
mupBug #1511090 changed: MAAS documentation on jujucharms.com incorrectly advised disable network management <juju-core:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511090>01:33
mupBug #1511090 opened: MAAS documentation on jujucharms.com incorrectly advised disable network management <juju-core:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511090>01:36
mupBug #1511090 changed: MAAS documentation on jujucharms.com incorrectly advised disable network management <juju-core:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511090>01:39
thumperericsnow: around?02:22
thumpermenn0: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/3018/diff/# a rename PR that I thought was up already02:29
thumpergrrr... FFS02:38
* thumper headdesks02:38
menn0thumper: ship it02:38
menn0thumper: that one should have come with a warning about not operating heavy machine due to drowsiness02:39
natefinchericsnow: don't suppose you're around?03:05
thumpermenn0: what watches the allwatcher?03:36
menn0thumper: what do you mean? what uses it?03:37
thumperIt has a ServerUUID on environmenst03:37
thumperand I want to rename it :)03:37
menn0thumper: it's exposed via the apiserver ... primarily used by the GUI03:38
thumperso... probably no one is looking at the ServerUUID...03:39
thumperbecause it is always the same...03:39
thumperfor now at least03:39
menn0thumper: the reporting of environments was only just added03:40
menn0for the allenvwatcher03:40
* thumper nods03:40
menn0thumper: the allwatcher (aka megawatcher) doesn't return environment entities03:40
menn0thumper: it's only the allenvwatcher03:41
menn0thumper: you might want to check with rog because he's the only potential user of that right now03:41
menn0thumper: just let him know it's changing03:41
thumperI just sent an email to rog and uros saying names are changing03:43
wallyworldmenn0: is it true that when we define a new state doc for a collection, we no longer need EnvUUID   string `bson:"env-uuid"03:46
menn0wallyworld: that's correct, the underlying multi-env layer will add it03:47
wallyworldmenn0: awesome, and TxnRevno ?03:47
menn0wallyworld: I have a tech debt item to remove all the existing structs and code the constructs them03:47
wallyworldok, i won't add to your burden :-)03:48
menn0wallyworld: you don't normally put txnrevno on your structs03:48
menn0wallyworld: that's a mgo/txn field03:48
wallyworldi guess we use it in places03:48
menn0wallyworld: some places in the code do read it, but they're rare/evil cases03:48
wallyworldthat's what i thought03:49
mupBug #1511235 opened: juju-reboot --now defect in 1.24.7 <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511235>07:10
mupBug #1511235 changed: juju-reboot --now defect in 1.24.7 <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511235>07:13
mupBug #1511235 opened: juju-reboot --now defect in 1.24.7 <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511235>07:16
dimiternjam, hey, I wanted to pass an idea by you, if you have 5m..09:09
dimiternjam, as part of fixing that d-m and d-e --force issue on maas, I'm thinking of adding a few optional methods that a provider can implement if it wants to observe containers - OnContainerIni, OnContainerCreate, OnContainerDestroy09:11
dimiternjam, those are going to be called at the apiserver side of the provisioner - at the one-time container init step (per container type), during the container broker's StartInstance, and before the broker destroys a container09:12
dimiternjam, this will give maas and other providers that want to, the ability to hook into those steps and do extra stuff - i.e. in maas, creating/removing a device for the container, allocating IPs from the provider, etc.09:14
jamdimitern: what is Init vs Create ?09:26
jamdimitern: and how does the APIServer know the ContainerBroker is doing StartInstance, isn't ContainerBroker part of the machine agent?09:27
dimiternjam, Init is the one-time container initialization the first time we need to provision a container of a given type, Create is called before actually starting the container (ideally the callback can take the cloudconfig and modify it, as well as the container entity to tweak its config)09:28
dimiternjam, the apiserver knows we're about to provision a container as the container provisioner, which uses the container broker, will call ContainerManagerConfig on Init and ProvisioningInfo before Start09:30
