
Unit193I don't suppose someone could review https://launchpad.net/~unit193/+archive/ubuntu/staging/+sourcepub/5608954/+listing-archive-extra ?01:10
Unit193(xscreensaver for xenial.)01:12
dholbachgood morning07:35
=== ara is now known as Guest43853
dkesselgood morning dholbach :)09:38
dholbachhey dkessel11:18
taggartI maintain check-mk in debian and it looks like universe is a little out of date with sid. how do I submit a request to update it?18:11
taggartsomeone on the upstream mailing list was asking about it today18:12
tewardtaggart: universe where?  Multiple releases of Ubuntu after all ;)18:21
taggartpackages says it's currently only in wily18:23
taggartwait no, did the search wrong18:23
tumbleweedtaggart: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/check-mk18:23
tumbleweedthat's the view you want18:23
tewardrmadison is your friend ;)18:23
teward(also the link tumbleweed sent :))18:23
tumbleweedrmadison is slow, though :P18:24
taggartyeah I don't have ubuntu in my rmadison18:24
tewardtumbleweed: true18:24
tewardtumbleweed: even so ;)18:24
tewardtaggart: Xenial == sid version, probably due to autosync, are you referring to the older releases of Ubuntu (precise, trusty, vivid, wily)?18:24
tumbleweedtaggart: you do. -u ubuntu18:24
taggartoh good xenial has the latest version18:24
taggarttumbleweed: oh cool18:24
taggartso maybe what I am asking for is backports then18:25
tewardooo that reminds me...18:26
taggartthe person I am trying to help is running trusty18:26
tewardmicahg: poke18:26
taggartthe backport should build with no changes (and if for some reason it doesn't I can help fix the source package so it does)18:27
taggartI'll file an issue in launchpad18:28
tewardlast I checked the backports process, though, you also have to check inbetween releases18:28
* teward yawns18:28
tumbleweedtaggart: there's a tool for this: requestbackport18:33
taggarttumbleweed: oh cool ubuntu-dev-tools is in debian, nice18:33
tewardooo i learned something new today xD18:34
tewarddidn't know those were in Debian :)18:34
taggarthmm, I think it might need to be backported in debian though18:39
taggartrequestbackport: Error: Source release xenial does not exist18:39
tumbleweedtaggart: check your distro-info-data version18:40
taggarttumbleweed: where is that?18:41
tumbleweedit's a package18:41
tewardtaggart: i can run the requestbackport if you'd like, and give you the link to edit stuff :P18:43
taggartyep, jessie only has 0.26 which is missing xenial18:43
tewardbesides, i have to redo a backport req anyways for ZNC :)18:43
taggartI will backport it to jessie18:43
taggartteward: I can do it, I just have to shave the yaks in the way :)18:43
tumbleweedtaggart: yeah, sorry, I'm pretty slack at getting distro-info-data SPUs in Debian. We had one difficult one, and they stalled18:46
taggartyeah SPU would be better, but jessie-backports will work for now18:46
taggartI guess I could do wheezy-backports too18:47
taggart(wheezy-backports-sloppy I mean)18:48
taggartbackported and uploaded to jessie-backports18:56
taggartfiled https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/151107919:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1511079 in trusty-backports "Please backport check-mk 1.2.6p12-1 (universe) from xenial" [Undecided,New]19:01
micahghi teward21:01
tewardmicahg: was it you who was working with me on the znc backport?  If so did we just cancel it or did it not go anywhere?21:02
* teward forgets :)21:02
tewardmicahg: there it is, you were working on me, can you invalid this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/trusty-backports/+bug/144924821:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1449248 in trusty-backports "Please backport znc 1.6.0-2 (universe) from vivid" [Wishlist,Triaged]21:03
teward(I am going to wait for the next point release, which addresses some mem leak issues)21:04
teward(that is, the next upstream point release, and that to land in Debian)21:04
micahgteward: done, thanks21:21
tewardmicahg: you're welcome, thanks for poking at it :)22:01

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