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dholbach | good morning | 07:21 |
afidegnum | hello, I am developing a touch related application and I am having permission denied on /dev/input/event7 i did chmod 777 to /dev/input/event7 and I am having "Operation not permitted" error how can i make it available to other apps and utilities? | 09:50 |
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dhalsim | hi guys, I need some help with an init.d service script that I wrote. | 13:22 |
dhalsim | I'm trying to add a new startup script to init.d, If I "sudo ./myscript start" it works, but "sudo service myscript start" it just prints "myscript start/post-start, process 3098" | 13:22 |
dhalsim | anyone? | 13:22 |
brendand | dhalsim, that's completely normal | 13:24 |
dhalsim | brendand what did I miss? | 13:24 |
brendand | dhalsim, what did you expect to happen? | 13:26 |
dhalsim | brendand: I expect it executes my grunt.js task (which executes some other commands and eventually starts node.js app) | 13:30 |
brendand | dhalsim, anyway in the former you are actually running the script directly but the latter is running it via (upstart?) and will output the status of the command - the actual output of the command will be logged elsewhere | 13:31 |
brendand | try ~/.cache/upstart | 13:31 |
brendand | actually it isn't upstart is it... | 13:32 |
dhalsim | brendand: no I'm not using upstart | 13:32 |
ogra_ | yeah, thats bad | 13:32 |
brendand | dhalsim, systemd, or sysvinit? | 13:32 |
ogra_ | use upstart ;) | 13:32 |
dhalsim | yeah the problem is "ps aux | grep node" prints nothing | 13:32 |
brendand | dhalsim, please don't say sysvinit | 13:32 |
ogra_ | because it stops in post-start | 13:33 |
ogra_ | as it tells you | 13:33 |
dhalsim | brendand, ogra_ it says SystemV -> http://pm2.keymetrics.io/docs/usage/startup/ | 13:35 |
ogra_ | whats that running on ? a desktop ? a server ? | 13:36 |
ogra_ | (note that you cant ship any kind of init jobs on the phone) | 13:36 |
dhalsim | I'm actually using a vagrant ubuntu trusty (server) VM image | 13:37 |
ogra_ | ok, so if you use trusty you want an upstart job .. if you use vivid and later you want a systemd unit | 13:37 |
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dhalsim | Ok, I'll tried upstart, thanks ogra_ | 13:41 |
dhalsim | *try | 13:42 |
ahayzen | davmor2, ping | 15:07 |
davmor2 | ahayzen: whats up | 15:08 |
ahayzen | davmor2, Hi, we have, not for the first time, had a mediascanner2 database change break all of our autopilot tests and go unnoticed for a few weeks. I was wondering if it would be possible to add to the mediascanner2 manual test cases that you do a run of the music-app autopilot tests if there is a database change? | 15:08 |
davmor2 | ahayzen: can't find the testplan currently but I can add it if I find it | 15:12 |
ahayzen | davmor2, ok thanks :-) just a simple bug report against music as a heads up when it breaks would be super useful :-) | 15:12 |
davmor2 | ahayzen: also you can take it up with the mediascanner guys too, to give you a heads up when they randomly change stuff to | 15:12 |
ahayzen | :-) | 15:12 |
davmor2 | ahayzen: are you using a private api for mediascanner? | 15:24 |
balloons | mzanetti, is there a day / time you want for http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1511/meeting/22638/unity8-convergence-show-tell/? | 15:45 |
mzanetti | balloons, don't mind the day, on the time, if possible during my workning hours, so before 5pm UTC | 15:47 |
balloons | mzanetti, ack. Tues at 1600 it is then | 15:48 |
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mzanetti | balloons, works for me | 15:48 |
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josharenson | I'm trying to change the what highlight looks like in an OptionSelectorDelegate... is this possible or should I implement a custom delegate? | 23:13 |
snizzo | heyheyheyhey! Is there a way to open file browser app on a path from an other app? Or is it possible to create a symlink in home from an app? | 23:35 |
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