
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
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mardyjgdx: hi! Not yet, but I've a branch for that06:24
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dbarth__hey trainguards, seems that i can't fully publish siloe 05608:59
dbarth__can you help?08:59
pstolowskisil2100, hey, any news on silo 24?09:01
sil2100pstolowski: checked that the new package reached the destination, force merging now09:05
pstolowskisil2100, great, thanks!09:07
sil2100Oh, queuebot is gone09:44
* sil2100 needs to jump out for a min, brb09:45
mardydbarth__: mmm... silo 56 is dirty again :-/09:58
rvrmardy: Hey. Did you see this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/151105510:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 1511055 in Online Accounts setup for Ubuntu Touch "Cannot go back to Accounts" [Undecided,New]10:00
mardyrvr: no, I didn't... looks interesting :-)10:01
dbarth__mardy: oh is it?10:15
dbarth__i m still trying to get a trainguard to help me publish10:16
dbarth__let me check why10:17
rvrsil2100: Can you enable the s-i?10:47
bzoltan_sil2100:  how to deal with the gles packages now that we are targeting 16.04?10:49
bzoltan_sil2100:  the citrain is bitching that cp: cannot stat '/var/lib/jenkins/silos/ubuntu/landing-051/ubuntu-ui-toolkit_1.3.1705+16.04.20151029.1.orig.tar.gz': No such file or directory10:49
cjwatsonsil2100: so, you know the way we keep a big git repository of Packages/Sources history in order that you folks can fork a factory PPA from an old version of the archive if you need to?  how far back do we need to keep that?11:13
cjwatsonsil2100: I ask because even with git's amazing compression an 82GB repository is killing snakefruit and I'd like to truncate it11:14
cjwatson(it's not really about space, to be clear, it's that git gc kills the box daily)11:15
sil2100rvr: on it in a minute11:24
sil2100bzoltan_: that's hm, odd, let me check your silo in a moment11:25
sil2100cjwatson: hmmmm, I need to think about that, I think we might not need it anymore - you mean archive history, right? Since now that we basically use the overlay PPA and the overlay PPA has infinite history, we can get the exact package versions used from the image manifests + binary copies11:27
cjwatsonsil2100: Both have infinite history, but working out the state of build-dependencies isn't something that manifests give you11:29
cjwatsonsil2100: (We keep index history of the overlay PPA this way too)11:29
cjwatsonsil2100: My question is just what the oldest point you might wish to fork from is11:29
cjwatsonsil2100: right now we have back to somewhere around July/August 201411:30
bzoltan_sil2100:  I ripped off the gles package .. but now it does the 15.04 versioned package only11:33
sil2100hm, I think that's indeed a bit too much into the past11:33
sil2100cjwatson: I think if the history would be spanned to around the 15.04 release, I suppose that would be sufficient11:38
cjwatsonsil2100: righto, I'll see about filtering it, thanks11:38
cjwatsonI'd like to keep ALL THE THINGS but it's not feasible at the moment :-/11:38
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sil2100rvr: what device do you want to test on?11:45
sil2100rvr: krillin?11:45
sil2100bzoltan_: is there some new method of doing the -gles uploads, or is it the same as in the past?11:47
bzoltan_sil2100:  I do not know about any change... the last time I have landed the 1688 UITK I simple updated the changelog and added the MR, so without watch file11:48
sil2100bzoltan_: so changing the watch file is no longer required? Just want to get myself up-to-date with latest changes Robert made11:49
bzoltan_sil2100: Yes, that is the new thing .. no watch file11:49
rvrsil2100: Yes, krillin11:56
jgdxmardy, what's the target? OTA8?12:19
mardyjgdx: yes!12:21
jgdxmardy, wheee12:21
jgdxmardy, when testing that silo, could you make sure the header is shown in System Settings -> Online Accounts?12:21
jgdxif not, just let me know and we'll figure it out12:22
mardyjgdx: ok I will12:24
