
dholbachgood morning07:35
fgimenezgood morning08:04
tetor1good evening (from Tokyo)08:17
mvohey good morning fgimenez and tetor108:23
mvotetor1: well, good evening for you of course :) still morning here in europe08:23
fgimenezhi mvo :)08:23
mvoI'm looking for ideas how to do git branches similar to bzr pipelines or LPs prerequiste branches model so that I can work on a set of changes but broken into smaller branches08:24
mvofgimenez or Chipaca, any ideas?08:25
fgimenezmvo, afaik you could branch from a base branch, which would be the equivalent of the prerequisirte, but i think that nothing prevents you from merging the dependent branch before its dependency (which would merge the complete diff)08:41
fgimenezmvo, imo the model is different here, the work should be split in small chunks and rebased frequently to master, or the long lived branch taken as base08:43
Chipacamvo: you create a long-lived staging branch, do your work against that, then merge that into trunk? isn't that the git way?08:44
Chipacamvo: what fgimenez said08:45
Chipacamvo: but i'm not a git expert at all08:45
mvoChipaca, fgimenez: thanks, I will try that08:45
zygagood morinng08:47
clobranogood morning all08:57
Chipacawhat on earth is up with that guy09:13
clobranowrong chat, I suppose :D09:15
clobranois there any string I can get from shell that differentiate Snappy from other Linux distro?09:18
Chipacaclobrano: not afaik. I think /etc/ubuntu-build is there on both snappy and click for example09:34
Chipacaclobrano: wrt wrong chat, no: Guest42341 comes in every day, shouts something, and goes away09:35
clobranoChipaca: about Guest42341 I did'n know :D09:36
Chipacaclobrano: and now that i've said two things with the same length I've got to try to say more09:36
clobranoChipaca: ok for the string, I'll ask the user to select the OS ;)09:36
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longsleepChipaca: Hey, i am still having issues with seccomp and Nginx on snappy. Would you eventually have some time to help me figuring out why exactly i see no audit logs for seccomp and Nginx just works when i add @unrestricted to its profle, but does not with snappy common + networking + network-service?09:45
Chipacalongsleep: sure, bring it on. At least until somebody more knowledgeable on seccomp/apparmor shows up :)09:46
longsleepChipaca: ok awesome - first thing i do not understand is if i should get seccomp reject messages in syslog09:46
longsleep(or how they would look)09:46
Chipacalongsleep: if seccomp is what's blocking things, yes you should09:46
longsleepChipaca: yeah i thought so too, but i do not have a single seccomp message in my log09:47
Chipacalongsleep: and sc-logresolve should find those for you09:47
longsleepChipaca: yeah - that command shows nothing unfortunatly09:47
Chipacalongsleep: and no DENIED either?09:48
longsleepChipaca: i only see DENIED when running with @unrestricted in the seccomp profile (apparmor DENIED)09:48
longsleepChipaca: like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/12988041/09:49
longsleepbut this is with @unrestricted - if i run restricted it just crashes when forking without any message to the logs09:49
Chipacalongsleep: and “sudo snappy service logs” doesn't give you anything either?09:50
longsleepChipaca: nothing related to audit09:50
longsleepChipaca: i also have a hard time to figure out where it is crashing. The syscalls it is using are all in the seccomp profile.09:51
longsleepChipaca: so i am trying to figure out why @unrestricted makes it work09:51
Chipacalongsleep: have you strace'd it with and without?09:51
Chipacalongsleep: (the strace needs to go outside of confinement -- if it's a service, in the .service file)09:52
longsleepChipaca: How can i strace it when a child process is crashing but the main process works fine?09:52
longsleepNginx uses a master process, which works fine, that spawns worker processes - and those crash when09:52
longsleepor created - not sure09:53
Chipacalongsleep: strace -f follows forks09:53
longsleepok let me try that09:53
Chipacalongsleep: strace -ff splits each fork's trace into a different file09:53
Chipacalongsleep: you'll have to copy strace in09:53
longsleepChipaca: that might help in figureing out why it crashes09:53
longsleepChipaca: sure - hold on a sec09:53
longsleepWhat i still do not get is why i do not get seccomp logs though09:54
Chipacalongsleep: yeh. You should be seeing logs, so that's a question for jdstrand i think09:54
longsleepI mean i run kernel 3.10 - maybe i am missing something there but i have checked and did not find anything09:54
Chipacaoh, that's fairly old isn't it?09:57
Chipaca$ uname -r09:57
longsleepChipaca: yeah - ODROID is sadly stuck at 3.1009:58
Chipacalongsleep: anyway, strace should shed light on it one way or another09:58
longsleepok i got strace now09:58
longsleepChipaca: ok the crash case seems simple: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12988105/10:01
