=== r0ckwilda{-_-} is now known as r0ckwilda [11:00] hello need some help here [11:01] How can I help perphil [11:02] hi elacheche, i reinstall ubuntu utopic, and can't install gnome flashback, want metacity [11:03] why not :/ [11:04] "There isn’t a software package called “metacity” in your current software sources." [11:04] perphil, that's normal [11:04] and can't find a good ppa for x86 p4 [11:05] I just checked Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) reached End of Life on July 23, 2015" [11:05] You shouldn't install Utopic [11:06] its possible to install 12 LTS without unity, have poor graphics card [11:07] perphil, why not install Ubuntu MATE ;) [11:07] 14.04 [11:08] https://ubuntu-mate.org/trusty/ [11:08] Or wily https://ubuntu-mate.org/wily/ [11:08] perphil, MATE is the fork of the old GNOME 2 [11:09] don't have access to hight net link right now [11:10] maybe there is some alternative ppa tha could install metacity on utopic even its outdated? [11:10] perphil, what do you have right now? [11:10] only utopic [11:10] perphil, that's not recommanded at all! [11:12] i know, but i've some work to finish and don't have ways to get another one right now [11:12] perphil: where r u [11:13] Cap Verd westcoast Africa [11:13] perphil, what other ISOs do you have? [11:15] ok, let forget new install, help me with this real issues [11:15] need to install xampp-linux-5.6.8-0-installer.run, have made chmod +x, but say permission denied [11:16] i'm root [11:17] or because it's not more supported nothing is gone work with utopic? [11:17] only have utopic now [11:17] perphil, can I know: pwd && ls -al xampp-linux-5.6.8-0-installer.run ? [11:18] wait... [11:20] says -rw------- 1 perphil perphil, i used chmod ugo+rwx [11:21] pwd [11:21] -rw------- 1 perphil perphil 125180584 Jul 7 07:35 /media/perphil/linux/progs/OS/linux/Deb`s/xampp/xampp-linux-5.6.8-0-installer.run [11:21] perphil, that hd partition is a NTFS partition isn't it? [11:22] yes have made it on w7 [11:23] perphil, move the file to the Linux partition, the EXT one.. Then you'll be able to chmod+x it.. [11:23] ok. [11:25] That should solve your problem.; I should go eat.. BRB [11:25] thanks very much now [11:25] working now [11:26] :) [11:27] craigbrash: are you here? [12:06] i am now [12:07] ok i see he is gone [12:44] * elacheche is back [14:15] A quick question, OTRS vs RT! [14:17] help-desk.softwareinsider.com/.../OTRS-Help-Desk-vs-Request-Tracker [14:20] No personal feedback? [14:21] unfortunately i am not a sysadmin only a reasonably skilled user :) [14:22] :) [14:32] thx craigbrash === r0ckwilda is now known as r0ckwilda{-_-} [15:58] hellooo africa [15:58] hi cbj [17:05] https://atlas.ripe.net/probes/?search=elacheche&status=&af=&country=