
pleia2knome: still about?00:08
knomepleia2, yep00:09
pleia2knome: we have bzr access (yay for static.x.o) but no build tools for docs on the server, so I still have to do it locally and then upload the bits we need00:12
pleia2knome: aware of anything I should know before this always manual process?00:12
knomecan't think of anything00:12
pleia2ok, I'll build and upload and maybe you can check it00:12
knomei'll update the startpage branch00:13
pleia2oh, hm, translations00:13
* pleia2 needs to make sure she gets those too00:13
knomethe startpage branch is done00:14
pleia2we should write down dependencies for building somewhere, I don't have pdf stuff00:15
knomepleia2, just "make" should take care of translations00:15
knomepleia2, sudo apt-get build-dep xubuntu-docs ?00:15
pleia2knome: doesn't bring in pdf stuff, so I assumed it wasn't set up00:15
knomeit should00:16
pleia2I don't have fop installed00:16
knomeright, it's in build deps00:16
knomebut i guess your ubuntu version doesn't have a package recent enough yet00:16
pleia2it's vivid00:16
knomeyeah... it was introduced for wily00:16
pleia2aha :)00:17
knome(because we didn't do PDFs before)00:17
pleia2well, yeah00:17
pleia2ok, installing fop and hopefully that'll solve it00:17
knomeshould do00:17
knomeif not, i'm here :)00:17
bluesabreflocculant: D:00:23
knomehey sean00:27
bluesabrehey knome 00:27
bluesabreUnit193: good work upkeeping the PPAs00:27
knomebluesabre, any feature requests for the tracker at this point of the cycle? ;)00:27
bluesabreUnit193 is making it easy for me to focus on other tasks :)00:28
bluesabreknome: no requests at this time, just looking forward to using it all cycle00:29
knomegood good :)00:29
pleia2knome: http://docs.xubuntu.org/1510/00:29
pleia2and anyone else00:29
pleia2before I update startpage to link to it00:30
knomepleia2, looks good to me00:30
knomealso happy about how the PDFs are turning out00:32
pleia2I hate bzr00:33
pleia2ok, can bzr branch directly for the start page, so that's set up now \o/00:34
pleia2and done00:34
knomesomething backlashed00:35
knomethat happens00:35
pleia2uh oh00:35
knomeit's minor00:35
knomeyou won't notice it00:35
knomebut if you go to the startpage00:35
pleia2the pdfs do look good, nice work00:35
knomeand then open the docs00:35
knomeyou'll notice the bgcolor is different00:35
knomeand the startpage lacks the shadow00:36
pleia2probably overwrote some css thing?00:36
pleia2but yeah, I don't notice :)00:36
knomei don't know00:36
pleia2no art brain00:36
knomei also just had rum, so no brain here00:36
pleia2sorry, I didn't make a backup00:36
knomei'll fix it for 16.0400:36
knomethe branch should have that stuff00:36
knomeor maybe i didn't fix that to begin with!00:38
knomethere's no trace of that in the branch at least00:38
* knome shrugs00:39
pleia2knome: want to tweet about docs + yay pdf!00:40
pleia2I can do the other social medias00:40
knome42 notifications @twitter00:41
knomeapparently we didn't tweet release00:41
pleia2yeah, I certainly didn't, was in the middle of many airplanes00:43
knometweeted that now00:43
knomenext the new docs00:43
knomeaaaand done00:44
knomeanything else?00:45
pleia2someone did g+00:45
knomewe should likely sit down some day to wonder about X marketing/community stuff00:45
knomeand a plan for the website stuff too00:45
pleia2yeah, probably has to wait for december00:45
knomesure... though we might have a little one here then ;)00:46
pleia2that's ok00:46
pleia2I'm still in japan, and have trips to DC and Philly in November00:46
knomewell, you won't hear the screaming there00:46
pleia2ok, back to conferencing00:50
knomemhm, hf01:00
Unit193bluesabre: Except I don't touch trusty. :P01:46
knometime to sleep01:50
Unit193We're losing him!02:30
drcHe's not alive!02:30
drcIt's all right, the brain from from someone named Abie Normal anyway.02:32
flocculantmorning 10:22
akxwi_davemorning mate10:28
flocculantmorning akxwi_dave 10:29