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boikosil2100: could you please remove wily packages from silos 25 and 54?13:24
sil2100boiko: on it!13:33
sil2100rvr: did it download?13:33
boikosil2100: thanks!13:33
sil2100boiko: will you be re-building the silos? Since if they're both ready for release I can simply copy the wily packages to xenial13:34
rvrsil2100: Yes, it did13:34
boikosil2100: none of them are ready for release13:34
boikosil2100: well, silo 54 maybe, but on silo 25 we are expecting rebuilts to happen13:35
sil2100boiko: ok, then maybe it's safer to just remove the binaries then13:35
boikosil2100: yep, I think it is better to rebuild the silos indeed13:36
sil2100boiko: done, yw!13:36
boikosil2100: great! thanks13:37
rvrjgdx: http://people.canonical.com/~vrruiz/ubuntu-system-settings-ota-about.png13:59
rvrjgdx: The string is "OTA-x"14:00
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rvrjgdx: version_detail: device=20150821-736d127,custom=20150925-901-35-40-vivid,keyring=archive-master,tag=OTA-x,version=14:01
jgdxrvr, what's the output of gdbus call -y -d com.canonical.SystemImage -o /Service -m com.canonical.SystemImage.Information14:01
rvrjgdx: ({'device_name': 'krillin', 'current_build_number': '2', 'last_check_date': '', 'channel_name': 'tag-test', 'version_detail': 'device=20150821-736d127,custom=20150925-901-35-40-vivid,keyring=archive-master,tag=OTA-x,version=2', 'target_build_number': '-1', 'last_update_date': '2015-10-29 13:07:36'},)14:02
jgdxrvr, so, on the previous screen, does it say OTA-x?14:03
rvrjgdx: Where?14:04
jgdxgo back one,14:04
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jgdxrvr, how can I test this channel and image?14:04
rvrWait a moment14:04
rvrThe silo didn't install14:05
rvrjgdx: "Unavailable" should be translated14:05
jgdxrvr, yeah, that's bad.14:06
* sil2100 hopes he didn't break anything by adding the tag as OTA-x14:07
sil2100Didn't want to put any confusion with an image with a real OTA tag14:07
jgdxsil2100, let's just get it right :) Thanks for providing the image. Do you have some steps I can do to install this image?14:09
rvrThe following packages have been kept back:14:13
rvr  libsystemsettings114:13
jgdxoh, yeah, maybe it prefers the newer stable overlay system settings?14:14
sil2100jgdx: I ran it on my private s-i server locally, I don't want to keep my ports open for too long14:14
jgdxrvr, you know what to do or do you want steps?14:15
jgdxsil2100, okay14:15
jgdxrvr, btw, I haven't changed "OS build number" to use the OTA. I can't remember the rationale for that, though.14:15
sil2100If you guys need it for testing tho, I can set it up on a canonistack instance temporarily14:16
rvrjgdx: sil2100 has a local server14:16
rvrjgdx: But it takes ages to download14:17
jgdxrvr, are you able to install the correct USS version?14:17
rvrsil2100: I have a faster connection, do you want me to upload the bits somewere?14:17
rvrjgdx: Still trying14:17
rvrIt refuses to do a dist-upgrade14:17
jgdxrvr, apt-cache policy ubuntu-system-settings and then install by apt-get install {libsystemsettings1,ubuntu-system-settings}=$version14:18
jgdxpick the version provided by the silo14:19
rvrjgdx: Ahh, the version of the stable ppa is higher that the one in the silo14:19
rvrjgdx: The following packages will be REMOVED:14:21
rvr  account-plugin-ubuntuone obexd-server ubuntu-system-settings14:21
rvr  ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts ubuntu-touch ubuntu-touch-session14:21
rvrjgdx: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12999225/14:22
rvrjgdx: Looks ugly14:22
rvrjgdx: StatusSILO DIRTY: You must rebuild: ubuntu-system-settings14:22
jgdxaaah, okay, let's do a rebuild14:23
dobeyrvr: can we get pay-ui/pay-service requests tested now? mardy's fix from yesterday is in the overlay ppa now, and these requests have been sitting here for a week now15:06
rvrdobey: This morning it wasn't available in the overlay PPA, but I'm checking other silos now.15:07