jamdimitern: I might call it something like "InitializeContainers" then, but maybe not. not a big deal09:49
jamdimitern: I don't really think we want side-effects from calling Config, but having the InstanceBroker send an explicit message to theAPI server that its about to start a container is fine09:51
dimiternjam, I'm ok with finding better names, but the idea is very useful I think - and can decouple provider-specific container management from the provisioner09:51
jamdimitern: sure09:53
jamfor AMZ we want to be able to grab IP addresses as well09:54
jamContainerInit might also be a time when we reconfigure bridges, etc. in the future09:54
dimiternjam, yeah, and for maas - create a device, possibly allocate an IP as well09:54
dimiternjam, this is the rough sketch - http://paste.ubuntu.com/12997865/ (in the container package) << fwereade, I'd like your thoughts on this as well - we can topic it during standup09:58
dimiternjam, fwereade, voidspace, frobware, standup?10:01
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=== akhavr1 is now known as akhavr
frobwaredimitern, voidspace, jam: as utopic is no longer supported do we care that our 'add juju-br0' to /e/n/i does not work?11:18
dimiternfrobware, I'm not sure I follow you - what's utopic specific about that?11:21
frobwaredimitern, the ifup fails.11:21
rogpeppeanyone know of a tool that can merge Go coverage profiles?11:22
rogpeppeaxw: ^11:22
jamfrobware: I don't think we care if it is broken on U, but it matters if it doesn't work on T or V/W/X11:23
rogpeppehere's a branch that fixes two outstanding hight-priority juju-core bugs (and makes tools uploading work with macaroons too): http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/3023/; reviews appreciated.11:35
dimiternfrobware, sorry, got distracted with the iter. spreadsheet11:51
dimiternfrobware, ifup juju-br0 fails only on utopic due to what?11:52
frobwaredimitern, no such device11:53
dimiternfrobware, even though juju-br0 is in /e/n/i ?11:54
frobwaredimitern, yes11:55
frobwaredimitern, I didn't look further - perhaps bridge-utils is missing.11:56
dimiternfrobware, but I guess that's because even if /e/n/i has juju-br0, /run/network/ifstate doesn't11:56
frobwaredimitern, possibly; but trusty, vivid, wily are OK11:56
dimiternfrobware, I think we can ignore utopic then :)11:57
voidspacesounds good to me11:57
frobwaredimitern, I already have.11:57
voidspaceI even managed to upgrade my laptop (one of the few flawless upgrades I've ever done...)11:57
frobwarevoidspace, news in your INBOX12:05
voidspacefrobware: I saw, I can pick it up after my current branch is done - but that will mean Monday12:06
perrito666frobware: you are making a risky bet on how voidspace manages his mail filters :p12:06
frobwareperrito666, I just beame his filter. :)12:06
voidspaceperrito666: if/when I pick it up I'll probably talk to you about it12:07
perrito666mm, that would be a very interesting feature on mail "make sure this mail stays in  the inbox"12:07
perrito666voidspace: sure I have all sorts of bad things to say about12:07
frobwareperrito666, about ...12:07
perrito666the task :)12:07
frobwareperrito666, anything you want to get off your chest. :)12:07
perrito666nah :)12:08
perrito666frobware: voidspace none of you is telling me if its off or over :p12:12
frobwareperrito666, https://www.englishforums.com/English/ToHandOverAndToHandOff/bchhkz/post.htm12:13
frobwareperrito666, the slang would be "chucking it over the wall" - and thanks! :)12:14
perrito666we should all switch to spanish12:14
frobwarewe should all switch to spanish beer12:14
perrito666frobware: well for what I have seen in english speakers, beer can give them the idea that they can speak spanish12:15
frobwarevoidspace, please could you put your last comment in the bug if not already captured -- seems useful info.12:17
voidspacefrobware: ok12:17
jamdooferlad: dimitern: https://github.com/dooferlad/kvm_maas/pull/2 is my update to the script that is working here (at least for 1 node) with multiple subnets/interfaces13:50
dimiternjam, nice! I'll give it a try on my vmaas later13:51
jamthe CLI I tested is: ./kmaas.py m1-test1 -s -s -t dual-nic-template.xml --debug13:51
jamwhere and is registered already in both virt-manager and maas13:52
dimiternand maas CC is on both of these, but managing only the first one?13:54
jamdimitern: yeah, CC is managing
jam10.10.100.0 is registerd with virt as an internal-only netwok13:58
dimiternright, ok13:58
