
=== nudtrobert1 is now known as nudtrobert
TheMusorobert_ancell: I've got orca covered if you haven't already.03:45
robert_ancellTheMuso, cool, was leaving it for you03:46
TheMusoCool, that sees the a11y stack all up to date then.03:46
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pittiGood morning05:30
didrocksgood morning06:08
desrtgood morning desktop!07:16
desrtpitti, didrocks: hello!07:16
pittihey desrt!07:16
didrockshey desrt! ;)07:17
didrocksoh pitti, you were around, morning!07:17
pittibonjour didrocks ! ça va ?07:17
didrockspitti: le rhume est monté au nez maintenant, mais ça va07:17
didrockspitti: et toi ?07:17
pittididrocks: je vais bien, merci ! nous avons eu un bon concert hier soir, "American Cajun and Bluez FestivalL"07:19
didrockspitti: super, c'était loin de chez vous ?07:20
pittididrocks: non, seulement dix minutes à marcher07:21
didrocksah, en effet, pas loin ;)07:21
seb128good morning desktopers07:27
seb128hey desrt pitti didrocks07:27
desrthey seb12807:27
didrocksre seb12807:28
pittibonjour seb12807:28
darkxsthey seb128 pitti desrt07:31
seb128hey darkxst07:32
seb128how is the piloting going?07:32
darkxstseb128, the queue is a little empty (for what I have rights for), but clearing out a couple of the older ones07:34
seb128if you don't have rights you can still review/have needsfixing comments07:34
seb128or even if you review and ack it might be useful and spare some work for somebody who has upload rights07:35
desrtgood morning, darkxst07:35
darkxstseb128, will do07:39
darkxstseb128, is there much point doing sru's into vivid now?07:39
seb128not really no07:39
darkxstI didnt think so, and bug 1461573, doesnt really seem that critical07:40
ubot5bug 1461573 in python-tempest-lib (Ubuntu) "[SRU] trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/skip-tracker', which is also in package python-tempest-lib" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146157307:40
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* desrt lives more and more of her life inside of a web browser08:10
seb128darkxst, does adwaita replaces g-i-t-symbolic?08:20
seb128bug #151081908:20
ubot5bug 1510819 in evince (Ubuntu) "Xenial: evince (3.18.1-1ubuntu1) depends on gnome-icon-theme-symbolic while gnome-shell (3.18.1-1ububtu1) depends on adwaita-icon-theme" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151081908:20
darkxstseb128, yes08:21
seb128darkxst, thanks08:22
seb128Trevinho, hey! how are you?08:23
darkxstseb128, with the new gtk, those deps shouldnt be needed, since it will be pulled in by gtk+08:23
seb128what about those not using adwaita?08:23
seb128does adwaita install symbol icons in gnome or hicolor?08:23
darkxstseb128, they get the split a-i-t08:23
darkxstseb128,  they are in adwaita-icon-theme-full08:24
seb128which is not installed by default on Ubuntu08:25
darkxstseb128, correct08:25
darkxstseb128, actually that was in 3.16 also, so ok to just drop any g-i-t deps08:27
seb128darkxst, well, g-i-t-symbolic install icons in the "gnome" theme which is used as a fallback for the unity themes08:27
seb128where adwaita installs it in Adwaita08:27
seb128so an unity user wouldn't get those icons as fallback08:28
seb128or we would need to make humanity inherits adwaita08:28
seb128but that feels wrong since they have different styles08:28
darkxstseb128, adwaita-icon-theme is the fallback icons08:28
seb128I though gnome/hicolor were the fallbacks?08:29
darkxstthat not_in_humity.txt file that collects icons ubuntu wants08:29
darkxst^humanity even08:30
Trevinhoseb128: hey, ok... In the cold sweeden with andyrock :-)08:31
seb128Trevinho, oh, have fun there! I hope it changes your mind a bit ;-)08:33
seb128darkxst, sorry, that's not what I mean08:33
seb128if you use Humanity gtk is going to look in the active theme directory08:33
seb128e.g Humanity08:33
seb128and in the fallbacks08:33
seb128gnome, hicolor08:33
seb128but it's not going to pick icons from other themes like Adwaita08:33
seb128is it?08:33
seb128or is Adwaita having a special status in gtk itself that makes it override theme fallbacks choices?08:34
didrocksTrevinho: you don't need sun, you have andyrock next to you, he is going to lighten your day ;)08:36
darkxstseb128, I think gtk+ will check the Adwaita folder before gnome, but not 100% sure08:38
darkxstand symbolic icons are probably shared between the two?08:39
