
balloonsflocculant, are you filing these when you think of them?01:17
balloonsI know i know, but if you are someone like me, you forget things. I find it much better to write it down01:18
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slickymasterWorkflocculant, bug 151091112:06
ubot5bug 1510911 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "After install completes, Xubuntu 16.04 hangs on reboot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151091112:06
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
flocculantballoons: I didn't because qa website bugs ;) but bug 151093913:27
ubot5bug 1510939 in Ubuntu QA Website "Bug colours" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151093913:27
balloonsafternoon to you13:27
flocculantslickymasterWork: ok - thanks, I'll check later to see if it's globalbuntu13:28
flocculantballoons: :)13:28
akxwi-daveTesting pidgin13:39
flocculantslickymasterWork: I think that's probably tied up with the same as bug 1447038 - I certainly haven't been able to successfully reboot vbox from a clean install13:40
ubot5bug 1447038 in casper (Ubuntu) "Shutdown/Restart of live session guest does not work in Virtualbox or VMWare" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144703813:40
flocculanthad stopped reporting vb issues tbh13:44
flocculantI guess that needs to get fixed for LTS13:44
slickymasterWorkmy thoughts exactly, flocculant14:38
balloonsvbox can be interesting at times15:23
slickymasterWorkand a pain most of the times balloons ;)15:26
balloonsI actually have come around to qemu recently15:26
* slickymasterWork definitely has to give it a try15:27
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
flocculantballoons: qemu is fine - but if no-one tested with vbox to see it fail - constantly - then devs wouldn't have the first clue that it did fail - constantly ;)17:31
flocculantand the qemu thing I tried - but not at all intuitive, had issues making it use something as the place to store that was external17:32
balloonsflocculant, qemu isn't point and click indeed17:32
balloonswhich is a positive and a negative17:32
flocculantalso grabs iso's owns them by root and then zsync fails17:32
flocculantballoons: well Ubuntu is supposedly for humans ;)17:33
balloonsyep.. it needs some hand holding, but it can be scripte17:33
balloonsI was just pointing it out, not recommending someone who needs to run ubuntu in a VM to use it, heh17:33
flocculantso all in all - I'd rather fail the iso using vbox - which is what normal people use17:33
flocculantballoons: yea totally understand - just giving the other opinion :)17:34
balloonsit's well said17:34
flocculantthe root owned iso really annoys me - ended up needing to keep seperate ones :)17:34
* flocculant has the headache from hell17:36
flocculantcyphermox: so ... virtual box - as much as I understand that you all use qemu and don't see the fail to remove the media issue - are we really going to release LTS with that issue? Given that the likelihood is that *normal* people would use something like virtualbox or vmware17:50
flocculantbug 1510911 is the latest one of those - I've changed it from ubiquity to casper - but only because another one is casper17:51
ubot5bug 1510911 in casper (Ubuntu) "After install completes, Xubuntu 16.04 hangs on reboot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151091117:51
cyphermoxflocculant: well, I'm not sure what other steps we can take to get the CD to eject17:51
cyphermoxflocculant: is it just that or does Enter not work either?17:51
flocculantI doubt if anything has changed since wily - so it just sits there - Enter does nothing, you have to kill the guest17:52
flocculantif Enter at least did something that would be better than what there is17:53
dkesselbug 1447038 affects me too17:54
ubot5bug 1447038 in casper (Ubuntu) "Shutdown/Restart of live session guest does not work in Virtualbox or VMWare" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144703817:54
flocculantdkessel: it will17:54
flocculantall of them will17:54
flocculantcyphermox: I'm just bringing it up now at the beginning rather than the end of March next :p17:55
cyphermoxgood plan ;)17:55
flocculantcyphermox: if I need to "If you install with vbox (or whatever) it will fail to eject - kill the guest, no-one can fix this" after being told that by people who know - then I'm happy to do that17:56
flocculantjust didn't want it to float about with loads of dupes :)17:56
flocculantback to holding my head and moaning pitifully to myself for a bit17:58
cyphermoxflocculant: I plan on installing some free vmware soonish18:01
flocculantcyphermox: don't get me wrong - I ONLY use vm to test dailies and packages now and again, I just know that other people do use it as an actual install18:02
flocculantI guess my issue is how it looks to people outside :)18:07

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