flocculanthad an issue with parole yesterday - time to clean install a new slate for me to break :p10:30
akxwi_dave:-) what problem - i did a test last night on parole and it seemed ok (apart from some of the movies from the suggested download area were porn)10:31
flocculantI went to the channel for that - and got an isiot saying they were the the webmaster and comments along the lines of "oh there's porn on the web"10:36
flocculantso I just left 10:36
flocculantneed to find a link to a specific video and audio and change the testcase to those 10:37
flocculantand it just crashes :)10:37
akxwi_daveouch..  have fun with the re-install...10:38
flocculantakxwi_dave: I guess you're like me - look for the right sounding folder - pick the first file - play it and 0_0 :)10:38
akxwi_daveoh yes... I did..  got funny looks from the wife when it started playing..10:39
flocculantshould do that today really - you might have been 13 ... 10:40
akxwi_daveadd 33 to that figure.. :-)10:40
flocculantha ha 10:40
flocculantbluesabre: so it seems that this odd parole crash I have is vid only :p10:45
flocculantakxwi_dave: can you check a vid where you are? 10:45
flocculantnvm - not awake will check in vbox :D10:46
akxwi_daveyep i can do.. got botth vivid and xenial on vms here10:46
flocculantmake sure it's not nsfw :)10:47
akxwi_dave:-) that was the second one i ran yesterday10:48
flocculantoh - so more porn :(10:48
akxwi_daveno that ones good.10:48
bluesabreI usually use https://download.blender.org/durian/trailer/sintel_trailer-480p.ogv10:48
flocculantoh good :D10:48
akxwi_daveits the other in that folder thats the oron one10:49
bluesabrecan even be played with parole's open location10:49
flocculantbluesabre: thanks - I'll use that one then 10:52
bluesabreogg means you won't have to fiddle with codecs :)10:52
flocculantthat too 10:52
flocculantparole appears to play flac ootb too 10:53
flocculantbluesabre: I'll change the testcase so we grab an audio and play it, but use open location for that ogv 10:55
bluesabreflocculant: cool, yay test variety!11:01
flocculantok - as soon as the change is approved I'll get that to the tracker11:05
flocculantbluesabre: see this is why it's good to have people like akxwi_dave about :) he should almost hang about as much of the cycle as he can so I can dragoon him into xubuntu-qa :D11:05
akxwi_daveflocculant, :-) well I'll be here as much as possible..  been using ubuntu on and off since the 9.04 release and xubuntu since 10.10 want to give something back.. been testing as much as possible from  the 13.10 11:08
flocculantthen hang about in here and you can get more involved - tbh someone involved enough to have a bit of time to help me with other bits and bobs would be awesome11:12
flocculantlike for instance proposing the testcase fix11:12
flocculantup to you obviously, but the -qa team was setup so that people involved more than 'normal' had a possible way to join the xubuntu team itself11:13
flocculantanyway - back in a short while in a new install :)11:14
akxwi_daveThat would be great, deffo something i'm interested in..   have fun and see you on the new install :-)11:14
knomeooh ooh, potential new team members11:15
knomei've seen your nick in the tracker too - thanks for the work and welcome to the irc side of things too!11:19
akxwi_daveCheers Knome. Glad to be here.. 11:21
knomei'm sure flocculant has said it, but if you ever have anything... just ask :)11:22
akxwi_davewill do.. :-)11:23
flocculantsilly installer11:23
flocculantwell ... silly flocculant 11:23
flocculantthought I had xenial on it - nope ... trusty11:24
knomegood luck with that...11:24
flocculantha ha ha 11:24
akxwi_daveflocculant, did the same myself, re-installed my test laptop,  and couldn't fine an uptodate installer, so installed from 14.10 and just upadted each version.11:28
flocculantoh my 11:28