mupBug #1511390 opened: Setup of MAAS Server using pod-cloud-installer failing <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511390>14:30
mupBug #1511390 changed: Setup of MAAS Server using pod-cloud-installer failing <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511390>14:57
katcowwitzel3: meeting time15:06
fwereadenatefinch, is this the right diff range: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/2814/diff/24-26/ ?15:32
fwereadenatefinch, assuming it is, LGTM with a trivial15:40
perrito666bbl lunch with wife15:43
rogpeppeplease could someone review this change (it fixes two high-priority bugs)? http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/3023/15:57
rogpeppeericsnow: ^15:57
ericsnowrogpeppe: will do15:57
rogpeppeericsnow: thanks15:57
rogpeppeericsnow: and another little one: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/3026/16:18
ericsnowrogpeppe: k16:18
rogpeppeericsnow: ta16:19
rogpeppeericsnow: responded to your review of http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/3023/16:35
ericsnowrogpeppe: k16:35
frobwarevoidspace, http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/3027/17:39
voidspacefrobware: looking17:43
voidspacefrobware: LGTM17:43
frobwarevoidspace, thanks. I forget - to merge this it is just $$merge$$ in the PR?17:44
natefinchfwereade: that's the right diff, yeah17:49
voidspacefrobware: correct17:51
frobwarevoidspace, and because it is not master do I need some incantation with [fixes-xyz]?17:52
alexisbheh juju core team, meeting?18:01
alexisbwwitzel3, perrito666, cherylj, natefinch18:01
alexisbothers who are around and it is not there eod18:01
voidspacefrobware: no, you only need $$fixes-xyz$$  if the branch you're merging to (including master) is blocked by a critical bug18:02
frobwarevoidspace, thanks for the clarification18:02
alexisbericsnow, ping18:07
katcoericsnow: wwitzel3: not coming to the core meeting?18:07
frobwarecherylj, I saw that https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1496972 was just reset to 1.26, but I had already started landing into 1.25.18:07
mupBug #1496972: juju bootstrap fails to successfully configure the bridge juju-br0 when deploying with wily 4.2 kernel <hs-arm64> <kernel-da-key> <network> <juju-core:Triaged18:07
mupby frobware> <juju-core 1.25:Triaged by frobware> <Ubuntu:Invalid by jsalisbury> <Ubuntu Wily:Invalid by jsalisbury> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1496972>18:07
cheryljfrobware: I just created a 1.25 task18:08
cheryljfrobware: so it should go into 1.25 and 1.2618:08
frobwarecherylj, it's currently landing in 1.25.... ok18:08
frobwarecherylj, also wondering whether this should go into 1.2418:11
cheryljfrobware: how complex is the fix?18:11
frobwarecherylj, trivial but significant: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/3027/18:12
ericsnowrogpeppe: updates to both patches LGTM18:15
rogpeppeericsnow: ta!18:16
wwitzel3katco: was away eating, forgot about it, you all still going?18:38
natefinchwwitzel3: done now18:38
alexisbwwitzel3, I figured you were out rolling tractor tires18:51
rogpeppemgz_: just reviewed https://github.com/juju/charm/pull/16419:31
mgz_rogpeppe: they're ignored because I wanted to preserve existing behaviour to make the branch easy to land19:33
rogpeppemgz_: ok, fair enough19:33
rogpeppemgz_: please add a TODO, then LGTM19:33
mgz_but it got messed up anyway because callers are so confused19:33
mgz_rogpeppe: okay19:33
rogpeppemgz_: unfortunately this commit in utils breaks some tests in juju-core: e6c1e5206ced12cd6201ad2a488e3df6a245eed419:41
mgz_rogpeppe: that's expected, the mass dep bump will need to bring in test changes as well19:42
rogpeppemgz_: yeah19:42
rogpeppemgz_: i'll stick on the old utils for now then19:42
perrito666voidspace: bye19:53
katcoericsnow: i'm ready when you are20:08
=== mup_ is now known as mup
jogrogpeppe, looks like a possible regression in the latest CI run on master, related to cookies21:34
rogpeppejog: interesting, thanks. i'll take a look.21:34
jogrogpeppe, I'll open a bug but you can see failures here: http://reports.vapour.ws/releases/rules/73521:34
rogpeppejog: ah yes, i knew about that but thought it wouldn't be a problem for CI21:35
rogpeppejog: the cookie format has changed21:35
rogpeppejog: i did consider ignoring the error21:36
rogpeppejog: but thought it was easy enough for people to delete the cookie file if they got that error21:36
