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tsdgeosSaviq: in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1511072 you linked the bug to itseldf08:28
ubot5Launchpad bug 1511072 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Language selector scrolling performance is poor in welcome wizard" [Medium,Triaged]08:28
Saviqtsdgeos, oops08:49
tsdgeosfrozen scopes :/ https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/151106308:54
ubot5Launchpad bug 1511063 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Scopes freeze after few times slide on Bq 4.5" [Undecided,New]08:54
tsdgeosSaviq: we did disable the crash generation on ota7 right? so this can't be a "it's crashing but getting the info", no?08:56
Saviqtsdgeos, well, it's disabled by default, but doesn't mean people can't enable it08:57
tsdgeosSaviq: would that be the "App crashes and errors" in System Settings->Diagnostics?09:04
Saviqtsdgeos, power back up? and yes, that'd be that setting10:07
tsdgeosSaviq: yep, poewr back up10:07
Saviqtsdgeos, I just realized something... we should probably update the dash header to match uitk 1.3?10:07
Saviqhmm or can we10:08
Saviqand the splash header, thought we were using UITK there...10:08
tsdgeosSaviq: it's done on the sdk13 branches10:09
Saviqhmm hmm10:10
Saviqtsdgeos, I've silo 21, with both sdk13 and qtquick24 branches, both dash and the default splash screen have the thick header bar10:10
Saviqin dash I don't think we can get rid of it straight away because we have the horizontal pills there10:10
tsdgeosah the thick bar is different too?10:11
tsdgeosi checked the height is smaller10:11
tsdgeosdidn't realize the thick bar changed10:11
Saviqyeah it's gone10:11
tsdgeosit's weird the splash screen doesn't adjust though10:11
tsdgeossince we actually use the sdk thing in there10:11
Saviqsplash is also higher10:11
Saviqso we must be doing something to it10:12
Saviqtsdgeos, anyway, next landing, won't block that silo for it10:12
Saviqbut we can't say we have that bug fixed when that lands10:12
popeySaviq, just noticed on latest image, open contacts and messaging (and other apps) the splash is inconsistent with the app. See http://people.canonical.com/~alan/screenshots/device-2015-10-29-101145.png vs http://people.canonical.com/~alan/screenshots/device-2015-10-29-101200.png10:12
popeyis that known?10:12
Saviqpopey, bug #150836310:13
ubot5bug 1508363 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Coordinated migration to UITK 1.3" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150836310:13
Saviqpopey, workin' on it10:13
Saviqcimi, looks like the new shape branch added an overlay background to the store card https://owncloud.sawicz.net/index.php/s/0afe9e8a599ef8fef2f2a105e9db357d#//screenshot20151029_111418354.png10:15
Saviqthat cleared with design?10:15
cimiSaviq, let me see10:15
cimiSaviq, nope that's new10:16
ciminot intended10:16
* cimi investigates10:17
mzanettiSaviq, hey, I've a fix for the issue that kgunn found (windows storage saves 0,0,0,0)10:19
mzanettishould I propose a new branch or push it to panel-button-fixes?10:19
Saviqmzanetti, push10:20
Saviqmzanetti, or well,10:20
Saviqmzanetti, depends where it fits ;)10:20
Saviqmzanetti, we'll have a u8 rebuild in silo 21 for sure10:20
mzanettiyes, it does fit there10:20
mzanettiquestion was really how the silo state is10:20
mzanettiok. just running some tests and will push in a minute10:21
Saviqcimi, did design ack https://owncloud.sawicz.net/index.php/s/0afe9e8a599ef8fef2f2a105e9db357d# ? that's full-width video on tablet10:24
cimiSaviq, I think the ubuntu store might specify overlay color but never worked? :)10:26
Saviqcimi, it specifies one with 0 alpha IIRC10:26
Saviqcimi, to get around it10:26
cimiah ok let me see10:26
Saviqcimi, anywhere I can try preview sharing?10:27
cimiSaviq, there are no scopes done I think10:27
cimiSaviq, I'd like to have one too so we can see it live10:27
Saviqcimi, tryPreview works, at least?10:28