Chipacalongsleep: that's seccomp alright10:02
Chipacalongsleep: you need to know what comes *next* though :)10:02
longsleepyeah on it10:02
longsleepthats next10:02
longsleepah i see and that is commented in the profile10:03
longsleep# snappy doesn't currently support per-app UID/GIDs so don't allow this family10:03
longsleep# of syscalls. To properly support these, we need to have syscall arg filtering10:03
longsleep# (LP: #1446748) and per-app UID/GIDs.10:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1446748 in ubuntu-core-security (Ubuntu) "implement seccomp filtering by argument" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144674810:03
longsleepChipaca: that was helpful - thanks!10:04
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Wednesday, and happy International Animation Day! 😃10:04
longsleepChipaca: so what do i need to do, to get some seccomp profile which allows this?10:04
Chipacalongsleep: can't you tell nginx not to switch users?10:05
longsleepChipaca: no :/10:05
longsleepChipaca: it always switches to whatever configured or nobody when run as root10:06
longsleepChipaca: only way it will not switch is when not run as root10:06
Chipacalongsleep: we need to poke jdstrand then10:06
Chipacalongsleep: maybe allowing just switching to nobody is possible10:07
longsleepChipaca: yeah that would be a good idea probably, but as long as bug #1446748 that might be hard10:08
ubottubug 1446748 in ubuntu-core-security (Ubuntu) "implement seccomp filtering by argument" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144674810:08
longsleepAh i just found why i missed finding the syscall in the first place10:10
longsleepLinux 2.4 added setgid32() supporting 32-bit IDs. The glibc setgid() wrapper function transparently deals with the varia‐ tion across kernel versions10:10
longsleep"transparent wrapper function" ...10:10
Chipacaglib is full of those10:11
longsleepChipaca: so i can fix this by patching Nginx - leaves the issue why i cannot see seccomp denies in the logs10:12
longsleepChipaca: another approach would be if snappy would somehow run a service as non root10:19
longsleepChipaca: the check in nginx is simple: if (geteuid() == 0) {10:19
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Chipacamvo: wrt https://travis-ci.org/ubuntu-core/snappy/builds/87841510, comment out or skip the last line in that test10:32
mvoChipaca: thanks, I will do that now, I was not sure what its doing10:35
Chipacamvo: trying to test that which go deems unknowable10:35
mvoChipaca: yeah, I figured it from your conversation from last night :)10:35
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Chipacamvo: all the branches are blocked by that, so maybe i should make a separate branch just for this10:42
Chipacamvo: what say you10:42
mvoChipaca: yeah, I was thinking the same10:42
Chipacaok, coming up10:42
mvoChipaca: how does https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snappy/compare/ubuntu-core:master...mvo5:bugfix/fix-daemon-vet-issue?expand=1 look?10:48
Chipacamvo: that's relying on the same undefined behaviour10:48
Chipacafighting with git now, it doesn't want to push stuff10:49
Chipacabut i've got a branch for it10:49
mvoChipaca: I have no strong opinion but it seems like we can add a comment and once the undefined behavior actually bites us we remove the test10:49
mvoChipaca: it seems right now undefined means "may change in future compiler versions"10:50
mvoChipaca: but if removing is the better option, I don't mind10:51
Chipacahow do i set a branch's "upstream"?10:52
morphisogra_, mvo: you know if /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0 is present in all Ubuntu Core snappy images by default?10:52
mvoChipaca: not sure I understand the question? hangout?10:52
mvomorphis: it wil generated on first boot10:53
ogra_morphis, it gets created on firstboot by snappy config10:53
morphisso lets say, when I have a image with the network-manager snap included I just need to change the snappy configuration of the image at build time?10:53
ogra_if you have an oem snap that defines that the nm-snap gets included you can also set default config options in its yaml file for snappy config10:54
ogra_i dont think we have a way to not create the file at all though ( Chipaca would know if thats possible)10:55
Chipacaother than not having an ethernet device, no there isn't10:58
Chipacamorphis: what's breaking?10:58
morphisChipaca: nothing10:58
ogra_nobody said anything is broken :)10:59
morphisChipaca: however as we have network-manager now we want network-manager to control eth0 rather than ifupdown10:59
morphisI could just teach networkmanager to still use eth0 even if its configured through eth010:59
Chipacai'd rather we taught snappy a new config option11:00
ogra_Chipaca, well, nm is in a snap ... you dont want that option in ubuntu-core i guess11:00
