=== phunyguy is now known as phunyghost [03:10] anybody booted the Xenial desktop image yet? [08:22] Good morning [08:23] Fudge: Does upgrading to Xenial count? [08:43] nah the iso for Xenial I just get a busy box prompt after a while [08:43] not from Wily [08:45] Oh... [08:49] its hard for me to fix because I need speech to do it === lotuspsychje|XEN is now known as lotus|xenial [09:34] !info firefox [09:34] firefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 41.0.2+build2-0ubuntu1 (wily), package size 42461 kB, installed size 101286 kB [09:34] !info firefox xenial [09:34] 'xenial' is not a valid distribution: kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed [09:40] xenial upgrade got me libreoffice 5 and firefox 42 [10:17] anyone got issue on linksys wifi card on xenial? [11:26] Hiyas all === MisterHiyas is now known as benonsoftware === phunyguy is now known as phunyghoul