seb128well, my point is that if we uninstall g-i-i-symbolic we loose the /usr/share/icons/gnome/.../blah-icon.svg08:40
seb128having the /usr/share/icons/Adwaita/.../blah-icon.svg helps us only if Humanity picks things in the adwaita directory08:41
seb128which is against the spec08:41
seb128icon themes lookup are supposed to be "current theme -> inherited ones -> hicolor"08:41
darkxstthere aren't even any hicolor icons in g-i-t-s08:44
seb128yeah, but we inherits "gnome"08:44
seb128which is where g-i-t-s ships its icons08:45
seb128oh, in fact somebody changes that to be Adwaita08:45
seb128I guess Laney did08:45
seb128so yeah, we should be alright then08:45
seb128well, humanity is08:46
seb128unsure about e.g xubuntu08:46
seb128darkxst, do you plan a g-c-c upload? we need at least a no change rebuild for the cheese soname change08:47
darkxstseb128, yes need to do the merge for gnome-desktop and g-c-c08:48
seb128that sounds like it might take some days, maybe we should do the no change rebuild first?08:48
darkxsthopefully noskcaj will do the first tonight, and I'll be able to upload them both tomorrow08:49
seb128no abi change this time?08:49
darkxstseb128, no, gnome-desktop was light on changes this cycle08:49
darkxstalso g-s-d merge is done in -desktop branch08:50
seb128darkxst, is bug #1510830 known? I can't reproduce but I wonder if it's Ubuntu GNOME specific?08:53
ubot5bug 1510830 in gnome-calendar (Ubuntu) "gnome-calendar segfaults on startup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151083008:53
darkxstseb128, only because mgedmin just pinged me about it, about to test in a VM08:59
darkxstNoskcaj, branch/09:00
seb128it's ranked medium high on e.u.c and supposed to be fixed in 3.1809:00
seb128I couldn't reproduce on my system though so I didn't look at it more before wily09:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 1510813 in gnome-desktop3 (Ubuntu) "Update to 3.18.1" [Wishlist,In progress]09:00
darkxstseb128, 3.18 will be build-dep on e-d-s 3.18 probably which is in NEW09:03
seb128oh, I saw that robert uploaded but didn't think about NEW09:03
seb128looking to NEW it now09:03
darkxstseb128, ! e-d-s always has soname bumps, many even!09:03
seb128yeah, I just saw that some of the release team members were active on the queue and NEWing things as they come atm09:04
seb128darkxst, you can't upload adwaita? just saw it in the sponsoring queue09:05
darkxstseb128, its marked core-dev for some reason09:07
darkxstNoskcaj, thanks, will look at it now09:08
andyrockgood morning!09:15
larsugood morning!09:21
darkxstNoskcaj, did you check that no rdeps use GNOME_RR_DPMS_DISABLED?09:21
seb128hey andyrock09:22
seb128hey larsu09:22
didrockshey larsu, andyrock09:22
Noskcajno sorry, i'll check in the morning.09:22
darkxstNoskcaj, also you attached to identical diffs to the bug, was there meant to be a ubuntu to debian diff?09:33
Noskcaji didn't make one, the double wasn't intentional09:34
seb128larsu, do you remember what was the status of the gedit update previous cycle? blocked on toolbar decisions? could we just get it ready and upload without that and sort out later if needed?09:34
larsuseb128: yes09:35
larsuseb128: that and rgba headerbar windows09:35
larsuwell, that was the decision we have to make09:35
seb128where was the current work stored?09:36
seb128if I want to give it a try09:36
larsugood question09:36
larsuI guess this? https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/gedit/update-31609:36
seb128darkxst, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/223256059/adwaita-i-t.debdiff09:37
seb128darkxst, what's the second chunk in the changelog? adding an empty line under older entries09:38
darkxstseb128, a bug in dpkg-mergechangelogs perhaps?09:39
seb128darkxst, k, I can drop it then?09:39
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darkxstseb128, sure, I didnt add it!09:40
popeyOoh, 'pretty french thing of the day' goes to bibliothèque interuniversitaire sorbonne - http://a2.format-assets.com/image/private/s--uV9Awriw--/c_limit,g_center,h_65535,w_2500/a_auto,fl_keep_iptc.progressive,q_95/FB_HouseOfBooks_011_osg8pi.jpg10:05
seb128popey, :-)10:06
darkxstseb128, I see the same think in Noskcaj's gnome-desktop diff, but when applied there is no extra line, strange....10:06
seb128darkxst, weird indeed10:06
darkxstseb128, no packaging branch for gnome-desktop3?10:14