ogra_/etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf has the "managed=" option for that ...11:01
ogra_so you want to have a config option in the nm snap that sets it and have your oem snap set this to true11:01
ogra_(that way an admin/integrator can still disable it and keep the wired config in ubuntu-core if wanted)11:02
morphisogra_: I see11:04
ogra_mvo, so i managed to get the rolling edge images to build again after all of LP was switched to xenial ...11:05
ogra_mvo, can we go over https://launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/+archive/ubuntu/image/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=wily and see what needs to be forward copied for xenial (and what goes to the archive instead)11:06
ogra_since ubuntu-snappy 1.6 was never uploaded to wily i assume we want to forward port it ? apparmor and ubuntu-core-config seem fine to come from the archive ... i'm not sure about the go* packages in that list11:07
ogra_s/forward port/forward copy/11:08
ogra_(btw, 209 is our first xenial image in rolling/edge, if anyone wants to test that)11:09
Chipacamvo: https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snappy/pull/21 and thanks again11:13
mvoChipaca: could you please remove the "fmt" import in there too and just "git commit --amend" and "git push -f"?11:14
Chipacamvo: you mean, actually run tests?11:14
mvoChipaca: well, thats not needed :P11:14
mvoChipaca: travis is doing that for you and tells you it's failing11:14
Chipacasorry, got carried away with this argh-why-is-push-not-working and forgot i was actually in the middle of it11:14
mvoChipaca: no problem at all11:15
Chipacamvo: https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snappy/pull/21 is green11:25
dholbachtedg, will snapcraft move to github too?11:29
Chipacamvo: any idea why git is angry-red-highlighting the second-plus lines in the pot diff in https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snappy/pull/14/files ?11:35
ogra_dholbach, ??12:05
dholbachogra: mh?12:05
ogra_(community sync)12:05
ogra_(another meeting that nicely moved 2h)12:05
dholbachoops.... sorry12:06
dholbachI'll be right there12:06
mvoogra_: thanks, I think we pretty much want it all in the archive12:15
mvoChipaca: I don't know why its angry red, sorry12:16
Chipacamvo: and do you know how to ask travis to do its thing again?12:16
Chipacathere's supposed to be a "rebuild" button, but i can't even find the build tab :)12:17
mvoChipaca: I'm dong that now, there is a retry button12:17
* ogra_ notes down "mvo is dong now"12:18
Chipacaogra_: "dong that"*12:19
Chipacamvo: too late, your profile has been updated12:19
* ogra_ grins evil 12:20
longsleepChipaca: Patch to make Nginx run on snappy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12989119/12:42
Facuquestion: how can I know (manually, like browsing a web page) which version of a snap is published? thanks!12:51
ChipacaFacu: are you the owner of the snap?12:55
FacuChipaca, nop12:56
ChipacaFacu: GET -H "Accept: application/hal+json"  -H 'X-Ubuntu-Frameworks: ubuntu-core-15.04-dev1' -H 'X-Ubuntu-Architecture: armhf' -H 'X-Ubuntu-Release: 15.04-core' -H "X-Ubuntu-Device-Channel: stable" https://search.apps.ubuntu.com/api/v1/package/webdm12:56
ChipacaFacu: for example12:56
FacuChipaca, ah, no web page?12:57
FacuChipaca, thanks!12:57
ChipacaFacu: i'm not sure web pages know about channels yet12:57
ogra_Facu, https://uappexplorer.com/apps?type=snappy12:57
ogra_(thats a community page for phone apps, but it also lists snaps)12:57
Chipacayeah, was just about to point at https://uappexplorer.com/app/webdm.canonical12:57
ChipacaFacu: version is in the "info" tab12:58
Chipacabut, no channels12:58
FacuChipaca, ogra_, thank you very much13:00
ChipacaFacu: that'll be (another) beer13:00
FacuChipaca, we don't drink enough beers together :/13:01
ChipacaFacu: i agree13:01
zygasergiusens: hey13:03
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
sergiusenszyga, ho13:17
zygasergiusens: hey, I have a question13:20
zygasergiusens: building a snap I ran across an error I'm not familiar with13:21
zygasergiusens: Failed doing pull for foo: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: '/home/zyga/foo/parts/foo/install/sbin/mount.ntfs'13:21
zygasergiusens: does that sound familiar?13:22
zygasergiusens: this is snapcraft trunk13:22
tedgsergiusens: dholbach was asking whether snapcraft will move to github. Thoughts?13:23
sergiusenstedg, heh; soonish, lets get 0.4 out the door first13:36
sergiusenszyga, that's from a stage package, right? Are you in a container?13:36
sergiusenszyga, if you are in a container, check if it is suid; that might be it13:36
zygasergiusens: not in a container13:41
zygasergiusens: vanilla wily13:41
sergiusenszyga, what snapcraft are you using and I guess this is from a deb, right?13:43
sergiusensnot all debs just work13:43