akxwi_davewell I was playing world of warshiprs on my other pc, so couldn't download a new iso.. :-)11:29
flocculantha ha 11:29
flocculantok - off again :)11:32
tracker0I do like the tracker irc tool :)11:35
tracker0hanging formatter in the installer 11:38
flocculantwhich then appears to have killed the stick too so restoring that now :|11:44
flocculantand formatted the new partiton while I'm here :)11:44
akxwi_davenot going well then.. :-)11:44
flocculantnot too well :p11:45
flocculantand off I go again :D11:50
akxwi_daveoff for lunch// cya later12:02
flocculantthat was a barrel of laughs ... 12:14
flocculantbluesabre: you'll be pleased to know that it was me that appeared to have killed parole :p12:18
akxwi_daveand back..  12:50
akxwi_daveflocculant,  up and running again?12:50
flocculantyep 12:50
flocculanthad some bizarre systemd issue ... 12:50
flocculantwelcome back13:10
akxwi_davethx, what a prat, I have two vms running and retsrated the wrong one..  :-)13:10
akxwi_davewell at least the test works on both.. :-)13:11
flocculantakxwi_dave: landed that testcase fix now - you can tell the wife :p13:17
akxwi_daveflocculant, cheers.. she won't think i'm as big a pervert now...  :-)13:18
akxwi_daveanother iso build up I see..13:21
flocculantthey build at 09:50 ish every day 13:22
akxwi_daveahh.. will have to keep an eye on that then13:23
akxwi_daveam i right in assumming that each build is the same as the previous but with all the latest updates on them?13:24
akxwi_daveso i can have a vm unning xenial that is apt-get update && Upgrade upto date and then keep a sepertae ne for the iso testing?13:26
flocculantand zsync the iso ofc13:31
akxwi_davesorry bout that.. managed to kill virtualbox, by plugging in an external hdd14:00
flocculantgot to love vbox 14:00
akxwi_daveseriously thinking about getting out an old copy of vm workstation that i bought age ago.14:02
flocculantnot used that for a long time14:03
akxwi_daveuse vmware esxi server at work, and brought workstation 7 years ago in a sale to show my old work the wonders of ubuntu as a platform for the intranet server14:05
flocculantakxwi_dave: thinking about it more - if you want to get more involved then I'd be happy to add you to the -qa team15:14
flocculantbut I will actually ask you to do things :p15:14
akxwi_dave Cheers..thats fine with me - more than happy to help.. and don't mind doing stuff to help15:25
akxwi_davewill give me an excuse to finish off my test lab at home.. :-)15:26
flocculantadded then :)15:26
akxwi_davethx.. :-)  finally sold my soul to Xubuntu15:27
flocculantha 15:27
knomeakxwi_dave, welcome!15:33
flocculantit's nice to have new people about :)15:34
akxwi_daveCheers flocculant , email received... nice to be onboard15:39
* knome dances a silly dance and leaves for a shower15:40
akxwi_davejust had the /etc/mtab error on todays iso build 32bit15:48
flocculantakxwi_dave: I suspect that we'll see lots of people saying that - they changed a quite warning to a halt to get it reported - if I read between the lines correctly15:50
flocculantme too bug 1511376 is enough15:51
ubottubug 1511376 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Xenial) "install writes /etc/mtab as file, not symlink" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151137615:51
akxwi_davereported against that bug and marked it as affecting me as well15:52
flocculantakxwi_dave: was it a vm? 15:53
akxwi_daveyes.. 15:54
akxwi_davei see the oteh report was for 6415:55
flocculantok cool15:55
akxwi_davetime to go.. got to visit another office before going home.. cya later16:16
NoskcajDid we end up deciding to switch back to evince in the metapackage?20:01
flocculantbluesabre> Noskcaj: probably fine to go ahead and return to evince20:27
ochosiakxwi-dave: welcome to the QA team :)20:29
knomehello o20:29
ochosihey k20:29
akxwi-davecheers ochosi 20:33
akxwi-daveand thanks20:33
flocculantochosi: poor you - I haz question :p20:35
