
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, critters and everything else12:19
lazypowerChinnoDog r00t^2 - that was some nice banter. MAAS turns bare metal into a "cloud" - it enables elastic scaling, network provisioning, segmenting, (As of 1.9 bonded nic support!!!)17:32
lazypowerand placing a juju state server, you can then go full iron, full container, full kvm, or even go so far as to put openstack on top of it, and then juju drive that openstack install17:33
lazypowercloud is synonymous with what, an API to request resources on another persons machine, and get some abstractions for constraints like disk space, cpu, memory, network segment17:34
lazypowera BM cloud provider should have all of these facilities. I run one in my basement for testing K8's, big data, and the other charms i'm responsible for17:34
lazypowerplus a pretty stellar TV automation suite since i cut the cord a while ago17:34
ChinnoDoglazypower: Do you know any good BM public clouds though? Where do you expect people to deploy juju on BM besides their data centers?18:02
lazypowerIn order to deploy on BM you're doing one of two things. You're using MAAS to provide the API as the translation between juju and your BM layer. Or you're doing it with the manual provider18:03
lazypowerlots of DC's have adopted MAAS - but it is indeed private cloud for the most part. I dont know of many BM public clouds. Its cost prohibitive. A lot of the businesses i interface with that are doing BM deployments, are doing it as legacy infrastructure, automating with CM tooling like puppet/chef, and manually racking18:04
lazypowerthen carving those up with KVM units, LXD containers, Docker, et-al18:04
lazypowerso its a clear dividing line in customer18:04
lazypowerthose that want the full gambit of automation invest the time in setting up a cluster-controller to turn those rackmounts into assets vs pets18:05

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