sergiusenszyga, btw, I was pinging you yesterda as guacamole and trusty and maybe first moving our current cli to it and then do the new one13:44
zygasergiusens: I'm using snapcraft trunk13:45
zygasergiusens: mmm, yeah that's doable13:45
zygasergiusens: I'm commited to snappy topics as soon as today ends :)13:46
zygasergiusens: as for ntfs, not sure, it's nothing new13:46
zygasergiusens: I can run snapcraft again and it "works" but I suspect it just didn't notice the problem and marked the prior stage as done13:46
zygasergiusens: stage packages have13:46
zyga        stage-packages:13:46
zyga            - libglib2.0-dev13:46
zyga            - libnl-genl-3-dev13:46
zyga            - libssl-dev13:46
zygasergiusens: I'll try some more, thanks13:48
zygasergiusens: a lot of stuff has changed over the past month :)13:48
sergiusenszyga, yeah, bot not deb handling ;-)13:57
zygasergiusens: where did handle source options something go?14:03
zygasergiusens: aka def pull()14:03
sergiusenszyga, into the base plugin14:03
sergiusenszyga, you complained about it, remember ;-)14:03
sergiusenszyga, and the implementation is now in sources.py14:04
zygasergiusens: yeah, I just realized why it didn't work14:06
zygasergiusens: it now relies on schema14:06
zygasergiusens: and I had a custom one, no worries now14:06
zygasergiusens: thanks!14:06
sergiusenszyga, right 'snapcraft help plugins --devel'14:10
zygasergiusens: I have a problem, I need an extra ppa and so I have this hacky patch, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~zyga/snapcraft/plainbox/revision/25614:13
dholbachsergiusens, nice work on 'snapcraft help'!14:13
dholbachI just found a small issue with it: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12989697/ - shall I file a bug?14:14
sergiusenszyga, look at the ros plugin14:14
zygasergiusens: this howerver, now (but not before), started to cause issues with apt14:14
zygasergiusens: thanks!14:14
sergiusenszyga, it is undocumented, there's and extra sources attrib14:14
fgimenezogra_, when booting rolling/edge 210: Press Enter for maintenance (or press Control-D to continue):14:16
ogra_tgm4883, do you see an nls codepage error somewhere in the boot lo ?14:16
ogra_fgimenez, ^^^14:16
ogra_we usually et that when it cant mount /boot due to missing vfat  modules14:17
sergiusensdholbach, yeah14:17
dholbachthanks sergiusens14:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1510954 in Snapcraft "Help crashes if specified plugin does not exist" [Undecided,New]14:19
fgimenezogra_, nope http://paste.ubuntu.com/12989745/14:20
ogra_fgimenez, hmm, it doesnt seem to get to mount /boot at all14:22
ogra_looks like systemd to me14:26
ogra_sigh, so i guess i need to try myself to debug this14:27
ogra_that seems to go deeper14:28
fgimenezogra_, booting from a udf generated image it throws me to emergency mode14:33
ogra_well, the same one as in the paste, right  ?14:33
fgimenezogra_, yep, it shows more text anyway, journalctl -xb shows errors about mounting /etc/watchdog.conf, don't know if it might be related14:34
ogra_are you sure thats 210 ?14:34
ogra_the watchdog stuff should be fine in that one14:35
fgimenezogra_, yep, sudo ubuntu-device-flash core rolling -o kvm-rolling-edge.img --channel edge --developer-mode14:36
ogra_hmm, k, i'll check that14:36
ogra_i dont see it starting udev in your paste14:39
fgimenezogra_ the paste comes from autopkgtest, don't know if it's complete, for example booting the image with kvm shows the emergency mode welcoming text that is not present in autopkgtest's output14:45
zygasergiusens: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~zyga/snapcraft/plainbox/revision/25614:54
zygasergiusens: do you think it would be appropriate to just not inspect symlinks at all?14:54
sergiusenszyga, we've been asked for the opposite as dangling symlinks in a snap are not allowed15:01
Chipacawriting 4G at 20MB/s gets old15:12
ogra_use --faster15:14
Chipacai'm getting dropped into emergency thing15:19
Chipacaon bbb rolling/edge15:19
ogra_Chipaca, see above15:19
zygasergiusens: ah15:19
ogra_xenial isnt ready yet it seems15:19
Chipacaogra_: ouh15:19
ogra_i'll get to debugging it soon ...15:20
Chipacaogra_: do you know offhand what's the latest edge that boots?15:20
ogra_the last wily image was 208 ...15:20
Chipacagood enough :)15:20
ogra_209 was completely broken, 210 is the first actual xenial image15:20
Chipacaogra_: i got to see "welcome to ubuntu 16.04", so that's nice :)15:22
ogra_ah, it moves on properly when you hit ctrl-d ?15:22
Chipacano, it prints that before emerg mode15:22
Chipacain other news, if you don't plug in the sd card, dd is super fast! 843MB/s!!15:23
ogra_and you get a new device node in /dev for free as well !15:23
sergiusensdholbach, https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snapcraft/1510954/+merge/27601315:24
ogra_ogra@styx:~/Devel/images$ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel edge -o xenial-rolling.img ----developer-mode rolling15:25
