
=== nudtrobert1 is now known as nudtrobert
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Saviqmzanetti, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity-phablet-qmluitests-vivid/1270/ is panel-button-fixes, look like regressions10:40
Saviq@unity: _vivid_ CI should be all SUCCESS today, wily is broken, we'll move to xenial soon10:40
Saviqso if your vivid CI isn't green, needs investigation10:40
mzanettiSaviq, actually those are the new tests added with that branch :D10:41
mzanettiwill investigate10:41
guest123124in xenial the mouse pointer is off or the mouse is not working in unity810:49
guest123124i can't login10:49
guest123124are there any keyboard shortcuts to log-in?10:50
greybackguest123124: nothing at all responding to mouse? You see a cursor & can move it around?10:50
guest123124after login into lightdm the mouse pointer is not shown anymore, and even if i blind click on the indicators it does nothing10:52
guest123124the mouse seems off10:52
Saviqguest123124, xenial does not have the latest things yet, unity8 didn't migrate yet10:52
guest123124ah, ok then :D10:52
guest123124testing again later, thanks Saviq10:52
Saviqguest123124, might wanna /nick10:53
=== guest123124 is now known as nick1235
nick1235Saviq, done10:53
Saviqnick1235, you can monitor the migration in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8 (or enable proposed if you want)10:53
nick1235yep i was thinking of enabling proposed10:54
nick1235but later, i'm not that brave in the morning10:54
Saviqbeing on xenial is brave enough still ;)10:55
mzanettiSaviq, pushed a fix11:18
Saviqcimi, please merge lp:~cimi/unity8/sdk1.3_newUbuntuShape into lp:~cimi/unity8/wide-preview-zoomable-videoplayback as it's a prerequisite, but isn't in the branch - that's where the apparent conflict comes from11:51
cimiSaviq, I think I did :/11:51
Saviqcimi, you did merge something, but not that11:51
cimioh no I did in preview-sharing11:51
Saviqcimi, whatever you did merge in preview-sharing, you should've merged wide-preview in it, after having merged shape in it first11:52
cimilet's see preview-sharing11:52
Saviqcimi, also, please don't paste the changelog entry into commit msg, better say which branch is this a merge from11:52
cimiSaviq, oki for next time11:53
cimiok they should both be fine now11:53
Saviqk, kicked ci for them11:54
Saviqtsdgeos, can you please merge Cimi's wide preview into lp:~aacid/unity8/scope_settings_keyboard_scroll11:54
tsdgeosdidn't i do that already?11:56
* tsdgeos has a dejavu11:56
tsdgeosah maybe do it again11:56
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, but cimi didn't merge his branches properly before11:56
Saviqtsdgeos, yes, remerge11:56
tsdgeosSaviq: done11:57
cimiSaviq, what was the silo you built?11:58
Saviqcimi, 2111:58
cimicool, testing11:58
cimi(when is built)11:59
Saviqcimi, I'll rebuild it now so give it an hour or so12:00
Saviq@unity: unity8 migrated to xenial, so we're in sync between vivid+overlay and xenial again (note wily is done'n'dusted, we don't care for it any more)12:09
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nick1235r.i.p wily12:16
tsdgeosubuntu::connectivity::NetworkingStatus thinks i'm offline12:25
* tsdgeos shakes fist12:25
ltinkltsdgeos, ye that thing is unreliable lately; my router went offline and back online yesterday and unity8 didn't notice at all, had to disable and re-enable networking12:26
tsdgeosit's very bad that this thing doesn't work12:27
tsdgeossince if it thinks we're offiline we don't do any qnam request12:27
ltinkltsdgeos, yup, on the phone, the dash fails to refresh the nearby and today scopes12:29
SaviqI wonder if tg2 not sending msgs for me is the same issue12:29
ltinkltsdgeos, it won't even reconnect to my router when it comes back online12:29
