
Unit193micahg: Can we get you to introduce xfdashboard to Ubuntu?00:06
Unit193bluesabre: Anything else00:06
Unit193bluesabre: Oh, and Debian added support for lightdm in xscreensaver.00:14
Unit193Crap, now I need a MOTU.00:28
micahgUnit193: is that not in Debian?03:41
micahgit appears not, is there any reason we can't upload to Debian?03:43
micahgdebian 78833203:44
ubottuDebian bug 788332 in wnpp "ITP: xfdashboard -- GNOME shell like dashboard for Xfce" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/78833203:44
micahgif we get it in Debian, autosync takes care of that :)03:44
Unit193micahg: I know, but it is still not uploaded and been sitting there as an ITP/in pkg-xfce for a bit now.05:17
Unit193micahg: Also, see -motu?05:17
pleia2knome: woo, we can start our press page for 15.10 http://news.softpedia.com/news/xubuntu-15-10-officially-announced-uses-libreoffice-writer-and-calc-xfce-4-12-495122.shtml06:23
=== sorinello_ is now known as sorinello
flocculantUnit193: installed xfce4-pulse 07:36
Unit193Sounds fun?07:38
flocculantwell you've not got an immediate Unit193 my world imploded :D07:41
flocculantknome: published now07:41
Unit193So...Not fun. ;)07:41
flocculantUnit193: well - volume changes with mousewheel, mute works and mixer starts pavucontrol 07:43
Unit193Feature of this release is if pa is killed and respawns, it'll re-attach to pa.07:44
flocculantyep - read that07:44
Unit193bluesabre: https://ftp-master.debian.org/new/lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings_1.2.0-1.html08:03
bluesabreUnit193: oh goodie09:58
knomepleia2, :D11:27
Unit193bluesabre: Want me to keep xfce-4.12 up for wily?15:54
dkesselflocculant: i want to report an ISO test for xenial here, but there are no tests yet :p heelp :) http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/351/builds/105523/testcases16:40
dkesseli386 is there...16:43
slickymasterWorklol dkessel, only us, the i386 underdogs, matter :P16:45
dkesselyou oldschoolers16:47
dkesselis there a tag for usability tags already?17:02
dkesselusability bugs i mean17:02
slickymasterWorkI think not dkessel 17:11
dkesselfyi:bug 151105317:11
ubottubug 1511053 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "orca is not preinstalled, accessibility settings do not install it" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151105317:11
dkesseli propose the tag xubuntu-x-usability, as used in this bug :)17:15
dkesselcya later17:15
flocculantdkessel: just add usability as a tag - please don't start creating ones :)17:36
flocculantidea is that we have 3 or 4 tags we can search with 17:36
flocculantdkessel: testcases will turn up - ubuntu has none at all atm :)17:37
flocculantdkessel: thanks - saw the tag change :)18:00
dkesselnp :) i just thought a tag only used by us would be easier. but i guess we can filter on other criteria, too.18:00
flocculantdkessel: it's not that so much - I just don't want a long list of tags :)18:01
flocculantso xubuntu-exp wily xenial ppa usability 18:01
dkesseloh i wanted to ask about that... "exp" is for "exploratory"?18:02
flocculantso mostly me for 3 months :D18:02
flocculanthi slickymaster 18:07
slickymasterWorkI saw you changed the package from ubiquity to casper flocculant 18:07
flocculantyep - only because other's were the same 18:08
slickymasterWorkoki doke18:08
flocculantsome discussion in -quality with cypermox about that problem18:08
slickymasterWorkaren't you going to add yourself to it?18:09
flocculantluckily it's general and not just us 18:09
flocculantI will 18:09
flocculantI'll also be mailing our testers so they use the same bug 18:09
flocculantslickymasterWork: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2015/10/28/%23ubuntu-quality.html#t17:5018:11
* slickymasterWork reads18:11
slickymasterWorkso, basically they run out of ideas to fix that18:13
flocculantwell I think that it keeps changing 18:13
flocculantso they fixed something - then vb does something - broken again18:13
flocculantbecause it was at least letting you Enter and it would restart once 18:14
slickymasterWorklet us see how the all thing evolves, on their end18:15
=== sorinello_ is now known as sorinello
dkesselthe xubuntu-staging is not set up for xenial yet, could you fix that too, bluesabre?18:34