ogra_Determining oem configuration15:25
ogra_generic-amd64 failed to install: snappy package not found15:25
ogra_perhaps i tried to hard to use developer mode :P15:26
sergiusensogra_, how many - do you need? don't waste them15:26
elopioogra_: rolling edge #210 amd64 doesn't boot15:27
ogra_elopio, yes15:27
ogra_see above15:27
ogra_i'm u-d-f'ing ...15:27
ogra_to debug15:27
elopiosorry, I'm late :)15:28
zygasergiusens: I think that's a valid thing to do, maybe the exception could be something that we have in the image already15:28
zygasergiusens: I don't even know why ntfs is pulled in, I worry that if we are too strict about it, we'll break a random snap out there that doesn't rely on the symlink, just on some package that pulls it in15:29
sergiusenszyga, right, the problem is 'being in the image already' can only be guaranteed for libc6 and that is the only thing we leave dangling today15:29
sergiusenszyga, right; ubuntu debs in stage packages are going to need a lot of refinements as we go15:30
jdstrandseb128: hey, do you have an ubuntu-personal system available? if so, can you paste the output of 'snappy list' on that system?15:30
seb128jdstrand, hey, no sorry, the image have been discontinued before wily15:31
Chipacaogra_: 208 also lands me in emergency mode15:31
ogra_Chipaca, uuuh, any error ?15:31
sergiusensor Chipaca a quick one https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snapcraft/1510954/+merge/27601315:31
jdstrandseb128: as in, ubuntu-personal images are no longer being generated or you just happen to not have one?15:31
seb128jdstrand, they are not longer generated15:31
jdstrandI see15:31
Chipacaogra_: some not relevant i think ,but:15:32
Chipacaogra_: etc-watchdog.conf.mount: Mount on symlink /etc/watchdog.conf not allowed.15:32
ogra_Chipaca, yeah, thats known15:33
Chipacaogra_: that's about it15:33
ogra_the fix went in but there were no wily images anymore15:34
ogra_not sure that can block the boot15:34
Chipacawill try going back one further15:34
Chipacasee what happens15:34
longsleepare there any known issues in u-d-f on trusty? I just got a report that it does not work and fails with error while executing external command kpartx -ds spreedbox-15.04-stable-dev.img: device-mapper: remove ioctl on loop0p4 failed: Device or resource busy15:35
longsleeploop deleted : /dev/loop015:35
longsleepanyone seen this before?15:35
longsleep(it works the very first time after boot)15:35
Chipacalongsleep: that's an error that comes up often with u-d-f, that we don't have a good way to fix15:36
Chipacalongsleep: at least we haven't found it yet15:36
Chipacalongsleep: but you can clean up and try again15:36
longsleepChipaca: oh - it never happend for me15:36
zygasergiusens: I agree with both15:36
longsleepChipaca: how to clean up? losetup -d and kpartx -d did not help15:37
Chipaca1 sec15:37
Chipacalongsleep: sudo dmsetup clear loop0p4 && sudo losetup -d /dev/loop0 && sudo kpartx -ds /dev/loop015:37
longsleepChipaca: cool15:38
Chipacalongsleep: after that "sudo losetup -l" should be empty15:38
longsleepChipaca: He will try it in a moment15:38
sergiusensChipaca, the root cause is generally a failure to unmount do to a missing .Close()15:38
Chipacasergiusens: shaaaaame15:39
Chipacaogra_: just in case, am i missing anything? ubuntu-device-flash --revision 207 core rolling --oem=beagleblack --channel edge -o bbb_rolling_edge.img --developer-mode15:40
longsleepChipaca: i can confirm that your commands do the trick and resolve the issue - thanks. Though for him it is always required.15:40
sergiusensChipaca, right; the snappy tests need to check for left over FDs if easy to do :-)15:40
ogra_Chipaca, should work, yes15:41
Chipacalongsleep: it *never* succeeds for him?15:41
longsleepChipaca: it never seems to clean up after it ran before, though u-d-f does not finish because it does not find a snap defined in the oem yaml15:42
longsleepChipaca: maybe that is related and it does not properly cleanup in this case15:42
ogra_ok, i found the issue ...15:43
Chipacaogra_: \o/ ?15:43
ogra_seems ubuntu-core-config is broken in xenial15:43
Chipacaogra_: /o\15:43
ogra_i'm sure i dropped watchdog.conf and /etc/default/watchdog before from it15:43
ogra_but they are in writable-paths so systemd tries to double mount15:43
ogra_yup, removing them both makes it boot fine15:44
ogra_ok, fix uploaded15:47
ogra_next image should boot15:47
elopiozyga: your landing bot might be a little too verbose :)15:51
Chipacaogra_: 207 *also* lands me in emergency mode15:53
Chipacaogra_: wat15:53
zygaelopio: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/151099315:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1510993 in Launchpad itself "Regression in tracking merged git merge requests" [Undecided,New]15:53
zygaelopio: perhaps that's the reason15:54
ogra_Chipaca, sure, the fix landed in wily when the buildds were already switched to xenial i fear you have to go far further back to have a booting image15:54