seb128darkxst, seems not10:15
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darkxstseb128, looks fine to me, has a soname bump but only for new symbols, I'll just upload and deal with the transition tomorrow ;)10:21
seb128ok, good10:22
seb128we should try to get some of those transitions through then10:23
seb128e-d-s, cheese, libgtop10:23
seb128quite some things started10:23
xnoxLaney: we have not yet transitioned to gpg2.10:23
darkxstseb128, that kinda going to happen when most of 3.18 lands in a week or so!10:25
seb128xnox, he's on holidays this week10:25
seb128darkxst, right, maybe we should not land everything but finish things before moving to the next one10:25
seb128Sweet5hark1, how is the libreoffice for xenial update going?10:26
darkxstseb128, for the gnome ones, its probably easier to tangle them up together, maybe...10:27
seb128darkxst, sort of, cheese would have migrated easily, it has like 6 rdepends10:27
seb128if it's tangled with e.g e-d-s or poppler it couples things like libreoffice to it10:27
seb128so for cheese or control center to migrate you need libreoffice now10:28
darkxstseb128, feel free to reject gnome-desktop3 upload and do a nochange rebuild of g-c-c instead if it helps10:30
darkxstbut poppler tangled up in that also?10:30
seb128I can also keep it in binNEW until we want to deal with it10:30
seb128but yeah, we already have things stacked with e-d-s and poppler10:31
darkxstseb128, ok, leave it in binNEW for now then I guess10:43
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Sweet5hark1seb128: heya12:02
Sweet5hark1seb128: xenial finished building -- just installing my xenial VM for smoketesting12:02
Laneyxnox: I said you wanted to do it not that you did12:03
Sweet5hark1hmmm, virtualbox fails to start any VM for me now that I am on wily.  known issue?12:05
didrocksSweet5hark1: even server vm? I didn't try a client one, but headless does work for me12:06
Sweet5hark1didrocks: well, it errors out for me before I even have a VM window. "The virtual machine 'wily64' has terminated unexpectedly during startup with exit code 1 (0x1)."12:08
Sweet5hark1NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005)12:08
ricotzSweet5hark1, check for the kernel modules12:10
xnoxLaney: correct. I agreed with such statement =)12:11
ricotzbetter install vbox-dkms package since the integrated modules in the kernel are outdated12:11
Sweet5hark1ricotz: hmm, indeed no vboxdrv in lsmod.12:11
Sweet5hark1urgh "ERROR (dkms apport): kernel package linux-headers-3.13.0-36-generic is not supported"12:17
dholbachhey hey12:18
didrocksSweet5hark1: 3.13.0-36? you should autoremove :)12:18
dholbachdo we have any current reports about X crashing in wily?12:18
dholbachmine crashed 2 times today already12:19
didrocksI had a lot of X crashes on intel, the driver was fixed. I still have some once a week12:19
didrocksdid you look at e.u.c?12:19
ricotzSweet5hark1, hehe, you piled up at bunch of ancient kernels over the time?12:19
didrocksricotz: his /boot is properly a gig now :)12:20
dholbachdidrocks, there's https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/1237904 but that's not it12:20
ubot5Launchpad bug 1237904 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Xorg crashed with SIGABRT in OsAbort()" [Medium,Fix released]12:20
ricotzdidrocks, maybe even more ;)12:20
Sweet5hark1didrocks: autoremove doesnt do anything. even more interesting, uname says Im even running 3.13.0-36-generic ...12:20
ricotzkernel are not autoremoved12:20
dholbachmaybe it's https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/3115b3a539889f9f1b701de0ef35d3c9e60c3280?12:20
didrocksSweet5hark1: what? :p12:20
didrocksricotz: if you only use apt, apt-get autoremove --purge will autoremove them12:21
ricotzdidrocks, I guess only the headers?12:21
didrocksricotz: nope, kernel as well12:21
didrocksthey are marked auto by apt12:21
ricotzah ok12:21
* ricotz didnt ran into this yet12:21
didrocksdholbach: yeah, that was my first crash, the second one is way more random to me, maybe try to get a backtrace?12:21
dholbachdidrocks, it's not easy - it happens right out of the blue12:22
didrocksdholbach: yeah, but then, you have the .crash, right?12:22
didrocksso install symbols, retrace…12:22
didrocks(that's what I did for the intel one)12:22
dholbachok, I'll try12:22
