
=== mgraesslin_ is now known as mgraesslin
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
lordievaderGood morning.09:55
yofelahoneybun: hm, where's the source?10:35
yofelit would be great if I could set this up so I could do the build on the server (would make updates easier in the future)10:36
yofelthat _sources/index.txt should really point to the actual source repository and possibly a place where people can report issues/improvements10:37
yofel(unless you explicitly don't want that)10:38
ahoneybunyofel: https://github.com/ahoneybun/kubuntu-manual11:20
yofelthanks! I'll try to get it on the server today11:26
BluesKajHiyas all11:41
clivejoany sign of patched plasma-nm in archives yet?12:05
yofelyes, see bug report12:26
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clivejoyofel: what are you working on?13:17
clivejoanything to-do in kubuntu13:17
yofelclivejo: hm, you could look into the autopkgtest fixing that harald and maxy talked about on the ML 13:22
yofelI didn't get to that yet13:22
yofelmaxy used https://paste.debian.net/318520/ to auto-commit the repositories that needed changes13:22
yofel(you'll probably have to extend that with branch switching)13:22
yofeland if you give me a list of repositories that needed changing I can upload those later13:23
yofelyou might also want to test santa's do-all branch to initialize the xenial branch13:23
yofelI think you'll need that for above script to work properly13:23
santa_clivejo: regarding the branch yofel mentioned: its here https://github.com/jmsantamaria/kubuntu-automation-work and the branch name is "automation-ng"; feel free to ping me anytime if you have doubts about its usage14:10
santa_yofel: maybe should I ping the remaining kcc members about the membership application meeting?14:11
=== vinay is now known as Guest11700
sgclarkhi all17:15
sgclarkgood luck santa_ ! if I had a vote you would have mine :)17:19
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santa_sgclark: thanks18:21
sgclarksanta_: I was going to check out your tools but the readme seems like old stuff18:24
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santa_sgclark: yep, for now the new tooling is only documented in that pdf, for now we just have the git-clone-all and do-all scripts18:25
santa_I have also some partial work on stuff to get the tarballs18:26
sgclarkok cool thanks18:26
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_work

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