:21
seb128thanks a lot google but how/what?15:21
* larsu is confused as well and decided to ignore15:21
larsuwho is google to tell ME when THE MEETING is15:21
seb128I wonder if that's dst and 1 hour shift15:22
* willcooke ignores it as well15:25
willcookeprobably just a typo15:25
larsuwut = anger in german15:25
seb128who is ondra btw?15:26
seb128and why is he changing our calendar?15:26
Sweet5harkmy dns resolution just fubared badly and I updated to wily today -- never happened before.15:26
willcookeHe works in phonedations, and I /think/ he clicked on the entry in the UES team calendar15:26
willcookelots of people out today15:27
seb128I though it was Laney only15:28
* larsu knows where Laney is15:28
larsuactually I don't - other than "somewhere in Berlin"15:28
willcookewe've got a combination of holiday, exams, travel, other general appointments15:28
seb128oh ok, that was not in the monday news15:29
* seb128 is curious now15:29
willcookeyeah, these are things which happened after the Monday news email got sent15:30
seb128k k15:30
larsuclearly we need Tuesday news as well15:30
willcooke#startmeeting Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-2715:30
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Oct 27 15:30:40 2015 UTC.  The chair is willcooke. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:30
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick15:30
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-27 | Current topic:
willcookelarsu, Hourly news!15:30
willcookeRoll call:  andyrock (out), attente, desrt,  dgadomski (out), didrocks, fjkong, happyaron, hikiko (out), laney (hols), larsu, qengho, seb128, sweet5hark, themuso (out), tkamppeter, trevinho (out), robert_ancell (out)15:30
larsuon. the. minute.15:31
willcookeWe need some dramatic music15:31
larsuoh, ubuntu mono doesn't have this. shame.15:31
attentehey hey15:31
willcooke#topic andyrock15:32
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-27 | Current topic: andyrock
willcooke* Reviews for Marco's branches15:32
willcooke* Helping out with SRU (updating bugs, etc.)15:32
willcooke* Try to figure out what's going on with GtkSettings and unity (if we15:32
willcookerestart u-d-s we no longer get signals)15:32
willcooke* Keep working on reboot dialog branch (I spent just a couple of hours15:32
willcookeon it because of the other things to do)15:32
willcooke* Help fixing some unstable tests we had on compiz (together with Marco)15:32
willcooke* Upgrading to Wily (and fixing all the problems :D )15:32
willcooke#topic attente15:32
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-27 | Current topic: attente
attenteshort week due to swap days15:33
attenteuploaded more revisions to https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=75657915:33
ubot5Gnome bug 756579 in Widget: GtkMenu "GTK should let GDK position menus" [Normal,New]15:33
attenterefreshed u-s-d java keyboard shortcuts ppa15:33
attentecurrently debugging gtk touch events on the device15:33
willcookethanks attente15:33
willcooke#topic desrt15:33
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-27 | Current topic: desrt
seb128no desrt it seems15:35
willcookeshe was here earlier, clock changes have won15:35
larsushould be around15:35
willcooke#topic dgadomski15:35
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-27 | Current topic: dgadomski
willcooke* prepared a debdiff for wily, vivid and trusty fixing bug #133787315:36
willcooke* analysing polkit communicating pam_vas - I was not able to find any documentation about enabling debug messages there, found out that I need to use env variables (G_DEBUG_MESSAGES=all for polkitd and POLKIT_DEBUG for polkit agents). Going to document it somewhere if it isn't already.15:36
willcooke* I would appreciate letting me know if anybody noticed behaviour described in bug #150936915:36
willcooke* I'm going to have a closer look at bug #1308152, although it's expired I've heard a user complaining about something very similar. Need to confirm whether it's the same bug.15:36
ubot5bug 1337873 in ifupdown (Ubuntu) "Precise, Trusty, Utopic - ifupdown initialization problems caused by race condition" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133787315:36
ubot5bug 1509369 in gdm (Ubuntu) "gdm runs in vt7 and gnome-shell in vt2 after resuming" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150936915:36