tsdgeosqdbus com.ubuntu.connectivity1 /com/ubuntu/connectivity1/NetworkingStatus com.ubuntu.connectivity1.NetworkingStatus.Status12:35
tsdgeosltinkl: Saviq: on the phone ↑12:35
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ltinkltsdgeos, will do once that happens again12:36
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nick12340ok, so now the mouse is working on unity8/xenial13:11
nick12340but i get a black window with xmir, am i doing something wrong? Xmir :0 --desktop_file_hint=geany.desktop13:11
nick12340tried -sw -damage still nothing13:11
mhall119Saviq: now that silo 22 has landed, are you going to keep using it for new Mir/Unity work?13:12
mhall119I'm wondering if I should keep using it or removeit from my apt sources13:12
greyback_mhall119: you can remove, we won't hold on to that silo13:18
kgunnwhich reminds me...13:18
mhall119thanks greyback_13:20
greyback_kgunn: killing silo0?13:20
kgunngreyback_: yep, abandoned13:21
greyback_kill the undead13:21
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kgunnltinkl: so @mouse scroll...yep, works for browser, i was actually testing things like dash or u-s-s13:57
kgunnso you can grab and drag the window up, but you can't wheel-scroll13:57
kgunnkind of a small issue...13:57
kgunnsince user can at least grab now13:57
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dandraderAlbertA, ping14:05
ltinklkgunn, hmm weird, that also works fine here14:08
Saviqkgunn, ltinkl I think there's a state when wheel doesn't work in the dash, for example, but not sure why that is... I initially thought the dash doesn't scroll (because well, it didn't...) but then some time later it did work...14:09
Saviqso we need to do some investigation there14:09
ltinklSaviq, ye it looks like a focus issue14:09
ltinklSaviq, sometimes it (dash) doesn't respond to the wheel until I grab it and flick it manually14:10
Saviqltinkl, right14:11
Saviqtsdgeos, qdbus isn't available on the phone by default is it?14:11
tsdgeosSaviq: no14:11
ltinkltsdgeos, it isn't14:11
ltinklhad to manually install it as well14:11
tsdgeosgbdus is but its syntax is awful14:12
ltinklapt-get install qdbus-qt514:13
Saviqltinkl, yeah, not when people have their phones ro14:15
Saviqhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1507769/comments/14 works14:15
AlbertAdandrader: pong14:15
ltinklah right14:15
ubot5Launchpad bug 1507769 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "App store does not display images" [High,Confirmed]14:15
ltinklSaviq, so why do we use com.ubuntu.connectivity1.NetworkingStatus and not the same thing provided by NM itself?14:16
Saviqltinkl, no idea, maybe NM doesn't have enough info or something, I know Qt has API for that, too, but again - maybe not extensive enough14:19
Saviqthose would be my guesses14:19
Saviqor no QML API14:19
tsdgeosSaviq: mzanetti: what about this? https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/warn_using_only_cache/+merge/27585114:21
tsdgeosltinkl: it used to fail so we switched to our thing14:21
mzanettitsdgeos, looks ok I guess. shouldn't it be a qWarning() tho?14:22
mzanetti(assuming eventially we'll add message filters this seems it should still be printed even if random debug stuff is filtered)14:23
tsdgeosmzanetti: no big opinion on debug/warning, in Qt qWarinng are usually yhings you're doing wrong and can fix, but we're not Qt so we can do whatever we want for warning :D14:24
ltinkltsdgeos, looks like ours fails the same :)14:24
mzanettiactually atm it mostly doesn't matter indeed14:24
mzanettiwe should eventually move to QMessageLogger tho14:24
tsdgeosltinkl: well it was a false alarm, it is just that the thing doesn't run on the desktop so i was getting all the things to fail14:25
mzanettiso that we can enable DDA prints without recompiling etc14:25
tsdgeosnice way to spend the morning14:25
