=== davidcalle_ is now known as davidcalle | ||
chronologic | Mikaela: hi | 14:21 |
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=== mcs_ is now known as matt_symes | ||
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ahoneybun | hola everyone | 22:02 |
* sethj waves | 22:02 | |
Kilos | hi sethj | 22:02 |
geomint | hello | 22:02 |
wxl | hai sethj | 22:02 |
toddy | hi sethj | 22:02 |
ahoneybun | #startmeeting | 22:02 |
meetingology | Meeting started Thu Nov 5 22:02:55 2015 UTC. The chair is ahoneybun. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. | 22:02 |
meetingology | Available commands: action commands idea info link nick | 22:02 |
sethj | hey guys :) | 22:03 |
ahoneybun | #startmeeting 22 UTC Membership Board Meeting | 22:03 |
meetingology | ahoneybun: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress. | 22:03 |
ahoneybun | opps | 22:03 |
Kilos | uh oh | 22:03 |
elacheche_anis | :) | 22:03 |
pleia2 | #endmeeting | 22:03 |
elacheche_anis | ahoneybun: end the 2st one, then re-start it the good way | 22:03 |
pleia2 | hm, I don't seem to have access | 22:03 |
elacheche_anis | thx pleia2 :) | 22:03 |
ahoneybun | #startmeeting 22 UTC Membership Board Meeting | 22:03 |
meetingology | ahoneybun: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress. | 22:03 |
elacheche_anis | ahoneybun: execute #endmeeting first :) | 22:04 |
ahoneybun | #endmeeting | 22:04 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ||
meetingology | Meeting ended Thu Nov 5 22:04:12 2015 UTC. | 22:04 |
meetingology | Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2015/ubuntu-meeting.2015-11-05-22.02.moin.txt | 22:04 |
wxl | ahoneybun: do #endmeeting first | 22:04 |
wxl | there we go | 22:04 |
ahoneybun | #startmeeting 22 UTC Membership Board Meeting | 22:04 |
meetingology | Meeting started Thu Nov 5 22:04:16 2015 UTC. The chair is ahoneybun. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. | 22:04 |
meetingology | Available commands: action commands idea info link nick | 22:04 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | 22 UTC Membership Board Meeting | Current topic: | ||
ahoneybun | #topic Seth Johnson | 22:04 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | 22 UTC Membership Board Meeting | Current topic: Seth Johnson | ||
ahoneybun | Hello and welcome to the Membership Board meeting! | 22:04 |
sethj | I don't get to wear my sword? awwww | 22:04 |
Kilos | haha | 22:04 |
* george_e puts down his sword too | 22:04 | |
ahoneybun | The wiki page for the Review Board is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/Boards. We will attempt to get through all of the applicants that have added themselves to that list before today's meeting. | 22:04 |
ahoneybun | If we are unable to make it through the entire list due to time constraints, then at the next meeting we will pick up where we left off. The format for the meeting is as follows: We will go through the list of applicants one by one, by date of application (FIFO). | 22:05 |
ahoneybun | Each applicant should introduce themselves (1-5 sentences) and provide links to their Ubuntu Wiki page. After the introduction the members of the Membership Review Board will review the pages and, if needed, ask the applicant further questions. | 22:05 |
ahoneybun | During this time it is encouraged for other members of the community to show their support for the applicant. Do not be alarmed if the members of the Membership Review Board are quiet during this time; they are most likely reading wiki/launchpad/forum/other pages and deciding how they are going to vote. | 22:05 |
ahoneybun | wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/sethj | 22:05 |
ahoneybun | LP: https://launchpad.net/~sethj | 22:05 |
ahoneybun | Seth: please introduce yourself to the board | 22:05 |
sethj | Hi, I'm Seth. I've been using Ubuntu since 11.04, although I had a live CD of 9.10 that I used for occasional tinkering before that. | 22:06 |
sethj | My first introduction to the Ubuntu community was Ask Ubuntu, which I joined in early 2012, just before 12.04 iirc. In 2014 I was elected as an AU moderator. | 22:06 |