ubot5bug 1308152 in linux (Ubuntu) "Cant boot from kernel after upgrade to ubuntu 14.04 LTS but able to boot with Kernel" [Low,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130815215:36
willcooke#topic didrocks15:36
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-27 | Current topic: didrocks
didrocks- continued and finished (hopefully) work to make the tests way more reliable, look at all this green: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/udtc-trusty-tests/ \o/ (the yellow 4 failures over 30*2*700 tests are network (client or server) issues).15:36
didrocks- updated python-pexpect to take a dimension parameter helping in the stability in the udtc ppa. Didn't upload to xenial yet as we need to figure out the python2 support (some functions only compile on python3).15:36
didrocks- final review and merged oijazsh's work on relocating by default paths to .local/share/umake instead of tools/.15:36
didrocks- continued reviewing PR (force and back) for netbeans support.15:36
didrocks- add a --version + some automation on autobumping to newer numbering. Support as well when running from git master via sha and dirty tags.15:36
didrocks- bug management15:36
didrocks- did quite a lot of iso testing for release, debugging u-s-d crash, raised some bugs.15:36
willcookethanks didrocks15:36
didrocks(4 days week btw, was swapping)15:36
willcookeI have spoken to legal and have got the paper work and have since spoken to Cadsoft and Fritzing, will keep you posted15:37
willcooke#topic FJKong15:37
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-27 | Current topic: FJKong
FJKongonly one line :15:37
FJKongcontinue work on lib apng, for sogou IM new feature: support animate skin15:37
FJKongin progress..15:37
willcookethanks FJKong15:37
willcookeFJKong, I still haven't been back in to London to visit the hotel, I will see if someone in the office can do me a favour and pop over there!15:38
willcooke#topic happyaron15:38
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-27 | Current topic: happyaron
willcooke#topic hikiko-lpt15:39
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-27 | Current topic: hikiko-lpt
willcookeI had a few days off these week, but so far: I am trying to figure out15:39
willcookewhich of the branches that Marco showed me at the sprint causes the15:39
willcookebackground update issues on Unity and blocks me with the ezoom15:39
willcookedevelopment. Also, I am reading the unity code to find the best way to15:39
willcookeimplement the generic shadows we discussed at the sprint +I started a15:39
willcookesmall program where I can load my shaders in order to test the visual15:39
willcookepart of the algorithm in the meantime. Apart from that I've done some15:39
willcookeminor fixes on nux and unity (mostly fixed syntax disamb. problems and15:39
willcookedeprecated calls in tests to get rid of compiler warnings). EOF :15:39
willcooke#topic larsu15:39
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-27 | Current topic: larsu
larsu- blind patching unity-settings-daemon signal disconnection15:40
larsu- fix taking screenhots on hidpi (upstream)15:40
larsu- track down the dbus log spam when i-messages and accountsservice talk to each other15:40
larsu- probably some other minor stuff I can't remember :/15:40
willcooke:) thanks larsu15:40
willcooke#topic qengho15:40
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-27 | Current topic: qengho
qengho- Adding autopkgtests, especially for Chromium translations changeover.15:41
qengho- Debugging same translations change.15:41
qengho- Tracking down a bug with default-browser setting. Varies by environment of course.15:41
qengho- Will release Cr 45 once those are worked out.15:41
qengho- Current laptop just broke! Shopping for new laptop. I know nothing about hardware any more. I like old Thinkpads. Help?15:41
willcookeoh noez15:41
willcookeSomeone had a new TP at the sprint, right?15:41
willcookeqengho, poke popey - he knows about these sorts of things15:42
willcooke#topic seb12815:42
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-27 | Current topic: seb128
seb128• iso testing15:42
seb128• updated libmtp's apport hook so it works15:42
seb128• looked at u-s-d segfault in ubiquity mode, provided debug info and tested/landed fix from Lars15:42
seb128• fixed some other unity-settings-daemon issues (segfault on xsettings unload, warnings)15:42
seb128• reported upstream file-roller translation bug15:42