dholbachI just have like 5 other things I need to do before12:22
didrocksdholbach: do not hesitate if you need any help12:23
Sweet5hark1didrocks, ricotz: so I only have a vmlinuz-3.13.0-36-generic in /boot and no newer kernel. This is weird. At least /etc/apt/sources/list has wily everywhere, I wonder how I dont get a newer kernel ....12:28
didrocksSweet5hark1: linux-image-generic is installed?12:30
didrocksthis is what points to latest kernel12:30
* Sweet5hark1 manually updates to 4.2 now manually.12:30
didrocksSweet5hark1: well, ensure this package is installed ^12:30
didrocksotherwise, you will be blocked then on 4.212:30
Sweet5hark1didrocks: nope, it wasnt.12:31
didrockshere you go :p12:32
Sweet5hark1didrocks: hehe, thx12:32
didrocksSweet5hark1: you prefer old good kernels, which had the time to mature a little bit, like old wine, I see :)12:32
Sweet5hark1didrocks: hehe, well there is some truth to that.12:32
* Sweet5hark1 wonders if he will be back with the new kernel ... or stalling somewhere because it doesnt work with the "interesting" nvidia optimus setup on this machine.12:33
* Sweet5hark1 reboots12:34
Sweet5harkupgraded kernel, reinstalled virtualbox-dkms, virtualbox seems to work now ...12:37
Sweet5harkdidrocks, ricotz: thx ;)12:37
didrocksnice! \o/12:39
ricotzSweet5hark, good, now you can grab 5.0.3~rc2 :P12:53
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Sweet5harkricotz: I already kicked of the build of tarballs over night ...12:57
seb128dholbach, having a bt would be useful13:01
seb128dholbach, I didn't have an xorg segfault in years here13:01
didrockslucky you :)13:01
seb128on none of my boxes13:01
seb128I guess unlucky you, e.u.c doesn't show an high trend13:02
seb128likely specific to some video cards, you both have thinkpad, could be a standard one on those13:02
ricotzSweet5hark, :)13:02
didrockswell, mostly because we fixed the biggest one I guess13:02
didrocksyeah, I guess13:02
didrocksI "just" have it once a week approx13:02
seb128do you have a bt?13:02
didrocksbut last retrace was unhelpful13:02
didrockscorrupted bt13:03
seb128intel driver upstream is usually good at addressing bugs when they are forwarded to fdo13:03
didrocksyeah, and since then, we updated the intel driver after the bisect13:03
didrocksand I didn't get one (so for 2 weeks now)13:03
seb128k, so maybe it's fixed :-)13:04
TrevinhoFinally unity loves xenial...13:05
seb128oh, was it the new binutils?13:06
Trevinhoseb128: no, a cmake file was not mentioning the right lib... It worked locally (and before) but not in ppa13:08
seb128do you know why it worked locally?13:08
TrevinhoNo... Maybe some caching...13:09
dholbachdidrocks, hum... how do I set up the sandbox for apport-retrace?13:13
dholbachwhy does it not automatically set it up?13:14
dholbachI hope with codename and sources.list it's happy now :)13:14
didrocksdholbach: I mostly retrace on my machine manually, I didn't use the sandbox for quite a while, maybe pitti or seb128 would know if --help doesn't :)13:15
pittidholbach: it actually does, if you use the "Examine locally..." button and select the option with sandbox13:16
dholbachpitti, ok... I was trying this out from just running apport-retrace13:16
dholbachthanks for the tip13:16
pittidholbach: you can do that as well13:16
pittidholbach: -S system13:17
dholbachI tried that13:17
pittidholbach: but for that you need to have ddeb apt sources enabled13:17
dholbachIOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'sb/Ubuntu 15.10/sources.list'13:17
pittiif you don't have that, you need to point it to some actual configuration13:17
pittidholbach: then you used -S sb13:17
dholbachright, I did that13:17
pitticheck out http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-archive/apport/lp-retracer-config into "sb" then :)13:18
pittidholbach: "-S system" will use your host's apt config13:18
pitti(as I said, for that to work you need ddebs.u.c. apt source)13:18
pittiI mean "system" quite literally, it's a magic value13:18
dholbachoh ok :)13:18
dholbachI didn't know13:18
pittieverything else is a path with the config files as in the above bzr branch (you can use that unmodified, it's what we use in production too)13:19
dholbachthanks a lot pitti13:19
Sweet5harkseb128: both ubuntu3/wily ubuntu4/xenial passed smoketesting, so feel free to sponsor.13:24
seb128Sweet5hark, great, thanks13:27
seb128I did sponsor the SRU before lunch13:28
