[00:44] Why is this failing on LP, but building fine locally? [00:44] dpkg-shlibdeps: error: couldn't find library libkdeconnectcore.so.0 needed by debian/kdeconnect/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/plugins/kdeconnect/kdeconnect_clipboard.so (ELF format: 'elf64-x86-64'; RPATH: '') [00:47] cant understand why it cant find it, when it installs it a few lines previous! [00:47] -- Installing: /«BUILDDIR»/kdeconnect-0.9+git20151107/debian/tmp/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkdeconnectcore.so.0 [00:59] time for bed [10:37] https://www.calligra.org/news/calligra-2-9-9-released/ [10:37] someone packaging it maybe ? ) [10:39] Good morning. [12:41] 'Morning folks === \b is now known as benonsoftware [20:43] Greetings! [20:46] hi yofel [20:46] you're alive! [20:46] how was your celebrations? [20:59] clivejo: fun :) [20:59] sore head ? [21:00] nope, I don't enjoy getting *that* drunk. Even if I got close ^^ [21:02] its been very quiet here without you! [21:03] really? I see some backlog, have to look through it [21:04] regarding libkdeconnectcore.so.0: is it installed in a *package* ? [21:04] dpkg will ignore files that aren't part of a built package [21:06] ah that might be why! [21:07] it is indeed [21:08] thanks so much, Ive been reading stuff I have no clue about! [21:10] do I need to put it in notinstalled? [21:11] no, in a package... I could pastebin the full buildlog? [21:11] Ive just pushed it to LP [21:11] removed it from kdeconnect.install [21:13] yofel: the MakeFile is loking for a README file, but the author seems to have called it README.md [21:13] I made two patches, one creates the README file and one deletes the README.md [21:14] darn, failed again - https://launchpadlibrarian.net/225561074/buildlog_ubuntu-xenial-amd64.kdeconnect_0.9%2Bgit20151107-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04~ppa5_BUILDING.txt.gz [21:15] wait [21:16] Ive put some private libs into the .install file that shouldnt be there [21:17] well, what he's looking for are plugins, those can be in the main .install file [21:17] is the makefile deleting that file - -- Removed runtime path from "/«BUILDDIR»/kdeconnect-0.9+git20151107/debian/tmp/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/kcm_kdeconnect.so" [21:18] cmake is doing that in our distro default settings [21:41] hmm shouldn;t there be new framerwosk already this month ? [21:49] soee_: the old automation packaging is gone, I think santa is working on new stuff but no idea when its ready to start packaging it, maybe yofel has an update [21:51] plasma 5.4.3 tars are available since thursday, frameworks 5.16 since today. Nobody has worked on any of that so far I believe [21:51] yofel: the automation stuff has gone from here - http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/+junk/kubuntu-automation/ [21:52] and we need new xenial branches in git? [21:52] clivejo: yes, it moved as I said in my mail to kubuntu-devel [21:53] some xenial branches are already there. The new tooling will have to create the rest [21:54] hows that tooling coming along? [21:54] I have no idea what progress was done since thursday yet [22:00] muon (master) v5.4.2-176-g239961f * Aleix Pol: Messages.sh [22:00] Fix Messages.sh [22:00] http://commits.kde.org/muon/239961f77412d39ab006e67dd0c094c65351db4d [22:04] so we can't do any new stuff like 5.4.3 and fraeworks for Wily until the automation is back ? [22:12] well, we could do it using the old one, if someone wants to [22:12] * yofel has more important things