tsdgeoswe don't use those at the momnet, we probably should, but don't think it's fair to ask this MR to add them14:30
ltinkltsdgeos, sure, for later14:30
Saviqmterry, hey, can you please merge trunk in https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/shutdown-dialog-on-resume/+merge/275240 so we can see some CI greenness?14:47
mterrySaviq, oh ok14:53
mterrySaviq, no conflicts.  Does CI not merge trunk first anyway?14:54
Saviqmterry, I agree, CI should always take trunk, merge branch, only then test14:54
Saviqmterry, yeah, unfortunately it doesn't14:54
Saviqit tests the branch directly14:54
mterryI feel like I keep forgetting that  :)14:54
mterrySaviq, updated14:54
mterrySaviq, OK, updated my three no-touch-no-lifecycle branches.  No conflicts, but I did bump unity-api version again15:48
Saviqmzanetti, ↑15:50
Saviqmterry, you might need to bump it even more after silo 21 lands, as dednick's occlusion branches bump it, too, unless we land the two together15:51
mterrySaviq, got it.  Easy to bump.  But also...  let's just land no-touch-no-lifecycle...15:51
Saviqmterry, sure, if it's ready to go16:01
mterrySaviq, well it needs final reviews.  But I think it's ready to go16:02
mterrygreyback_, do you like teh qtmir no-touch-no-lifecycle branch now?16:03
greyback_mterry: I do now, yes. CI still unhappy tho16:04
mterrygreyback_, that's because unity-api is bumped.  It can't compile16:05
greyback_ah yes16:05
greyback_mterry: can you please add the checklist with the required unity-api MR listed there16:05
mterrygreyback_, I thought I linked the MR16:05
mterrylet me see16:05
greyback_mterry: ah you did, wrong tab16:06
mterrygreyback_, didn't do the formal checklist though.  I'll add that16:06
greyback_mterry: ack. Will give it all a test today/tomorrow16:08
mterrygreyback_, great thanks!16:09
* greyback_ wishes CI was smart enough to read checklist, and compile all packages ready for testing16:09
Saviqdednick, mterry, greyback_, I added occlusion and lifecycle to silo 2116:20
Saviqdednick, mterry, it's building now, please monitor for conflicts if you can see and fix any https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-021-1-build/216/console16:21
dednickah. i was just doing that :)16:21
greyback_Saviq: could this be added too? https://code.launchpad.net/~alan-griffiths/qtmir/test-harness-for-MirWindowManager/+merge/27422116:21
Saviqgreyback_, doing16:21
greyback_thanks ants.... thants16:22
dednickyay. i'm conflicting!16:22
Saviqdednick, you need to merge trunk / bump to .10216:22
dednickhm. i did yesterday16:22
dednickoh, maybe i didnt push16:22
Saviqdednick, you might wanna just not modify changelog16:33
Saviqdednick, otherwise you'd need to make it same as mterry's16:34
* Saviq gone for a while, biab16:34
dednickSaviq: i've resubmitted and pre-reqed mterrys branch16:34
mterrydednick, ah thanks16:35
=== davidcalle is now known as davidcalle_afk
pstolowskiSaviq, mzanetti hey, question - shell plugin has a single translatable string and ships translations for it; i guess it cannot just set text domain with unity-plugin-scopes package name?17:10
mzanettihmm... that might work...17:16
mzanettibut would need to try. albert is probably able to tell you from the top of his head tomorrow morning17:17
mzanettipstolowski, ^17:17
pstolowskimzanetti, my only concern is since it's a plugin, doing this would affect other plugins which may do the same?17:24
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mterrymzanetti, hrm ~unity-team/unity8/new_fix_upsidedown conflicts with my refactoring in no-touch-no-lifecycle18:00
mterryI'll rock-paper-scissors you for who deps on who  :)18:00
mzanettimterry, seems new_fix_upstream is easier to rebase18:01
mzanettimterry, since I have you here, did you test your no-touch-no-lifecycle on the -pd image?18:03
mzanettiI can't seem to be able to run legacy apps18:03