cimimmm either that or previewSharing10:28
cimidon't remember let me see10:28
cimiyeah PreviewSharing10:29
Saviqdoesn't look like much... pstolowski, on that note, how do scopes know if a feature like preview sharing is supported? or is it ok because if it isn't, we just ignore it?10:30
Saviq(I mean in different versions of the dash)10:30
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Saviqtsdgeos, ok, so since we'll need a rebuild anyway, can I ask you to make the splash screen use new header?10:32
tsdgeosSaviq: yes, having a look10:32
pstolowskiSaviq, they don't know it. if it not available, shell will just ignore unknown attributes. in general you're expected to be running up-to-date phone i guess10:32
cimiSaviq, I am just using UbuntuShapeOverlay with overlayColor: cardData["overlayColor"], while before we were reading overlayColor.r,g,b,a10:33
Saviqpstolowski, as long as they work...10:33
cimiSaviq, might be something in UITK10:33
cimior I can workaround with opacity: cardData["overlayColor"].a MAYBE10:33
Saviqpstolowski, what I mean is, when we introduce an incompatible change, we can't let scopes use it until a new framework is defined10:34
Saviqpstolowski, otherwise you can install a scope that won't work10:34
mzanettiSaviq, pushed10:35
Saviqmzanetti, ack, tx10:35
Saviqmzanetti, +test?10:35
pstolowskiSaviq, yes, absolutely10:35
Saviqpstolowski, so long as older phones will just ignore it, fine10:36
Saviqpstolowski, but before we make any changes like that public, we need to determine what's what10:36
mzanettiSaviq, yes, added atest too10:38
Saviqmzanetti, great10:38
Saviqcimi, if you can, please do, but find out what's going on and check if/file a bug in uitk10:39
cimiSaviq, for overlay right? no focus thingy10:39
Saviqcimi, yes10:41
Saviqmzanetti, when you close an app, focus not going to the next window is known, right?10:44
mzanettihmm... not really... need to check if ltinkl has that fixed, he was mocking around with focus10:45
Saviqno external screen either, just messing about with maximizing dash in windowed mode10:46
Saviqmzanetti, noticed, also, that minimize clears the maximize state10:48
Saviqmzanetti, i.e. maximize → minimize → launcher should be maximized, but is restored10:49
mzanettithat was intentional10:49
mzanettiah no10:49
mzanettithat was with close in between10:49
mzanettiyes launcher always restores so far10:49
Saviqstill, maximize should be stored along with geometry on close, IMO10:49
Saviquntil you restore manually, it should always be maximized10:50
mzanettihmm... indeed10:51
mzanettiSaviq, ack, will fix, but in a new branch10:51
Saviqmzanetti, sure10:51
Saviqdandrader, any pointer on testing the upsidedown fix? is there no bug for it?10:54
dandraderSaviq, this is actually a bug fix10:56
Saviqdandrader, I know, just wondering how to test it fixes ;)10:56
dandraderSaviq, bug description should say it10:56
* dandrader looks10:56
Saviqright, bug not linked10:57
Saviqah bug #147863710:57
ubot5bug 1478637 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "X-Ubuntu-Supported-Orientations=landscape causes app to be upside down on devices with nativeOrientation=landscape" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/147863710:57
Saviqdandrader, ↑10:57
Saviqit was linked to the superseded branch10:57
dandraderSaviq, that's the one10:58
dandraderSaviq, and Nexus 7 is the device10:58
dandraderSaviq, fixed the bug title11:01
Saviqdandrader, yeah, Josh's branch doesn't fix the bug, though, I wonder if the fix for rotating external screen causes that11:01
ltinklSaviq, the bug when focus is lost when you either minimize or close an app is fixed in my branch11:02
ltinklSaviq, or should be :)11:02
Saviqltinkl, ack11:02
dandraderSaviq, wonderful :). bitrotting at its best11:03
dandraderSaviq, looking into it11:03
ltinklSaviq, also when you focus/activate a minimized window from the spread11:03