dobeyrvr: is nobody else doing the qa sign off testing too? i see your face on a lot of cards, and not many others :-/15:10
rvrdobey: Right now, yes.15:12
mardyjgdx, rvr: silo 18 now fixes bug 151105515:18
ubot5bug 1511055 in webapps-sprint "Cannot go back to Accounts" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151105515:18
jgdxmardy, thank you15:18
mardyjgdx: I also merged your MP into the uitk 1.3 branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~jonas-drange/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts/lp1445350/+merge/27195615:19
robrubzoltan_: did you get your gles problem fixed? I'm around to look at it if it's still a problem. What silo?15:19
rvrmardy: Great15:20
jgdxmardy, thanks15:21
alecurvr: jibel: sil2100: we screwed up, and forgot about the extra strings in the sound indicator bugfixes in silo 46. Still, I'm talking with xavigarcia and we'd like to know if it's possible to request an exception, since  there's an extra week for bugfixing this time, and that will give enough time for translators to get that done.15:22
alecuit's this card: https://trello.com/c/4fh6dI4j/2417-528-ubuntu-landing-046-indicator-sound-xavi-garcia-mena15:23
mardyjgdx: thanks to you :-)15:24
bzoltan_robru:  not yet15:39
bzoltan_robru: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-051-1-build/52/console15:39
alecurvr: xavigarcia: I've got confirmation from jibel and pmcgowan that an exception is allowed for the strings in silo 46. So: we need to give a week before the final freeze for translators to work on this, and please xavigarcia, as soon as this lands let the -translators mailing list know about the new strings.15:43
robrubzoltan_: looks like the versions are out of sync, xenial build is building .1 but gles build is looking for .2 somehow. Maybe try a version bump in the upstream part of the version to force them to sync up again.15:43
rvralecu: Ack15:43
bzoltan_robru:  I will try15:44
rvrjgdx: Build failed15:44
alecurvr: thanks15:44
jgdxrvr, looking15:44
jgdxrvr, it didn't even try.. Let's do another.15:48
robrubzoltan_: oh it's probably because you put .1 in the changelog, so the train tried to increment that15:57
robrubzoltan_: you probably shouldn't touch the changelog manually anymore, just put your message in the mp "commit message" field, it will generate the changelog with right values.15:58
robrubzoltan_: or if you really need to touch the changelog just put "upstream-0ubuntu1" don't try to predict the date part, train will add that itself15:59
bzoltan_robru:  Okey, i push the gles branch again and see16:03
rvrdobey: There is a problem with this test "Security Information: Paypal payment"16:26
rvrdobey: When I tap cancel in the paypal login page, it shows a Ubuntu One login page16:27
rvrdobey: In stable, it goes back to the the app info screen, as expected16:27
jgdxrvr, okay, this uss build seems to be more successful16:33
rvrjgdx: Cool16:36
dobeyrvr: huh.16:40
Saviqrobru, is it expected that a unity8, qtmir, qtmir-gles rebuild would take almost 1.5h just to prepare packages https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-021-1-build/232/consoleFull ?16:41
Saviqah hmm, *2, because dual landing... still, 20mins to build a source package :/16:44
sil2100jibel, rvr: hey, you guys want to have the meeting today?16:45
jibelsil2100, I don't think it's necessary, there is nothing special16:51
dobeyrvr: i get the same behavior for both, and apparently the paypal site itself is different now.16:51
Saviqsil2100, is devel-proposed xenial yet? or is there a different channel?16:52
sil2100Saviq: it's devel-proposed, good thing you mentioned as I see s-i didn't import the rootfs - let me do it now16:56
dobeyhmm, actually the sandbox paypal site that we get via staging is different than the production site16:59
robrusil2100: I'm OK to skip17:02
dobeyhmm, no on production it works correctly for me with both versions of payui17:02
robruSaviq: that does sound quite slow, not sure why though...17:02
Saviqrobru, yeah, it doesn't help it doesn't log anything after "building...source package"17:03