seb128• xenial fun, lot of merges&updates, spent some time refreshing the versions script info (new components which didn't have upstream details)15:42
willcookethanks seb12815:42
seb128(help on merges and GNOME updates would be welcome)15:42
seb128(seems not a lot of us are working on that atm)15:42
willcookethanks seb12815:43
willcookeplease help out if you can folks ^^^15:43
willcooke#topic Sweet5hark15:44
seb128thanks ;-)15:44
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-27 | Current topic: Sweet5hark
Sweet5hark- LibreOffice Hackfest15:44
Sweet5hark- more code review and mentoring15:44
Sweet5hark- uploaded 1:5.0.2-0ubuntu3/wily and 1:5.0.2-0ubuntu4/xenial15:44
Sweet5hark-- latter disables coinmp/collada/gltf as we dont what to MIR those as per sprint15:44
Sweet5hark- marketing coordination/events planning15:44
Sweet5hark- upgrade to wily15:44
Sweet5hark- prepared pbuilders/jenkins jobs for xenial15:44
willcookethanks Sweet5hark15:44
willcooke#topic TheMuso15:44
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-27 | Current topic: TheMuso
willcooke* Continued orca gsettings backend work, hope to have something for users to test by next week.15:44
willcooke* Preparing merges/updates for Xenial, looking to update the a11y stack to the latest stable, and also considering putting in Pulse 7, although there may be a 7.1 coming out soon with some key fixes, so may wait.15:44
willcooke* Helped Debian with packaging work for a11y stack updates.15:44
willcooke#topic tkamppeter15:44
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-27 | Current topic: tkamppeter
willcooke- cups-filters: Finished cups-browsed functionality to save user-changed option settings on generated print queues, to make the settings permanent when cups-browsed is removing this queues when the remote printer disappears and generating them again when the printer re-appears.15:45
willcooke- cups-filters: Started working on possibility to define option default settings in the cups-browsed.conf file.15:45
willcooke- Bugs.15:45
tkamppeter- cups-filters: Added possibility to define option default settings in the cups-browsed.conf file.15:45
tkamppeter- Ubuntu Phone: mpt is back, trying to talk with him.15:45
willcookethanks tkamppeter  :)15:45
willcookewb mpt15:45
tkamppetermpt has answered on #ubuntu-design now, too15:45
tkamppeterall at the same time.15:45
willcooke#topic Trevinho15:46
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-27 | Current topic: Trevinho
willcooke· Trusty SRU proposed (and prepared the whole list of bugs with andyrock)15:46
willcooke· Unity side of mouse pointer HiDPI scaling support15:46
willcooke· Gtk+3 patch for rgba tooltips15:46
willcooke· Close shutdown dialog on lock request (when laptop lid is closed)15:46
willcooke· Meeting with Kylin guys15:46
willcooke· Fixed warning in unity-panel-service not properly resetting an Idle15:46
willcooke· Released Unity 7.3.315:46
willcooke· Prepared wily / xenial branches for unity, compiz and bamf15:46
willcooke· Landing of new unity, compiz and bamf in xenial (unity FTB for15:46
willcookelibsic++ changes)15:46
willcooke#topic robert_ancell15:46
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-27 | Current topic: robert_ancell
willcooke- Update XMir for overlay PPA15:46
willcooke- GNOME 3.18 updates for xenial15:46
willcooke- Simple scan 3.19.1 released15:46
willcooke- LightDM fixes / merges15:46
willcooke#toipic desrt15:46
willcooke#topic desrt15:47
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-27 | Current topic: desrt
desrtsorry.  net connection here is unreliable and my ssh connection died without me realising it so i was waiting for the meeting ping and it never came :)15:47
desrt- working on some hardware-assisted bounds-checked arithmetic helpers for glib15:47
desrt- adding support to GBytes for ranged-checked memory accesses15:47
desrt- fending off bug backlog15:47
willcookethanks desrt15:47
willcooke#topic AOB15:47
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-10-27 | Current topic: AOB
willcookeI'm off tomorrow and Friday and Monday15:47
desrtlol.  i thought we hired a newbie called AOB and i missed the memo.15:47
desrtwillcooke: any particular reason?15:48
willcookedesrt, holiday15:48
desrtlarsu: the new guy?15:48
larsudesrt: toipic15:48
larsuactually the first result for toypic15:48
desrtyou responded to willcooke's request by toipic'ing me15:49
seb128thanks everyone15:49
seb128willcooke, enjoy the days off work!15:49