Saviqdandrader, fix for desktop doesn't matter, it's as if the branch didn't really change anything, landscape apps always go to Landscape, not InvertedLandscape11:08
Saviqdandrader, except the power-button workaround no longer works, either ;)11:08
Saviqdandrader, FWIW the branch is waiting for your vote anyway, since it was resubmitted https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/new_fix_upsidedown/+merge/27568311:09
dandraderSaviq, I don't get it. this bug fixes an issue that appears exclusively on the nexus 7 builtin display11:09
Saviqdandrader, oh and yeah, card for tests for this is good11:09
Saviqdandrader, yes11:09
dandraderSaviq, when you are on tablet stage11:09
Saviqdandrader, yeah, ignore my "desktop" comment, doesn't really bring anything into the discussion11:10
Saviqwas just grasping at straws11:10
Saviqdednick, how can I verify bug #1475678?11:13
ubot5bug 1475678 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Unity8 not informing clients that they are not visible and thus can stop rendering" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/147567811:13
tsdgeosSaviq: ok, it's not as trivial as i thought, there's a PageHeadStyle.qml "copied with large modifications from Ubuntu UI Toolkit's Ambiance's theme" in our source code11:13
Saviqtsdgeos, sounds about right11:14
dednickSaviq: erm, kinda a pain to do. i did it by logging when the client switched buffers11:14
tsdgeosSaviq: so i'm going to work on it but may still want to land it since maybe i don't get it done today :D11:14
dednickbut need to modify code11:14
Saviqtsdgeos, waiting for a few other bits, so we'll see11:14
Saviqdednick, wonder if I could get scenegraph to tell me in a small qml app11:15
Saviqgreyback_, how difficult to turn on scenegraph logging?11:16
Saviqgreyback_, to test whether it's rendering or not (thinking occlusion here)11:16
dednickSaviq: oh, yeah probably can11:16
dednickshould just be a env var11:16
Saviqlet's try tha11:17
greyback_Saviq: QSG_VISUALIZE=changes can go nice visual11:17
Saviqgreyback_, well, I've to put the app in the back ;)11:17
greyback_Saviq: ah, I hadn't read up11:18
greyback_yeah, QSG_RENDER_TIMING=1 is similar11:18
Saviqok, worky11:19
Saviqmzanetti, /me has a worry about mterry's isTouchApp... if we start displaying non-touch apps in launcher/dash unconditionally, dropping that line from the .desktop file will get your app around lifecycle11:20
mzanettiSaviq, well would also not allow to launch it in staged mode, no?11:21
mzanettijust display a message that this app can only be used in with external screen etc11:22
mzanettibut I see your concern, yes. will talk with mike about it when he comes on11:23
dednickwhen you use PropertyChanges and a Transition to animate a value change in a state, does the property always change to its final value before starting the animation? ie changing from 0 -> 10 goes: 10, 0, 1, 2, 3...1011:26
dednickmzanetti: ^ ?11:27
mzanettiI've seen that before too...11:27
mzanettibut don't remember what it was. I think I had been fiddling with the order of transitions/propertyactions11:28
mzanettiit's not always like that, but easy to get into that state11:28
Saviqdednick, sounds wrong11:33
Saviqmzanetti, one more thing came to mind... what happens in unity8-desktop-session-mir... if we stop filtering on touch, we'll show all .desktop files, and they won't run11:34
mzanettiSaviq, shouldn't they run eventually?11:35
Saviqmzanetti, maybe, eventually, not in the PD timeframe ;)11:36
mzanettiSaviq, well, the only thing we can do there is to add yet another key like: X-Ubuntu-Touch-Legacy11:36
mzanettiand filter on both11:36
mzanettiso the ones we support already would need to be patched for this key11:37
Saviqmzanetti, yeah I'm starting to think we'll need that11:37
Saviqmzanetti, well, that defaults to false, which means we don't need to change, we only need to add to new, legacy apps11:37
Saviqmess :11:37
Saviqbut what can you do11:38
mzanettiyes... not sure if it's worth it tbh11:38