flocculantwhat do you know about the gtk indicator - works for gmb not for what I use20:35
flocculantand good evening :)20:35
Noskcajis there a current bzr branch for xubuntu-meta?20:37
flocculantworks for banshee it seems - not rhythmbox though either20:41
knomeflocculant, soundmenu20:43
knomeflocculant, the thing that doesn't work for you but works for gmb20:46
knomeflocculant, is called soundmenu20:46
flocculantis it? 20:46
knomeif that helps..20:46
knomewell if i'm thinking the ame as you20:47
knomeclick an indicator -> shows play buttons etc20:47
knomeyyyep, that's soundmenu20:47
flocculantwell there's no package called that20:47
flocculantbut bug 1245495 was commented on by seb the other day 20:47
ubottubug 1245495 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "Rhythmbox controls and track info broken" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124549520:47
flocculantI just did too20:48
knomeindicator-sound sounds like the right package20:48
flocculantyep - pretty sure that's the kiddy20:48
akxwi-davenight all.. time to go..20:58
flocculantcya akxwi-dave 20:58
flocculant!team | can someone with a laptop AND a battery run through this http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/350/builds/105268/testcases/1582/results 21:12
flocculantI tried - but ~2 minutes battery life :D21:12
flocculantoh meh 21:12
knomethat much? :P21:14
flocculantyea :p21:14
drcI can/will, but the inactivity requirement for 15 min and the suspend will make it later tonight (~1 1/2 - 2 hours from now)  I'll ask before starting if you still need it done.21:16
flocculantdrc - yea - I think I got it right, but couldn't with no battery - later is fine21:16
drcActually, it'll be interesting to see...I've never suspend this laptop in 8 years of owning it :)21:17
flocculantdrc: if there are problems can you report it to testcases https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual-tests/+filebug 21:17
flocculanttitle incuding 1582, so we don't need to search stuff :p21:17
flocculantdrc: cheers :)21:18
Unit193Netbook doesn't suspend so well.21:18
flocculantdrc: also - it would be extremely handy to know how long it takes to run it all - I can add that to the top of the test 21:18
flocculantUnit193: laptop does everything ok with the mains :p21:19
ochosiflocculant: gtk indicator? you mean indicator sound?21:24
ochosiah right, now i see it in the backlog.. :)21:24
ochosiso what's up with that?21:24
ochosii mean how does it not work for you and what is the consequence?21:25
knomedoesnt' work -> makes him grumpy21:25
* knome hides21:25
flocculantha ha ha 21:25
ochosiright, but what's the relation to gmb then?21:26
flocculantI never use it - but we test it 21:26
ochosialso makes him grumpy? :)21:26
knomeochosi, yep21:26
flocculantochosi: there's no relation to it - other than that bit at least works :p21:26
flocculantochosi: and I found a bug too - so all done I guess 21:27
drc Are we playing "music app, music app, who's got the music app" again?21:27
flocculantthough we should, but perhaps at a meeting :D21:27
Unit193I did not read that.21:28
flocculantUnit193: I said - we should, but perhaps at a meeting :p21:28
* drc whimpers21:28
knomeflocculant, well done sir21:28
flocculantthough on the other hand perhaps it should just go straight to m/l so we don't talk in circles for hours :p21:29
knomecircles > elliptic circles21:29
flocculantpretty straightforward with option A/B on the spec if you ask me21:29
flocculantknome: depends on what one has imbibed ... 21:30
drcYeah, that's what we all thought last time.21:30
flocculantI'm being positive21:30
flocculantly ludicrous 21:30
knomeflocculant, on drugs?21:30
* knome hides21:30
flocculantno hiding will work 21:31
drcno, on rap21:31
flocculantwell now I'm just insulted 21:31
flocculanthe he 21:31
flocculantwas music better when ugly people could make it 21:32
knomeflocculant, judging on rap, no21:33