mterrymzanetti, I tested it by manually tweaking desktop files of touch apps and noting that they were were no longer lifecycled18:03
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mzanettiah ok18:04
mterrymzanetti, so I don't know why legacy apps wouldn't run, but I didn't try that code path18:04
mterrymzanetti, do you only have that problem with my branch or in general?18:04
mzanettino, in general... just trying to find evidence that it *should* work before I spend too much time figuring things18:04
mterryok  :-/18:05
* mterry hasn't tried full blown PD yet18:05
mzanettimterry, I've rebased the fix_upsidedown branch. but you had a great idea... we need a rock-paper-scissors app :D18:40
mzanettiso we actually do that next time18:40
mterrymzanetti, hah  :)18:41
mterrymzanetti, a plugin for ubot would be good18:41
mterrymzanetti, thanks for rebase.  Will try to build silo 21...18:41
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Saviqmterry, fix-upsidedown is actually josharenson's, and it already depends on panel-button-fixes, so rebasing yours on top would be easier IMO19:21
mterryhmph ok...  mzanetti how far are you on rebasing?19:22
mzanettimterry, I merged, but I have some issues with tests19:22
mzanettimterry, seems the tests you added are breaking. so probably I messed up with the merge19:23
mterrymzanetti, maybe my tests broke in the past and I didn't notice because CI is broken for my branches (depends on newer unity-api)19:23
mterrymzanetti, let me test in my pristine branch19:23
mzanettimterry, nope. I ran your branch alone already. passing there19:25
mterrymzanetti, and this is why you should never add tests  ;)19:26
mterrymzanetti, well was the merge hard?  I'm realizing that it might be better to have my MP as the leaf, since it breaks CI (with the unity-api bump).  The fewer branches we have with uncheckable CI, the better19:28
mzanettimterry, no. the merge should be really easy if you know your branch19:28
mterryalright, let me try19:28
mzanettimterry, re-merge panel-button-fixes to the other first19:29
mzanettimterry, it'll fix the two failing tests there19:29
mzanettiapplies without conflict19:29
mterrymzanetti, doesn't lp:~unity-team/unity8/new_fix_upsidedown include that already?19:29
mterryor you're just saying for easier merge of that19:30
mterryto clear tests first19:30
* mterry is picking up what you're putting down19:30
=== davidcalle_afk is now known as davidcalle
kgunnsilo 21 seems to add a new oddity to windowed mode, the phone app is forcing rotation to portrait on the n719:51
Saviqjosharenson, can you comment, sounds related to your orientation work ↑?19:52
SturmFlutDear Unity8 team, I just connected my Ubuntu Nexus 4 to a projector, coupled keyboard and mouse via Bluetooth and the phone turned into a desktop. You guys are my personal heroes and this message is good for a beer if we ever meet in person ;)19:54
Saviqkgunn, otoh:19:55
Saviq$ grep Orientation /usr/share/applications/dialer-app.desktop19:55
SaviqSturmFlut, glad it's working for you19:55
Saviqkgunn, ah but also:19:56
Saviq$ grep Stage /usr/share/applications/dialer-app.desktop19:56
Saviqso it should end up in sidestage19:56
kgunnSturmFlut: :) thanks for the kind words19:57
kgunnSaviq: there's no sidestage in windowed mode tho19:57
kgunn(i thot)19:57
Saviqkgunn, ah now I know what you mean19:57
Saviqkgunn, you sure it wasn't the case before silo 21?19:58
kgunnadd video to bug 151036019:58
ubot5bug 1510360 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "maximize, close, launch goes full screen with no buttons" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151036019:58
kgunnSaviq: wrt rotation...i _think_ but i can't promise19:58
Saviqkgunn, but yeah, I think josharenson's branch might have broken that https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/new_fix_upsidedown/+merge/27568319:58