ogra_like ... before watchdoog was added15:54
* Chipaca goes back to 20015:55
Chipacaas per bug 1503329 187 booted, so that's the farthest back i'll have to go15:56
ubottubug 1503329 in Snappy "not getting an ipv4 address on the first boot" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150332915:56
elopiozyga: I mean that the two messages after the +1 seem unnecessary. The approval generally says thanks. And launchpad will send a message when the merge is done.15:56
zygaelopio: ah, I see15:57
zygaelopio: yeah, you are right15:57
zygaelopio: I can remove that15:57
zygaelopio: btw, what are you using it for?15:57
elopiozyga: tarmac by default just talks if something goes wrong.15:57
elopiozyga: I'm not using anything in there. Somebody subscribed me to those branches, so I woke up to tons of your bot messages.15:58
elopiowell, not tons.15:58
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
Chipacaogra_: could you kick off an image build, at least for armhf?16:11
Chipacabootcharts on the bbb or wiiiiiiiiiide :)16:13
Chipacaogra_: with modprobe + modules in oem, we can make the bbb bring up the option module with the right bits!16:22
ogra_Chipaca, i'll kick an image as soon as https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-core-config/0.6.31 is ready16:32
ogra_proposed migration is sloow atm16:32
Chipaca:) ok16:32
Chipacaogra_: anyway, i'm not blocked by that16:33
Chipacahave plenty to figure out here :)16:33
=== fionnan_ is now known as fionnan
ogra_Chipaca, remount / rw ... remove all lines mentioning watchdog from /etc/system-image/writable-paths and be fine ...16:35
ogra_(from the emergency shell)16:35
ogra_next boot will just work16:36
Chipacai'll try that16:38
snappy_which version of snappy do i need for service logs to work?16:38
Chipacasystem-ifup.service is not present in 208, which is strange16:38
ogra_Chipaca, does that come from snappy ?16:40
ogra_(the ubuntu-snappy package )16:40
Chipacasnappy_: 516:40
Chipacaogra_: not afaik16:40
Chipacaogra_: i mean 200, not 208, there16:40
Chipacaogra_: am updating to 208 now16:41
Chipacaogra_: probably part of the systemd changes16:41
Chipacaogra_: but if so, possibly bad news for this fix on stable16:41
Chipacawe'll see16:41
* ogra_ twiddles thumbs ... 16:47
ogra_come on publisher16:47
ogra_sergiusens, why did you unmilestone all the milestone 0.4 bugs ?16:48
ogra_are they getting dropped ?16:49
sergiusensogra_, only 2 or three; they won't make it in today16:49
ogra_ah, k16:49
snappy_Chipaca: I have Snappy 15.04 edge... but sudo service log returns "log: unauthorized service"16:49
longsleepsnappy builds seems to generate invalid package.yaml for oem packages if the oem package contains a preinstalled section. It replaces preinstalled with builtin and adds 4 bogus extra bytes at the end.16:49
ogra_snappy_, it is "sudo snappy service log <service name>"16:50
Chipacasnappy_: i'm going to need you to copy-paste that into a pastebin please16:50
Chipacaogra_: urm, no :)16:50
ogra_no ?16:50
Chipacaogra_: sudo snappy service logs [ package [ service ]]16:51
snappy_Chipaca: ubuntu-core version is 22916:51
ogra_ah logs, not log16:51
ogra_"sudo snappy service logs webdm" works here16:51
Chipacaogra_: yep. webdm is the package :)16:51
Chipacasnappy_: pastebin, please16:52
snappy_Chipaca: I cant copy and paste text16:55
Chipacasnappy_: why?16:56
snappy_Chipaca: I can post an image16:56
snappy_oh nvm16:56
Chipacaimage works, but is often more work, and if you're not able to ssh in you're going to have a hard time :)16:56
snappy_Chipaca: pastebin.com/NLrbkWXN16:58
Chipacasnappy_: unrecognised, not unauthorized16:58
ogra_snappy_, it is "sudo snappy service ..."16:58
Chipacaand what ogra_  said16:59
ogra_you are missing a snappy in your command ...16:59
ogra_service is a snappy command, not a standalone thing ...16:59
longsleepAdded bug #1511050 - someone should look at this asap as it currently seems to be impossible to build a oem snap with preinstalled snaps.17:05
ubottubug 1511050 in Snappy "snappy build generates invalid package.yaml when using preinstalled section" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151105017:05
Chipacapitti: are you around?17:08
ogra_Chipaca, images for armhf and amd64 building (FYI)17:10
Chipacaogra_: ta17:12
Chipacai'm wondering where system-ifup.slice went :-(17:12
ogra_where on disk should that be ?17:14
ogra_/etc/systemd ?17:14
Chipacaogra_: no, it's magic afaict :)17:14
Chipacaogra_: hence me bleating for pitti17:15
Chipacaelopio: about quoting in python17:19
Chipacaelopio: consistency is good, but not at the expense of legibility17:19
elopioChipaca: I agree. Where are we losing legibility?17:20
Chipacaelopio: if you want to create a string that has single quotes in it17:20
Chipacaelopio: you should use double quotes for the string17:20
Chipacaelopio: not escape all the single quotes17:20
