[02:31] unsuccessful attempt to was made to get the community team at canonical to write up a summary for UOS (they tried, but kept just giving me wall of links), so I added the key links and hopefully someone here can find some time to add a few details around those particular sessions [02:48] Wow. [02:49] Unit193: volunteering? :D [02:49] You know me and words, they don't work together. :3 [02:50] (Sister got all the skills there.) [02:50] can she do it? [02:50] :) [02:50] Hah, she has the ability, she's an editor at a paper. But alas, she doesn't use Linux. [02:50] fair enough [09:41] pleia2: thanks to some really poor UK weather I found some time to write those summaries for you [09:44] * PaulW2U wanders off [17:30] PaulW2U: woo, [D[Dbad weather! [17:45] PaulW2U: thanks, these are perfect :)