kgunni was testing phone late last night (w/o silo21) and didn't see it19:58
josharensonit probably did. that branch touches a lot of rotation stuff19:59
kgunnbut i might have only been on nexus419:59
kgunnok...i have to run one more freakin' errand bbiab20:00
Saviqjosharenson, sounds like we're missing a test then20:01
Saviqjosharenson, it might be as simple as supportedOrientations: root.useNativeOrientation20:04
Saviqwhich the previous implementation had for desktop, and it doesn't now20:04
josharensonSaviq: ill take a look20:04
attentekgunn: hi, do you know if multiple surface apps are working or not on the phone?20:16
Saviqattente, not yet20:26
Saviqmterry, I merged panel-button-fixes to new-fix-upsidedown, you will rebase yours on top of the latter?20:26
attenteSaviq: ok, thanks20:26
mterrySaviq, uh yeah.  whoops, I got distracted by something else, will get back on that...  :-/20:26
kgunnso if i'm in windowed mode and hold down the power key....shouldn't the power off prompt still come up ? (not connected to monitor either)20:45
Saviqkgunn, no, the phone is still a phone20:46
Saviqkgunn, at least that's the current thinking - you don't reboot, shut down your phone, regardless what peripherals it has connected20:46
* kgunn thinks you mean yes20:48
Saviqtruth be told you barely do that with your laptop these days20:48
Saviqkgunn, ah, hold, yes20:48
Saviqnot on press20:48
kgunnright...power dialog never appeared20:48
kgunnjust shut off20:48
Saviqltinkl, ↑20:49
kgunnok, it seems inconsistent....20:49
kgunnactually seems like dialog just takes too long to appear (so it powered off one time)20:50
kgunni think i saw mterry talking to pat about it ^20:50
mterrykgunn, I've seen dialog take too long if system is loaded and unity8 doesn't get around to it20:50
kgunnhmmm...no load per se20:51
mterrykgunn, but pat says his system wasn't loaded20:51
mterryyeah...  hm20:51
kgunnin fact just booted20:51
kgunni'm on n7 ubunt-pd+silo21 fwiw20:51
kgunnalso...if i doublt tap the power button, i get the power dialog20:51
mterrykgunn, silo21 was built?  i thought it had problems20:51
kgunndid it? i heard my morning to give it a shot20:52
Saviqkgunn, mterry it did built, but we've added more since20:53
mterrySaviq, just tried rebuilding with my rebased branch20:53
Saviqand that's what we're having confilcts with20:54
* mterry crosses fingers20:54
Saviqmterry, ack20:54
Saviqmterry, halt20:57
mterry.. already started it20:57
mterryoh it failed20:57
Saviqmterry, well, it conflicted still, but regardless, bump Ubuntu.Components import to 1.320:57
mterryah yes20:58
mterrywonder why it conflicted on same files...  what else touches those...20:59
Saviqmterry, there's like 4 branches in total that touch it21:00
Saviqsdk_13, quick_24, that might be where it's conflicting21:00
Saviqnot sure we'll manage to land it all together, there's too many branches touching the same bits21:00
Saviqlet me try and reproduce the conflict21:01
mterrynot sdk_13...21:02
Saviqmterry, more than likely it's bzr being a bitch again21:03
Saviqmterry, yeah, criss-cross21:06
mterrySaviq, I've seen that message before, but it never caused a problem for me, usually bzr figures it out.  What do we do here?21:07
Saviqmterry, don't think we can do much, basically your branch would need two prerequisites21:08
Saviqbug #1313697 fwiw21:08
ubot5bug 1313697 in CI Train [cu2d] "Train should try --weave if criss-cross merge is detected" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131369721:08
Saviqbut afaict weave is dangerous21:08
Saviqthe result might not be what you think it'd be21:08
mterrySaviq, alright.  so delay my branch?  Bugger21:09
Saviqmterry, but yeah, that's a conflict in bzr's mind http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12983110/21:10
