daftykins | isn't that basically chrome-by-another-name now? | 00:02 |
diddledan_ | true | 00:04 |
diddledan_ | it's moved with chrome to the blink thingy instead of apple's webkit | 00:04 |
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away | ||
Guest29504 | morning all | 06:06 |
=== Guest29504 is now known as MooDoo | ||
MooDoo | morning even | 06:06 |
mapps | morning | 06:11 |
MooDoo | how are you mapps? | 06:15 |
mapps | all good, andd you? | 06:16 |
mapps | just watching homeland;D | 06:16 |
MooDoo | think I've watched a couple of episodes of that | 06:16 |
mapps | i was surprised by this series..theyre using real current stories ISIS..overthrong assad etc | 06:17 |
mapps | surely this gives ISIS more attention | 06:17 |
MooDoo | yeah probably | 06:19 |
mapps | having no net for a while sucked | 06:20 |
mapps | behind on films and tv:) | 06:20 |
MooDoo | I must admit I was on hols last week, so I've binge watched programs I missed | 06:25 |
mapps | ;D | 06:26 |
mapps | i have tv now yay uk chans..sky ..beIN sports :D | 06:26 |
MooDoo | :) | 06:29 |
mapps | all uses my net..so when my net died..it died;[ | 06:31 |
mapps | and wow yesterday big storm so freaking windy scaffolding outside work blew down lol | 06:31 |
MooDoo | It's a bit foggy here at the moment. | 06:35 |
mapps | heavy rain tonight 8pm onwards | 06:36 |
mapps | weird how its so windy and bad rain..then nada | 06:36 |
davmor2 | Morning all | 09:13 |
mapps | morning | 09:14 |
davmor2 | so this is the tune stuck in my head this morning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsdy_rct6uo fantastic tune :) | 09:16 |
MooDoo | khowdy davmor2 | 09:28 |
davmor2 | MooDoo: caravan is bedded down for the next 5 months :'( | 09:30 |
MooDoo | davmor2: where's the van? | 09:42 |
davmor2 | MooDoo: storage | 09:42 |
MooDoo | ah i get you, next time it's out, and you go away, invite us to come see you :) | 09:43 |
JamesTait | Good morning all; happy Monday, and happy Deviled Egg Day! 😃 | 09:48 |
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|afk | ||
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte | ||
bigcalm | Good morning peeps :) | 10:09 |
davmor2 | JamesTait: see if this plays for you http://www.popscreen.com/v/6CTEK/Deviled-Eggs | 10:28 |
* zmoylan-pi settles on coffee and toast instead of boiled eggs or porridge for brekkie | 10:29 | |
davmor2 | JamesTait: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cP-TU0P2Lw4 that one works | 10:31 |
davmor2 | JamesTait: about a minute in | 10:32 |
brobostigon | morning boys and girls. | 10:32 |
JamesTait | davmor2, yeah, the first one didn't work, but the second one did. ☺ | 10:34 |
JamesTait | davmor2, about 0:54 | 10:34 |
davmor2 | :) | 10:34 |
ali1234 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htxZZKv4pMw | 10:38 |
foobarry | wonder if we can crowdsource a campaign to ask tesco to hand over teh bootloader keys for hudl2 | 11:49 |
foobarry | now they've ditched it | 11:49 |
zmoylan-pi | good luck | 11:50 |
foobarry | i think their android guy has left too | 11:56 |
Myrtti | browsed through Amazon's Deals of the Day section, and they've changed the layout of it. Accidentally added 30 Blurays on a wishlist. | 11:58 |
Myrtti | from their 2 for £10 deal bin | 11:58 |
zmoylan-pi | i never saw a single hudl here in ireland. i was keen to get one for a while | 11:59 |
foobarry | still the best tablet for the price | 11:59 |
foobarry | although i heard they were stopping them because of screen cracking issues | 11:59 |
foobarry | my guess is that they are ditching blinkbox etc and realising they are not amazon | 12:00 |
diplo | foobarry: funnily enough I was reading up on that too, yeah lead engineer has gone and 2 of his underlings I believe, no hudl3 is going to come so I'd say we're not going to get anything | 12:00 |
foobarry | a real shame as i'd saved vouchers to buy another | 12:00 |
diplo | They are, decided in August so I read, and their home broadband | 12:00 |
foobarry | they have no reason *not* to release the keys | 12:00 |
zmoylan-pi | what's in it for them? | 12:00 |
diplo | They don't have the engineers to do it now ? | 12:00 |
foobarry | they have some reason to release them as lots of users up the creek without support | 12:01 |
foobarry | and 5.1 on the hudl2 just landed and experiencing a few problemw | 12:01 |
zmoylan-pi | that's not their problem now that they've abandoned them | 12:01 |
foobarry | they are still obliged to support those who just bought it | 12:01 |
zmoylan-pi | they can replace their defective units with another defective unit till the user gives up or fights for a refund | 12:02 |
foobarry | or give back to the users . many other tablets unklock bootloaders | 12:02 |
foobarry | now there is no incentive for tesco to lock it, they should | 12:02 |
zmoylan-pi | i just don't see tesco been that nice | 12:02 |
foobarry | i would even pay to unlock | 12:02 |
foobarry | i would also pay to unlock kindle fire | 12:03 |
foobarry | i wonder who the android devs were | 12:03 |
foobarry | maybe linkedin knows | 12:04 |
foobarry | that was quick | 12:04 |
foobarry | LinkedIn Member | 12:04 |
foobarry | Android Engineer (about to start something new) | 12:04 |
foobarry | Past | 12:05 |
foobarry | Lead Android Developer at Tesco (hudl) | 12:05 |
zmoylan-pi | will code for coupons... :-P | 12:22 |
=== JamesTai1 is now known as JamesTait | ||
