
wileeeTJ-, Thanks for explaining the dependency fun we have, I knew I could not make it truly clear to them.00:22
TJ-I'm still a bit cloudy on it sometimes, just when I think I know what is going on something jumps out00:28
TJ-I make a lot of use of "apt-cache {depends,rdepends}" and also "debfoster" which helps visualise the dependency graphs00:29
Bashing-om^^ then there is also 'rmadison' .00:33
TJ-Yes, which generates listings that match the archive format00:35
wileeenever really needed so far than to understand you're first abcd analogy, heh, works for me but I know it's complex00:39
TJ-apt has the concept of auto-installed vs manual installs. Something is auto-installed if it came in via being depended upon by some other package. That dependency tree could be arbitarily deep, so A > B > C > D, D is installed due to C, which is installed due to B, which is installed due to A. A is manually installed (specifically asked for by the user) the others are auto-installed and therefore00:42
TJ-candidates for autoremove00:42
TJ-However, there might also have been B > X > D , so removing C shouldn't make D a candidate for auto-remove00:43
TJ-That's where it gets complicated and confusing00:44
TJ-On this note, is why when moving installed package lists between systems/releases, I always suggest using 'debfoster' not 'dpkg --get-selections' because debfoster only lists those packages manually installed, and therefore when those are installed on a target system the auto-install dependency is recreated. With "dpkg --set-selections" every package is set to manually installed and that graph is00:54
TJ-lost, and so autoremove cannot work00:54
* daftykins 's brain explodes00:58
TJ-Ain't packaging great!?01:00
Bashing-om^ However, there was a time before 'dpkg' and package manager . ouch !01:02
daftykinsheh yeah i don't know if i'd ever be truly bored enough to try an LFS install ;)01:03
TJ-Yeah, installing was fun back then01:05
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:13
lotuspsychjehi ruenoak05:46
ruenoakhello how are you05:47
lotuspsychjefine fine05:50
=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy
Ben64popey: so when do we get new kernels without rebooting11:26
popey-> #ubuntu-kernel :)11:27
Ben64hey you're not even there11:27
lotuspsychjegood evening from xenial14:00
wileeemorning here on deh west coast14:01
wileeenot on but from14:01
lotuspsychjehi wileee14:02
wileeegot my nasty folgers quick mix coffee, stuff is horrible14:02
lotuspsychjewileee: there is also regular coffe you know :p14:03
cfhowlettlotuspsychje, xenial.  meh.  the name just is not growing on me.14:04
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: lolll, get aquinted with the squirells14:04
EriC^^xenial.. sounds very metropolitan heterosexual type of thing14:05
lotuspsychjelotuspsychje@R00TB0X:~$ lsb_release -a14:05
lotuspsychjeNo LSB modules are available.14:05
lotuspsychjeDistributor ID:Ubuntu14:05
lotuspsychjeDescription:Ubuntu Xenial Xerus (development branch)14:05
lotuspsychjelol EriC^^14:05
wileeeah metrosexual14:06
EriC^^yeah, that's the word ;)14:06
cfhowlettscrew it.  next series: starwars names.  first stop: P:  Pragmatic Palpatine.14:06
wileeewhat ever that is lol14:06
lotuspsychjethats when you have sex in the metro?14:06
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: much better name :p14:06
EriC^^wileee: you know, the guys that are hetero but like to say words starting with a zzz14:06
Ben64didn't know 16.04 iso was ready14:06
lotuspsychjeBen64: im on daily14:07
Ben64yeah i found it14:07
EriC^^it waz zooo delizouzzzz14:07
Ben64cmon internet, download faster14:07
Ben64so slow :(14:07
lotuspsychjeBen64: sudo do-release-upgrade -d from wily does also the trick14:07
wileeelol, ah, I see them daily in portlandia the hipters14:07
Ben643d045a|OK  |    23MiB/s|isos/xenial-desktop-amd64.iso14:07
Ben64there we go14:07
cfhowlett"Hirstute Hipsters" ...14:07
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: you should brainstorm next release codename mate14:08
cfhowlettHey, if they'd only let me ...14:08
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: ok now lemme get a nice wall here instead of those horrible wily ones :p14:09
EriC^^yeah wily walls ... *shakes head*14:10
Ben6416.10 Yummy Yak14:10
EriC^^haha, i was looking at adjectives and animals too14:10
EriC^^yak -> https://dspace.library.colostate.edu/bitstream/10217/54408/1/Garst_18848.jpg14:11
Ben64i can't find any other animal that isn't "Yellow-*"14:11
