[16:09] Apparently everything is getting a reboot now [16:09] Gretest American Hero [16:09] Soundgarden [16:09] OS/2 [16:42] hah [18:50] did someone say os/2? [19:25] Let's do the OS/2 WARP AGAIN! [19:26] I bet jcastro still has his OS/2 Warp with original packaging [19:27] heh [19:27] I'm not even joking [19:27] heh [19:30] I do [19:30] blue spine! [19:52] see? [19:53] I don't think I've ever used OS/2 knowingly [19:53] obviously it was on ATMs and such for a while [19:53] I've only used it peripherally [19:53] stuff for work on one machine that was brought in by some other third party [21:27] i loved os2 for a brief period. [21:46] it is 73 degrees outside [21:46] it is november 3rd. [22:47] cmaloney: not CC, but, post-rock with horns: https://fractalpattern.bandcamp.com/album/no-hope-but-mt-hope [22:47] as in, brass instruments [22:47] I'm liking so far