foobarry | if you get a speeding ticket, you pay twice. my insurance has gone up loads | 12:59 |
awilkins | After ex-wife got one, she found it cheaper to have me on her policy as a second driver than without | 13:02 |
foobarry | some insurers don't touch you | 13:08 |
foobarry | :'( | 13:08 |
foobarry | should have contested it | 13:08 |
foobarry | a new meerkat might soothe the pain | 13:09 |
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away | ||
Myrtti | yay meerkats | 13:20 |
zmoylan-pi | or relax on a nice moomin cushion... http://imgur.com/sZulXCj | 13:23 |
foobarry | one of our meerkats has to stay in the box | 13:33 |
foobarry | the dog hates it | 13:33 |
foobarry | something about the eyes | 13:33 |
foobarry | she thinks its a squirrel or meerkat or something | 13:33 |
zmoylan-pi | is there a way to transfer the smell of the dog on to the meerkat to help it accept it? | 13:34 |
foobarry | i don't think shes a dummy | 13:40 |
foobarry | she's bred for ratting | 13:40 |
foobarry | although hasn't caught our mouse yet | 13:40 |
diddledan_ | that's because mouse != rat :-p | 13:42 |
zmoylan-pi | a dog/cat brought up seperate from other dogs/cats may not learn how to hunt | 13:43 |
zmoylan-pi | somewhere in all that picking kitten up by scruff of the neck mother cats impart the information on proper way to bring down a rottweiler :-P | 13:45 |
foobarry | my dog loves to chase squirerls and rabbits | 13:47 |
foobarry | and has despatched some | 13:47 |
diddledan_ | hmm, http://techrights.org/2015/10/30/xamarin-vs-robovm-freedom/ | 14:54 |
zmoylan-pi | ms is your friend... | 14:55 |
bashrc | ...or not as the case may be | 15:09 |
zmoylan-pi | no no, their pr is all about how they love open source | 15:10 |
diddledan_ | zmoylan-pi: therefore we love MS :-p | 15:21 |
zmoylan-pi | over THEIR dead body :-P | 15:22 |
=== SupaYoshi_ is now known as SupaYoshi | ||
* diddledan_ splits some nets | 15:41 | |
* zmoylan-pi nets somes spills | 15:42 | |
=== lan3y is now known as Laney | ||
ujjain- | what are those like candles called that smell? | 16:40 |
ujjain- | not candles | 16:40 |
ujjain- | ah incense | 16:43 |
diddledan_ | foggy outside | 16:43 |
diddledan_ | glad I don't have to walk home today | 16:43 |
ali1234 | i wish websites like facebook and linked-in had a thing that would tell me why they think i know a person they are suggesting | 16:44 |
diddledan_ | I think oftentimes they just link you to people who are connected to people you're connected to - two degrees of separation | 16:46 |
diddledan_ | and of course linkedin loves harvesting addressbooks | 16:46 |
diddledan_ | that one person you replied to once on a mailing list. yeah linkedin thinks you want to be their business partner | 16:47 |
ali1234 | i see people and the name is kind of familiar but i don't know why | 16:47 |
diddledan_ | I wonder if you know me? :-p | 16:48 |
diddledan_ | linkedin probably could find a way of linking us | 16:48 |
diddledan_ | I heard nasa are going to release news of a major discovery on mars - they found an object floating in the water... rumours are it's a linkedin email | 16:49 |
diddledan_ | (that's a joke, btw - there is no announcement that I'm aware of) | 16:50 |
ali1234 | i see a bunch of people from here on there | 16:50 |
ali1234 | no dans though | 16:51 |
diddledan_ | yeah we're probably all on various mailing lists so you might have got email addresses from there into your addressbook which then got harvested | 16:52 |
diddledan_ | I wonder if the twitter link-up on linkedin has any effect on recommendations, too | 16:53 |
ali1234 | i'm not ever sure what that means :) | 16:53 |
ali1234 | i don't use the twitters either | 16:53 |
diddledan_ | I'm a twitter consumer, not a producer | 16:54 |
ali1234 | i think some of the people it's showing me are people who i just looked at their profile once | 16:54 |
diddledan_ | I just watch the feed occasionally | 16:54 |
Laney | "this person looked at your profile so now we are suggesting them to you" | 17:30 |
awilkins | Encryption : Tories don't know how it works :http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/terrorism-in-the-uk/11970391/Internet-firms-to-be-banned-from-offering-out-of-reach-communications-under-new-laws.html | 17:48 |
foobarry | ^Tories^Politicians and civil servants | 17:52 |
awilkins | Just MEH | 17:58 |
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD | ||
ali1234 | the funny thing is that microsoft, apple, google etc can just ship us the same crap version of their software that they send to crypto-embargoed terrorist states | 18:39 |
zmoylan-pi | at this point is there any crypto secure software that hasn't been backdoored | 18:44 |
ali1234 | almost all of it? | 18:46 |
mapps | csi cyber time;d | 18:54 |
davmor2 | One, two princes kneel before you That what I said now Princes, princes who adore you ! | 19:52 |
diddledan_ | so that encryption thingy - are they saying that companies must retain full transcripts of communications to correlate against an encrypted version when asked to provide the unencrypted? | 20:21 |
diddledan_ | they need to MitM all web browsing, too?! | 20:26 |
zmoylan-pi | it been the uk... both | 20:41 |
zmoylan-pi | just to be sure | 20:41 |
zmoylan-pi | but there's no real change there. sinn fein used to have a site were you could bid for british spy gear they kept finding everywhere... | 20:43 |
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