
=== Spads_ is now known as Spads
nealmcbThe bug tracker location listed for workrave at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/workrave-bugzilla/+edit is wrong.  The value currently is "http://issues.workrave.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla/" but that is "Not Found".  The url http://issues.workrave.org/ works, but launchpad won't let me change it.  Please update this and make sure it pulls in all the new bugs (none since 2009 that I see in Launchpad, vs many current bugs in the bugzilla)04:24
wgrantnealmcb: Launchpad doesn't automatically import all bugs on the remote tracker, but I've updated the URL.04:34
mapreriso, we have https://launchpad.net/~scribus/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+sourcepub/5080381/+listing-archive-extra — is there a way to ask lp to do a ppc64el build without re-uploading?11:02
cjwatsonmapreri: I'm not completely sure if this works, but one thing you can try is a self-copy: copy-package -A ppa:scribus/ubuntu/ppa --from-suite trusty --to-suite trusty -e 0.0.1-1~ubuntu14.04~ppa1 -b scribus11:14
cjwatsonmapreri: oh, add --force-same-destination11:15
maprericjwatson: copy-package ain't in ubuntu-dev-tools (at least in debian)11:15
cjwatsonmapreri: lp:ubuntu-archive-tools11:16
* mapreri mumbles: why splitting this stuff...11:16
cjwatsonDifferent maintenance needs11:18
cjwatsonMaybe some of it could stand to migrate to ubuntu-dev-tools at some point, but I really haven't had the effort and it would require rather more SRUs11:19
mapreri"Launchpad encountered an error during the following operation: copying a package.  libpagemaker 0.0.1-1~ubuntu14.04~ppa1 in trusty (same version already has published binaries in the destination archive)"11:21
maprerioh, with -b worked!11:23
maprerithough I'm not sure why "copy related binaries" would allow this11:23
cjwatsonthat seems to have worked, and sorry I typoed the package name11:38
cjwatsonright, without -b, it thinks you want to rebuild the source, which you can't because there are already binaries there11:39
cjwatsonthat stage of the copy process is actually uninteresting and you just want to bypass it, which -b does11:39
cjwatsonthe useful effect of the copy is to hit the "create missing builds" step right at the end11:39
mapreriI'd have never thought of using copy-packages (though I'd have used the webui) to trigger such thing...11:50
mapreriso thank you :)11:50
cjwatsonyeah the same thing in the web UI should have worked too, I just find CLIs easier to teleoperate :)11:50
cjwatsonOdd_Bloke: your git merge proposal comment issue from the other day is fixed now14:10
Odd_Blokecjwatson: Thanks!14:11
Odd_Blokecjwatson: Oh, and I just got to use the easy copy-paste for removing a known SSH host for the first time; thanks for that too! <314:13
george_eQuestion - was there a change recently that caused arch. independent packages to be built on i386 instead of amd64?22:26
tumbleweedother way around22:29
tumbleweedthey'll build on amd64 on newer Ubuntu releases22:29
george_eAh, so on Trusty they build on i386 and Vivid, amd64?22:31
george_e(At least that's what I've observed.)22:31
tumbleweedI can't remember when it changed22:31
george_eOkay, I only ask because I have an identical build for both Trusty and Vivid and it's failing on Trusty for some reason. It would appear to be arch-related.22:32
george_eOn an unrelated note: I have some daily builds that seem to be stuck.22:46
tumbleweedthat I can't help with :)22:50
george_eIf it runs much longer, I'll just cancel them and try again.22:51
george_eDoes anyone know if there is a way to tell backportpackage not to include source in an upload?23:42

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