
MegaBrutalAre there any plans at all to make kernel live patches automatic?00:35
th3s3_3y3sIs there a link used to browse the sourcecode from a web browser?05:29
who_meI'm trying to compile kernel 4.2.5-wily but getting this error" gcc: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-fstack-protector-strong’ . Is this because I'm using an older version of gcc on Trusty? Also, why are the regular mainline kernels failing to build 64bit packages?05:40
who_meShould rephrase that. Why are 64bit packages failing to build for the mainline kernels?05:45
th3s3_3y3swho_me, I haven't seen that they really know anything.05:56
who_meth3s3_3y3s, who's "they"05:57
th3s3_3y3sthe channels05:58
who_meI got help here in the past when kernel package builds failed.05:59
th3s3_3y3sthey know what they have setup06:00
th3s3_3y3sand if what they have setup doesn't work they don't really know what's going on06:00
th3s3_3y3sit looks like they are programs building fake code on an X server.06:01
th3s3_3y3simaginary code06:03
th3s3_3y3sspinning on an Xserver06:03
th3s3_3y3sso the output does something completely different06:04
th3s3_3y3sthan what the imaginary code specified06:04
th3s3_3y3sthis is why I was asking about a text mode only switch for the gpu06:05
th3s3_3y3sthey don't know about it06:05
th3s3_3y3sthey keep compiling on some X server06:05
th3s3_3y3sthe thought of being alone shivers me06:08
th3s3_3y3sthe only light in complete darkness06:09
th3s3_3y3sit must be cold06:09
th3s3_3y3sinanimate cold still06:09
th3s3_3y3sso many illuminati06:22
th3s3_3y3s-- --06:22
th3s3_3y3seven the illuminati sing about Christ06:22
th3s3_3y3seyes wide open06:23
th3s3_3y3sLocutusOfBorg1, Soul Survivor is the last temptation.06:25
th3s3_3y3sWinner takes ALL06:26
th3s3_3y3sinfinity do you want to live forever?06:28
th3s3_3y3sYou're all "Job" now.06:35
th3s3_3y3sDon't blink yet.06:35
th3s3_3y3sShe'll carelessly cut you and laugh while you're bleeding.06:41
th3s3_3y3sStay wide awake.06:42
th3s3_3y3senvision a world full of sparc servers07:12
th3s3_3y3sclusters of sparc servers07:13
th3s3_3y3spure darkness and metal07:14
th3s3_3y3sinanimate glass encased in metal07:14
th3s3_3y3sthe choice can only happen after knowing07:23
th3s3_3y3sLocutusOfBorg1, where does pi exist?08:01
th3s3_3y3sDo you want to enter the gate?08:02
th3s3_3y3sThe New City.08:06
sbeattiewho_me: it's fine to build with older gcc, you'll just need to adjust the CONFIG_CC_STACKPROTECTOR_REGULAR and CONFIG_CC_STACKPROTECTOR_STRONG options (set the former to y and unset the latter)10:36
who_mesbeattie, cool. thank you :)10:37
who_meI also figured how to build the mainline kernels to workaround the ZFS stuff (which makes builds fail). I use: fakeroot debian/rules do_mainline_build=true binary-headers binary-generic10:38
who_mesbeattie, what's the diff between mainline and "wily" kernels from that repository?10:39
sbeattiewho_me: I don't know exactly what the disctinction is, I haven't really poked much at the mainline repo.10:48
apwwho_me, yep, i added do_mainline_build support only in the last couple of days to make it possible to avoid the zfs issue13:19
apwwho_me, if there are specific older builds you wanted they can be re-queued, but new ones _should_ be ok13:19
apwwho_me, the -wily represents (now) where it was built13:20
who_meapw, thanks for the clarifications :)13:42
apwwho_me, np13:45
hallynapw: jjohansen: could one of you give an answer about fixing the bug in precise' kernel?  (whether it's something we'll do or not)13:53
apw"the bug" ?13:53
apwhallyn, ^13:55
hallynsigh.  sorry, too many things at once,13:56
hallynor, my clipboard just failed me actually.  bug 150478113:57
ubot5bug 1504781 in lxc (Ubuntu Trusty) "lxc-test-ubuntu hangs forever in trusty-proposed with Linux 3.13.0-66: AppArmor denies /dev/ptmx mounting" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150478113:57
apwhallyn, hmmm, i thought that was a profile issue and the lxc profile was updated13:58
hallynapw: hm, i need to reread then.  i thought they wanted a kernel update to let the better lxc patch work13:59
apwhallyn, hrmm, well let me know if there si something outstanding ...13:59
apwhallyn, as yes, if it is broken we want to fix it if at all sensible14:00
hallynapw: thanks, yes, will ping you if there is14:01
apwhallyn, as a data point the three uploads since that lxc update have passed testing at least14:01
hallynapw: that's odd, they're acting like the world's on fire.14:10
hallynbut i think you're right, they want an lxc update, sorry, i'll handle it :)14:10
apwhallyn, no problem :)14:10
adamianhi guys14:45
adamianI'm wondering what happend with the amd64 builds in drm-intel-next and drm-intel-nightly14:46
adamianhttp://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/drm-intel-next/2015-10-11-unstable/ has them14:47
adamianbut they are missing in http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/drm-intel-next/2015-10-24-unstable/14:47
adamianit's stopping at ZFS compilation, tries to rsync to an inexistent directory; and execute autogen.sh there afterwards14:48
who_meadamian, you can rebuild the kernels yourself or wait for the newer ones. For example, the problem seems fixed in v4.3-rc7-unstable14:53
who_meadamian, "<apw> who_me, yep, i added do_mainline_build support only in the last couple of days to make it possible to avoid the zfs issue"14:54
adamianyes, I've bypassed the problem myself, just wanted to know if it's known and tracked :)14:54
who_meadamian, had the same issue but I'm only after the latest LTS (4.1.x) and latest stable (4.2.x)14:56
apwadamian, in theory it is fixed, i've re-queued that build above, we shall see if it pops out happy15:05
adamianapw: thanks !15:29
=== jsalisbury changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: Home: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/ || Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Tues Nov 10th, 2015 - 17:00 UTC || If you have a question just ask, and do wait around for an answer! If the question is should I file a bug for something, likely you can assume yes. || Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/

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