
adamas_is there any ongoing problem with repositories or im that unlucky? whenever im trying to update, install anything im getting gpg error - inrelease: clearsigned file isnt valid got nodata :/03:04
Unit193What mirror are you using?03:04
adamas_polish was the default one but i was trying to use best by detection in sources panel and same thing happens03:05
adamas_it swapped to mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca03:06
Unit193You could select one from http://mirrors.ubuntu.com/ (Eg, deb mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/us.txt trusty main restricted universe multiverse  )03:08
adamas_nope, no changes03:15
Unit193So, you could have a messed up keyring.03:16
adamas_its fresh installed system, 2nd time cause i had that stupid idea that maybe wifi adapter messes up03:17
adamas_so i rolled new install; its my sisters pc - she had ubuntu 14.04 but somehow, she messed it up so i had to either clean or do new installation - ive pick 2nd option since she told me that unity is slow03:19
Unit193Hah, smart man.03:20
adamas_not really since i cant install anything now :/. last month i was installing 14.04 for friend on his toshiba because "xp is lagging do please something about that" and everything worked fine03:22
Unit193Did you check the media?  ubuntu-keyring installed correctly?03:23
adamas_ugh, from what i can read from terminal - it seems to be present, 2012.05.1903:25
adamas_nothing that could look like an error or something...03:26
=== james is now known as Guest42898
ewetwasn't there a way to save and load panel configurations now? I'm in the 'Panel Preferences' and I'm not seeing it.07:25
ewethuh, didn't have that one installed after the upgrade07:27
ewetthanks :)07:28
ewethi, how can I get rid of hexchat in the indicator message menu? I already removed `xchat-indicator` and `hexchat-indicator` and it's still showing.10:18
xubuntu61iHello xubuntus ^^10:24
Waymixi never come in this chanel11:11
knomewell... you just did.11:11
Waymixi wan't just to say XUBUNTU IS THE BEST11:12
knomeglad to hear that, enjoy11:12
Waymix^^ I come here because i'm reinstalling I have problems after updating to the latest version11:13
Waymixi leave, have nice day and xubuntu will win11:14
ewetno ideas?11:35
akxwi_daveewet, sorry no.. I'm not sure sure you can.. had a look thru al the settings and cannot find anything11:36
akxwi_davethere probably is a way but its beyond me11:37
ewetoh well11:46
* m3n3chm0 nasZ18:29
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
=== jani is now known as _gkrisl

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