=== Gary is now known as Guest78532 [11:13] hello [11:46] hello melodie , how are you today? [11:59] hi pmatulis I'm getting tech infos at the #ubuntu-devel chan. What about you? [11:59] well, about docs, I'm on this one that part: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization#Modify_pool_structure_to_include_more_packages [12:31] melodie: interesting. thanks for being here [12:50] pmatulis this is very nice of you! I'm mostly coming here when I do, to get help or advice :D [13:16] pmatulis do you edit the docs sometimes? [13:33] melodie: i work with the official Ubuntu Server documentation and doing some edits on the main help.ubuntu.com page. note the difference between official docs (server and desktop stuff on help.ubuntu.com) and the community wiki (help.ubuntu.com/community) [13:35] are there official docs such as the one I pointed to? [13:36] and projects to refresh all custom howto's ? [13:36] melodie: what you pointed to was the community wiki. i don't know if we have an official docs version of it [13:36] melodie: we're actively looking for people to help with the official docs [13:37] everybody cries out for more people to contribute, and so do I. I would even be happy with only one or two persons helping [13:37] I feel very alone :D [13:38] although the community always helps me on things when I need info [13:38] melodie: well, the wiki is one thing, and the actual docs are another [13:45] pmatulis while I get it, my need is around doing a custom remix (I use the very basic Ubuntu Mini Remix up to now) [13:46] melodie: feel free to come here when you're lonely :) [13:48] pmatulis thanks! ^^ [13:49] if you find people who want to help this project, feel free to tell them about it: http://linuxvillage.org/en (description in the last post) and in http://bentovillage.me [13:52] melodie: oh. you're not even writing ubuntu docs. ok [13:57] I try to use them :D [13:57] read, understand... use [13:58] you are a provider and I'm a client XD