[01:15] Unit193: ironic indeed [01:35] Unit193: working on firefox sync tonight [02:18] \o/ [02:22] * cyberanger yawns [02:22] if I can stay up to finish [02:23] FXA and everything? [02:23] That's the hope [02:24] Ideally in a way that'd allow for me to export it to docker and OVA [02:24] maybe that'd help you [02:25] Not sure how generic it'll be till I do it, but that's the idea [02:28] Also looking at Iridium PTT, but that's a project for another day [02:48] I don't use Docker though. I just do the token server for now, not FXA yet. [02:50] VirtualBox (OVA) too [02:50] (and you could then convert that to a raw image, use in linode) [02:50] Ah, right. Couldn't remember what that was. [03:01] OVA is the open virtualization format [03:02] (Well, OVF is, OVA is the archived (tarball) varient that's more popular)