=== cyphase is now known as Guest32406 [08:11] hi [12:34] hiyas all [12:53] Hello [19:26] How do new package versions come into play in the new ubuntu? [19:26] Ian_Corne: sudo apt-get upgrade [19:27] No, I'm wondering when they're selected/uploaded for 16.04 :) [19:27] I'm looking for ibus 1.5.11 [19:28] Ian_Corne: things are in early stadium right now [19:28] cant search xenial packages with bot yet [19:29] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ibus [19:29] I know it's not in yet [19:30] But I'm wondering who selects these new versions [19:30] Ian_Corne: think you can follow in #ubuntu-release [19:30] Ian_Corne: maybe ask there when it could come? [19:31] ok :) [19:34] !info ibus [19:34] ibus (source: ibus): Intelligent Input Bus - core. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.10-1ubuntu1 (wily), package size 208 kB, installed size 1352 kB [19:38] !info ibus [19:38] ibus (source: ibus): Intelligent Input Bus - core. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.10-1ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 208 kB, installed size 1352 kB [19:38] lotuspsychje: ^^ [19:38] Pici: did you updated database? [19:39] yep [19:39] niceeee [19:39] tnx Pici :p [19:39] the bot updates its indexes every night, so we should be good for a bit [19:39] np [19:39] Pici: did you hear more about daily builds url yet? [19:39] did it got fixxed yet? [19:39] er, no I['ll take care of that [19:39] great :p [19:40] Pici: recently updated xenial first packages, running nice n stable so far :p [19:41] !info firefox [19:41] firefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 42.0+build2-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 43117 kB, installed size 103047 kB [19:41] nice nice :p === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to #ubuntu+1, the support channel for pre-release versions of Ubuntu. Pre-release versions are unstable and will probably break your computer. | Current dev version: Xenial Xerus / 16.04 | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseSchedule | Daily builds: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ [19:42] great : ) [19:43] let the testing and bug hunting begin, tnx Pici [19:43] np :) [20:13] Ian_Corne: got your answer from release? [20:41] !info libreoffice [20:41] libreoffice (source: libreoffice): office productivity suite (metapackage). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:5.0.2-0ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 25 kB, installed size 147 kB [20:42] Pici: this only works in this channel for now? other channels give me xenial is not a valid distribution [20:42] lotuspsychje: err, it should work elsewhere [20:42] lotuspsychje: oh, wait which bot are you asking? [20:43] Pici: ubot5 in #ubuntu-discuss [20:43] let me poke that one [20:43] tnx [20:45] Pici: /query with ubuntu working fine [20:45] ubottu [20:46] yeah, the other bots need to reload the plugin after the package data gets updated... so I'll need to reboot the bot because I didn't explicitly give myself admin rights on it... will take a moment. [20:46] ok tnx for looking mate [20:46] Pici: and idle in discuss aswell as you like, we have gathered most active volunteers there :p [20:47] k