Ben64so yak it is14:11
Ben64i guess it could go legendary though14:11
Ben64Yummy Yatagarasu14:12
Ben64already had jackalope14:13
wileeeheh yak is yummie in some area, specially with a nice white wine garlic butter sauce14:15
wileeeI think some people eat the yak is all14:15
lotuspsychjein tibet probably14:15
wileeenot that there's anything wrong with that, yeah tibet I think14:16
cfhowlettyak.  wine.  garlic butter.  hmmmm.14:16
lotuspsychjeand some xerus with xenial sauce desert14:17
wileeeyak is probably gamey a little light huh14:17
cfhowlettFabulous Fava / Chivalrous Chianti14:17
lotuspsychjemagnificent merlot14:17
cfhowlettMonomaniacal Mark14:18
lotuspsychjeone day he will join here incognito...14:18
Ben64hungry hippo :(14:19
lotuspsychjemy god, webbrowser-app goes fast on xenial14:21
EriC^^which kernel does it have?14:23
lotuspsychjelotuspsychje@R00TB0X:~$ uname -a14:23
lotuspsychjeLinux R00TB0X 4.2.0-16-generic #19-Ubuntu SMP Thu Oct 8 15:35:06 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux14:23
lotuspsychjesoftpedia announces 4.3 for xenial14:23
lotuspsychjeTJ-: afternoon14:30
TJ-hey ho :)14:31
BluesKajhey folks14:32
lotuspsychjehey BluesKaj14:32
BluesKajhi lotuspsychje14:33
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: do-release-upgrade -d did the trick from wily tnx14:33
BluesKajlotuspsychje, right , seems Xenial is relatively stable, moreso than Wily was in early days. Probly because plasma 5 was still so unstable for us KDE users14:35
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: yeah i already like it right now :p14:36
BluesKajis ubuntu using mir exclusively yet , no more X11?14:37
lotuspsychjei think in 16.10 BluesKaj14:39
lotuspsychjeunity 8 and mir14:39
BluesKajright , I may try it out when the time comes14:39
TJ-The 16.04 archive is basically the 15.10 archive right now14:40
TJ-Package: unity .... "Version: 7.3.2+15.10.20151016-0ubuntu1"14:43
lotuspsychje!info unity14:44
ubot5unity (source: unity): Interface designed for efficiency of space and interaction.. In component main, is optional. Version 7.3.2+15.04.20150420-0ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 1569 kB, installed size 6736 kB14:44
BluesKajwell, gonna speed up my old pc with this when it arrives Samsung 850 EVO 250GB 2.5-Inch SATA III Internal SSD (MZ-75E250B/AM)14:45
lotuspsychjenice nice BluesKaj14:45
lotuspsychjegona rocknroll14:46
OerHeksBluesKaj, oh noooo .. too fast man14:46
OerHeksand you will need a converter kit 2.5 " <> 3.5 "14:46
BluesKajyup i have one OerHeks14:47
BluesKajincluded in the order14:48
OerHeksBluesKaj, and i missed the sounds of the hardware .. tip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gy_RHdE7zsc14:48
BluesKajyeah , my old HDD is making odd buzzing noises, hope I can dd the partitons to the ssd before the hdd dies14:52
TJ-BluesKaj: if in doubt, use ddrescue not dd14:52
BluesKajthis pc is 2008 vintage14:52
BluesKajTJ-, yeah thanks, I'll keep that in mind14:53
BluesKajit quiets down after about 10 mins ..weird14:54
TJ-BluesKaj: that suggests the spindle is wearing out14:56
BluesKajyeah, bearing14:57
BluesKajno biggie, it's the drive with 16.04 ands 14.04 ...all the media and family stuff is on a newer less used drive14:59
lotuspsychjemy old old AMD3200+ with 8gig transcend SSD 64bit Xenial15:00
BluesKajthis is an HP amd 5200+ dual core cpu with 6G Ram so i'm hoping the new ssd speeds things up some15:03
lotuspsychjesure mate15:04
lotuspsychjethe 850 is a bomb15:04
BluesKajprice was right15:04
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: let me know if you got it up n runing ill share you ssd tweaks15:04
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: also make sure your firmware is up to latest before you install15:04
BluesKajcool , lotuspsychje thanks ..supposed to arrive on Monday15:05
BluesKajwife has the same pc and she's a gamer ...thinking an ssd might help her pc as well15:07
lotuspsychjeit surely will :p15:07
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: what kind of games she in?15:07
BluesKajW7 tho...afraid of Linux, but her games are aturbine and they haven' t ported toi linux15:08
wileeean ssd on my old dualcore atom, toshiba laptop makes it run very nice15:08
BluesKajTurbine , LOTRO and DDO15:08
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: did you see shadow of mordor on linux?15:08
lotuspsychjelookin nicely on steam15:09
BluesKajlotuspsychje, yes, i mentioned it to wifey ..she's probly gonna check it out15:09
