
mwhudsonis there some deep reason why gcc-multilib and the cross compiler packages can't be coinstalled?07:03
pittiGood morning07:23
dholbachgood morning08:04
zygagood morning08:04
sladenguten morgen08:11
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Trevinhodoko: unity doesn't link on arm64 due to a segfault... I've no clue how to debug thatù https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-011/+build/821507810:39
dokoTrevinho, loking11:26
Trevinhodoko: thanks11:36
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Trevinhodoko: got anything?12:23
dokoTrevinho, will you ask every 30min?12:29
Trevinhodoko: I just asked once, I didn't want to bother you...12:31
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dokoTrevinho, does the package build on wily?12:59
dokoTrevinho, I can't reproduce this. already fails earlier with http://paste.ubuntu.com/12998753/13:02
dokoso please fix this, then I can look again13:02
sitterballoons: ping. about the kubuntu ci session. Id' be entirely fine if that slot were to be halved... just in case another session gets proposed ;). At akademy shadeslayer and I did a talk about our various CI systems and that fit nicely in a 30 minute slot13:03
pitticjwatson, wgrant: OOI, is it planned to allow github issues as upstream bug URLs in LP?13:18
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pitticjwatson: do you plan to do https://merges.ubuntu.com/f/finish-install/, or want me to steal it?13:47
pitticjwatson: it's important for https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=80218713:47
ubottuDebian bug 802187 in finish-install "debian-installer: On first boot after install init hangs due to missing symlink "/etc/mtab to /proc/self/mounts"" [Serious,Fixed]13:47
rbasakpitti: no plans for a migration path for the mtab symlink?13:51
pittirbasak: we already have that13:51
rbasakOh, OK>13:52
pittirbasak: but we should stop writing /etc/mtab in installers as a file, and set it up correctly right away13:52
pittirbasak: it's turned into a symlink on every boot13:52
pittithis is to find the installer bugs13:52
pittirbasak: I just mailed u-devel@ with some explanation13:52
rbasakOh sorry. I was responding to the email but missed your mention of migration.13:53
Trevinhodoko: in wily it worked...14:03
Trevinhodoko: that's already fixed..14:04
TrevinhoYou need the 7.4 bump branch14:04
Trevinhodoko: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/unity-7.4.0-bump14:06
dokoTrevinho, still fails. I can't install dependencies on the porter box, which are not in the archive. will have to wait until I can setup one, so tomorrow14:18
cjwatsonpitti: github linking is on our backlog though it's not trivial14:19
cjwatsonpitti: I can do finish-install, sure14:19
cjwatsonogra_: is it OK if I upload your livecd-rootfs changes?14:24
ogra_cjwatson, perfectly fine ...14:24
Trevinhodoko: Mh ok... If you want, all the packages needed are in silo 11 (ppa)14:24
TrevinhoYou can use those deb sources for  building it14:24
cjwatsonpitti: done14:27
pitticjwatson: oh, that was fast, thanks!14:38
sil2100cjwatson: hey! Could we request an LP translation export for ubuntu-rtm/15.04? It's usually taking around 5 minutes so it shouldn't eat up much resources I suppose14:54
cjwatsonsil2100: requested14:56
sil2100cjwatson: thank you!14:56
cjwatsonsil2100: (see #webops)14:56
Chir0nhi there! keyserver.ubuntu.com seems to be down, known fact?15:06
Chir0n(not sure what a good channel is to ask about it)15:06
cjwatsonChir0n: I see it on our internal outage channel so our sysadmins know about it15:07
cjwatsonvia nagios15:07
Chir0ncool, thanks!15:08
tkamppetercjwatson, hi15:20
cjwatsontkamppeter: hi, what's up?15:21
seb128cjwatson, unping, I'm on it, Till wants pysmbc removed from the sync blacklist15:22
tkamppetercjwatson, I want to have our python-smbc replaced by Debian's pysmbc. I do not see any reason why we are going separate here. What I need from you for that is to remove pysmbc from http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/sync-blacklist.txt.15:23
tkamppetercjwatson, seems that seb128 did it already, but please check whether he did it correctly.15:25
seb128well I edited the vcs15:26
seb128unsure when the cron job is running15:26
cjwatsonsil2100: should be done for you now15:27
cjwatsonseb128: it's every five minutes15:27
sil2100\o/ thanks!15:27
tkamppeterseb128, now it worked. I have synced now.15:27
seb128cjwatson, thanks15:27
tkamppetercjwatson, seb128, thanks.15:28
Chir0nlooks like keyserver is back!15:33
Chir0nsomeone tripped over a cable? :)15:34
cjwatsonsomething to do with a package upgrade but I don't know exactly what15:34
slangasekcyphermox, cjwatson: it's possible for grub to chainload to another instance of grub.efi, right?  if so what's the syntax?15:43
slangasekcyphermox, cjwatson: bug #1510120; PXE-booted GRUB is trying to find kernels on LVM, and I'd prefer that we chainload to the GRUB on disk rather than adding a pile of disk modules to grubnetx64.efi.signed if we can15:43
ubottubug 1510120 in MAAS "UEFI deployment broken in MAAS 1.9" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151012015:43
cjwatsonslangasek: chainloader <filename>15:45
cjwatsonslangasek: but I don't see how that would work with secure boot15:45
blake_rcjwatson: the grub on disk should be signed as well15:46
slangasekcjwatson: oh?  if both files are signed, it still won't work?15:46