rogpeppejog: do you know if that CI run is starting with a fresh home dir?21:37
rogpeppejog: given that the juju version using the previous format hasn't been released, i am surprised that this is an issue21:38
jogrogpeppe, we ensure jenv file are removed but I don't think we clean the entire JUJU_HOME21:38
rogpeppejog: ah21:38
rogpeppejog: that seems like it's an easy way to run into test pollution to me21:39
rogpeppejog: i think you should really clean $HOME/.go-cookies before running the tests at the very least21:39
mupBug #1511537 opened: Failed to load cookies EOF <ci> <intermittent-failure> <test-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511537>21:40
rogpeppejog: or set $JUJU_COOKIEFILE to something else21:40
jogrogpeppe, I'm checking our test slaves21:41
rogpeppejog: hmm, that bug is another interesting one.21:41
jogses just opened that one for something he saw yesterday21:42
rogpeppejog: this makes me more inclined to the view that failing to load cookies should just be a warning not an error21:42
rogpeppejog: i swithered about that decision when implementing this21:43
jogwhere should the .go-cookies file be? In $JUJU_HOME?21:43
rogpeppejog: usually in $HOME/.go-cookies21:43
rogpeppejog: but $JUJU_COOKIEFILE can place them elsewhere21:44
rogpeppejog: how can i find out the commit hash of http://reports.vapour.ws/releases/3230/job/functional-ha-backup-restore/attempt/2766 ?21:44
jogrogpeppe, there are breadcrumbs at the top of that page. Go back one to http://reports.vapour.ws/releases/323021:45
jogyou'll see 'Revision ID' with a link near the top21:45
rogpeppejog: ah, i didn't realise that grey text was clickable21:46
rogpeppejog: i *think* that bug (1511537) has been fixed by the dependency update landed today21:48
jogrogpeppe, ah... you said in $HOME... .go-cookies is global for the user21:49
rogpeppejog: i think the intermittent problem was probably caused by the fact that concurrent juju client instances were stepping one one anothers' toes because the cookie logic wasn't safe for concurrent use21:49
rogpeppejog: yes it is (very deliberately)21:50
jogso we drive multiple tests in parallel from a single slave...21:50
rogpeppejog: ok, that makes sense21:50
jogand they can be varying version of Juju21:50
rogpeppejog: do you use a different value of $JUJU_HOME for each running test?21:50
jogerr... no21:51
jogeach test has a unique environment name though21:51
rogpeppejog: ok, well you should probably do that. and set JUJU_COOKIEFILE=$JUJU_HOME/cookies21:51
rogpeppejog: i mean, it's *supposed* to work ok with everything concurrently, but i think it's probably best to have each test as isolated as possible (i'd probably have a different value of $HOME too)21:52
jogwe have a $JUJU_HOME with an environment.yaml for each to the various clouds and substrates that we test on.21:52
rogpeppejog: anyway, this will be more important in the future when you have CI tests that rely on macaroon authorization21:53
jogrogpeppe, with 75+ tests that's not a trivial change for CI. There is also likely CI driver code that sets $JUJU_HOME. Not that it can't be done but not at the flip of a switch.21:57
rogpeppejog: fair enough21:57
rogpeppejog: anyway, i hope the intermittent issue should have gone away now21:57
rogpeppejog: and deleting the cookie file should cause the CI to succeed OK21:58
rogpeppejog: well, at least to fix *that* issue :)21:58
rogpeppejog: you could always set JUJU_COOKIEFILE=$(tempfile)21:59
jogthat's that type of change I'm thinking of making in the short term22:00
jogalso are you going to make that a Warning?22:00
rogpeppejog: the reason i'm not sure about that is that i'm not sure of the best API for persistent-cookiejar. It seems kind of wrong to not give the caller any info about the fact that loading the cookie jar has failed, but the alternative is returning both a valid cookiejar *and* an error which also seems wrong22:03
rogpeppejog: for the time being, i might leave it as an error but if it causes further CI issues, i'll change it22:04
rogpeppejog: after all, if it hadn't been an error, we wouldn't have discovered this potential test cross-talk issue22:05
rogpeppejog: so it's not all bad :)22:05
mupBug #1511543 opened: Unhelpful error message when trying from a location with a full disk <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511543>22:16
axwrogpeppe: gocov can merge profiles23:05
axwrogpeppe: not aware of any others23:05

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