
pursuivantmuon (master) v5.4.2-144-g3b0e2bb * Aleix Pol: discover/qml (4 files)00:38
pursuivantFix issues pointed out by David00:38
pursuivantChange opacity when not hovered in application list delegate.00:38
pursuivantImprove title on Top lists.00:38
pursuivantAdd a bit of a hover effect for the CategoriesView00:38
pursuivantmuon (master) v5.4.2-145-g7381e5c * Aleix Pol: discover/qml/Breadcrumbs.qml00:38
pursuivantMake breadcrumbs method private00:38
pursuivantThis way the file can be moved upstream without having weird public API00:38
pursuivantmuon (Plasma/5.4) v5.4.2-6-g3c1cccd * Aleix Pol: libmuon/backends/PackageKitBackend/PKTransaction.cpp01:21
pursuivantFix package removal on PackageKit01:21
pursuivantAllow PackageKit to remove dependencies if necessary. Shouldn't be a01:21
pursuivantFixes removal in Fedora (see bugs attached) and Archlinux.01:21
pursuivantmuon (master) v5.4.2-147-gbbfcd18 * Aleix Pol: libmuon/backends/PackageKitBackend/PKTransaction.cpp01:51
pursuivantMerge branch 'Plasma/5.4'01:51
alvinI'm trying to report a bug > $ ubuntu-bug kmail08:54
alvinSegmentation fault (core dumped)08:54
mparilloLet's see if this helps.08:55
ubottuIf you find a bug in Kubuntu, please follow the instructions at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Bugs/Reporting to report the issue to the developers.08:55
mparilloWell, that is a little stale08:56
alvinYes, there's no menu item in the help anymore. I'll have to do it manually. Actually I was counting on ubuntu-bug to tell me there were already lots of duplicates. (You can't erase or move mail in Kmail in Kubuntu 15.10)08:58
yofeltry apport-cli08:58
yofelthen we'll know if it's apport or the UI that crashes08:58
yofelactually, is there something apport related in /var/crash/ ?08:59
alvinyofel: Yes, there is08:59
yofelplease report that using apport-cli09:00
alvinWait. You mean the bug where ubuntu-bug crashes? Against what package?09:00
yofeljust run apport-cli /var/crash/<crashfile>09:01
yofelunless that crashes as well09:01
lordievaderGood morning09:20
alvinCrashes too. Not visible. There's just nothing after pressing 'send'09:30
soeeclivejo: any idea when your plasma-nm package will be in wily archive ?09:31
clivejosoee: sorry, no idea09:31
clivejohas to be approved, yofel said something about it being a week before it gets that far, all going well09:32
soeeclivejo: ok, cool :-)09:32
clivejosoee: are you Polish?09:33
soeeclivejo: sure09:33
clivejowould you be up for a translation of a project?09:34
soeeclivejo: what project ? :-)09:35
clivejosoee: see PM09:40
=== greyback__ is now known as greyback
yofelmaxyz: the acc fix for allow-stderr needs to be in all repositories or just in the ones pitti found?11:19
maxyzyofel: I've ran that script in frameworks and applications, with a wrapper that commits the changes if any.11:21
yofelfair enough, thanks11:23
maxyzyofel: https://paste.debian.net/318520/11:25
yofelsweet, thanks!11:26
clivejoo/ @ maxyz11:59
clivejoIve noticed that while in dolphin and menu clicking a photo to open it in GIMP, dolphin often crashes, anyone else seen this?  It appears to be random and doesnt happen everytime12:02
maxyzclivejo: Hi12:03
clivejoyesterday it was driving me mad crashing, yet today when I have time to investigate the issue it wont do it!12:04
clivejohi maxyz, nice work in debian git :)12:04
maxyzclivejo: Mmh, can you reproduce the problem when you modify the file with gimp?12:10
clivejoI cant reproduce it today12:24
clivejoI was transferring photos from my phone via KDEConnect and cropping/fixing them in GIMP at the time12:28
clivejobut I cant reproduce it today12:28
mamarleyHi :)12:32
=== rdieter_work is now known as rdieter