seb128doing the xenial one next13:28
Sweet5harkseb128: awesome, thanks13:29
dholbachseb128, didrocks: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12989442/13:30
* Sweet5hark prepares 5.0.3 updates, 4.4.6~rc3/vivid today -- and later will look at libreoffice-5.1.0~alpha1 for the prereleases ppa.13:30
dholbachseb128, didrocks: but I'm not sure if that's actually the crash I'm seeing - two times X crashed while I was working on something - so it wasn't during a shutdown as bug 1237904 suggests13:31
ubot5bug 1237904 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Xorg crashed with SIGABRT in OsAbort()" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123790413:31
seb128dholbach, your backtrace/bug is quite different from the one you listed13:31
dholbachoops, yes - you're right13:32
seb128is yours13:33
seb128can you report it on https://bugs.freedesktop.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=xorg13:33
dholbachwill do13:34
seb128they might ask for details on the videocard and such so better if somebody having access to the card file it13:34
tjaaltonthat's intel driver issue13:37
seb128tjaalton, right, those are files under the xorg product no?13:39
tjaaltondholbach: you could try the new xenial pkg, should work fine in wily13:39
tjaaltonseb128: oh, indeed13:39
tjaaltonbut if it's on lp I can ask ickle to have a look13:39
tjaaltonbut if not -> b.fd.o13:42
seb128well you can click "create a bug" from the e.u.c page pointed before13:43
seb128that would be a good idea in any case13:43
dholbachtjaalton, seb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/xorg-server/+bug/151094113:43
ubot5Launchpad bug 1510941 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/Xorg:6:copy_overlap:sna_render_copy_boxes__overlap:gen7_render_copy_boxes:__sna_dri2_copy_region:dri2_copy_region" [Undecided,New]13:43
dholbachI linked the upstream bug13:43
seb128dholbach, thanks13:43
tjaaltondholbach: so try the xenial pkg next, it's a new git snapshot..13:44
dholbachtjaalton, hum... apparently the bug is already fixed? https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9112014:00
ubot5Freedesktop bug 91120 in Driver/intel "[HD Graphics 2000] [xf86-video-intel version 1:2.99.917+364+gb24e758-1] Crash inside intel_dri.so" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]14:00
tjaaltonwe have that commit14:01
dholbachwhich is bizarre14:01
tjaaltonhe's just wrong14:01
* tjaalton back in 1014:01
dholbachgit20150808 > Jun 2714:02
dholbachtjaalton, I followed up on the bug14:03
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mhall119bregma: was that a yes on giving a UOS session about how we're going to support legacy apps? If so, can you propose it to http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1511/propose_meeting/ on the Convergence track?14:16
bregmamhall, sure14:17
mhall119seb128: desrt Laney would the desktop team like to do a 16.04 planning session at UOS next week to discuss what your goals and work items are?14:17
mhall119thanks bregma14:17
dholbachtjaalton, he pointed out https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9165814:18
* desrt looks at seb12814:18
ubot5Freedesktop bug 91658 in Driver/intel "Xorg segfault during video playback" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]14:18
tjaaltondholbach: yes, so try xenial pkg14:19
dholbachtjaalton, yes, I installed it already14:21
seb128mhall119, Laney is on holidays this week14:33
seb128desrt, what?14:33
mhall119seb128: and will is out today too right?14:34
seb128mhall119, correct14:34
didrocks(and Friday)14:34
desrtseb128: was just wondering what your thoughts on this topic were since i don't have much of an opinion about it14:38
seb128desrt, oh, the ping from mhall119? I didn't even see you were pinged there :p14:40
seb128mhall119, unsure if that's useful, we already defined those things there is not much to discuss14:40
mhall119seb128: well it would be useful to the community knowing what has been defined and possibly how they can contribute towards it14:42
larsudo we have a packaging branch for accountsservice?14:43
* larsu is building from apt-get source but is too dumb for all of this14:44
bregmaso we discovered a pretty bad problem in gobject-introspection 1.46 (recently uploaded to xenial):  support added for MSVC causes it to fail to build a lot of stuff on Ubuntu14:46