ChipacaI mean, sure, having in a same line three strings with different quotes *for no good reason* is bad17:21
elopioyes, that's what I try to do and I've seen sergiusens doing that.17:22
Chipacabut  foo("'hello'", '"yes"', '''"what's this?''') is better than the mishmash of backslashes17:22
Chipaca(a contrived example, but i'm right now reviewing code that suffers from a lesser case of this problem)17:22
sergiusensChipaca, I've fixed that fwiw17:23
Chipacasergiusens: cool17:24
sergiusensChipaca, also, we don't have consolidation in the messages/strings wrt use of ' or ".17:24
sergiusensI was consolidating with "17:24
* ogra_ u-d-f's 211 ...17:48
* ogra_ curses17:56
ogra_seems rmadison lied to me17:57
ogra_so 212 it will be then17:57
* ogra_ triggers a new build17:57
elopioogra_: this issue is similar to the one last week? No way to test it without generating the image?17:58
ogra_elopio, it is the watchdog files17:58
ogra_elopio, i fixed it for wily but before there was an image built with my fix the image builders were switched to default to xenial17:59
ogra_and since then we had no images at all17:59
ogra_now i uploaded the same fix to xenial ...17:59
elopioI got it until this point ^.18:00
ogra_but rmadison lied to me and told me the package was promoted to the archive while it wasnt yet ... so i need another rebuild18:00
ogra_the 212 rolling image that is just building will boot fine i guess18:01
ogra_(now the fix is in the archive)18:01
balloonselopio, are you still a-ok with having that snappy testing session? If so, I'll schedule it for you now18:03
elopioballoons: like automation or manual testing?18:04
elopioballoons: ah, just go for it, we'll talk about both automated and manual tests. Please make it early in the morning so Federico can join us. I will try to convince him to take care of the automated part :)18:08
tedgelopio: sergiusens: So this is getting insane. What do I do to reduce the length of a URL that is longer than 79 characters?18:12
tedgI already deduplicated one string using format to remove common occurances of "certificate" but this one has too much unique data.18:13
elopiotedg: you can url = ("...."18:13
tedgUhg, okay.18:14
elopiothe strings in each line will contact. Split the URL whererver it makes sense, like after /18:14
ogra_intuitive :P18:14
elopioogra_: well, you can put + between the lines too to make it more explicit. I find it nice, but I'm biased :)18:15
ogra_i'm a shell addict ... i'd prefer backslashes :)18:16
tedgIf only we could have a computer program that could wrap long lines on its own. We could call it a "text editor". Ah, to dream of the future.18:16
ogra_tedg, hmm18:16
ogra_not a bad idea though18:16
ogra_we should write one ...18:16
ogra_... and call it vimacs !18:16
tedgMultiple modes that require for control key combinations to switch between. It'd be intuitive!18:17
elopioogra_: I think this works too: url = "..." \18:17
elopio"..." \18:17
ogra_oh, neat18:17
elopioyou see? there's python for everybody!18:17
tedgYeah, actually I've found you can get around the checks on which things can break lines by using \18:17
ogra_python.sh !18:17
tedgThe linter seems to not catch things in that case.18:18
elopiotedg: yes, but pythonistas don't like \ that much.18:18
tedgIt's okay. I don't like them either :-P18:18
elopioI must admit that I'm enjoying the golang long lines.18:18
elopiobut don't tell anybody.18:18
balloonselopio, will do. I will put in on the schedule, but we can easily drop it if it doesn't work out. Thanks for being willing to try.18:19
ogra_until you have to edit them via a serial terminal for the first time :P18:19
elopioballoons: I have lots of things to talk about, most of them in progress so even better to find people who want to help. It will work.18:19
tedgelopio: Welcome to the dark side, we have cookies!18:25
balloonshey tedg btw.. I would be remiss if I didn't offer you a lovely trip to some warmer weather in a month. Orlando is lovely that time of year, and mhall119 will be there. What more could you ask for?18:38
balloonstedg, I'm obviously talking about fossetcon. Mike was looking for someone who could speak about snappy and show off snapcraft. is it an option for you?18:39
balloonsso you know, elopio volunteered you :-)18:39
tedgballoons: Uhm, could be. Depends if elopio will turn off the DEP8 tests :-)18:40
balloonsnicely done!18:40
tedgballoons: Link?18:40
balloonshttp://fossetcon.org/. It's November 19-2118:40
balloonsubucon would just be the 19th18:40
tedgGenerally yes, I think I could probably do that.18:44
tedgHave to redo my snapcraft talk anyway, kinda failed at TXLF18:44
ogra_the snappy/snapcraft talk at ubucon.de was actually crowded18:46
Guest42341how do i end up on this channel???18:47
tedgogra_: I tried for a demo in mine, and someone broke the docker snap an hour before...18:47
ogra_i remember18:48