clivejois there a PPA I can add to test the new kernels or do I have to download and install the .debs everytime there is an upgrade/new release13:06
yofelAFAIK there is no easy to install PPA on purpose, but feel free to ask in #ubuntu-kernel13:41
pursuivantmuon (Plasma/5.4) v5.4.2-7-g8920872 * Rex Dieter: discover/org.kde.discover.desktop13:46
pursuivantorg.kde.discover.desktop: validation fixes13:46
pursuivantmostly using ; as delimeters, and ensuring ; at the end too13:46
pursuivantmuon (master) v5.4.2-149-gf5a97ac * Rex Dieter: discover/org.kde.discover.desktop13:47
pursuivantMerge branch 'Plasma/5.4'13:47
BluesKajhey folks14:32
marco-parilloHiyas: xenial running fine on my VM today. Nothing ugly.14:43
pursuivantmuon (master) v5.4.2-150-ga4b888e * Aleix Pol: discover/qml/Breadcrumbs.qml14:44
pursuivantFix breadcrumbs navigation14:44
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clivejo_anyone know offhand how to see what is taking longest during boot?15:20
clivejo_Ive installed the patched plasma-nm, but still taking a while to get into plasma15:21
yofelthere is systemd-analyze15:21
yofelnot sure if that tracks stuff post-login15:22
clivejo_Startup finished in 6.439s (kernel) + 21.689s (userspace) = 28.128s15:22
clivejo_but its about 90seconds before the desktop loads, with autologin15:23
yofelmeh, we need session journals :S15:23
clivejo_also, I need these systems to auto start firefox15:23
clivejo_but if the user shuts down with firefox loaded the system tries to run it twice and throws errors15:24
clivejo_ie "Firefox is already running but not responding.  To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process or restart the system"15:25
yofelhuh? it auto-starts at shutdown?15:25
clivejo_is there a way to turn off session saving?15:25
yofelthere is a checkbox somewhere I believe15:25
clivejo_no, at shutdown it saves the apps you leave running15:26
clivejo_but I have firefox set as autostart.  If the user leaves it open, it tries to run it twice15:26
yofelstartup and shutdown > desktop session > on login15:26
clivejo_yup, thats where I run firefox15:27
clivejo_ah On login, start with new session15:27
clivejo_lets try that15:31
yofelahoneybun: I see correctly that you didn't get anywhere regarding docs.kubuntu.org?15:48
yofelwhat exactly needs to be done there?15:48
Mamarokyofel: Xenial planning on 3.11. -- isn't that your birthday?15:55
yofelnow that you mention it - it is ^^15:57
MamarokI've seen that because I was putting it in my agenda :)15:58
Mamarokhm, with those silly daylight saving changes, UTC is no GMT-1, right?15:59
yofelright now is 16:00 UTC16:00
yofeltimezones are confusing *-.-16:00
Mamarokyep, so GMT is UTC+116:00
TJ-Mamarok: GMT = UTC17:30
pursuivantmuon (Plasma/5.4) v5.4.2-8-gf110bb3 * Aleix Pol: libmuon/backends/PackageKitBackend/PackageKitResource.cpp17:39
pursuivantFix PackageKit details display17:39
pursuivantProperly check if the details we receive are the ones we're interested in.17:39
pursuivantMake sure we update when the resources arrive in the resource instance.17:39
pursuivantmuon (master) v5.4.2-152-g479f45a * Aleix Pol: libmuon/backends/PackageKitBackend/PackageKitResource.cpp17:39
pursuivantMerge branch 'Plasma/5.4'17:39
MamarokTJ-: yeah, my bad, I meant CET, not GMT17:59
ahoneybunyofel: things just need to be copied over I think18:31
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sick_rimmitGood evening my friends :-)19:59
sick_rimmitHi sgclark20:13
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* ahoneybun wonders why pluging in an hdmi restarts the whole shell...22:07
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clivejoTorx 722:32

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