
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
mhall119we'll be starting up in just a moment15:00
core_apps_policeQUESTION :When we gonna have Dekko notifications working? It's a problem of the app or the System itself (background-apps?) ?15:01
balloonscore_apps_police, that name, +115:02
justCarakas_I can see you :)15:03
balloonshello hello15:04
core_apps_policehello everybody !15:04
* DanChapman waves15:04
cm-tubucon promo in paris 28-29 november: http://ubuntu-paris.org15:05
cm-t(mostly in french)15:05
LexiconGreetings all.15:06
vitimitiI will go to an Ubucon in Madrid if I have the money to go15:06
LexiconQUESTION: How is Ubuntu convergence better than and/or different from Windows continuum? Why should the general public care? (Playing devil's advocate here.)15:06
vitimitiOTA-8 WOO15:07
vitimitiWho is the person talking now for the G+ account?15:07
vitimitiI don't know if I follow him15:07
cm-tmhall118 he is15:07
vitimitiThank you15:07
vitimiticm-t, do you know the name he uses on G+?15:08
cm-tmhall119 sorry15:08
cm-t9, not 815:08
mhall119vitimiti: http://mhall119.com/+ should take you there15:09
cm-thttp://plus.google.com/+MichaelHall119 vitimiti15:09
vitimitiThank you, mhall11915:09
vitimitiAnd cm-t15:10
not_roasted_speaking of the samba features, can this "samba support" effectively stream the files over the network to the phone?15:10
popeynot yet15:10
not_roasted_or does it just have copy-from-server-to-phone support?15:10
not_roasted_ah, so it's intended?15:10
popeyit's preliminary, copy at the moment, that'll come I think15:10
not_roasted_that would make me oh so happy :)15:10
balloonspopey, interesting..15:10
popeythere's a slew of samba improvements coming, what's in the store is very early, despite being in development for some time15:11
not_roasted_:) :)15:12
vitimitiI just realized I have been 8 years with Ubuntu due to mhall119's G+ page15:12
popeyTime flies!15:12
balloonshttp://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1511/meeting/22588/user-level-testing-for-ubuntu-phone/ is the user testing session15:16
LexiconSign up for testing today! Your co-worker is a robot, etc.15:16
balloonsLexicon, :p15:16
balloonsAs a bonus, you may learn something about how the phone works, since you are asked to test15:16
balloonsI've discovered features this way by testing15:17
vitimitiWow, by the time I can afford one of those phones it'll already be like totally convergent15:17
popeyWatching mhall119 and balloons on my Nexus 7 connected to a display  :)   http://imgur.com/McwxwRf15:18
balloonsnext level popey ^^15:18
popey(also clash of clans on a nexus 7 2012 underneath, ignore that ;) )15:19
balloonsquestions welcome, fire away!15:19
DanChapmancore_apps_police: were in the process of implementing an accounts-polld plugin and i'm currently modifying dekko to use it15:19
DanChapmanemail != google :-D15:19
cm-tquestion: When the media indicator will land with next/pause/etc button, does that mean underthehood i will be able to control musoc with media button or so (headset, bluetuth such as car, mycroft,...)15:19
justCarakas_QUESTION how will you be able to get notifications from your own mail server in Dekko15:19
cm-tmusoc, ... Music15:20
vitimitipopey, nice15:20
=== BOHverkill is now known as BOHverkill___
core_apps_policeQUESTION: There is a possibility to integrate messages from the messasing-app into the telegram app?15:24
popeymhall119, it's never a good time to get a screengrab from video :)15:25
cm-tI mean also hardware third button ;)15:26
popeyIt's not quite finished15:26
ahayzenmhall119, we are working with media-hub as we speak branch is here https://code.launchpad.net/~music-app-dev/music-app/media-hub-bg-playlists-rework15:26
popeyThe media buttons require a bit more work15:26
popeybut it's in flight15:26
LexiconThanks! All good points. Seems to boil down to Ubuntu being unrestricted and therefore more powerful. Much like it is in general.15:26
cm-tCool :)15:26
popeyWe have "all hands on deck" to get it finished for OTA-815:26
popeyahayzen being two of those hands15:27
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: Any fun updates about telegram ;P15:27
popeytelegram v2 is being beta tested by insiders right now15:27
frecelLots of telegram love here15:27
cm-tAh v2 is soo welcome here :)15:28
popeyyeah, supports viewing stickers now which is clearly the most important thing!15:28