mterrySaviq, I wonder if moving that block elsewhere in the file would help21:10
Saviqmterry, there's other conflicts that are not as simple21:11
Saviqmterry, but yeah, it's dumb21:11
mterrySaviq, we could do two landings right after each other?21:12
Saviqmterry, sure, just trying to understand this first21:12
Saviqmterry, that's the extent of the conflicts http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12983218/21:14
Saviqso it's really stupid21:14
mterrySaviq, yup.  Those are the results of me merging in the other pre-req branch21:15
Saviqmterry, there's only one way I can think of, and that's actually replaying the commits from your branch on top of the prerequisite21:17
* Saviq tries21:17
mterrySaviq, hrm, would mean renumbering commits, but ok.  I think mzanetti might have had a branch depending on mine, but as long as he knows...21:18
kgunnSaviq: fwiw, also seeing absolutely random reboots with silo 21...more than once, i'm not even interacting with the device, haven't connected with monitor even21:21
kgunnand it just reboots on it's own21:21
Saviqmterry, ok got it21:21
Saviqmterry, you need to undo the trunk merge21:21
mterrySaviq, hah.  dang it bzr21:22
Saviqmterry, so uncommit until you go past the trunk merge21:22
Saviqmterry, re-commit the 1.3 bit21:22
Saviqmterry, merge (conflicts) new-fix-upsidedown21:22
Saviqmterry, then it will work21:22
mterrywill try21:22
Saviqmterry, checked, it does21:22
Saviqonly didn't fix the conflict proper21:22
Saviqmterry, bzr hates it when you have interleaved merges from the same branch into two consecutive branches21:23
Saviqkgunn, ouch, care to try clearing /var/log (sudo find /var/log /var/crash -type f -exec rm {} +)21:24
Saviqkgunn, and check stuff out the next time it happens21:24
mterrySaviq, my understanding is that the silo will handle --overwrite.   Correct?21:26
Saviqmterry, yeah, no problem21:26
Saviqmterry, it starts from scratch every time21:27
Saviqkgunn, could also be useful to look at logcat... not sure how to find the reboot point there though21:27
Saviqalso I remember seeing something about a... foo.last log file that gets rotated on reboot, not sure where to find that, or maybe it was a flash-related thing21:28
Saviqso recovery21:28
mterrySaviq, alright building again21:30
Saviqmterry, tx21:31
Saviqlookin' good21:34
mterrySaviq, :(21:35
Saviqaaand it conflicted21:35
Saviqbut that we can probably solve21:35
Saviqsince that branch doesn't prereq anything yet21:35
* Saviq steals from dednick21:35
mterrySaviq, might be easier if we had a policy of pushing to ~unity-team21:37
Saviqmterry, well, have to resubmit in this case anyway, not a huge gain21:37
Saviqmterry, but yeah, I've been pondering that21:38
Saviqhmm not a trivial conflict21:40
Saviqok thanks mzanetti, conflict more trivial than I thought21:46
Saviqmterry, one more try https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-021-1-build/221/console21:46
SaviqI kicked with force to rebuild all packages21:47
Saviqit wouldn't have built unity-api, qtmir or qtubuntu otherwise, bug in train wrt failed builds21:48
Saviqhuuh there's more conflicts now instead of less... wtf21:52
Saviqah criss cross again, /me resolves21:52
Saviqlet's see if I have to go back all the way...21:55
Saviqin your face, bzr!21:59
josharensongreyback__: if you have a chance, can you take a look at ShellApplication.cpp in https://code.launchpad.net/~josharenson/unity8/slim_greeter_real_lightdm/+merge/271614  I merged a hack that I had before, and wanted to make sure it won't break multi-monitor (I plan to test it on another monitor in a bit)22:09
Saviqkgunn, silo 21 is rebuilding whole, should be done in an hour or so https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-021-1-build/223/console if you want to have a look22:16

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