nhaines | #startmeeting | 03:00 |
darthrobot | Meeting started Mon Nov 2 03:00:45 2015 UTC. The chair is nhaines. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. | 03:00 |
darthrobot | Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired | 03:00 |
nhaines | Well, it's meeting time again tonight! | 03:00 |
nhaines | Tonight's agenda is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/15November01 | 03:01 |
darthrobot | Title: [CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/15November01 - Ubuntu Wiki] | 03:01 |
nhaines | Who's around for the meeting? :) | 03:01 |
jbermudes | Hello :) | 03:03 |
nhaines | o hai! | 03:04 |
nhaines | Okay, I guess we'll hold the metting after all. :) | 03:04 |
nhaines | #topic Upcoming events | 03:04 |
nhaines | New things might be happening and this is where you get to say them! | 03:04 |
DonkeyHotei | are there any? | 03:04 |
nhaines | Ubuntu Online Summit starts on Saturday. | 03:05 |
nhaines | http://summit.ubuntu.com/ | 03:05 |
darthrobot | Title: [Home | The Summit Scheduler] | 03:05 |
DonkeyHotei | is that what replaced uds? | 03:05 |
nhaines | Or more specifically, http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1511/ | 03:05 |
darthrobot | Title: [UOS November 2015 03 Nov - 05 Nov 2015 | The Summit Scheduler] | 03:05 |
nhaines | Yes. | 03:05 |
nhaines | I'll be hosting a session on Tuesday to gather ideas for the Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase for xenial. | 03:06 |
nhaines | And we'll be holding our weekly Ubucon Summit planning talk in public on Wednesday. | 03:06 |
nhaines | Meanwhile, SGVLUG is having a 20th anniversary celebration on November 14th, and everyone's invited. | 03:07 |
nhaines | jbermudes: any information about that? | 03:07 |
jbermudes | Yup! Please RSVP at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sgvlug-20th-anniversary-party-tickets-18956875525 so we can know how much food to get | 03:07 |
darthrobot | Title: [SGVLUG 20th Anniversary Party Tickets, Pasadena | Eventbrite] | 03:07 |
jbermudes | There's going to be food, games, prizes, and a look back at the things we've done as a community over the past 20 years | 03:08 |
nhaines | Pretty awesome. We sent DVDs and a conference pack over. | 03:09 |
jbermudes | Ever since nhaines and Flannel gave a talk there a few years ago there's been a growing number of Ubuntu users there and have even spun off an Ubuntu Hour that meets before each LUG meeting, so Ubuntu is a star in that community, which is why you're all invited :) | 03:09 |
nhaines | And the Ubuntu Hour crowd there is a lot of fun. I was glad I drove out to Pasadena early last time before my talk. | 03:10 |
nhaines | #topic Announcements | 03:11 |
nhaines | It's about time to start thinking about holding LoCo leadership elections again. | 03:11 |
nhaines | I plan to open the nomination period starting on November 15th, and then after two weeks we'll vote. | 03:11 |
DonkeyHotei | it's been a light year for the loco | 03:13 |
nhaines | Are there any other announcements? | 03:14 |
nhaines | #topic Agenda items | 03:17 |
nhaines | There are no items on this meeting's agenda. | 03:17 |
nhaines | #topic Other business | 03:17 |
nhaines | Anything else before we wrap things up tonight? | 03:17 |
DonkeyHotei | have there been announcements about the convergence device? | 03:18 |
nhaines | No. | 03:18 |
nhaines | Okay our next meeting is November 15th! I'll see you all there! | 03:22 |
nhaines | #endmeeting | 03:22 |
darthrobot | Meeting ended Mon Nov 2 03:22:31 2015 UTC. | 03:22 |
darthrobot | Minutes: http://ihas.5cat.com/~darthrobot/ubuntu-us-ca/2015/ubuntu-us-ca.2015-11-02-03.00.moin.txt | 03:22 |
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-ca to: Welcome to the Ubuntu California Local Community (LoCo) Team! | Website: http://ubuntu-california.org (has links to mailing list, forum, and more!) | Next Meeting: Sunday, November 15th, at 7:00pm PST (UTC -8:00) This channel is logged at irclogs.ubuntu.com | We have an unlogged channel at #ubuntu-us-ca-offtopic | ||
pleia2 | sorry I missed the meeting, busy and chaos since finally getting home yesterday | 06:22 |
ianorlin | pleia2: +1 I basically ended up crashing at 4pm yesterday | 19:02 |
ianorlin | Then ended up eating something and being really hungry hnd having to help my dad | 19:03 |
=== evilnhandler is now known as nhandler |
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