willcookeany more for any more15:49
willcookethanks seb128  :)15:49
attentewhat's a "hardware-assisted bounds-checked arithmetic helper?"15:49
* desrt 's got nothin'15:49
desrtattente: oh... not as fancy as it sounds15:49
larsuattente: it's in glib!15:49
desrtbasically just using the hardware flags field to detect the overflow case15:50
desrtsince this bit gets set if int math overflows, but it's not possible to check it from C15:50
desrtclang has had some intrinsics for this for a while, and GCC5 added them too15:50
attenteoh cool15:50
willcookeoki, ending meeting, please carry on though15:51
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Oct 27 15:51:10 2015 UTC.15:51
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2015/ubuntu-desktop.2015-10-27-15.30.moin.txt15:51
willcookethanks all15:51
desrtattente: basically got tired of open-coding that 100 times every time we wrote some new file format parser15:51
desrtand trying to make sure we did it right15:51
attenteyeah, makes sense15:52
desrtthe conceptual logic for how those instructions work is nice15:52
desrtit casts both values to an infinite precision signed integer space, does the operation and stores the value back to the destination15:52
desrtit then returns whether the stored value is equal to the infinite-precision value or not15:53
desrtrandom aside: anyone have experience getting pulse working in a chroot?  the interweb suggest that bindmounting the system bus socket is enough but it seems not to do the trick here15:56
willcookedesrt, this might help:  https://www.stgraber.org/2014/02/09/lxc-1-0-gui-in-containers/15:58
didrocksI was going to direct you to stgraber directly :)15:58
desrthmm.  this looks handy :)15:58
willcookeI came across it just the other day15:59
desrti'm trying to containerise all of my non-free stuff15:59
desrt...like hangouts15:59
willcookeoh, cool16:00
willcookethats a nice idea16:00
sethjthis old bug (https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/1040158) looks like it was superseded by this newer one https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/1445595. Close as duplicate?16:22
ubot5Launchpad bug 1040158 in unity (Ubuntu) "Empty trash from Launcher changes focus to Nautilus" [Medium,Confirmed]16:22
ubot5Launchpad bug 1445595 in unity (Ubuntu) "Empty trash from Launcher results in Nautilus window opening" [High,Triaged]16:22
sethjor invalid?16:23
willcookesethj, can you mark #1040158 as being a dupe of #1445595 (even though it's newer it has more info)16:25
sethjwillcooke, yup! That's what we'd do on Ask Ubuntu, but I didn't know if the same applied here ;D16:26
sethjand done.16:26
willcookethanks sethj16:26
sethjthat actually seems like it would be a fun bug to try and fix..16:27
willcookeTrevinho has done some digging there, so if you're interested in taking a look he can probably assist, but he's travelling atm16:29
sethjwillcooke, cool! I'm not at all familiar with the Unity source, but you have to start somewhere ;)16:33
=== davidcalle is now known as davidcalle_afk
andyrockback home \o/17:09
willcookeandyrock, how did you get on?17:10
andyrocknot sure, pretty bad I think :D17:10
andyrockbut enough to pass17:10
* andyrock does not like statistic17:10
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
popeySweet5hark, yo! I have created two PPAs, debug and stable so that i can keep stable and debug builds of LO around for testing docviewer...17:57
popeySweet5hark, you mentioned maybe having a higher point release than 5.0.1 for me at some point of the minimal build.. ? :)17:57
Sweet5harkpopey: well, yeah -- could give you a 5.0.2 still then again (which is likely final) is already tagged upstream17:59
didrockshave a good evening!18:02
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
popeySweet5hark, whatever is newer than 5.01 :)18:04
popeydoesn't seem like any point doing 5.0.2 really18:04
willcookeattente, did I give you a usb -> hdmi connector?18:04
willcookefor a nexus 418:04
attentewillcooke: yes, do you need it back?18:05
willcookeattente, nah, I can get a new one.  I've been looking for it in my "Big Box Of Bits" for 10 mins before I realised :)18:06
Sweet5harkpopey: yep, will do 5.0.3 and tweak my jenkins to have a job for it.18:06
attenteah, ok18:06
popeySweet5hark, nice one, thanks18:06
popeywillcooke, I got an HDMI to VGA adapter today, means I can use projectors for giving talks where they have no HDMI :D18:06