mzanettiis unity8-desktop-session-mir something we officially support for endusers?11:38
Saviqit definitely is worth it, otherwise people who install desktop session will get all the apps that they can't run11:38
Saviqpeople don't ask ;)11:38
Saviqbut will complain11:38
tsdgeosSaviq: pushed something that looks quite good to me, can you have a look?11:43
tsdgeoscode is still not totally optimal as there's some copied stuff but much less than before11:43
Saviqtsdgeos, ack11:44
Saviqok, time for a rebuild11:46
Saviqtsdgeos, looks fine IMO11:47
Saviqtsdgeos, got a conflict in the removal of PageHeadStyle.qml, but that's likely bzr being dumb again, silo should be fine11:47
tsdgeosSaviq: sorry i forgot to push use_quick_2411:48
tsdgeosi had merged it in there since otherwise there's a "you changed this file that is now removed" conflict11:48
Saviqtsdgeos, well, silo built fine so you made it in time12:09
Saviqtsdgeos, was conflict for me because I merged on top of quick_2412:09
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tjaaltonany ideas who to blame when with scale factor 2 the external-monitor-only display mode is corrupted, this is in both vivid & wily at least12:17
tjaaltononly the top-left part of screen is normal, then moving windows around leave traces on rest of desktop12:18
tjaaltonI've only intel gfx to test with12:19
tjaaltonso is it compiz/unity or intel dri driver, or..12:20
greyback_bregma: any ideas for tjaalton?12:23
tjaaltonthe laptop panel needs to have scale factor 2, external 112:24
bregmaany scale factor >= 2 will cause weird and bizarre problems in any GTK-based software12:25
tjaaltonis that documented somewhere?12:25
tjaaltonand why is it selectable :)12:25
tjaaltonsome oem projects use that as the default...12:25
tjaaltonon some models12:25
tjaaltonwhich is also a trigger for some crashers it seems12:25
bregmaI believe I may have opeened bugs somewhere a few years ago12:26
bregmait first manifested as running videos "full screen" in totoem would only be a quarter of the screen12:26
bregmaI'm not sure where in the stack any of that happens12:26
bregmamaybe Trevinho has an idea12:26
Trevinhotjaalton: it's nautilus issue12:27
Trevinhotjaalton: kill it and reload, it should fix it.12:27
Trevinhoseb128: ^12:27
tjaaltonTrevinho: ah12:28
seb128Trevinho, tjaalton, see #ubuntu-desktop backlog from 9:57 utc12:32
tjaaltonseb128: hehe, what a coincidence :)12:33
seb128tjaalton, or same people applying nag on different groups ;-)12:34
tjaaltonthat too12:34
mterrygreyback_, what editor do you use?12:46
greyback_mterry: QtCreator mostly12:47
greyback_mterry: since you understand the problem, could you look at https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/qtmir/1510571.ms-timestamp-compression/+merge/276112 and compare with your own approach?12:48
greyback_dednick proposed something equivalent to your fix12:48
Saviqmterry, hey, time for a quick mumble with mzanetti and me re: isTouchApp?12:48
mterrygreyback_, so the line ending issue in that branch I submitted?  My editor (gedit) inserted a newline character at the end of the file.  But doesn't render it.  vi doesn't render it or let me delete it.  Nor does QtCreator (I can delete it, but it will insert it again when saving).  I don't know how you got your file in that state.  I'm going to have to hexedit to get it back12:48
greyback_mterry: nah, don't bother, it's not worth that kind of trouble12:49
mterrySaviq, sure12:49
Saviqmterry, greyback_, files should have a newline at the end, but that should show up everywhere, maybe it's just \r or something?12:50
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Saviqmterry, ok, we're there12:50
mterrySaviq, no it's ascii 1212:51
Saviqbad gedit12:54
mterrySaviq, no... it's enforcing that files have a newline at the end.  As is QtCreator here.  I don't know how greyback_ made the file12:58
greyback_wasn't me, blame dednick12:59
greyback_he's the vi guy. There's tab chars in there too12:59