bregmais this a known problem?14:46
larsua lot of stuff?14:47
bregmalarsu, any project that doesn't have a GObject when using g-ir-scanner will FTBFS on Ubunbu, and probably Debian14:54
bregmalarsu, it's  https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=699442 come back14:55
ubot5Gnome bug 699442 in general "g-ir-scanner fails when no symbols used in dumper" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]14:55
seb128mhall119, well I guess check with willcook tomorrow if he's interested to lead one?14:56
seb128larsu, no packaging branch no, apt-get source; debuild14:56
mhall119seb128: ok14:57
seb128bregma, check with pitti maybe he is (was?) co-upstream for that14:57
larsuseb128: ya that's what I've been doing14:57
seb128larsu, what's the issue with it?14:58
larsuseb128: got fed up copying patches around. it's fine really14:58
larsujust thought I could have an easier life ;)14:58
seb128hack on upstream git or whatever14:58
seb128and copy the patch over once you are done14:59
larsuyep :)14:59
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Trevinhoandyrock: https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/indicator-appmenu/use-bamf-0.5.2/+merge/27601415:36
andyrockTrevinho 🙈 🙉 🙊15:37
Trevinhoandyrock: 🔫15:38
ricotzTrevinho, 0.5.2~ < 0.5.215:41
Trevinhomh, ouch15:42
ricotzisn't 0.5.1 enough anyway15:42
TrevinhoWell, since it wasn't released i used it as prefix15:43
TrevinhoI mean 0.5.215:44
ricotzah ok, this isnt even included in bamf itself yet15:47
ricotzTrevinho, is there really a soname bump needed?16:03
Trevinhoricotz: I'd say yes.. API has been updated, I want to make sure things are linked to the proper version16:04
ricotzadding API doesnt require a soname bump16:04
ricotz(doing so without a need just prevents backports)16:05
ricotzTrevinho, so please dont do this16:07
ricotzif you need to change the public class struct you can make use of the available padding fields16:07
ricotze.g. "void (*_matcher_padding1) (void);"16:08
Trevinhoricotz: yeah I know, but I don't see a reason for backports here...16:09
ricotzwhich isnt even the case here ..., which is the quite the only reason to bump since this would actually break *ABI*16:09
ricotzadding API is perfectly fine16:09
ricotzTrevinho, still it is a useless transition, and trusty is still there and could gain it16:10
ricotzplease revert the bump16:12
Trevinhoricotz: mh well... Not sure (as per other previous changes), but reverting that would cause more annoyance than gains I think16:12
ricotzyou released 0.5.1 and since then nothing happened16:13
ricotzor do you think something has altered the ABI before that?16:14
qenghoIs willcooke online today?16:30
didrocksqengho: no, he's away today and friday (see his monday email)16:34
qenghodidrocks: Ah, thx.16:35
Trevinhoricotz: no, nothing changed before.... I've reverted the change... Although it causes me to rebuild indicaor-appmenu and unity as well, but that's fine....16:39
ricotzTrevinho, alrighty16:44
didrockshave a good night everyone!17:10
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mhall119qengho: ping19:02
mhall119qengho: Would you be able to give a ~50 presentation on Ubuntu desktop (use, development, future plans, whatever) at UbuCon in Orlando on the 19th?19:24
qenghomhall119: hrm, I don't think I'd be very good.19:56
qenghomhall119: if "~50" is 50 seconds, yes.19:56
mhall119heh, no, sorry, they are minutes :)19:57
mhall119qengho: could you do a shorter one, like a lightning talk?19:58
sethjTrevinho, I'm digging into https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/1445595 hoping to (maybe) fix it. Will said you had done some looking at it too and might be able to give me a few pointers. I already have something of an idea what is happening, but anything you could add would be great!19:58
ubot5Launchpad bug 1445595 in unity (Ubuntu) "Empty trash from Launcher results in Nautilus window opening" [High,Triaged]19:58
qenghomhall119: I don't know. Let me think for a bit.20:00
mhall119ok, let me know20:01
Trevinhosethj: mh, please ping me tomorrow again, I'll check it...20:57
TrevinhoI'm about to leave now20:57
TrevinhoNight all!20:57
sethjok will do Trevinho!21:09
sethjhmm, how would I load the unity debug symbols in gdb?21:46
sethjcan't seem to figure it out at all.21:46
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