cjwatsonblake_r,slangasek: well that would be great if chainloader had any sig verification support15:46
slangasekoh, well then15:47
slangasekis that why we are failing to chainload Windows?15:47
cjwatsonand yet we put chainloader in the signed image15:47
cjwatsonum, I'm too far out of context on this, you might have to try it15:47
slangasekI thought chainloader in a UEFI context would just tell UEFI "execute this", and the "execute this" API does the signature checking15:48
* cyphermox looks15:48
slangasekblake_r: so yes, since you've already found the ESP you can try chainloader .../shimx64.efi instead of loading the config15:49
blake_rslangasek: would I chainload the shim or grub? as the shim was already loaded over network15:49
sil2100pitti: hey! Could you manually run langpack-o-matic on ubuntu-rtm/15.04 for us? :)15:49
slangasekblake_r: shim.  a chainload goes back to the firmware (I believe; and if it doesn't it needs to), which means the firmware itself needs to be able to verify the sig15:50
blake_rslangasek: okay  I will try it15:50
cjwatsonslangasek: if that is so then all should be well15:52
cyphermoxlooks to me like it calls LoadImage, which should return a SECURITY_VIOLATION if the signature is bad15:53
* slangasek nods15:54
blake_rslangasek: worked15:59
blake_rslangasek: thanks, easy fix15:59
slangasekblake_r: hurray16:00
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ogra_mdeslaur, wow, i'm surprised you also took MODE="0666" for the steam fix ... instead of just using uaccess everywhere17:37
mdeslaurhrm, I guess I could have done that...but I'm not sure what process actually updates the firmware in those controllers17:37
* ogra_ finds 0666 always a little itchy 17:38
ogra_but yeah, if the frimware updater runs as different user etc ...17:38
* mdeslaur nods17:38
dobeyfw updater?17:58
pittisil2100: uh, did the cronjob not run?18:14
pittisil2100: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/stable-phone-overlay has packages from Tuesday, so it did run; so you need the export from today?18:15
pittisil2100: running18:15
sil2100pitti: thanks! It ran, yes, but we requested another export today to get the latest stuff after feature freeze18:16
sil2100doko, cyphermox, slangasek: pushed a batch of new rebuilds for the ocaml transition - some are unresolvable for now, like xstrp4 (I mentioned that yesterday) and now also lablgtk-extras seems to be requiring the new camlp4 and ocaml from Debian to build properly18:26
sil2100Give me a sign when we could merge those from Debian18:27
sil2100There also seems to be a number of false positives on the transition page, at least the uninstallabilities are not reproducible on my chroots18:28
slangaseksil2100: I don't understand - give you a sign when?  why wouldn't they get merged now?18:29
slangasek(I haven't been looking at ocaml at all, I have no context here)18:29
sil2100slangasek: I poked doko earlier about that and he mentioned we should wait with that as Debian is peraring a new ocaml version anyway18:29
sil2100But I'm worried we'll have to rebuild once again when that happens18:30
slangaseksil2100: does the update from ocaml 4.01.0 to 4.02.3 require rebuilds?18:31
dokoslangasek, sil2100: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=789133   it's already ongoing18:33
ubottuDebian bug 789133 in release.debian.org "transition: ocaml 4.02.3" [Normal,Open]18:33
sil2100I suppose it will, as the provides package would change18:33
slangaseksil2100: so that's the version already in unstable; if that's the version needed for unblocking parts of the transition you're looking at, we should merge that asap so we're doing 1 transition instead of 218:34
sil2100And some packages already require ocaml 4.02.3 to work and build18:34
slangasekright.  as long as jumping directly to 4.02.3 doesn't introduce problems because of versioned build-dep loops, we should jump straight to that18:34
pittisil2100: done, in the ppa18:46
* pitti waves good night18:46
Saviqoh, do-release-upgrade to xenial did not snapshot my btrfs root, isn't that what happened on btrfs usually?18:56
hallynso, qemu failed to build in power8;  while i was still trying elsewhere to figure out why, a rebuild seems to have been triggered and it passed.  What would cause an automatic rebuild like that?19:01
sil2100slangasek: ok, I'll prepare a merge, I'll need a sponsor once I'm done :)19:04
slangaseksil2100: good news I'm piloting tomorrow19:05
cjwatsonhallyn: nothing automatic, but quite a few people have access to retry builds manually19:41
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sil2100slangasek: if anything, I filled in #1511517 - will wait with further ocaml transitioning for now until this is landed, switching back to some touch work for the rest of today20:31
sil2100LP: #1511517 of course20:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1511517 in ocaml (Ubuntu) "Please merge ocaml 4.02.3-5 (main) from Debian unstable" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151151720:31
sil2100slangasek: I hope I did the merge right20:31
sil2100pitti: thanks! And good night to you too :)20:31
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slangaseksil2100: ocaml uploaded22:27
sil2100slangasek: \o/ thanks!23:34
slangasekman, why does gnome-pkg-tools still Recommend svn-buildpackage in Debian23:44

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