Saviqor well, just spews in the whole log in one go17:04
robruSaviq: yeah i had to buffer the output of the source package build because when it was unbuffered it would print things out of order in a totally illegible way17:05
Saviqrobru, :)17:06
dobeyrvr: so this works fine for me, and none of the changed code is related to that. i'm not sure what you did, but it's working the same in both.17:06
robruSaviq: part of the problem seems to be that the chroots are old and installing a ton of updates. The job that periodically refreshes the chroots has been busted fit a while but it hasn't been a priority to fix17:07
Saviqrobru, /me puts priority on it17:08
Saviqrobru, even if you can just do it one-off manually, every once in a while, would be good enough17:09
robruSaviq: unfortunately i can't, last time i looked at it the failure was quite mysterious. Like it was saying "file not found" or something, but the file clearly existed when i checked.17:10
robruSaviq: one thing we've been wanting to do is switch from pbuilder to sbuild, i was figuring id fix everything in the switch, unfortunately there's a lot of priorities right now17:11
robruSaviq: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/upgrade-chroot/489/console yeah this has always been a mystery to me17:14
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Saviqrobru, I think that's expected, if cowcopy ever worked, steaks would've been much cheaper... and likely less greenhouse gases, too17:16
jgdxrvr, built :)17:50
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robruSaviq: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cupstream2distro-maintainers/cupstream2distro/trunk/revision/1185#citrain/jenkins-templates/upgrade-chroot.xml.tmpl well that was embarassingly easy to fix. let me know if your next build is any faster18:21
robruSaviq: although the update to the xenial pbuilder is tiny compared to the giant list of updates I saw in your build log, not sure what that's about.18:23
robruSaviq: on second look, seems like your builds just pull in a ton of deps. Did you add new deps recently?18:48
Saviqrobru, I think the real problem is there's no Test-Depends: in debian/control18:52
Saviqrobru, so our Build-Depends might indeed be excessive18:52
Saviqrobru, or maybe even Source-Depends, as obviously building a source package does not require all of build-depends18:53
robruSaviq: is Source-Depends a thing? never heard of that one. it is a bit silly to pull in the entire world just to build a source package though18:53
Saviqrobru, well, yeah, that's the problem, there isn't18:53
Saviqrobru, yeah, well, if only there was a way to declare srcpkg depends (some need some specific dh- packages, for example)18:54
Saviqunity8 itself I don't think requires anything above build-essential18:54
robruSaviq: yeah this is a problem I've run into in the past. not sure why debian doesn't handle this better. not much we can do I guess19:01
Saviqrobru, we could devise a custom addition to debian/control that the train would use19:03
robruSaviq: oh god pls no19:03
robruSaviq: the train-specific gles hackery is bad enough19:04
Saviqrobru, oh well, I only meant X-Source-Depends or so19:04
Saviqrobru, you'd use Build-Depends if not present, is al19:04
Saviqrobru, in any case, I'll have a look and see if we could clear this thing up19:05
Saviqrobru, maybe we reduce Build-Depends to a minimum and add a debian/control.tests with Build-Depends listing test-only dependencies19:06
Saviqso that we can still use mk-build-deps on that or so19:06
Saviqwe already have a bit of a split between build.sh and debian/control19:06
Saviqnot a great situation indeed19:06
robruSaviq: yeah I'm not sure what to do about that19:06
Saviqrobru, but I don't think X-Ubuntu-Source-Depends: would be such a bad idea, we have a bunch of custom bits for debian/control arleady19:08
Saviqeven for the train (like the no-rewrite thing)19:08
Saviqrobru, but yeah, a lot of our Build-Depends could probably be scrapped, we've been abusing it for test dependencies19:09