ChloeWolfieGirlpopey Awesome :D  <3 telegram cant wait for the upgrade15:28
cm-tyes very important, those stickers15:28
core_apps_policeQUESTION: The calendar-app is dead or just sleeping? Because I can't sync my events...15:28
popey+1000 to help!15:28
frecelpopey: is the Telegram on UT just the webapp that points at the browser version or is it a standalone app?15:29
popeyfrecel, standalone app15:29
* ahayzen hopes the new telegram doesn't freeze like the current one :-)15:29
cm-tyes, sadly, 95% of issue on my phone seems to comes from telegram v115:30
ahayzenQUESTION: Do you think this OTA cycle has been too short, as we are already at feature freeze and OTA7 only just went out the door? How many weeks would be your preferred cycle ?15:30
ChloeWolfieGirlweb.telegram.org for the unsuported things :P15:31
ChloeWolfieGirlAnd for back up :315:31
justcarakas_Will multiple google calendars from the same account FINALY work in OTA-8 ?15:31
vitimitijustcarakas_, put QUESTION before the question15:32
core_apps_policeQUESTION: How can ubuntu-users get involved in testing the core-apps, like is happening now with v2 of telegram. They have to be ubuntu-insiders?15:32
justcarakas_QUESTION Will multiple google calendars from the same account FINALY work in OTA-8 ?15:32
justcarakas_QUESTION its been a while since I made an HTML5 app, does it get more love now ? because the last time I made an app with it I felt left out from the QML apps15:34
ChloeWolfieGirlLove rc proposed15:35
core_apps_policeQUESTION: Can a translator ping the app developer just for update the translators (fixing some bugs)? Or he have to wait until the next update for the app?15:36
core_apps_policeYes, the channel selection would be very useful15:37
cm-tQuestion: I want to play with the convergence. With the current ubuntu devices, what are/is the device that can do that? (I saw the nexus4, what about otjer such as bq and all?)15:37
Lars_QUESTION any news on when we can print from the ohone? It is already possible via Googles cloud print but I was thinking of via wifi15:37
tathhuoh shit live15:37
ChloeWolfieGirlUbuntu q&a - Ask popey edition xD15:39
balloonsChloeWolfieGirl, LOL15:40
vitimitiQUESTION: after seeing the roadmap for Ubuntu, is Unity8/snappy going to be a mobile thing or is it going to be possible to run that on the desktop? I guess the question is: is it going to be possible to have the same software both in the phone and the desktop eventually?15:41
frecelUbuntu Q&A - http://blamepopey.com edition15:41
vitimitifrecel, hahahaha15:41
ChloeWolfieGirlfrecel :D15:41
justcarakas_QUESTION are there plans to move apps to git on launchpad15:42
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: Whats the plan for snappy on the phone? and if I upgrade the phone to snappy will click packages work until everythings updated to snappy and how hard/easy would it be to convert a .click to a .snappy ?15:43
popeyPrinting- Till is working on it I believe15:45
popeyI believe printing is under discussion between printing people and design people15:45
ahayzenimagine being able to print from docviewer :-)15:46
balloonsusbip is the fun little tool15:46
core_apps_policeQUESTION: There will be two separate ISO images(unity7&unity8) for the 16.04LTS?  Or just a option to select wich session we want to be?15:48
* cm-t spamming le friend i lend the nexus4 to swap with E4.5 asap 😈15:49
vitimitiNice, I love that15:49
popeycore_apps_police, there's a lot different between unity 7 and 8, would mean shipping a lot of different stuff on the image15:49
vitimitiThanks, nice answer, and one of the little people that pronounce my nickname properly15:50
cm-tbye, thanks15:51
ahayzenthanks balloons mhall119 :-)15:52
ChloeWolfieGirlHaha thanks eeveryone :315:52
mhall119thanks everyone15:52
balloonsthanks everyone!15:53
justcarakas_QUESTION why wasn't click and snappy the same from the start ?15:54
vitimitiballoons, mhall119 thank you15:54
balloonsjustcarakas_, snappy is the evolution of click if you will15:54
sixlegs_hi all16:10
sixlegs_QUESTION: how do you run X11 apps on unity8?16:15
mhall119sixlegs_: sorry, the live show is over, but if you join #ubuntu-unity or #ubuntu-mir and look for bregma, he can tell you the status and plans for that16:17
sixlegs_thanks mhall11916:19
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gblaszczykhello everyone!19:05
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