sethj | Over time my work on Ask Ubuntu introduced me to the wider aspects of the community, how it worked, how it was organized, and how I could contribute. Since then I've done a little of (almost) everything: bug work, Q/A, a little dev work, some packaging, and (obviously) support. | 22:06 |
sethj | and that has cumulated (so far) in this meeting :) | 22:07 |
ahoneybun | super cool :) | 22:07 |
Kilos | nice work sethj | 22:07 |
ahoneybun | Any questions for Seth? Any supporters here? | 22:07 |
toddy | sethj: which of your Ubuntu work do you love most and why? | 22:08 |
george_e | I am here for Seth. | 22:08 |
george_e | I am also supposed to give a shout out from jokerdino who couldn't make it here. | 22:08 |
ahoneybun | awesome thanks george_e | 22:08 |
sethj | toddy, ouch! Hard question. I was thinking about that before the meeting and I couldn't come to any conclusion. I love it all! | 22:08 |
toddy | sethj: fine | 22:08 |
elacheche_anis | that's good thing sethj | 22:08 |
sethj | I guess my work on AU is what I enjoy most. I lets me interact with awesome people every day. | 22:08 |
* ahoneybun is a bit biased to LoCo | 22:09 | |
sethj | most (barely)* | 22:09 |
sethj | Most of the other stuff I have done has been a little more on the loner side. Not quite so much interaction. | 22:09 |
ahoneybun | #voters Kilos elacheche_anis toddy ahoneybun wxl cwayne popey hggdh | 22:11 |
meetingology | Warning: Nick not in channel: cwayne | 22:11 |
meetingology | Current voters: Kilos ahoneybun cwayne elacheche_anis hggdh popey toddy wxl | 22:11 |
ahoneybun | ok | 22:11 |
Kilos | yip | 22:11 |
ahoneybun | #votesrequired 4 | 22:12 |
meetingology | votes now need 4 to be passed | 22:12 |
ahoneybun | #vote for Seth's membership now! | 22:12 |
meetingology | Please vote on: for Seth's membership now! | 22:12 |
meetingology | Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname) | 22:12 |
elacheche_anis | OK.. No more questions? Can we vote? | 22:12 |
ahoneybun | here we go people | 22:12 |
popey | uh | 22:12 |
popey | sorry, only just got here since the ping just now | 22:13 |
wxl | oops disappeared sorry | 22:13 |
popey | hello sethj | 22:13 |
sethj | hi popey! | 22:13 |
wxl | i am certainly ready to vote | 22:13 |
teward | crap i'm late, am I too late to say sethj is a wonderful asset to the community? :P | 22:13 |
ahoneybun | nope | 22:13 |
ahoneybun | :) | 22:13 |
george_e | teward, I don't think so. | 22:13 |
Kilos | too late | 22:13 |
Kilos | haha | 22:13 |
ahoneybun | I mean there is no timer on this | 22:14 |
ahoneybun | so questions could be asked no? | 22:14 |
Kilos | im happy | 22:14 |
toddy | I am ready to vote | 22:14 |
elacheche_anis | I'm ready to vote too :) | 22:14 |
sethj | thanks teward, george_e :) | 22:14 |
ahoneybun | popey: or wxl want to ask anything since I messed up? | 22:14 |
popey | just reading up about sethj, sorry. | 22:15 |
elacheche_anis | tyt popey we wait :) | 22:15 |
wxl | sethj: i did want to offer my assistance with testing, bug management, and locos. so get in touch later on! | 22:15 |
popey | Was looking at launchpad.. saw a few bug comments on the bug scrub, thanks for getting involved in that sethj ! | 22:16 |
sethj | wxl, That'd be awesome! | 22:16 |
popey | Then I clicked your askubuntu page. No brainer, you're exactly our kind of person! | 22:16 |
popey | I have no questions :) | 22:16 |
teward | well then let me put my two cents in then about sethj. Seth is a great asset to the community, and strives to help all types of users, technical or newbies, with support and information and knowledge. He's been putting feelers out into the bug world for some time, asking questions and such if he's unsure, but I think he's a wonderful asset to the community. I fully support him, as a community member, in his hunt for membership status. :) | 22:16 |
teward | (I never had a chance to edit his wiki for that testimonial, my apologies to the membership board) | 22:16 |
wxl | sethj: i'm head of qa for lubuntu and on the loco-council so i have a bit of experience ;) feel free to email me or find me somewhere on irc and we can have a chat/pm | 22:16 |
Kilos | np teward | 22:17 |
popey | ahoneybun, so nothing from me. | 22:17 |