tedgLive demos are always a bad idea... I need to learn that for reals sometime.18:48
balloonsahh yes. So much can go wrong when you try things live18:49
elopiotedg: hey, I didn't turn the dep8 tests on!18:51
elopioI was happy and surprised when other people started adding the checks :)18:52
ogra_the latest rolling/edge image should now work19:17
elopioogra_: 212 boots, but the ens3 interface is down.19:18
elopioogra_: the config test passes.19:18
ogra_i see ens3 in my kvm here19:19
ogra_anyway, thats for tomorrow ...19:21
ogra_mail sent and i'm EOD ....19:21
elopioogra_: good night. And thanks.19:22
sergiusenstedg, any luck with the plugin or those bug fixes?20:32
tedgsergiusens: Plugin almost done. Talking with "upstream" now.20:33
tedgI've got some complexity to fix though :-(20:34
tedgHaha, oops. I made it more complex.20:46
sergiusenstedg, don't hang yourself :-P20:57
tedgOh, you got rid of all the booleans!21:07
tedgNice, need to update.21:07
sergiusenstedg, oh, the if self.run and blah blah. Of course, now we type less :-)21:15
tedgWell, it reduces the complexity as well.21:16
sergiusenstedg, right, but man, that change landed ages ago ;-)21:26
pittiChipaca: what is system-ifup.slice? you mean ifup@.service?21:29
snappy_Chipaca: u online?22:02
=== greyback__ is now known as greyback
Chipacasnappy_: no22:15
Chipacapitti: I don't know what it is, exactly! was hoping you'd tell me :)22:16
Chipacasnappy_: what's up?22:16
Chipacapitti: it shows up in an amd64 kvm, but not in a bbb, fwiw22:23
Chipacasnappy_: how's things?22:24
snappy_Chipaca: good thx22:25
snappy_Chipaca: getting a failed to connect to Mir on ubuntu 15.04 edge.22:25
Chipacasnappy_: core?22:25
snappy_Chipaca: when trying to run freerdp snap22:25
snappy_Chipaca: snappy ubuntu core*22:25
snappy_Chipaca: edge22:25
Chipacasnappy_: ok, questions for you22:26
Chipacasnappy_: is mir starting successfully? that is: do you get a black screen with a pointer?22:26
snappy_Chipaca: no.  doesnt run22:26
snappy_Chipaca: on edge22:26
Chipacasnappy_: right. The only way I got it to work was by running it under virt-manager, and making sure the display was "spice"22:27
snappy_thx ill try that22:28
Chipacapitti: and ifup@.service doesn't "run"; i can't after: or before: it22:34
sergiusenselopio, are you testing/exploring on trusty, vivid or wily?23:30
elopiosergiusens: vivid and wily.23:30
sergiusenselopio, have you built the ros example?23:31
elopiosergiusens: I left it running, let me check...23:31
elopioFailed doing build for tomcat: Error -3 while decompressing data: invalid block type23:31
elopiolet me re-run it to confirm.23:31
sergiusenselopio, hm that might be networking playing tricks23:31
sergiusenselopio, what about ros?23:32
sergiusenselopio, I ask about ros because I want to know where the 'listener' and 'talker' end up in that build23:32
elopiosergiusens: ros succeeded, that was executed just before that tomcat error.23:33
sergiusenselopio, do you have the snap to test the 'binaries' or access to the ./snap dir?23:33
sergiusensdoes snap/opt/ros/indigo/beginner_tutorials/lib/beginner_tutorials/listener exist?23:33
elopiosergiusens: running again because I don't know where plainbox leaves the files.23:34
sergiusenselopio, oh, plainbox just wipes them :-P23:34
elopiosergiusens: listener exists in that path.23:37
elopioalso talker23:37
sergiusenselopio, https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snapcraft/path_ros/+merge/27607023:38
elopiosergiusens: +123:40
elopiosergiusens: should we retry when the downloads fail?23:46
sergiusenselopio, maybe, but did it fail or was it incorrect?23:46
elopioI retried and it worked. My network is sucking even more this days.23:47
elopiosergiusens: on the run I had running on the other machine I got:23:48
elopioFailed doing pull for local: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: '/home/elopio/.cache/plainbox/sessions/pbox-_anzho6q.session/CHECKBOX_DATA/parts/local/install/sbin/mount.ntfs'23:48
sergiusenselopio, for which example?23:49
elopiosergiusens: trying to figure that out to retry. the wall of text in the test doesn't make it easy.23:49
sergiusenselopio, yeah, I agree; I wanted those examples to be individual tests not one big blob :-)23:50
elopiowith testools and subunit details.23:51
elopioit's the one after gopaste, and mentions ant, so I'm guessing java-hello-world. Retrying...23:52
sergiusenselopio, strange that built fine for me23:53
sergiusensinside an lxd container even23:53
elopiosergiusens: built alright in the wily machine. This is vivid. Pull only downloads things, right? It's a weird error.23:55
sergiusenselopio, it also does the ubuntu unpack magic23:55
sergiusenselopio, I bet vivid is the one in the container?23:56
sergiusenselopio, or chroot or clean environment23:56
elopiosergiusens: no containers here. vivid is the laptop, wily is the desktop23:57

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