mterrygreyback_, speaking of, comparing the two branches, I think the outcome is the same.  dednick just makes the ulong type more "c++" by using a 'duration' type which knows how to convert to other time types.  So that's nice I guess13:01
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mterrySeems better than my branch13:01
dednickmy branch rules13:01
mterrydednick, :)13:02
dednicksorry, i had the branch for awhile waiting to propose. didnt know it was causing an issue at the time.13:02
* mterry shakes fist at dednick13:03
mterryThese branches have had me looking at the API for these C++ time types...  And I love the specified sizes.  milliseconds is at least 45 bits.  microseconds at least 55 bits.  /me can't wait for the 55 bit processors of the future13:04
dednickyeah, it's a bit odd13:09
greyback_gotta love the C++ specs, types are defined "at least" bits13:12
greyback_mterry: if you're happy with dednick's branch, please +1 it and I'll do the test13:15
mterrydednick, I'm testing your branch to double confirm it fixes the problem in my u8 branch that noticed this.  That way you can tick off the manually-tested checkbox  :)13:18
dednickmterry: ta13:21
mterrydednick, looks good13:28
dandraderSaviq, fixed lp:~unity-team/unity8/new_fix_upsidedown13:51
Saviqdandrader, great, thanks13:51
ltinklmzanetti, updated https://code.launchpad.net/~lukas-kde/unity8/activateWindows/+merge/27570613:59
mzanettiyep, saw it, thanks13:59
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Saviqgreyback_, shall I add https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/qtmir/1510571.ms-timestamp-compression/+merge/276112 to silo?14:05
greyback_Saviq: yes14:07
greyback_just testing on device now14:07
Saviqgreyback_, ok, building in silo, too14:07
attenteSaviq: how can a client check if it should be using single-surface mode or not?14:30
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Saviqattente, today, anything that has X-Ubuntu-Touch=true in its .desktop file needs to launch single-surface15:02
Saviqattente, we'll allow multi-window for the browser at some point in the near future, and for Xmir, but that's multi-window, not multi-surface, menus, tooltips etc. will need to be single-surface for now15:03
attenteSaviq: isn't that used for unity 8 desktop too though?15:03
Saviqattente, that's still single-surface today15:03
Saviqattente, we don't really have window management in unity8 yet15:03
attentebut at some point in the future we have to differentiate, right?15:03
Saviqattente, yes, at that point the app will likely get a hint in what usage scenario the device is working in, what input methods are available etc.15:04
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dandraderdednick, looks like https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/qtmir/lp1475678.surface-occlude/+merge/273426 is missing a prerequisite16:51
dandraderdednick, lp:~mterry/qtmir/no-touch-no-lifecycle16:52
Saviqdandrader, no need16:53
dednickdandrader: if you mean because it's in the unity8 branch, it was just to get to to bind together in the silo16:54
dandraderdednick, Saviq, It won't compile without it because of unity-api16:54
Saviqdandrader, that doesn't really mean it's a prerequisite in qtmir16:54
tsdgeos_Saviq: mzanetti: greyback_: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/dash_backgroud_source_size_rework/+merge/27615716:55
Saviqdandrader, if unity-api gets rebuilt without no-lifecycle for some reason16:55
Saviqdandrader, it will build16:55
dandraderSaviq, yes. but's not the current situation16:55
Saviqdandrader, but that doesn't mean the qtmir branch has the other as prerequisite, you could say the opposite just as well16:55
Saviqdandrader, and then, if it happens, we'd need to resubmit again16:56
dandraderSaviq, the fact is it won't build with the branches mentioned in the checklist. So it should at least mention in the checklist what it needs to build16:58