lotuspsychjewileee: wich brand?15:10
wileeelotuspsychje, crucial m415:13
lotuspsychjewileee: your the one on arch right?15:13
wileee256 gigs nah15:14
lotuspsychjewileee: wich distro15:14
wileeeubuntu and W10, I've run all major OS those though15:14
wileeeThe windows I don;t really need now, was fer college, lol15:15
lotuspsychjethats for each one to decide, no judgement here15:15
BluesKajW10 didn't do much for me, stayed with W7 on it's own hdd rescued from a pc with a dead mobo15:17
wileeeI mentioned this before, but when I returned to school just happened to get ubuntu never had a computer before so it seems like home really15:17
BluesKajwileee, interesting, linux from the start :-)15:18
TJ-After years with Windows, Linux was like coming home, as well15:18
wileeeI knew no better15:19
TJ-I starte before Windows was a thing, so I've gone full-circle15:19
BluesKajthink most of us were windows ppl15:19
TJ-I still remember Windows 1.0 on an Apricot Zen PC15:19
TJ-Tiling; no overlapping windows, max 16 colors :)15:20
BluesKajstarted with pcs on the job , never thought a home pc was in my future till the internet became available15:20
* lotuspsychje enables wobbly windows on xenial, if i fall away compiz needs reb00t15:20
wileeethe wobbly cube was cool at one time15:21
TJ-New toys :)15:21
wileeehowever many sides you could fit15:21
TJ-eventually folks realise they're distracting15:21
wileeeit's like watching the moth at the light, you root for them but know their fate, a total waste of time15:22
TJ-I've got KDE5 here, white-on-black colour scheme. amazing how much more usuable it is without all the distractions and especially without glaring white background colour for windows15:23
TJ-There goes lotuspsychje ... out that wobbly window!15:23
BluesKajI think my Windows user friends were most with Linux desktop tricks was the pager/virtual desktops and cube animation15:23
BluesKajimpressed that is15:24
lotuspsychjewobbly active :p15:24
TJ-One thing I've noticed over the years... those folks that spend hours/days with desktop themes... and I ask them "but once you open a program window you can't see any of it, so what *good* is it!?15:24
TJ->>> There goes lotuspsychje ... out that wobbly window!15:25
lotuspsychjewill compiz still be active on MIR?15:25
lotuspsychjeseems like not15:27
BluesKajI use a pretty plain jane theme ,. but I still like blue titlebars and marble colours, easy on the eyes15:27
JanCwell, in theory you could run it on a full-screen XMir maybe15:27
lotuspsychjeJanC: does that mean no more compiz effects on mir?15:28
JanConce that works reliable15:28
JanClotuspsychje: obviously15:28
JanCthere will be some other effects, I guess15:29
lotuspsychjeso, they took away my bottom dock on gnome, now they take away my wobbly windows sniff15:29
JanCyou can always run Compiz on Xorg15:30
lotuspsychjelets see what the future will bring15:30
TJ-"convergence" according to Canonical15:31
JanCCompiz+Mate+Xorg will keep working for some time15:31
lotuspsychjeyeah that mate gold edition video is nice lol15:32
JanCBluesKaj: virtual desktops have existed on Windows since the 1990s  ;)15:33
TJ-Mir is just the display server, its whats on top controls the 'bling'. It looks like multi-monitor will lose out in a  big way if xorg is deprecated15:34
lotuspsychjeTJ-: sounds like a lot of work15:34
TJ-lotuspsychje: multi-monitor is straightforward if it is designed in from the start. The problem is most design was done with a phone as the target15:35
JanCTJ-: I thought multi-monitor is partially implemented in Mir now?15:35
TJ-JanC: partially, maybe, but not usable in anything but simple single-GPU, dual-monitor scenarios15:36
lotuspsychjeTJ-: yeah ubuntu-touch has alot of influence these days15:36
JanCTJ-: although maybe what I read was about a branch being merged into the main repo, so that might not be available unless you compile from source  :)15:38
TJ-A good multi-monitor experience means the WM/DE and applications MUST be able to know about the GPU/monitor layout and work with it. Most of the multi-monitor issues are because that data is no available to them. E.g. on KDE5, it will run across multiple X-screens with multiple GPUs and monitors, but the kwin/plasma support is broken and so plasma will ignore its own saved settings for the per-screen15:39
TJ-config it wrote, and cursor on anything but the primary X screen is the Xserver default X not a pointer15:39