drcYeah, that's Ludicrous 21:33
flocculantI seem to pick good things to report as bugs lately - they get fixed :p21:35
flocculantochosi: had loads of fun this morning trying to do an install 21:35
flocculantadmittedly some of it was facepalm :)21:35
ochosiis that why you're in such a good mood? :)21:37
knomeochosi, yeah, he likes slapping his face21:37
flocculantwell I didn't say who I had doing that ;)21:39
drcSomeone told me he has a "Whip me, Beat me, Love me"  tattoo...which is probably why he became the QAL.21:40
flocculantand nice to have other people joining in this cycle too 21:40
flocculantyea yea 21:40
flocculantakxwi doesn't know that he's in charge of editing testcases yet :p21:41
flocculantknome: just quickly - because it's the weekend already - is there a lot of work that needs to be done to set up the dev docs thing? 21:45
knomenot too much21:45
flocculantochosi: and do you know that either you or bluesabre are pegged to set the first meeting? 21:46
flocculantknome: cool - the more I look at contribute the more I'm glad I don't read it :)21:46
flocculantI knew it was long - but it needed to be somewhere ;)21:47
ochosiflocculant: right, i think i read that somewhere in the backlog21:47
ochosii'll set one up21:47
flocculantnot that I mind cos you'll set it for when I'm not about :p21:50
drcInteresting...I had deleted the Power Manager icon from my panel...for the test I put it back.  After install making my panel 32 pixels changes the icon to a green battery...adding it back shows the monochrome icon.  On purpose?21:53
knomedrc, bigger panels do not have the symbolic icons21:54
flocculantthat 21:54
drcsymbolic = green or monochrome?21:55
flocculantmmm 21:55
ochosiactually let me correct you there:21:55
flocculantactually here mine is monochrome regardless21:56
ochosisymbolic icons would adjust to the panel color21:56
ochosixfce4-power-manager 1.5.x does that already21:56
ochosibut the 1.4 branch is still gtk2 so it doesn't21:56
flocculantok - so I have 1.5.x here 21:57
drcOK, 1.5.221:57
ochosiand that version should also always remain symbolic, regardless of panel size21:57
flocculantbut now you mention it - when I installed the icon was green, I removed it - just added it back and it is now monochrome21:57
ochosiearlier versions made the distinction whether to show a monochrome or colored icon based on icon size21:57
drcOK, I didn't have 1.5.x when I installed, that explains it.21:58
ochosiwhich is not a great idea, but there were no alternatives21:58
ochosiso in our icon theme all icons >32px are not monochrome anymore21:58
ochosibecause we assume they're shown in another context (lists, menus, notifications..)21:58
drcOh, I need to quit wasting tine here... flocculant  wanted a time hack.21:58
flocculanthah - no rush at all drc :)21:59
ochosibut in gtk3 the icons recolor dynamically (that's what symbolic icons mean in gtk-land)21:59
flocculantI really should push for the panel to default to what I use so I am always on default :p 22:00
ochosior you create a testuser on your machine that has the defaults, so you can at least always quickly check22:02
ochosibut this is not about panel config, it's about xfpm version22:02
flocculantomg add a user that's the same as everyone else - dodgy 22:03
flocculantI shall end up with cramp from muscle memory :p22:15
ochosiask someone in your team for a muscle memory massage then22:16
flocculantpretty sure I can cope ... 22:16
flocculantknome: not sure if you're still around, but thinking about "Methods to inform team of auto iso testing" - for that we are reliant on what gets done by nuclearbob et al - which could be who knows when22:24
knomeflocculant, of course i am, it's not even 1am yet!22:24
flocculantbut we can tell whether something has gone horribly wrong with the build from the buildlog size - either a massive rise or drop22:25
knomewould it help if that information was in the tracker?22:25