popey | Lovely testimonial from oli there | 22:17 |
elacheche_anis | teward: Thank you for the tetimonial :) | 22:17 |
ahoneybun | +1 I'm going to vote up for sure, I look forward to discussing LoCo and maybe Ubuntu Touch stuff later | 22:18 |
meetingology | +1 I'm going to vote up for sure, I look forward to discussing LoCo and maybe Ubuntu Touch stuff later received from ahoneybun | 22:18 |
sethj | popey, np! The bug scrub was a great way for me to get a feel for how bug works.. err, works ;) | 22:18 |
toddy | +1 - you make a lot of good work. stay on it! be a part of Ubuntu! | 22:18 |
meetingology | +1 - you make a lot of good work. stay on it! be a part of Ubuntu! received from toddy | 22:18 |
elacheche_anis | +1 Keep the good work sethj :) | 22:18 |
meetingology | +1 Keep the good work sethj :) received from elacheche_anis | 22:18 |
wxl | +1 great work so far and happy to see you excited to add more to the list of things to do! | 22:18 |
meetingology | +1 great work so far and happy to see you excited to add more to the list of things to do! received from wxl | 22:18 |
Kilos | +1 keep it up | 22:18 |
meetingology | +1 keep it up received from Kilos | 22:18 |
popey | +1 | 22:18 |
meetingology | +1 received from popey | 22:18 |
popey | That was easy. | 22:18 |
ahoneybun | is that everyone? | 22:19 |
elacheche_anis | think so.. | 22:19 |
popey | It's certainly enough to carry it :) | 22:19 |
ahoneybun | good time to end elacheche_anis? | 22:19 |
elacheche_anis | yep :) | 22:19 |
geomint | +1 | 22:19 |
ahoneybun | #endvote | 22:19 |
meetingology | Voting ended on: for Seth's membership now! | 22:19 |
meetingology | Votes for:6 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0 | 22:19 |
meetingology | Motion carried | 22:19 |
elacheche_anis | geomint: you can't vote :) :p | 22:19 |
ahoneybun | super! | 22:19 |
* popey added sethj to ~ubuntumembers. Welcome to the club sethj, keep up the great work | 22:20 | |
geomint | it's ok :) | 22:20 |
teward | I'd vote if I could but i already sad +1 :) | 22:20 |
elacheche_anis | Congrats sethj :) :) :) | 22:20 |
Kilos | welcome to the team sethj | 22:20 |
george_e | \o/ | 22:20 |
ahoneybun | welcome on board sethj | 22:20 |
elacheche_anis | thank you popey for doing that :) | 22:20 |
popey | np | 22:20 |
Kilos | keep it up | 22:20 |
toddy | Congrats, sethj | 22:20 |
geomint | congrats sethj | 22:20 |
sethj | \o/ | 22:20 |
popey | we usually forget :) | 22:20 |
sethj | thanks guys! | 22:20 |
wxl | congrats sethj ! | 22:20 |
ahoneybun | #endmeeting | 22:20 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ||
meetingology | Meeting ended Thu Nov 5 22:20:33 2015 UTC. | 22:20 |
meetingology | Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2015/ubuntu-meeting.2015-11-05-22.04.moin.txt | 22:20 |
* popey goes back to sleep ;) | 22:20 | |
popey | thanks everyone! | 22:20 |
ahoneybun | yay | 22:20 |
wxl | sethj: if you have any help setting up your email forwarder or anything, feel free to ping me | 22:20 |
Kilos | ty ahoneybun | 22:20 |
sethj | will do wxl :) | 22:20 |
ahoneybun | thanks for the understanding Kilos and elacheche_anis | 22:21 |
* ahoneybun grabs a beer | 22:21 | |
Kilos | well done ahoneybun | 22:21 |
wxl | k i'm disappearing. see you later guys and thank you! | 22:21 |
teward | And my apologies to the membership board again for not being diligent on giving my testimonial on Seth's wiki page | 22:21 |
* Kilos grabs my pillow | 22:21 | |
teward | (thought I'd stop by last second and throw it into the mix here since I was too busy before) | 22:21 |
Kilos | np teward | 22:21 |
Kilos | support here is just as good | 22:22 |
ahoneybun | next time it will be better Kilos | 22:22 |
popey | its always nice to have people drop by and support | 22:22 |
Kilos | was a great first time | 22:22 |
elacheche_anis | Thank you for charing ahoneybun :) | 22:23 |
ahoneybun | elacheche_anis: caring? | 22:23 |
Kilos | chairing | 22:24 |
Kilos | sitting in the hot seat | 22:24 |
ahoneybun | XD | 22:24 |
Kilos | hehe | 22:24 |
Kilos | night guys, have a good day | 22:24 |
elacheche_anis | It's late here too.. GTG.. | 22:25 |
geomint | goodnight :) | 22:25 |
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