Saviqdandrader, truth is the unity-api branches shouldn't be prerequisites either17:00
Saviqbecause the only conflicting change there is the changelog, which could be solved easily by having the same change in both17:01
Saviqbut I wasn't fast enough saying that to dednick before he already resubmitted :P17:01
dandraderdednick, Saviq so here's the thing: I'm building those branches on my N7 to test them. the *only* way I can do it is by manually merging lp:~mterry/qtmir/no-touch-no-lifecycle on top of dednick's one.17:04
dandraderbecasue unity-api and unity8 also got rebased17:04
Saviqdandrader, right, I can agree mentioning those in description would be usefuly17:05
dednickdandrader: in which one? qtmir or unity817:06
Saviqdandrader, but they kind-of-are, since qtmir/occlude → unity8/occlude → unity8/lifecycle → qtmir/lifecycle ;)17:06
Saviqdandrader, but sure, I agree, not ideal17:07
dandraderI know this is just bureaucracy now since all people involved know the situation, but better not make an habit of it. this can get out of hand...17:07
dednickwell i just added it to the mp list17:07
Saviqdandrader, luckily it's not often we land two unity-api changes in one silo17:08
Saviqdandrader, and we only made it prereq because they actually conflicted17:08
Saviq(unity8, that is)17:08
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dandradermzanetti, ping18:10
mzanettidandrader, hey18:12
dandradermzanetti, John Lea is tesing the mouse edge push, playing with parameters. But he's suffering with the slow mouse and asked for a way to adjust its speed. was thinking about adding a gsettings option for it so that we apply a multiplier for the relative movement we get from mir. that's as a temporary measure until mir's mouse relative movement has acceleration applied18:14
dandradermzanetti, what do you think?18:14
mzanettidandrader, what's the ETA on the proper solution?18:15
dandradermzanetti, was going to aske anpok about it. but he didn't reply to my ping yet18:15
mzanettidandrader, well, you could certainly just put together a testing silo for John with that hack... whether we should land it or not, really depends on anpok's answer18:16
dandradermzanetti, so far I'm doing old school and providing debian packages in a .zip + instructions :)18:17
mzanettihehe, well, still, for testing that's probably ok... does the mouse have any acceleration atm?18:18
mzanettibecause even if you double the speed, without some progressive acceleration he won't get the real feeling18:18
dandradermzanetti, no. that interim solution would just serve to adjust speed. no acceleration at all18:18
dandradermzanetti, right18:18
mzanettiI'd say it depends on him. if he wants to test it right now and is ok with no accel, give him some dpkg's but let's try to get the proper solution prioritized for the landing18:19
dandradermzanetti, or, conversely, land the mouse edge push without the fine tuning and only do so once we get proper mouse acceleration from mir18:21
dandradermzanetti, maybe it's not worth doing the fine tuning with the mouse the way it is today...18:22
mzanettiyes, works for me too18:22
mzanettithat's a good point18:22
anpokreal feel .. hmm18:41
anpoki even got some push back because the mouse is now too fast.. with libinputs acceleration18:42
anpokbrb swithcing networks18:43
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mterrySaviq, I see you added the timestamp branch to silo 21.  I'll add my shutdown dialog branch back in too then21:00
Saviqmterry, right, should've done that21:01
ltinklmterry, I committed the timezone fixes to the wizard, can you please rebuild the oobe silo? thx21:02
mterryltinkl, rebuilding now21:03
mterryltinkl, looks like I need to update my branch from trunk.  will do that in a bit and rebuild21:40
mterryltinkl, updated my branch and rebuilt the silo.  seems to be building fine so far22:17
ltinklmterry, great, thx :)22:17

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