flocculantpossibly - gives people - read me - a ball park it's probably ok 22:26
flocculantand of course while I know the time - I was just being polite :)22:27
flocculantknome: currently I grep it with krytarik's script 22:27
Unit193knome: Now, gogogo! :P22:27
drcflocculant: Does it matter that I'm running the "Big 3 PPA's" for this test ? ) 22:27
flocculantdrc: not at all :)22:28
drcflocculant: Still testing, but quick note In the on the test page itself 'Display->Handle display power management Has no "Handle" ' and is not "tickable" but an on/off button.22:29
flocculantdrc: ok - if you could note those things - then report it we can sort them out 22:29
drcDid not know if you want comments on the test itslf in the report itself.22:29
drcGottcha :)22:30
flocculantnah - if there are things then I'd have to make a bug from the comments anyway :)22:30
flocculantknome: anyway so if that did tickle a fancy perhaps a line on overview would save me at least time if we didn't get rss jenkins reports22:31
* Unit193 sets up SwissBot with RSS too. :---D22:31
knomeflocculant, oh right, we have rss..22:31
flocculantknome: well we would if it was working :)22:32
flocculantas you'll see message left for nuclearbob22:34
flocculantdon't know enough about the issues to even make a judgement call22:36
flocculanthibye 22:38
flocculantochosi: see - I knew it :p22:53
flocculantI'll have to be represented by the Ghost of QA Present :)22:54
flocculantwith this clean install firefox appears to not be insisting that text in tabs/url bar/bookmarks isn't some dark font - which it has been forever22:57
flocculantand it's not a clean ff profile either - so it's not that22:57
flocculantseems to be respecting the Ubuntu font I have set 22:58
drcHey flocculant, I'm going to have to finish this testing later tonight (or possibly tomorrow morning...my time :)23:00
flocculantyep - thanks for looking at it for us all :)23:00
drcAnd you're sure that the ppa's don't change the wording in the screens?  Because I'm finding several major descrepencies between the screen and the test wording.23:01
flocculantshouldn't do - I will double check things23:02
flocculantdrc: as always - if someone writes something - when they read it they tend to see what they mean, rather than the words 23:02
flocculantmneaning me :)23:03
drcYup, that's why when I was in Grad School we always traded papers to read.23:03
drcespecially thesis/dissertations.23:03
flocculantyep - I made the ex-wife read mine 23:04
flocculantand I still managed +70% on the diss :p23:05
drcI didn't make my wife read anything (although it might have been a good idea, she knows nothing about what I was studying)...myaby that's why she's not my ex- :)23:06
Unit193I won't be at the meeting.23:07
flocculantdrc: :)23:07
drcBut yeah, check each line of the instructions with the screen, several times it reerences different wording and/or things that aren't there.23:07
flocculantdrc: thanks :)23:07
drcWhen I go thru it again, I'll keep notes of that sort of thing.23:07
flocculantta 23:08
drclaters all23:08
Unit193Suppose the agenda hasn't been updated?23:09
flocculantnope 23:11
flocculantsomeone else should do that or I'll add media player :D23:11
Unit193Looked all the same.23:11
knomeflocculant, media manager :P23:18
flocculantno-one had cleared the old stuff so I did :D23:18
flocculantknome: seriously on that - when we do start that decision - might be useful to know what the poll we ran said about that stuff23:19
* flocculant suspects a split between kept gmb and installed something else and removed gmb and installed something else for the most part 23:20
flocculantbut I'm biased :p23:20
knomeflocculant, that being media manager?23:20
flocculanttrying not to name it - it's almost voldemort :D23:20
knomei would say the meeting after the kickoff meeting would be good23:20
knomewell, the kickoff meeting too, if it's very quiet23:21