TJ-currently, 14.04 with KDE4 is the best supporter of such configs15:39
TJ-If I start KDE5 on my 3-GPU, 6-monitor, 4 X screen config I can only use/work with the first 2 X screens... greeter gets lost, lock screen doesn't, cursor disappears if I move it to X screen 2+, and the list goes on15:41
TJ-eeek! best run the dogs whilst the rain has stopped!15:43
lotuspsychjeor someone gonna get soaked15:43
BluesKajwe have the remnanats of the patricia hurricane passing over atm, some rain so far , but not much wind15:49
lotuspsychje!info tweepy17:23
ubot5Package tweepy does not exist in vivid17:23
johnny_linuxvue vel tell us17:25
* johnny_linux is on the telly , brb17:26
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: did you see my tinypic xenial wally :p18:50
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: can you scroll up and paste to me plz im on another machine :p18:51
TJ-Grief! I read that as tiny xenial willy!18:51
lotuspsychjeTJ-: if i had a pic of that, it would be too small to show you :p18:52
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: [14:58] <lotuspsychje> http://oi68.tinypic.com/sm4z0g.jpg18:54
lotuspsychjegot it18:54
TJ-lotuspsychje: you need a bigger camera :)18:57
lotuspsychjeTJ-: howso19:01
TJ-"Objects in the viewfinder may appear larger than in reality"19:02
lotuspsychjeTJ-: its a 24" display too =p19:02
TJ-Not saying another word!19:03
lotuspsychjegood evening daftykins19:04
TJ-God's here!19:05
daftykinsso help you all if i were a deity, my my19:07
* lotuspsychje kneels down for the irc gods19:07
TJ-You don't have to be omniesscent or whatever, part-time will do19:08
daftykinsah ok19:08
TJ-As long as you can conjure up decent chips :)19:09
daftykinsmmm chips19:09
daftykinsannoyingly my nearest supermarket has stopped stocking crinkle cut mccain oven chips :(19:09
lotuspsychjeslice few potatoes yourself :p19:10
daftykinsi'm doing an android phone upgrade today for my mum, just discovered it's going from nanoSIM to micro, so that's going to need a new one from the telco... and her password list doesn't work with the google account19:10
TJ-Those aren't real chips!19:10
daftykinsessentially fallen at all the hurdles i could apart from charging the thing ;)19:10
TJ-Only mud-laden potatoes fresh out the sack are genuine :D19:11
daftykinscrikey, that's too tall an order for this part-time deity19:11
TJ-Is that getting larger - SIM-wise?19:11
lotuspsychjein our country, the seagulls found a chips-factory and travel from the sea to eat them in the trash outside19:11
daftykinsi can however give you infinite virtual cookies from ubottu? :)19:11
lotuspsychjejust to say how good it can be19:11
TJ-daftykins: I kept the outer part of the SIM/micro/nano holder I got last time, just in case I ever needed to use it in a backup device. Saved me a couple of times so far.19:12
daftykinsthis new one (LG G4) has a screen brighter than the sun19:12
daftykinsTJ-: yep, i do that for standard SIM -> micro, but this is the first handset i've encountered that is micro - our telco supplies them like that with no frame pieces i think19:13
daftykinsand my mum is certainly not going to have one lying around19:13
TJ-Nowadays if you can pick up a PAYG SIMcard at a newsagent,etc, you can punch out the old nano part and insert yours19:16
daftykinsi feel a bit iffy about those frame pieces if i'm honest, rather see a reliable method for the sake of the telco being <100m from my front door :D19:19
daftykinswe don't have UK telcos though so you can't get those in shops i don't think19:20
TJ-Ahhh, of course.19:20
TJ-Not even for island visitors ?19:20
daftykinsi think i've seen really cheap pay as you go handset kits, but mmm19:21
daftykinsfolk mostly have to go to the telco shops on the high-street by me19:21
lotuspsychjeLG call daftykins's mom19:29
daftykinsi've tried calling the home line twice now to no avail :)19:30
johnny_linuxLG order a hillary for prison T shirt on Amazon19:30
wileeeand the bernie for emperor19:31
johnny_linuxthe newest word is, bruce wants to go back to being a man19:32
TJ-The problem with all voice-recognition is it only works well in quiet environments with single-focus19:32
lotuspsychjeSnappy spider, go get some beer from wallmarket19:32
lotuspsychjewhere will all these 'things' lead us :p19:33
johnny_linuxLG back away from the Obama Phone19:33
BluesKajBradley Cooper for US Senator ;-)19:33
wileeepres election candidates look, wait, 'putting on the tinfoil hat' like a psych god a bad control on the population19:33