popeyphone -> hdmi slimport -> vga -> screen18:06
willcookeGood luck with that, I fear you'll need it ;)18:07
popeyIt works18:07
popeyvia VGA18:07
qenghopopey: What's the awesomest laptop these days? Optimize for not huge, and good wifi.18:19
popeyTop of my list is Thinkpad X250 and the new Dell XPS 13 broadwell..18:20
qenghopopey: Thank you!18:20
Sweet5harkpopey, qengho: what about a lenovo T450s in that comparison?18:23
popeyThat's also on the list.18:23
popeyI think cjwatson has one of them.18:23
popeyconfirmed :)18:24
Sweet5harkpopey: thanks for that intel on cjwatson ;)18:25
Sweet5harkpopey, qengho: T450s with i7 and 20GB RAM would be my choice, if I had to buy a new workhorse tomorrow.18:26
popeySays the guy who builds libreoffice locally for a living ;)18:27
sarnoldhehe :)18:27
qenghoI also crunch big projects. :\18:28
* Sweet5hark uses notebooks as dual-use weapons: to compile and to heat the room18:29
Sweet5harkwinter is coming.18:29
popeyLaundry won't dry itself! Come here make -j 12 !18:29
Sweet5harkpopey: careful, OOM killer coming your way: https://github.com/LibreOffice/core/blob/master/RepositoryModule_host.mk#L16618:32
willcookealrighty, bugging out.  G'night all - see you on Thursday18:47
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
Laneyyou people need to use the iceland trick if meeting times are confusing you :-)18:53
* Laney got a sms reminder at the right time18:53
Laneyand then LAUGHED at you ALL18:53
mdeslaurwho owns the gdrive scope?19:31
mdeslaurseb128: do you know?19:31
davidcalle_afkmdeslaur, Unity API team? I don't wish them to inherit old scopes but afaik, it's unmaintained19:33
=== davidcalle_afk is now known as davidcalle
mdeslaurdavidcalle: hrm, thanks19:35
sarnolddavidcalle: is there a list of scopes that -are- maintained?19:38
davidcallesarnold, I don't know, willcooke might have a better answer to this19:39
sarnolddang, wish I'd though to ask an hour ago :) heh, thanks19:40
davidcalle(and the API team as well, some main scopes (eg files, apps) are actively maintained by them)19:41
tyhicksdavidcalle: you're not maintaining any of the scopes?19:53
mhall119seb128: what sessions can the desktop team run for UOS?19:59
mhall119bregma: can you do a session about libertine/puritine?20:00
bregmamhall119, I don't think Libertine is really in a state where it's ready for public consumption, and Puritine is a really limited solution to a specific demand20:33
bregmamaybe I could do a session on what we want Libertine to be when it grows up, but I don't want to build expectations too early20:34
mhall119bregma: there's a lot of questions about if/how we're going to support desktop apps people are currently using in the confined/converged future of Ubuntu, so a sessoin that just talks about the challenges and plans would be nice to have20:35
bregmammm, I suppose20:35
NoskcajIs it ok to add a gnupg2 build-dep to seahorse when merging? It builds without it in debian, but not in ubuntu. https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/seahorse/3.18/+merge/27591720:48
qenghoNoskcaj: that's because gnupg is part of the base devel package set, I guess, and Ubuntu wishes to use gnupg2 instead?21:08
Noskcajmakes sense21:08
sarnoldit might be worth poking the debian folks if they want gnupg2 too, iirc gnupg2 is required for ecc keys..21:09
qenghoNoskcaj: I like the idea of getting Debian to change too. I think it's okay to merge that with 2 now, and letting Debian catch up in their 3.18.0-3 .21:10
qengho"letting" means asking, filing a bug report, and attaching the patch that does it for them.21:11
Noskcajdebian already depends on gnupg2, and something else is pulling it in for the buildder there21:14
qenghoAll: my broken laptop sensed your suggestions for replacement and started working again, hours later. Thanks. Intimidation works.21:14
qenghoNoskcaj: Hrm, that's weird. Maybe Ubuntu is behind somewhere.  :(21:15
Noskcaji'll look into it more when i get back from school today, hopefully someone can sponsor in the meantime21:15
LaneyPretty sure we would want to move over to gpg2 all the way21:16
Laneyxnox wanted to look into that21:16
Noskcajhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gpgme1.0/+changelog seems to be the issue21:23
Noskcajfor some reason i was think the gpg2 transition got finished when i was still around at the start of wily21:23

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