knomeit needs to be soon23:22
flocculantre that wiki page - I wonder if when ali1234 did gmb it read mp3 length when file read - probably, I think it's default setting 23:23
flocculantadds enormously to lib build time23:24
flocculanthey ali1234 23:24
ali1234when i did those tests i did it in the most obvious way possible23:24
ali1234i didnt change any settings23:24
flocculantali1234: right - thought so 23:24
ali1234i just did it like i was a new user who had no idea how to use the software23:24
ali1234because in most cases that was actually the case23:24
flocculantyep - as one would expect 23:25
flocculantI have a change in our docs for that issue - with my library it is just stupid - I went shopping 23:25
flocculantali1234: also the apport thing - I didn't actually point you to anything :D23:26
ali1234yes that... why do you think i know anything about apport?23:26
flocculantbecause I remember you talking about adding Crash :)23:27
ali1234ah yes23:27
flocculantwhich I now see I've not got in there ... 23:27
ali1234well, i only know about that because i had to spend 6 months trying to find out how to get proper crash dumps from apport in release23:27
flocculantthere's a bit about dealing with crashdb.conf23:27
flocculantmostly because wily was almost over before they turned it on 23:28
ali1234you shoulnd't need to add anything in a beta23:28
ali1234the point is they turn off "Crash" in release23:28
ali1234so crashes don't go to lp, they go to euc instead23:28
ali1234and then nobody ever sees them23:28
flocculantyep 23:28
ali1234so basically all i know is here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/150476/how-do-i-submit-a-full-bug-report-with-crash-dump-and-steps-to-reproduce23:29
flocculantali1234: if you could look at that - because I got a bit fuddled 23:29
ali1234look at that?23:29
flocculantoh ok - I'll read that too 23:29
flocculantali1234: http://xubuntu.org/contribute/qa/ the bit about crashdb.conf 23:29
ali1234hmm okay23:30
flocculantyou don't have to obviously :)23:30
ali1234commenting out the whole line is probably a bad idea23:30
ali1234instead just add 'Crash' as described in the AU question23:30
ali1234although maybe that's how they do it, i'm not sure23:31
ali1234also, i sure wish it was possible to report bugs on PPA packages23:31
flocculantali1234: I just did that from what they do in cycle to enable it - seems that the change to turn it off removes the # 23:33
ali1234okay, it is probably overriding another variable somewhere else then23:34
flocculantali1234: and yes - reporting a PPA bug would just be great 23:34
flocculantali1234: yep - that's my understanding 23:34
flocculantwelcome back drc :)23:42
drcYeah, got that done fast also....23:43
bluesabreevening all23:43
Unit193bluesabre: Howdy.23:43
flocculantali1234: if I find out re apport do you want to know? 23:43
bluesabrehiya Unit193 23:43
flocculanthi bluesabre :)23:43
bluesabrehowdy flocculant 23:43
flocculanthung about to annoy you :D23:44
bluesabreoh no!23:44
flocculantbluesabre: I marked that parole issue invalid - cos I think it was that install 23:44
bluesabreflocculant: oh, thats good news23:44
bluesabreI didn't want to say that I did not have a good idea of how to fix something with messages like that23:45
flocculantalso fixed the testcase so if someone finds porn it's not our fault :p23:46
drcI missed pr0n!?!  I quit.23:47
flocculantI have a copy of the old testcase still :D23:48
knomeit will always exist in the branch history23:48
drcPsst...hey kid, wanna free sample of testcase?  Sheesh :)23:48
flocculantknome: somewhere given I broke it a bit today :D23:49
Unit193knome: Why you no pokeypokey?!23:49
knomeUnit193, i'm lazy23:49
flocculantnot shaving enough ... 23:49
ali1234flocculant: i know enough about apport i think :)23:50
flocculantali1234: :p23:50
flocculantI sense an 'oh god' before the apport :23:51

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