dkesselthe PPA i mean18:35
flocculantslickymasterWork: so what's the next stage in docs.xubuntu.org/developers thingy 18:35
slickymasterWorkcurrently I'm reviewing your MP and writing the -docs build tutorial flocculant 18:37
slickymasterWorkthen I'll start with that18:38
* dkessel tries to be super annoying today18:38
dkesseldocs.xubuntu.org doesn't have the wily docs :p18:38
slickymasterWorkknome or pleia2 ^^^18:38
flocculantslickymasterWork: ok - well I will just make some start on what I want locally then :)18:39
slickymasterWorkspeaking about it flocculant, and not trying in any way to question a native speaker, but "The position of the panel, the items it contains are configurable and the Menu are all customizable. See "settings-preferences" for more information on those topics.18:40
slickymasterWorkdoesn't sound right in my head18:40
flocculantnothing is going to sound right in mine today 18:41
flocculantslickymasterWork: what is that actually in? 18:42
slickymasterWorklol, still the headache?18:42
flocculantbecause that sounds like the original not my change ... 18:42
slickymasterWorkit's in the desktop-guide/C/guide-desktop.xml of your MP18:42
flocculantoh meh18:43
flocculantdid that all wrong when I did it the second time18:44
flocculantslickymasterWork: can you just inline comment in the MP :)18:44
slickymasterWorkwill do18:44
flocculantyou wait till you get to offline ... you'll not be wanting to do that 1 by 1 in here ... 18:45
flocculantyou'll be 0_0 18:45
flocculantbasically I replaced repetition upon repetition with 3 warns or notes at the beginning 18:46
flocculantand then did some more :p18:46
slickymasterWorkwell, you sure kept yourself busy 18:46
flocculantslickymasterWork: also I obviously didn't expect to not have to re-look at things 18:47
flocculantslickymasterWork: yes - I won't promise that sort of thing ever again :p18:47
drcflocculant: quick question on the dev ppa's...it's ok to run the staging <and> the daily ppas?  They wont interfere with each other?18:47
flocculantshouldn't do :)18:49
flocculantI have them all here18:49
drcSo the " 'useful' second place" option is: 1) install wily, 2) update, 3) add the 3 ppas, 4) update, 5) run as normal until something breaks?18:53
flocculantdrc: yea - that's pretty much what devs are doing afaik19:20
flocculantdrc: unless you've no problem with breaking and reinstalling - in which case xenial + ppa's :)19:20
flocculantmostly it's about getting as many different people to report things - so if people can use wily they might feel a bit safer19:21
drcSo, just substitute "install today's daily"  for "wily"19:24
flocculantmore or less :)19:29
knomeslickymaster, pleia2 is the only one who can update that19:51
flocculanthi knome 19:56
knomehey fki19:57
knomeflocculant, 19:57
akxwi-davewell time for wife and wine have a good evening all20:51
flocculantbluesabre: mmm so getting parole crashing here 22:07
flocculantthought I'd best cheer you up ;)22:08
flocculanthave the apport file if needed22:12
flocculanthe's going to hate me by April ... 22:15
flocculantif not already :p22:15
knomei'm positive about the latter22:16
flocculantha ha 22:17
flocculantoh silly me - not a ppa can just report it :D22:20
flocculantbug 151113622:22
ubottubug 1511136 in parole (Ubuntu) "Parole crash when starting" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151113622:22
flocculantguess I should do a clean xenial install to wipe the dirty slate clean asap 22:28
flocculantqa skewing the burndown at the cycle start :p22:31
knomethat doesn't look healthy22:31
knomethe lines, that is22:31
flocculantthen it goes Inprogress till more or less the end of the cycle for qa22:32
knomethey are fine in ff22:32
knomenot chrome22:32
flocculantoh yea - odd 22:32
* knome attempts a quick fix22:34
knomeshould be fixed for chrome22:44
knomeit isnt beautiful, but...22:44
flocculantlooks better than it did :)22:47
flocculantalmost logarithmic before 22:47
flocculantgood job it wasn't - not sure how we'd manage 1000 tasks in 6 months :D22:48
Unit193dkessel: Created it for you so it won't 404 anymore, just has -pa- and xfpm.23:17

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