[02:26] cmaloney: https://www.massdrop.com/buy/tex-yoda [02:26] have to sign in to see it :( [13:42] Morning [13:42] <_stink_> yo [20:02] anyone here familiar with sphinx and rst? [20:03] i cannot seem to figure out how to have it give me a backslash character [20:04] if i escape it with another \ it will give me a | in my html output [20:10] a tiny bit. [20:17] Sphinx and RST are a real pain in the ass [20:18] ha.. gotta use 3 \.. apperently like sed [20:18] yeah [20:18] so \\\ gives me one \ [20:18] i spent far too much time figuring that out [20:19] i spent far too much time figuring that out [20:19] We use Sphix and RST here at work (Python shop) and every time it is frustrating [20:20] that is weird [20:20] sounds like a double escape, but it shouldn't be. [20:21] In "feeling old" news, Queensryche Empire was released 25 years ago [20:21] not sure of exact date [20:24] i remember that comming out. [20:24] i liked me some queensryche back in the day [20:25] Same [20:26] most of the newer stuff is crap, though i though opperation mindcrime 2 was ok [20:26] I didn't like OM:2 [20:26] Felt unnecessary [20:27] Returned a defective disc and never picked it up again [20:28] Didn't need a follow-up that Nikki got out, was still discouraged, decided to kill Doctor X, succeeded, and was still a fucked up little man [20:29] i just liked that the music was more like their old prog-rock stuff, less like their new shit-rock stuff [20:30] but the album after went right back to shit-rock [20:30] Promised land was their last solid album [20:30] Hear in the Now... was passable. [20:36] i diddnt really like either of those. But i think those came out when i was in my hardcore/metalcore days, so my perception was askew then [22:05] heh