Saviqbut then we'd have to duplicate it between debian/control.test and debian/tests/control :/19:10
Saviqmeh meh meh19:10
* Saviq will talk with pitti tomorrow to see if they ever thought of that19:12
kenvandinewow... citrain spam :)20:16
robrukenvandine: yeah I don't know what the hell this is, I specifically coded queuebot not to spam on startup, but apparently there's some kind of network error causing it to parcially clear it's state, but not clear it enough to think it's starting fresh and suppress the startup spam.20:17
robrukenvandine: like, the state gets cleared enough that it thinks it needs to notify all this stuff, but doesn't clear enough that it realizes it's got no state and doing a fresh-startup spam20:18
kenvandinequeuebot was hungry, need some spam to chew on :)20:18
Saviqcihelp, any reason we only have two makos online http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/label/mako/? ?20:21
pmcgowanSaviq, I have heard they are all dying20:23
pmcgowanso need to get some krillins instead20:23
josephtSaviq: what pmcgowan said, unfortunately20:25
sil2100cyphermox, mterry: hey! We have a few packages that would require core-devs for releasing :)21:26
sil2100cyphermox, mterry: https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/publishable21:26
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
robruwat http://paste.ubuntu.com/13003129/21:35
mardysil2100: what is the problem with silo 56 and libaccounts-qt?21:39
mterrysil2100, looking21:39
sil2100mardy: nothing wrong so far, I'm just not powerful enough to publish that21:40
sil2100mterry: thanks!21:40
sil2100mardy: it needs a core-dev, I'm just a MOTU21:40
sil2100mterry: I'll take unity-scopes-shell, that's an universe package21:40
sil2100mterry: the mediascanner2 landing needs an archive admin btw.21:44
sil2100mterry: since it renames a package21:44
sil2100mterry: (just so you know)21:44
mterrysil2100, that doesn't affect publishing though right?  that's a post-publish step?21:44
sil2100mterry: it's actually a pre-publish step21:44
mterrysil2100, oh.  OK, will leave that one alone then21:45
sil2100mterry: since the train doesn't respect new binary packages, just pushes them without them going to the NEW queue21:45
mterryoh huh.  I didn't know we could shortcircuit NEW21:45
sil2100mterry: for new source packages - yes, but for new binary ones we need to poke some archive admin21:45
sil2100slangasek: hey! If you have a moment, there's a silo that needs an archive admin checking the binNEW -> https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-031-2-publish/24/21:46
slangaseksil2100: looking21:46
slangaseksil2100: isn't this package missing Conflicts/Replaces from qml-module-ubuntu-mediascanner0.1 against the old version of qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-mediascanner0.1?  It looks to me that the package will fail to upgrade, which is more important than the transitional package issue21:50
slangaseksil2100: it's ok from an AA POV but not from a core-dev signoff21:50
mterrysil2100, silo 56 looks fine packaging wise, but needs to incorporate the archive changes above ^21:53
* mterry goes afk for a few minutes21:54
robruholy hell, silo 56 wasn't built since before the gcc transition??22:33
michirobru: What’s with the flood of notifications anyway?22:35
robrumichi: queuebot is a braindead piece of crap22:35
michiI haven’t built anything since yesterday, and now I’m being told that the build has finished22:35
michiAh, that explains it then :)22:35
robrumichi: I don't know why or how, but I'm told that queuebot is experiencing some sort of network error that causes it to lose all it's state (so it thinks all those statuses are new and need to be pinged), but it doesn't lose ALL of it's state, otherwise it would hit the piece of code I wrote that says "hey if there's no state, don't spam the channel"22:36
michiOh well, it’s not the end of the world. There are bugs worse than this :)22:37

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