johnny_linuxheh, george nory just said he may run19:34
BluesKajheh, george will probly nominate aliens, ghost chasers, devil worshippers etc for his cabinet19:37
daftykinsbe really nice if this channel were the only one where US politics wasn't on topic :(19:37
BluesKajridiculous show that coast to coast...anything goes there19:38
daftykinsi know it's hard for US folk to remember there's a world outside sometimes :P19:38
johnny_linuxget this, he said, he would pick condelesia rice for vice19:38
lotuspsychjelol http://www.deviantart.com/art/Xubuntu-hit-break-windows-10-56874761919:38
TJ-Yeah, this channel is for discussing South African togetherness :)19:38
johnny_linuxBluesKaj,  its entertainment for the publically schooled masses19:38
BluesKajdaftykins, didn't you know the rest of us don't matter to the US19:39
BluesKajtry living beside them like we Canadians do19:40
TJ-Did you see the BBC news article (scare story!) about Russian submarines observed diving on deep-sea fibre-optic cable entries into the USA. Part of me is willing them to actually cut them all :D19:41
daftykinsi'd imagine we'd get a lot fewer trolls in #ubuntu ;)19:41
TJ-Nice to see the USA worrying about the same things they've been doing to others for several years now19:41
johnny_linuxit isnt any diff when the cables were cut and (nudge nudge wink wink) spliced back together19:41
daftykinsactually that can be detected with fibre :P19:42
TJ-I was also laughing at the interview with the Deputy-director NSA, where he said there needs to be an international agreement on cyber-hacking due to the alleged Chinese/Russian/other attacks on USA Gov/commerical entities ... I thought, yeah, tell to the Iranians and their Uranium centrifuges after Stuxnet virus!19:43
TJ-daftykins: passive fibre intercepts (which is what they do now) cannot be detected since there is no breach19:43
johnny_linuxdun dun dun19:44
daftykinsTJ-: hmm that can really cope with multimode fibre o019:44
TJ-daftykins: the papers I've read on it demonstrate it can be, and remarkably easy once the cable protectors and so on have been removed19:45
TJ-That stuff is common in datacentres already; the advance (if any) is in doing it from the sheath19:47
TJ-Yurk! It's time for dinner, I forgot all about it been immersed in coding19:50
lotuspsychjebon apetit19:50
TJ-om yom yom19:50
BluesKajbtw johnny_linux, have you ever really listened to our Canadian accent, we have several regional accents just like most English speaking countries do, so your response is stereotypical, most likely from listening to your media.19:52
daftykinsmmm 8pm already19:53
lotuspsychjei love french canadian accents19:53
BluesKajwe don't ;-)19:53
BluesKajI have to listen to them everyday19:53
lotuspsychjehad a goo laugh with that movie bon cop bad cop19:54
BluesKajwe had a prime minister who was unintelligable in 2 languages19:54
lotuspsychjethere we go first xenial deviant :p19:57
BluesKajhere's my plasma desktop on Xenial 16.04 with a view from our family cottage http://ibin.co/2KdTGsjlXjdL20:06
lotuspsychjenice1 BluesKaj !20:07
lotuspsychjenice n clean dock20:07
BluesKajthe lake is actual impact crater around 3 billion yrs old20:10
lotuspsychjecan you go dive there then?20:10
ghostinwhat lake?20:10
BluesKajover 200M deep in places , some who drown are never recovered20:11
lotuspsychjeghostin: <BluesKaj> here's my plasma desktop on Xenial 16.04 with a view from our family cottage http://ibin.co/2KdTGsjlXjdL20:11
BluesKajthere's some misinformation on this wiki about the age of the crater, there's quite a debate about it in geological/scientific community, my Dad was in 3 billion yr old "camp"20:15
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: looks lovely enviroment20:20
BluesKajit's a nice area, but suburban sprawl is creeping in20:21
BluesKajI despise those ugly grey McMansions ppl build here these days20:22
BluesKajanyway it's been a long day for me, time to do other things ...take care20:26
wileeehelp i've fallen and wokin up with my face on the computer screen20:28
lotuspsychjethats the best for today wileee :p20:28
wileeethe user fir sure20:28
wileeeheh, users script link "you 'own' me $10 for viewing this"21:01
daftykinsthe 'idiot' is strong today21:17
lotuspsychjedaftykins: your gonna copy that zip or not!21:18
lotuspsychjeim out for today21:25
lotuspsychjenite nite all21:25
pauljwnite lotuspsychje21:26
daftykinsdon't copy that floppy ~22:29

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